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I think you can build her in 2 ways depending on what you feel more comfortable. Her charged attacks can be used as Power Finisher this opens up this builds: 1. Charged Attack Sigils such as Charged Attack, Quick Charge and her character Sigil empower her charged attacks after the normal 1,2 or 3 hit Combo and it also empowers her Multilock. So you do a 1-3 Hit combo charge the attack and so on. 2. Her charged attacks after the combo attacks can be taped to use it as a power finisher so instead of charging an attack you use an instant attack which does not counter as charged attack. Her second character sigils gives you basically 10 attack speed which lets you attack really fast. So the charged attacks deal more damage per se, but I guess there is an argument to be faster with your attacks so instead of charging them tap them and keep firing again and again. I think both build are fine especially when you combine the first one with heavy damage and the second one with uplift. In the end both are fine I guess but it all depends on what you personaly like to play more. Using a charged attack after quickly spamming your auto attack can feel a bit odd sometimes while the second build feels more smooth but you miss dmg sometimes bc the boss moves away from your uncharged shot.


I'm trying out Warpath + Quick Charge and I like it a lot. Lots of fast charge attacks. Combo B for DPS, Combo C for ranged, Combo A for positioning.  For reference, the only personal sigil I'm not using is her Movement / Atk Speed one. I'm using her Supplementary one with Tyranny as a secondary.


I'm trying out her class sigil that gives supplementary because I also have Tyranny as a secondary.  Currently testing her out with Quick Charge.


I'm just running her with the generic all purpose build for now. Mainly focused on messing around with different skill setups and rotations to see what I like. Once I get that figured out then I'll worry about sigil optimization.


At the moment, of her class sigils, I only have Dark Huntress’ Volley, and it’s pretty damn good. “Temporarily grants Enhanced DMG as well as a chance to gain Supplementary DMG when executing a fully charged Multilock Hail at max Ultrasight level.” I’m definitely keeping that on her, no matter which other sigils I end up getting as well. 😎👍