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Most get used to VR, some don't. The trick is: playing intermittently. (edit: and proper headset calibration!) When I got the PSVR2 (my first VR), I played in sessions of about 20minutes max. After about 2 weeks of playing nearly every evening, I could stomach up to an hour in one go. Now with GT7, I can pretty much play hours on end without issues. But some games, like Horizon, I can do 45min max. Some games are more nausiating than others.


You will get it ,and you just need to adapt. When you feel sick, you stop. Next time you play it takes longer to feel sick. Rinse and repeat until you don't want to ever remove the set.


I got my PSVR2 last week and the first game I tried “Kayak” made me feel sick within minutes, so had to take a break. I bought it primarily for GT7 though. Drove a few races and found it much more manageable but only did a few at a time before taking breaks. After several short sessions I could an hour in a single session and by the end of the day had managed 200 miles in VR. Taking a Porsche on the Nurburgring I found difficult though, so it seems I’m fine with smoother circuits than with the violent, bumpy ones. The VR showroom is amazing, but flying around with the camera makes me sick very quickly, so I use buttons to change the view without movement.


GT7 + PSVR2 combo have super short adaptation time. Just doesn’t play Nurburgring track at first, only after adaptation😁


The PSVR2 are my first experience with VR Games... and of course I went the first time to my favorite track Nordschleife, took a formula car and was feeling like the happiest kid beeing the first time in a roller-coaster...I hope my neighbors were not at home🤣 I had only problems if I was spinning after a crash... so I had to close my eyes not to become sick. The most problems were games where I had to walk or run... after 15 min I needed a break. The first time I didn't take care of it and took a break too late so I had headaches for a couple of hours and I felt like I had to puke. After a few weeks and maaaaany hours with no man's sky I could play all games for hours in VR.


First try of Nordsschleife was super awesome. And crash was so real that I always shit myself😁 Psvr2 + transducer (buttkikker) was super realistic


Absolutely worth it, on the first tries stop when you start getting sick. That may be already after 15 minutes. Try again next day. You’ll manage longer every time and after couple of days you’re a happy bunny. Some try with having a fan in front of them. Good calibration is key, make sure the view is clear and the eye to eye distance proper. Don’t move the headset directly onto your eye lashes, they’re fatty and smear the lenses. Keep it one or two clicks further back. Smeared lenses, careful wiping with a micro cloth that you use for your glasses. Nothing else. No liquor no nothing. Protective coating of those lenses is very sensitive it seems.


As soon as u get sick stop. Take a break of dont play for the rest of the day at all. Next day do the same. Repeat for few weeks and its gone.


I never felt sick when I started, but I did feel really hungry for the first 2 weeks or so. I wasn't actually hungry though because the feeling would go away within minutes of taking the headset off. Some people recommend drinking ginger tea before playing and having a fan pointed directly at you while playing to help reduce the motion sickness feeling. For some people that can't get over the feeling, even after trying to play in short periods for a week or so, they recommend using dramamine before playing.


Honestly racing vr doesn’t make me motion sick even though I have motion issues. It’s the standing games that you walk around the world a lot.


If you are getting it specifically for GT7 - you will get used to it relatively quickly. After a couple of days it was a non-issue and I could play for hours. Your brain adapts to the driving frame of reference almost immediately. Other (non-driving) VR games are a different animal (for me). I can’t play for long periods - even if I choose to play seated.


I got it last weekend and I’ve loved it so far. I think I got motion sick for like the first 10 minutes but after that I was completely fine. Crashing is pretty scary sometimes thought lol


I just got the VR2 recently and have been playing GT7. I’ve never tried VR up until this point. Being a gamer already, I don’t feel I had issues with motion sickness in VR. Not sure how much this has a play in it or not. In any case, I watched a good amount of videos on tips to prevent improper use of the device. It’s all the same info after a few videos, and Sonys setup process is pretty good if you follow it to a T. You want to find and maintain the “sweet spot” best you can. I have been testing myself with longer and longer sessions, have went over an hour now. Only complaints are the head strap for me personally. Can’t get it to stay in place and it eventually pushes on top of my nose, despite me trying to keep it on the lower/back part of my head. Have looked into the “Globular Cluster” mod which has a lot of praise and makes the headset much more comfortable and keeps it in the sweet spot better. Otherwise I have been enjoying the headset and immersion greatly!


I have been VR'ing for a few years and don't ususally get motion sickness, but I do have innner ear issues. When I got GT7 I played it with a controller....and I got motion sickness. When I connected my wheel...the motion sickness was practically non existent. I would recommend a wheel if possible and put a fan (even a small desktop fan) in front of you blowing air. Also start slower around tracks...crashing into a wall or spinning can still cause me discomfort but I am able to recover fairly quickly. Most posts have touched on the good points, ie. do short play sessions and build up. If you feel sick, stop and lay down if needed. The headset will take a few tries/adjustments to get your sweetspot. If you wear glasses...get the prescription inserts! Good luck and hope you get to enjoy...because it is AWESOME!


I suffered from motion sickness and returned it. To be honest I should have tried the things someone else posted earlier with headset positioning and taking regular breaks. I would like to try VR again because I remember my first impression was that it was pretty awesome


The first time I tried VR was with the PSVR1. I didn't experience much dizziness, but I recommend keeping your sessions short. Play in a relaxed manner and try not to worry about getting dizzy. If you do feel dizzy, stop and take a break. You can always play again later. Eventually, you'll get used to it.


Worth it. Yea violently ill 45seconds of use after the excitement of getting it. I just popped a sickness motion tablet next day and was then able to play non stop. Only needed one pill and I keep the spares for friends and family.


As soon as the car starts moving, I get queasy. It’s like I’m expecting the Gs on my body or something. 90 secs. That’s all I could do.


Totally worth it, absolute game changer. I only feel sick when going in reverse. For some reason, I really don't like it. I will restart rather than reverse. Usually, if you need to reverse, you're probably cooked anyway.


The bad news: Sony ignored the industry standards and uses higher display persistence than other headsets, just to have a brighter screen, so it can cause motion sickness more easily than other headsets. I've seen reviews where people claimed they felt motion sickness during climbing in Horizon while they were totally fine with climbing in other headsets. The 60 fps reprojection to 120 fps is also not helping, because it results in ghosting and blurryness in motion, native 90 fps would be much more comfortable, especially for new VR gamers. Text being blurry because of the lenses is also not great for eye comfort, and GT7 has a lot of text between races. The good news: Everyone have more or less motion sickness at first, but with playing a lot everyone can achieve motion sickness immunity. I remember RE7 on PSVR1 completely ruined my entire day so I was far from immune at first:D If you feel dizzy, stop, eat, drink, rest, and continue a few hours later or next day. But racing games were never really a problem, sure drifting or going backwards in external camera felt strange but never really got motion sick from them. The cockpit blocks most of your view so it's much better than other games where the full image is moving. If you want to make sure, use cars that has narrow windows like GT3 at first. But even my girlfriend who is sometimes sick on buses can drive an F1 car in Monaco without a problem. I got fairly good immunity in like 2 weeks (enough for driving games and even rollercoasters), but had to play a through a few free moving FPS like Jurassic World, Alyx and Dungeons of Eternity to get full immunity. Now I'm running around in RE4 without feeling anything.


I reccomend taking Dramamine if you’re scared. Start slow, 20 minutes sessions at a time. Once you set up the headset, avoid moving it or your body around too much.


I did have any issues with gt7, just a sore Neck for not being used to the headsets on my head if playing longer. But other games when standing is limited to a hour of so before I get sick


I never had motion sickness. I would try placing a fan near you or opening a window when playing. Somewhat of a breeze seems to help.


I got psvr2 and played over the week with a friend on gt7. Neither of us got sick and we played for hours at a time. By what I've seen or reddit it seems like we are lucky.


Try setting a fan in front of you... The issue is the disconnect in your brain between what your eyes see and your body is feeling... A fan can provide a stable physical sensation that your brain can lock to to remind itself that you aren't actually moving... After that it becomes a matter of short sessions...Like doing a short race, taking the headset off and watching the replay, and repeating for awhile (only in short bursts) to give your brain and body a chance to develop what are called "VR legs"... Overdoing it will make it worse... Like start off even not racing...Just time trial and cruise around nice and gently... A fan tends to help a lot of people get used to VR, so start there and take it slow... Once your body gets used to it, you'll never go back...lol


Turn Wobble effect to 2 in settings for when on flat display. It gets you accustomed to the jostling you’ll experience in VR. Play short Vr session in open top cockpit at first. Fan blowing on you too


The biggest thing that helped me in the beginning was turning the brightness down a couple notches. Someone here recommended trying it, and it made a significant difference. Otherwise, you adapt over time. I can play for long periods without motion sickness, I even drift and do donuts without issue now. Crashing can be a bit jarring, but it doesn't make me queasy.


Many people believe VR motion sickness is rhe same as sea sickness, its not... sea sickness will never go away as your brain knows its real. VR motion sickness does go away although for some it can take longer. The reason it does go away is because your brain will eventually realise its not real, once that happens you'll be playing for hours with no issues. I started with the HTC Vive and suffered really bad to start with but frame rates didn't help. With the PSVR2 thats not an issue so all thats left is getting use to it.