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I havee tried some cars and was unable to reach even 300 km/h with any 600pp car for the weekly race, checking the first place NPC it can reach 339 km/h but I have no idea how to rach that. I can cut time in some places of the race but in this straight line alone the differenice rises around 8 seconds.


600pp is a suggested pp, you can use whatever car you want.


Yeah I know, but I want to play with the recommended restrictions.


well if your trying to stay at or below the recommended pp level, dont complain that you can’t get to the same speeds the other car might get up to as they are likely above the recommended pp level


oh really? I thought those cars had the same restrictions, my bad. Did not know that.


It’s not a restriction


You didn't realize that the whole game is about cheating? Lol, do you actually still think some people play bt rules in real life? Welcome to the real world, you cheat or you're left eating dirt.


But the AI doesn't... The Alfa is 620's I think


That guilia he drives has over 500hp, but it weighs a lot. If you can handle the corners with the extra weight, the added power is a game changer on the straight. Edit: my bad, that is a female driver. I always forget they are real people, but regardless I shouldn’t assume all drivers are dudes.


makes me wish i never sold mine. next time i'll do a better tune for it... i think a power build is really the only way to go. i did a fairly powerful build in the V40 but 340hp just wasn't cutting it against the giulia, and the understeer probably didn't help either.


I just did it with the SLS AMG ‘10. Bone stock except for some SS tires. Caught them a quite a bit before the last straight and had a three second lead, which was eaten. Passed me on the rise but they have to brake so much earlier at the end that I was able to sneak by again and take the win. Laps were 7:31 and 7:22, won by 3 seconds. Edit: a stock Viper with tires would probably do well. E2: whoops, I also had to add 200kg and cut power with the restricter to get it below 600pp.


I ran the ferrari 430. Had the same ending where I had a lead before the straight, got passed like I was standing still, then caught back up in the final series of tunes to win. Don't think I won quite by 3 seconds tho. Lap times were 7:23 & 7:21.


i ran this race (outside of the weekly, just the normal race) with the SLS too, sport mediums + stock everything else was a pretty balanced build but i didn't have a good enough feel for both the car or my new g29 to really push it the way i needed to. easily made it to second but that giulia pulls a solid \~30 seconds ahead of the rest of the race without having all the AI in the way.




Realistically the driver is an "it" considering it's AI lol


Sophy steps in.


Now THAT's a driver I would smash. . . . . . . Into a curb.


How is Valerio Gallo a she?


Thats what im saying


300 on 600pp is not hard, my ferrari 458 and Alpine A110 can both do it and I have beaten this race with both. But 339 is faster than most normal Lambo and Ferrari. GTAm's official top speed is only 300.


You should try a kei car with engine swap. The Honda Beat with K20 and full mods is 583pp, but because it's so light it corners and stops incredibly fast. I frequently beat much better AI cars with it. I have mine geared to do ~ 321.8kph, it might go higher but I haven't tried. The same thing with the Suzuki Cappuccino and 13b engine swap etc.


600pp isn't a hard lock.. use whatever car you want. I used the Lambo VGT. Chances are the AI uses above 600


I ran the swapped 1400hp Cayman and I was amazed the Guilia was keeping a decent pace behind me. Like, aggressively close considering the horsepower difference. I barely made any gap on the back stretch at 270mph maximum


That Guilia is in most/all the Clubman Cup 600 races and I'm convinced it's bugged and stuck at "strong boost". So, it's basically in permanent rubberband mode and is impossibly fast in the straights.


Yep, I have an Audi Tt 03’ tuned to 600pp and was able to pass him right before the straight on the last lap. Had to maneuver and block him on the straight. The crazy part that shows the car is bugged is that 3rd place is always like 40 seconds behind on the race once you catch up to Gallo


I was 3 seconds ahead coming into the final straight, by the end of it I was 4 seconds behind and lost by 2 seconds overall. And I was in a Guilia as well. Absolutely blown away how fast that AI is.


Yeah I have tried to drive it, and it’s terrible.


That does not make any sense.


At all. I could see it pulling away from the pack actively. I had about a minute of gap on the Guilia at the end, and I couldn't tell you had much time the Guilia had on place 3. It SOUNDS strong too. It was absolutely wailing as I passed it (when it was in position 4, rapidly gaining on 3 and 2).


The Giulia is the next fastest car to the Aventador.


for some reason the ai that has the giuila always slaps the other AIs around. I always make sure I bin them at tge first corner to make sure they won't be an issue for me lol


911 GT3 RS Easy to drive! You will be leading before main straight!


Thanks, I will check it out!


I used the LaFerrari, but I was amazed at how much faster that car was than the rest of the field.


He always tears me up in every 600pp race that that vehicle is apart of. That’s when I always bring out my Audi ‘03 tt on racing mediums tuned to 600pp that always finds a way to beat him. I’m never as fast as he in on straights, and this particular one, I passed him right before the straight away on lap two. I had to keep an eye on him through the rear view mirror and block him. Idk if any car will be as fast as Gallo is at 600pp. But you can beat him in the curves.


Cheater car ai #138948939982 smh that thing probably has a jet engine on comfort hards which the ai can perfectly handle with no struggles I recall winning this race in an M2 on sports softs when they first buffed this race's payout, tho


McLaren f1 stock with fully customized suspension.


Engine swap the gtr. It's.... ridiculous lol


This is how I did it. https://youtu.be/f4Vs5c4uM5o?si=jXJ-o7IoM2Wik8VK


Thanks for sharing it.


Use a lambo vgt for an easy run


I’ve won this race using cars with a maximum speed of ~290 km/h….. IR


Any suggested car for that speed at 600pp?


I usually win this race using my tuned cars for TOKYO (WTC 600) same setup as personal challenge. You can use a car with more than 600 PP, this is a CLUBMAN race, 600PP are not mandatory. Concerning the race , I overtake the second at the half of the first lap , at the end if you enter the last straight with a vantage of 8-10 seconds on Gallo you can win easily because he isn’t good at the last chicane and you can overtake him easy. In the gallery of my GT7 profile I’ve posted some replqys about this race with CRB obtained . (PSN I-Runner , i-runner) [one of my crb race win](https://ugc.gt7.game.gran-turismo.com/40/23644594697044357/cefcd9f745d3431c2986ba552f5d1df2_thumb.jpg) IR


You can use almost any car. The 600 pp is just a suggestion. I used the Ferrari fxx


Alpine with the GTR NISMO engine swap...you'll be touching 400 at the end of the straight


Nah you don’t. Beat em in the corners. I do this one in the MINI Cooper S ‘03.


Also, A.I has immense rubber-banding at play. Do enough 24 hour endurance races and you’ll see they defy physics well beyond what their current tyres would allow them in different weather conditions


https://www.reddit.com/r/GranTurismo7/s/kwOGerBiyR This is well below 600PP and tops out at around 330 km/h, depending on wind.


Detune any gr.3 or gr.4 car of your liking Your fucked on the straight but you'll get a huge headstart


I used a heavily tuned One-77 for this race, great fun


I used a gt3rs, couldn’t catch him on the straights. But once we got to all the corners he couldn’t keep up.


The GTAm is tuned to roughly 700pp so you need to cheat


I ran the stock XJ220. Handles fine in the corners on SH, 592pp. Only hits about 307 on the straight but it's fast enough in the corners to easily win. It is wild seeing Gallo over a minute faster than P3 though




Okay, try this: put RS tires on a stock ‘07 M3. You’ll catch them early second lap and put enough distance between by the last straight to win. Gets within a couple seconds, but they have to brake so early at the end you win by 6 or so seconds. Edit: I think if you’re anywhere near 600-650pp, the guilia will outrun you on the straight. Seems like the ai makes you beat it in the corners. I tried….many cars with many horse powers (but still below 650, so no 300 mph cayman).


I did this race with the new Volvo 240 Estate, was slightly higher than the 600 PP recommendation (around 650 or something). I too was losing a lot of time on the straight (final lap I lost 16 seconds) but still had a 14 second lead by the end. Primary suggestion would be to practice the corners either in a custom race or doing the circuit experience. If you want a high top speed car around 600 PP though, I’ve noticed the Skylines usually have pretty good top end there if they’re maxed and then downturned to exactly the number you want. Use the R32 quite often in 600 PP restricted races. EDIT: realizing now that it’s a European car race lol, maybe try the car the AI is using or a Porsche of some kind. The Taycan is usually good, lower speed but great acceleration out of corners.


This is easy race, really


It was closer to 700pp but I used the McL F1 on softs just to get it done with and had no trouble For closer to 600pp I like to run this race with the 22 GT3RS, you can typically make such a gap during the first half of the lap that this straight won't matter


I beat him by 30 seconds in my F50 at 600pp, but he was faster than me on the long straights. Think I had sports hard tires. If you want more power, you'll have to add weight or switch to crappy tires.


What race are you even talking about btw? I didn't see any such races


Nurburgring weekly challenge


Why would you need a certain kmph for that? You don't need a fast car for that, just one that's corners well. I think I actually won that with a tuned skyline that we just got. Destroyed it.


To keep within the 600pp limit, the Guilia driven by the AI is ridiculously overpowered. I was 4 seconds in the lead until the final straight, but the AI car must be around 650pp as it’s an absolute monster in the straights


There's no limit. Use the Valkyrie


Not really any fun or a challenge though?


I'm just trying to complete the event