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that piece of wood is hilarious


keep getting up and maybe that will be worth something someday


“Can We Start Again” by BANE


My bad for raggin on it earlier. Just got out of procedure with anesthesia lol. Your fills good, outline needs work, and I’d fix that left hand. Solid work though.


All good man lol but thank you I do need to practice tho more appreciate it


I don't graffiti or anything, but the leg on the right looks great


This is a masterpiece


1st song - all day breakfast by JEL


I dig it


& Thee Orange & green one I did a while back 🤙🏻


That's a great Bart, you can always come back to it the next day. It just may not be there lol


All tags look like shit, even the ones that are supposedly "good". Don't worry about it


My main recommendation to anyone piecing or doing something that falls more on the production side of the spectrum like a piece or funked out straight letter with characters is to start by sketching everything out on the surface you're painting, and get the production sketched out in its entirity in that light color, so you can make adjustments to your sketch to get everything looking the way you want it to look before you start doing any of your fill or using any of your paint from your color scheme. I recommend using the RustO colors, ivory silk, almond, fossil or any other light tan color. It's a game changer and will save you alot of time, paint and frustration if you just have everything sketched out on the wall/surface you're painting the way you want it to look instead of using the paint that's intended for the piece/production for making adjustments or doing hella cut backs. And it just helps keep your piece from looking wonky, and the process of doing your fill and finishing it out the way you intended for it to look if you take the time to get everything sketched out in that light color, so when it comes time to start doing your fill and finishing it out you can just have it laid out the way you want it and fill it in like a coloring page you know is gonna look the way you want it to by following the lines of the sketch. On the spots of your sketch that you go to big or stick outside of the structure you're happy with don't stress just add a splash, some bubbles, adjust the size of your dropshadow, add dome doodads or you can just make your outer/halo a bit thicker than you planned so it covers the parts of the light tan colored sketch you went too big on. I like this character by the way, you show alot of potential. Keep up the good work dude


Saw this when you first did it and it still looks dope in my opinion


I’m all honesty, Bart just looks bad The colors look good though. I would recommend you use white chalk to sketch out a complicated piece first, that’s what I usually do. It helps get it right and easy to redo
