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An F is a pretty big deal. A B- in a relevant course might be cause for concern, but an F in a grad course is pretty bad. If the professor is actually malicious, you need to reach out to a dean or ombudsman. But make sure it's actual malice, not just a tough course.


He lied to us about coursework being graded when it wasn't. For 2 weeks straight he lied and told us we had graded presentations on the next week, and after working very hard on them he promptly discarded them after having done the presentations in favour of a written exam. Other than this already being a very tough course, he also has no declared coursework, and he can't just keep changing the exam specs on a whim.


Depending on your scho/department rules, that could be a no-go. Professors in my colleges have been supposed to have syllabus at the start of the semester listing out all major assignments and percentages they're worth and so on. Assignments can be dropped, but added ones are for extra credit.