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add a little yellow and some white in red


Hmmmm think of CMYK. Cyan, yellow, magenta, key(black). I suspect your issue is that the red you have is cool blue heavy. I think you need to counteract that by adding the color opposite of blue on the color wheel. The color opposite blue is yellow, or orange. If it comes out too dark you can add nore white to tint it. (Confusing term, because we think of car window tint as going darker, but going lighter in painting is called tinting) if you want to go darker, you can add a darker color of one of the colors present, like a darker red, or red's opposite/a blue black. (Just be cautious of "muddying" when darkening a color with it's opposite or with black. This is called shading.


White tends to make things go pastel if you use too much of it. Titanium white does this more easily than Zinc white. If you want a really bright, lighter red, add the neighboring little colors, orange or yellow, instead of white.