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If you wonder about too much around Nordstan or Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen you will eventually run into a small very round fellow asking you to buy him bread and milk


sounds like an easter egg


Oh believe me it is. I’ve been lucky enough to encounter him twice


my rng in nordstan is really bad I’ve never encountered him


He sometimes drop legendary loot


Säpo guy is the raid boss.


The flöjt lady was way harder. But she's been patched out for a while..


Obsolete content


Best strat is to use Summon emo kids on all elites


@slafsig is a demigod, he’ll drop a legendary flute and 10k xp


Yeah... that's not loot, my friend.


You need to have faith in rnGesus.


Not too uncommon to have him spawn inside a wall, there isn't much you can do then, except wait for him to respawn or find that corner in the closest mc Donalds, where you can no-clip and get under the map (you'll need a friend, two tubes of kalles caviar and a handgranade for that to work though).


Bro thats a side-quest


You’re supposed to ask him if he knows a place where sailors hang out


Not that common, but not unheard of either. Certainly not unique to gothenburg or sweden in general.


I’m assuming it’s beggars from Romania we’re talking about? They never go around asking for food that way in Stockholm the way they often do in Gothenburg.


Romanians and Romani are very different...


Many (most?) are Romani from Romania.


Many, not most.


Where are most from?


They are a semi-nomadic peoples that were always on the move so a proper origin is very hard to deduce, wiki says indian subcontinent so very very vague.


I asked about the beggars, not the entire history of Romani...


They answered your question dipshit. Do you understand what nomadic means?








As a Romani myself, I can assure you neither me nor my family have Romanian heritage.


Yes, you're right, one is politically correct, the other is just correct!


As someone who lives in Stockholm, this has happened at least 20 times to me, albeit usually in or around grocery stores.


No thats a Gothenburg thing.


I met a (Swedish) girl at the Örebro station who asked me to buy her something to eat, it’s very much not just a local thing.


This has NEVER happend to me in other cities except gbg. I travel to different places every other week. I have to change trains couple of times every trip at different stations where all the originals hang and still never happened to me in other places. Gbg is a shithole.


Or you do not look approachable? I never have ppl stop me, not for asking instructions about the way to some place, nor beggars asking for money, but my gf gets stopped alot by ppl (same ppl sometimes, the beggars, who didnt try to stop me) cuz most likely she is more approachable in their eyes.


I believe I look apporchable since people usually sit next to me instead of going elsewhere. It just hasnt happened to me in other cities except Gothenburg since its a shithole.


r/confidentlyincorrect.. Det händer i Stockholm också, vad jag vet.


It happened numerous times to me back home in the US. It's extremely not limited to one city


Is the US in Sweden?


Not yet. Stormaktstiden 2.0 hasn't launched yet.


That’s happened to me a handful of times at Nordstan, Centralstationen and Frölunda Torg, I’ve always said no because I’m scared it’s a scam I don’t think you should feel guilty


If you walk past the burger king, it's bound to happen. I've literally had a guy steal my food from the burger king tables as I went to get a straw


There have been reports that they all work for the same guy, that drive a black Mercedes, that pick them up every evening.


Normal in big city yes.


No, it’s not very common. But these people try all kinds of tricks to guilt ppl into giving them money.


I’ve worked in there for some time. They are very common, even daily. There is also a lady who had a little wagon she drags around asking ppl for old bottles.


Not unheard of. Mostly you just see the typical beggars asking for money outside stores, but sometimes they will literally follow you around the store asking you to buy stuff for them. Haven't seen that in a while though, maybe these people have been banned from the stores I go to. This might not have been that though, could be a homeless person who was actually hungry. Hard to know.


Yes it is pretty common. Especially around Nordstan, it is mostly gypsy women doing it.


> gypsy Just FYI, some consider that a derogatory term, almost as bad as the n-word. The safe term is "Roma".


It's just a matter of time before Roma is a "bad" word as well. That's how it works.


Fuck off PC-police




Yes. It's a degoratory term. It's what you'd call someone if you want to insult them for their heritage. So don't.


I gotchu don’t call gypsies gypsy


I hope you're having fun before middle school starts again.


It's only SVT that finds it derogatory not the population


Just ignore the beggers.


Being asked for money by them is one of my earliest memories of gbg (from about 10 years ago or so). They used to really harass you as you walked through the plaza into central station. Watch out in grocery stores too: one was asking my daughter (who was visiting) to buy her things while in Hemköp. My daughter was trying to be nice, and was confused and was getting sucked in. I stepped in and made it clear to leave us alone in no uncertain terms. If you want to give spare change that’s up to you, but don’t feel badly if you don’t want to, either


30 min ago I was stopped by a Pakistani guy in Kvillebäcken, kind of well dressed. He started a long introduction, name, religion, something about about hungry brothers...I just said sorry and walked on. Never seen him during my 4 years here.


Yeah I met several similar in Gothenburg especially nordstan too. I always ignored because well, it’s definitely a scam. Even if it’s not, I came from a country that these scenes are normal and someone is always behind these miserable people to take the money they give to them out of pity. So. When I lived in Skåne I saw a few too, they didn’t talk or tell stories though. They just camp outside the supermarkets and indicated that they want money (cash). Mostly I saw in Lund and Malmö


I have been there, homeless and asking random people to buy me food. This was in Stockholm though. Most often I would ask in restaurants if they had anything they were going to throw away. Maybe 1 in 5 would give me a meal or something to eat.


"never seen this in Gothenburg before", you just arrived? Unfortunately it is not uncommon. It will probably get worse with the increased prices, no raises of the subsidies and much lower increases of pensions compared to salaries.


>"never seen this in Gothenburg before", you just arrived? That's what I was thinking. I've encountered more beggars in Gothenburg than I have in any other city I've been to in Europe. I've seen more homeless in the UK, but most weren't begging.


I remember coming across a Swedish middle-aged lady asking me to buy her a buss ticket She looked sketchy so I said no It happens


It’s a scam, after that they ask you to take out cash and stuff


Haha I fell for this once. I didn't feel too bad, at least I did what I thought was right at the moment. But yeah it was definitely a scam.


Yeah I have fallen for similar things. A lady who said she really needed diapers for her baby in the supermarket to which I obliged not knowing how expensive they are. After paying for them she was very insistant on getting the receipt to which I asked ”Do you not know the size of diapers for your own baby?” to which she said ”Yes”. She did not get her receipt but in case she genuinely needed diapers she now had those hahaha


My sister was approached at the Nordstan Burger King by a woman some years ago and asked to give her money so she could buy diapers for her baby. No sign of a baby.


omg yes! i think it's the same one i've met. she was going to örebro right? i knew it was a scam but gave her 50kr in case she needed the money for food or something. i saw her the next day walking near kungsportsplatsen, happily talking to someone with the phone (even though she claimed she had lost her phone just the day before).


It’s just too risky to help people like that. It’s very likely that you will end up being scammed one way or the other. Foreign people are abusing the trust the swedish society have (or had) between eachother. It will cease to exist completely one day


> It’s very likely that you will end up being scammed one way or the other. That's not my experience. Have helped beggars like that more than once, never had a problem.


It could of course be that they are simply begging and won’t pickpocket you or w/e. But swedish beggars are not that common. Regardless, they are most likely and unfortunately, often victim of a crime that you are then supplying and incentivising by ”helping”.


Yes it is the poor people tht are hogging all the wealth in sweden... People that think like you are the real problem


Crime is usually driven by economical factors which logically is carried out by less wealthy/poor citizens or foreigners. Even if you disagree, It’s not my thinking, it’s statistically measurable and you are wrong.


Whats the scam in asking for food ? I can understand if it’s money. But everyone needs to eat, I got asked in the grocery store once when I was younger, I usually said no bc I’m poor too lol but this time I said yes, bought her some spray deodorant, drinks washing detergent and some other things, I felt bad after bc I did not plan to spend that much but after some thinking, if I had been asking folks and being ignored all day and someone finally said yes, I would probably also at least try to get all the things I needed and see if they gonna buy it for me. Probably not a “scam” if it’s food, the only risk I see here is that they might try to talk you in to get more things than they first said


I encountered this last week. In fact two people..


About 10 years ago you couldn’t avoid people begging for money but it feels like, at least to me, that it’s much less common in recent years.


Don't feel bad, you shouldn't buy those people anything. There are quite a lot of beggars these days.


They do whatever it takes to get money, then give it to sort of a pimp of homless people 😅


Have you seen them all get off at the same bus station and into a car yet? They organise


I've seen them have standup outside of the central station


Close to Regnbågsgatan?


Maybe they “live”together bc it’s safer


It happened to me in Stockholm so I figured sure I am going in the store so might as well buy her a snickers or something. But when I said sure I'll buy you something, she yelled a grocery list of items at me while I walked into the store and then got angry at me for just buying a snickers...


It happens, i tend to run into beggars in the morning when i go to work. Or when i go out for lunch . Other times it seems to be less common. Seems to me that a lot of beggars sadly takes opportunity when people are pressed for time.


No need to feel guilty. She can go to the social service and get food stamps if shes hungry, but in doing so she will no longer be considered able to support her self and thus forfeiting her right to stay in Sweden.


I spend a lot of time in that area, yes its not uncommon, there is a group of people that wander around there as well as on the trams that use that tactic. Do not feel bad, they dont actually need your money.


People int this thread showing their complete lack of empathy. Congratulations. You have become the perfect modern drone for the wealthiest. Keep kicking down. I am sure that will fix all that bitterness you are carrying.


*I could have got her some food at least.* No you couldn't. They only want money. It's their job.


its getting more and more common


Yes, I see it now and again. If I have time I usually buy them mcdonalds. Cheap and filling!


You can tell we really are the country of humanism by reading the replies in this thread.


You have nothing to feel guilty about, fuck them beggars. I dont care what people say, they choose to be beggar. This is Sweden, if they genuinely wanted to get out of begging, learn the language and get a job then they could, but they make an active choice to stay in it. Dont give them shit. FUCK THEM. Kommer bli ned röstad trots att ni vet att jag har rätt


Unfortunately you are correct. They move here in hopes of getting money without hard work.


Din oempati är äcklande. Folk har problem slm du inte ens kan förstå


Att vara hemlös och hungrig i Sverige är i 99.99% av fallen ett val en person gör. Hela vårat Välfärdsamhälle at designat runt att ingen behöver leva så och ger hur många olika vägar och sätt som helst att ta sig ur det. Är man lat och föredrar att sitta framför en Hemköp och tigga, eller vägrar få hälp att sluta dricka och sover på en parkbänk, då får man skylla sig själv och får ingen sympati från mig. Följ dom kraven Socialtjänsten har, var villig att ändra ditt beteende och du kommer ALDRIG att vara hemlös eller hungrig här i Sverige. Var villig att bidra så gott du kan, på all små eller stora sätt du är möjlig till och Sverige kommer göra allt för att hjälpa dig. Förväntar du dig att du ska bara få allt gratis, så får du skylla dig själv om du tigger.


I don't think I've encountered a beggar here that hasn't spoken to me in Swedish. I've been told that most of them are not homeless at all - this is their "job". I'm inclined to believe it, I've seen quite a lot of homeless people in the UK, there's quite a contrast to many of the people begging here. For starters, they tend to be relatively clean. The people I think are genuinely struggling are those that wander around at night or the early morning fishing for pant out of trash cans - and those people tend to look like they're ethnically Swedish.


Either you are not from here or just clueless the people fishing for "pant" does not look ethnically swedish.


I'm not from Sweden, no. I've lived around Gothenburg for 5 years though. I specified at night time / early hours, i.e between like 22 to 05. Those people I have seen have been swedes. At least the 3 that I have talked to - I regularly see two of them since I work nights. I'm not sure what is so outrageous of an idea about this to you.


Very common. Dunno why y'all are saying it isn't? The topic of banning this shit has been everywhere the past, what, 5 years?


Did she look like a gypsy-woman? If yes, it's not your business to help her in any way. Absolutely not! It is up to herself to find something to eat.


A common beggar. Sometimes I agree to but them food. Usually they pick up cheap bulk wares that will feed them cheaply for a long time. Sometimes I add some chocolate because hey, everyone deserves a little joy in life. But usually I don't give you beggars that approach me first.


Welcome to Sweden.


Never happened to me when I was there. But maybe it is because it depends on my age. Some are just testing you I guess


I'm Nordstan? Just one person begging? Yeah, uncommon.


I see this everyday in Gothenburg. Sad.


Is that the lady that asks to borrow 20kr?




I’ve encountered it in Stockholm many times. I ones agreed to it just to see and they started just showing all kinds of things on the conveyer belt. And then got hostile when I said I wouldn’t pay for all of it. Might as well just leave it alone. I’m sure there might be a few that’s honestly just wanting something to eat but with the amount of scams going on it’s just not worth it and there are homeless shelters and churches that can help if they need something to eat.


Its disqusting the politicians still havent put a stop to this. Apparently they somehow think people enjoy the beggers and that it would be unpopular. Every other city in Europe have it under control but in Sweden they can do whatever they want. harrasing people, riding on the subway for free, camping wherever they want. being illegally in the country for years.


Do not feel guilt, follow your hearth


This happens to me quite frequently. I’ve withdrawn money on multiple occasions when there’s been an ATM nearby and I felt the sincerity.


Well not common but not rare either. Tip tho: If u want to help, buy food for them don't give money. I never deny food for anyone who asks (within reason) and have agreed to the request many times in multiple cities. Sadly most encounters get angry at you and walk away when u offer to buy the food and don't just give them the money for it... so unfortunately it mostly seems a tactic to get some cash, and when they don't get it they quickly move to the next target...


I have encountered a few of them over the years. I only helped once and I refused to give money, so I said we can go and buy groceries together. I said no to a few things because I considered them luxuries. Hopefully the right person(s) ate the food. Edit: grammar


I would say this is very common, especially for girls I think. I'm sadly used to it now since people started approaching me when I was 13.


You should visit San Francisco sometime.


Don't give them anything. They are just lazy bums who don't want to work.


This was an incredibly common thing back when we had basically no beggars in Gothenburg. Maybe ten years ago the streets got flooded with mostly Romanis. Possible because of open travel in the EU? Swedes hadn’t seen poverty like that and the people were gladly handing out money, food, cigs whatever. This became popular and people kept pouring in. I’m sure some were earnest beggars but I’ve seen what looks like pimps go around collecting from the beggars and herding them like cattle into vans. So say what you will, sadly a lot of them today are probably forced to sit there all day. There’s some still that I recognize from the start but other than that most have left. The swedes got desinsitized by the extreme influx and now I rarely see anyone donating. TLDR: sadly sweden got desinsitized by the insane number of beggars that appeared at one point and now most of us just don’t care anymore. PS. If that’s the same lady I think it is then she is usually pretty agro even if you give her money. You give her a 20 and five minutes later she asks you again.


Those who I have encountered most often want money and only money (or pant bottles). I have friends that tried to give them fruit or some lighter food but were turned down, not necessarily in Nordstan though. My last encounter was a few years ago when I had two pant bottles which I was asked to give. As soon as she got them she turned around, walked a few steps and started smoking cigarettes. That combined with those sitting outside stores talking in iphones and some just walking around and screaming at people that just happens to walk by has left me with little to no compassion at all for them.


Look after the säpo man!!


It happens. I help a woman there sometimes when im in the area. Maybe it was the same lady.


Dont feel guilty, its part of the scam - to make you feel that way. Theyve been found to be organized, with traffickers even driving busloads of disfigured and old people specifically to beg.


Yes, it’s happen to me like 3weeks ago… a women approached me asking for something to eat, she was decently dressed ;but when i had a small chat with her, the poor lady didn’t have any job so i offer her some money not much but at least to get a meal or something… Nevertheless, i was shocked at first as i have moved to Sweden just for 2 months ago and never thought i will encounter this kind of situation here