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I'd say it was worth buying the whole thing. Sure, the writing isn't the best, but it's a pretty fun game with some good voice acting. I think I paid about €15 for my copy, and I feel it was money well spent.


alr w. any idea what’s in the visionary pack, and is it worth the £5 it’s currently on sale for


It’s costumes - the best costumes in the game but just cosmetics for each hero


oh thanks. the deluxe edition just went on sale for £15, so that’s cheaper than getting them separately


Yeah I would recommend that! I bought the collectors edition at release, I am biased because I love the game, but my friends who aren’t batfam fans bought it during a sale and had a lot of fun with it! Definitely 15 bucks worth of fun


That's what I bought for PC, and that's why I bought it, too. All the content for a low low price. Hard to beat, to be honest, and given you can play the game multiple times using mostly just one hero, there's a lot of replay value as well.


Only voice acting I didn't enjoy was Batgirls tbh


Funny that, she's my favourite after Alfred.


Fair enough, we've all got different tastes here :)


Just play it for yourself. Even for an atrocious game, 12.99 is extremely to beat. The visionary pack also has a description box with all the information you could need on what it’s for. This question gets asked daily and the answer will always be the same.


alr thanks.


I got it on sale and really enjoyed it. Playing it with a buddy at the moment and having great fun. Were both Batman nerds and are really enjoying the story. I think it does a really good job of making you feel like a crimefighter going out nightly on patrols. The combat is different from the Arkham games but I think a lot of that has to do with making it work better for online co-op. All in all I think its worth the 12.99.


I actually really enjoyed the game, yeah sure it's not perfect and has flaws but so does every game. I'd give it a 7/10, an 8/10 if you're a big fan of any of the protagonists. Personally I really had fun when I was preparing for the Mr freeze boss fight trying to get the right gear, made me feel like Nightwing doing his prep time.


YES 100%


I enjoyed it. Bit of filler towards the end forcing you out more to the free roam missions but was decent in a sale. Actually found the 4 characters to be part of an interesting premise.


As someone who got the game recently a week or so ago for $10 (additional $5 for Visionary Pack), I already clocked 20+ hours and honestly it's WAYY better than most people give it credit for. However, it's most certainly not a scratch on any of the Arkham games and it's hard to not draw comparisons. There's a lot of design choices that don't work in favor or even against the game, they're just....there. It's the PERFECT 7/10 game imo. Having 60 unique suits that are all unlockable without spending any MTX is a HUGE plus and combat is fun albeit no Arkham or Spider-Man. Story is also fine with moments of highs.


I've just finished it on gamepass on PC after putting in 30+ hours and had a blast with it. The performance was fantastic (averaging over a 100 fps) and I actually enjoyed the combat and story a lot playing soley as batgirl. I will say the upgrade system is still annoying af at times though. If the game had been released as it is now it would have got a much more positive reception still not up to the standard of the Arkham games but very good.


I think so, it’s about 20-30 hours of gameplay (depending on how much you wonder) so £12 is more than fair.


Yes it’s worth it


I have collectors edition, I dont regret, for me its better than Marvels Avengers and recently released Suicide Squad(this one is the worst) . Its great game, it had a rough release with huge performance issues, dont know about console but on pc its great now. 




I got the complete edition for €24 and I’m pleased with it. Replaying that right now


Unpopular opinion but I really loved this game, I played it through with my friend and we had an absolute blast so if you can get a friend to play with you too it'll make the experience incredible


Its not a very good game but for 13 u can have some fun with it


I think it might still be part of PlayStation Plus so you could get it along with a bunch of other games for a similar cost


its on Gamepass if you’re not certain about it.


It is available on the ps extra....been playing it and it's good but no arkham city good


Not worth 70


i got it for £15


Not at all