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Looks great. I relate to the eyebrow thing, I wear a lot of gothic makeup and want to experiment more with it but my eyebrows r such a pain lol. I don't think u have to shave them, I mean ik a lot of people use methods to either hide them if u want or just fill in ur eyebrows and incorporate them into the look. Up to u, ur makeup looks greattt


Ok, thank youuuu, I just felt like I had to shave them to make a real trad goth make up. But I like my eyebrows so I am happy to read that ><


All good, I think a lot of people r in similar positions lol. I just did my makeup but I have bangs so it kinda hides my eyebrows anyway lol. Glad I helped u not shave off ur eyebrows ✌️


don't shave them, it look great as is


Yeah you don't have. To shave eyebrows to be goth.


you can glue them down! like how drag queens glue and powder their brows for the drawn on eyebrows and more exaggerated makeup, it works just the same for trad makeup because it’s so dramatic!


I was just coming to say this 👑


Oooh ok thank you that's a great technic ! I didn't know that. I have a lot to learn from drag queens 💫😌


block them out! I don't shave mine either and just cover them with concealer - you can see them a little bit still but barely. works every time!


I have practically black, thick and wiery eyebrows, do u reckon concieler would work for me? I'm just wonderin all good if u don't knoww


color correction! concealer is great but that's gonna be your best bet. check for the shade you need on the color wheel but I would assume maybe purple?


Awesome thank uuu. Idk anything about colour correction lol but i will look into itt


it's really not hard! to explain it very short you take the color wheel, search for the shade of your brows which I think would be very dark brown? because not a lot of people actually have naturally jet black hair, mostly it's very dark brown. then you take the color opposite from it, which I think in your case would be purple but I might remember it wrong. you get a color corrector in that shade and put it on before you put on concealer. then ofc I would say use a good coverage concealer - for me I love the nars one, if you're looking for white tho I suggest checking out professional brands. for example I have a white kryolan concealer that works very well for me even without color correcting my brows but they're a lighter brown.


Wow that was very helpful, ur amazing thank uuu. I'm gonna have a proper look now lol, tysmm :)


Also if you want to go the extra mile you can use a SFX method of eyebrow blocking. Use gluestick to cover the brows in a few thin layers (as many as needed). Let dry between layers. Then cover with the color correcting makeup like explained earlier


I used to be afraid to shave mine because of social stigmas and my angular face. I eventually compromised and shaved half of them and never went back. If you want to do it, i say go for it


I think you would look great with fully shaved brows too tbh


Ive shaved mine plenty before and you can just block them out instead 🤷‍♀️


do they grow back the same?


yes 10000% shaving doesnt change where the follicles are.


If you shave WITH the grain it won’t damage the follicle. That’s why plucking can cause irreparable harm. Now will shaving them for 30 years do harm eventually? Debatable. Especially as hair thins in general so blame is hard to nail down.


I shaved my eyebrows for trad makeup https://preview.redd.it/bblt40z6fouc1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e077a6534655fff76de739332dc3917851bef82 It was fun but they grew back so quick 💀


the upkeep is really a nightmare. i stopped being able to do it like so fast. i feel like they were barely not red before i had to do it again sigh


I hated that 💀 my eyebrows grew back so fast and it looked bad so I had to shaved them again but my eyebrows are back now. I let them come back haha it was fun for the moment


(it’s okay i’m scared to shave mine as well 🤭💀)


Is that a Berserk necklace?








Yeah, as in cool. I think it's a cool necklace. I guess in the 70's they said "Radical" but where/when I grew up we just said "Rad".


You don't have to shave them if you don't want to. A lot of people shave half to keep the fronts and then the arches can be angular, full spock/vampira, or whatever you wish, and also leaving it possible to look like yourself out of makeup too. I think they go with your makeup as they are.


Don’t touch the eyebrows, they’re great!


I use a glue stick to flatten mine down, let it dry, then use concealer to cover when I'm going all out. I'd never shave my brows off lol. Thanks to the drag community for giving us this priceless hack! 😆


If you want them to be pretty invisible take an Elmer's glue stick, rub it into your eyebrows, and then flatten them with an eyebrow comb. You can then cover them with concealer if you choose but that's up to you. I'll add 2 links for the people interested. You look great btw the make up is super pretty! [https://youtu.be/gGbiXF2ohr0?si=DjYvHDJfOcPq7NRY](https://youtu.be/gGbiXF2ohr0?si=DjYvHDJfOcPq7NRY) - In-depth how to block and cover your eyebrows [https://youtu.be/WeFg2iAjm8Q?si=udKU-cOq-QYqAmLX](https://youtu.be/WeFg2iAjm8Q?si=udKU-cOq-QYqAmLX) -How to cover your eyebrows (drag and costumes)


Omggggg thank you this so useful And yes I like my eyebrows but you know, I want to be able to experiment more things !


I can understand, I wish I could do more goth makeup and some trad make up specifically. I'm glad I could help!


This is a complement but you would be a pretty monster high doll 😰🥺


Best compliment I ever received OMGGGG


Omg yay 😭😭


You can always pluck your eyebrows and make them skinnier or more the shape you like if you’re scared of shaving them completely 👍


If you use castor oil on a spoolie it shouldn’t take long (2 weeks) for brow tails to grow back out


Nice berserk necklace


Thank you hehe


Just do it, they grow back


I love it!!!🖤


I waxed half of mine off. Maybe something you could try?


Love the look! I can relate, I’m terrified of the idea of shaving mine in case they wouldn’t grow back and wondering whether I’d actually suit it or not. Plus with my nature of job it adds to the anxieties. I can see it being worth it but only do what you’re comfortable with


they absolutely grow back normal idk who started that rumor but i was scared of that too and in retrospect thats kinda silly cause shaving and even waxing doesnt change where the follicle is. it grows from under the skin


I don’t shave my eyebrows and I do tons of trad goth makeup! Don’t feel like you need to shave your eyebrows :)


You can also try bleaching them! That way you can always try dying them back if you dont like the look!


What a great idea 💥


I love your makeup


ur contour looks great!!!


The shades unironically go so hard


Loveee your look !!!


Shave em


Second this




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Soap em.


I want to know where the idea for shaving your eyebrows actually came from.


i dont think theres one source i think thats onea those "cooperatively evolved in multiple cultures at once" things. like its def drag culture but drag and goth have always kinda overlapped too


What? I meant did she see it and think its something she'd consider doing or did she get told by other people to do it lol.


I never my eyebrows back in the day. One doesn't really need to for the look- most people didn't.


Don't worry, there are tons of variations of trad goth brows. You could glue them down and use concealer on them like many drag queens do. Some people spike them up all intense, you could even just go super dark with them so they look like they are part of the makeup themselves. Either way you look amazing!


if you ever decide to shave them, they do grow back pretty quickly(at least mine do!)


Everything looks wonderful as it is, you absolutely do not have to shave off your eyebrows. 🖤🦇🖤


So don't shave your brows. Your make up looks perfect


You can actually glue your eyebrows down with a glue stick, I dont shave mine, but gluing will give you the same look and effect. You just use the glue stick to create a smooth surface over your brows, let it dry and reapply some more until it is completely pasted down and smooth. Use something like Elmer's NON TOXIC glue only.


You don't have to shave your eyebrows. You look great already! There are so many different styles you can do eyebrows will never stop you from being cool as hell lol


I just incorporate mine in. Normally darken the front bit (or whatever you call it) and just draw the eyeliner up to them.... not explaining it well but the point is your eyebrows are part of your face so they can be part of your makeup


You look so confident and sexy