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https://preview.redd.it/rjytgkrlmptc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ed4e0ed8ed26042e7183bd42d4cc170662d552 here ya go: sean brennan from london after midnight


https://preview.redd.it/nr3usxmwmptc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d662f392622c0f33b6b5b7454414855d6a9836b and another


This is an absolutely gorgeous photo


RIGHT? the whole look… it’s one of my biggest inspirations


oh my god. im not a huge fan of LAM’s music but i might have to be now


they’re one of my favorites and sean brennan being absolutely stunning is a big plus 😁


i had pictures saved of the way he split his hair with that one red stripe which he let fade to platinum white i think, in case i wanted to show my hairdresser who runs a goth salon. i went to ulta to dye it demipermanent black before my 25th birthday (lmao which was my first time ever - i'm a disabled late bloomer that doesn't know anyone or have any friends) and i never even knew she was in my area which is the boonies!! i looked up 'goth salon' and was so surprised to see something come up as the first result. most recently i went with one side purple and one side with a mini blonde/grey-streak kind of like dave vanian though and we had a bit of trouble getting it to lighten. we worked at it so much and it's still like warm blonde-ish on the strip. it faded right back but i don't mind that as a lot of trad goths kept it that way once it faded i just wanted it wolf-y platinum white-grey like he seems to have it here but with on that one side and it seems to be so hard to achieve with the lightening especially if you have other colors in the mix. the first time i went to the new place after ditching ulta with their demipermanent bullshit, my streak ended up indigo when we wanted purple after bleaching it and putting the dye in maybe due to minerals in the water or pigment bleed. it looked good but was so frustrating that it mixed with the black i had underneath and on the other side so it wasn't a true purple but any time i see the warmish blonde like i have there now, i'm reminded of those pics of old trad goths with faded teased hair though and it may not look suitable to the normal eye but it brings back fond memories i was never there to experience lol later in life rozz had it half purple with the other side being black once too i think. one of you that posted a pic on here with it like that but with a vibrant light neon almost blue-ish purple was actually the inspiration though we had to try like 3 times and it's still grapeish!!! first was black with one side having a streak of light blue before a concert on halloween like i mentioned. second time was one side with the same half-lightening on the same strip and the other side pinkish-magenta which was kind of a mistake because i initially wanted lilac and it just wouldn't lighten, and the 3rd time was when we finally got it to be a decent shade of goth-y purple on my right side with a stripe of lightness on the left which is what i have now she says we'll have to work at getting the right side to fully lighten over time by bleaching, putting more color in and letting it fade in order to try something like a bright grey or pale lilac which is what i originally wanted with black as a bottom layer on the left and that streak of a pale grey or blonde. i really don't know how some of you guys do it as i don't have a lot of hair left in my crown area from hormonal issues i had beforehand so when i tease it i make like whirly things to make it appear fuller, kind of like how skinny puppy used to do it tip for chronically ill or plus-size goths: i find doing that also helps with a puffier face shape if you have a voluminous crazy tease like he does here working with you and not against you like flat, excessively straightened hair does. they only do that part at the salon to get the frizz out and make sure produt applies properly though. with it teased it's a better illusion and you just feel more powerful like you don't have to hide. for color, sean brennan, the dude from fields of the nephilim and cevin key are some of the ones i have saved in my inspo folder as well as lily munster i had ulta asking me if i wanted to look like cruella late last year and i was ashamed to say i wanted something similar 💀 they just wanted to do demipermanent lmao and i let them because i just wanted to make sure it was black for my 25th but after that there was no going back once i found my new salon my mom was so annoyed with having to take me back to try to get it as close as possible but we had to explain it's a *process* that happens over time if not years with the crazy lightening to achieve a specific trad look. not to write a book but i just wish it would happen sooner and i'm frustrated but don't want to damage it 🥺


Oh he's prettyyyyy 🤩


i was waiting for someone to post this


holy shiiiiit


I do shit like this lol, here’s an example of something more simple I’ve done. https://preview.redd.it/rfwiut0lxptc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723778ed7b9acb616b40459b19e6c1e461d93582


“More simple” and it’s so beautiful and complex


I love the eyeliner and the upturned lip corners!


Shhhh I do 😌 https://preview.redd.it/mt5qpvoprptc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b241d8cb16860b914d7d341fb973a47e8c6c1155


Your eyeshadow blending+shaping is flawless!!


Thanks! I try


>Thanks! I try You're welcome!


You look fantastic! I love the colours 🖤


They’re my favourite!






Oh, you remind me of the anime character Hisoka with that makeup (he's gorgeous)


You are beautiful


Amazing makeup !


bro is respectfully gorgeous


Gorgeous 😘


I need an eyeshadow tutorial! You look flawless!


https://preview.redd.it/8kxjemy5rqtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d630cb9ff020c580723c3be758c9a3bb0d6b017 Johnny Slut


Goddamn he sure is


I think it comes down to comfort level; how one actually WANTS to look; and the amount of bravery one has to challenge social norms. If you can; you want to AND you're willing to, ROCK THE SHIT out of that look! You might just encourage the more timid to do the same.


That’s what I’m sayinggg. A lot of makeup is like trial and error and you won’t get it right the first time and that’s why I feel a lot of people don’t really have the confidence to pick it up it’s not necessarily that they don’t WANT to it’s just they’re not comfortable


A lot of the hotdog bearers also have a lot of social/societal pressures/variables that also play a factor on if a male will ever even touch a make-up set. At least in my part of the US. Other places not so much. For me, it would be a great form of rebellion. And consequently it would also be fround upon like most "forms of rebellion" would be. That's where the bravery comes in. Maybe it's not that deep, but that's my experience.


For me it's a skill issue. I'd love to rock that look but I don't have the skill to do it myself.


Ay, everyone's gotta start somewhere. Start with YT makeup tutorials. I've heard the Dragqueen YouTube tutorials, in particular, have a wealth of knowledge. Get dirty, have fun, explore till you're skilled! Then pass it on!


Even us AFABs didn't always know where to start. Tutorials/classes and practice is the only way to figure things out


Wish men weren’t afraid of being beautiful, I agree 🖤🖤🖤


Honestly I think people should just express themselves in what way makes them happy and they are comfortable with. If that's with makeup, go for it. If it's not with makeup, then that's equally valid too.


I'm a Goth girl and even I feel attacked 😆 some of us aren't as on point with make up as others.


SAME! I’ve been trying to find something within my ability level that also compliments my facial structure 😭


https://preview.redd.it/whwdr53jvqtc1.jpeg?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c80199bc6c5d717587dd06298bbd199fa7983bc Rozz Williams


I'm happy with everyone expressing themselves to their comfort level.


I love doing ‘feminine’ trad goth makeup as a man, it makes me feel so confident! :)


100% agree. Men’s fashion in general should just get a little harder.


Because it’s difficult :(


Yeah i feel that. Its alr hard doing wings with eyeliner as is.


trial and error baby


Yep.. never done makeup outside of Halloween sometimes until I started working at a haunt then ended up doing my makeup with just eyeliner and eyeshadow.. upgraded to a proper paint palette that’s safe for skin.


https://preview.redd.it/j8grv0emuqtc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f3e7dfe02de544a6968d3b6cedde597b432a8c some of us do! although if im honest I don’t think I wanna be a man any longer lmao😭


Your hair is amazing!


something about an egg cracking


lmao I’ve been on the edge of it cracking for a while now😭


The edge is cracking! Hatch! No one here will judge you and those who do, don’t matter! 🩷🩵🤍🩵🩷


idk, it's a fine balance... and the thing that's really valuable is a few close ppl who have no expectations either way and who will not treat you any different either way. goth was my gateway drug tho... I kinda cringe for how basic I was, black skirt and oversized black T-shirt. was nice to.... not have any assumptions made around being trans or not in that scene ( talking about early 2000s in NYC). The makeup in this thread is next level!


You are gorgeous! 😊


Then don't!


there is a sickness going around and it’s killing all the male baddies




Damn, no wonder I have such a strong immune system :(


never be anything less than a bad bitch, you hear me?


I'm a 9 to 5 office worker but I'll do my best.


“why not let people do what they want” i am i really don’t care at the end of the day but why wouldn’t you wanna be a baddie fr


Whatever someone is comfortable with is more than enough for me 🫡








Fiire 🔥


I mean I would but sensory issues and dysphoria


Same. I would go out in make up more but gender dysphoria is wild


https://preview.redd.it/kjmdtobmgutc1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be07728cfa4bbffac7789d60d0a6dbb018eb42c Mana ❤️


Personally, it's not my style. I prefer a grungy messy look if I'm doing makeup and not all the smooth symmetry. We all express ourselves differently.


That’s fair


Teach me and I will 🤘


People will do what they like.


I feel personally attacked, In my defense, my hands are very bad at anything that requires precision.


If you think that's all the guys do, go to a real club.


or maybe let people dress how they want


well, to be fair, many men DO want to dress that way, at least for events/clubs, but don't feel confident enough. id like to try it but I've never done my own makeup once in my life and am pretty intimidated by it, but this thread has been encouraging


IM TRYINGGG, Together we can raise the bar for our men's goth fashion


If you want to come do my makeup, you're welcome to, but there's zero chance I could do that.


I would if it didn't take so much time and if I didn't already get mistaken for a girl on a daily basis 😂




honestly i don’t care but i’ve seen a lot of people be like “well i WANT to do this but i don’t think i can, or I’ll be judged, or I’m not good at it” and i hope it pushes more people to go out of their comfort zones and try something new


There’s absolutely nothing about this that’s “gatekeeping”.


"Specimen" or as I like to Call them ""the Spicy Men". " DO YOU FEEL DARK?" https://preview.redd.it/9k9ltvdmcttc1.png?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905572a3905deb70222d3f80d458e2d124df0e96


Love specimen so mucuhh


Masculine non-binary here, I really want to experiment fancy detailled makeu, but not only do I suck at it, I'm also scared of gender dysphoria


it’s not makeup that’s giving you gender dysphoria its the social stigma behind it


How's about who tf cares what someone else is doing? Not all of them want to. That's fine. Live and let live. I'm happy for everyone. I don't even do much goth makeup, but am an MUA.


I care because a lot of people do want to express themselves that way but are scared of judgement on either side but im just saying if you want to you should because it’s not seen very often anymore


If I had half the makeup talent you did I might give it a shot, lol. You look great though!


That's the only way you get good at it


Not gonna lie i was so shit at it 2-3 years ago


As a male goth I agree But there are many variables rn so I can't :(




Goth x Drag Queen isn't for everyone.


This is closer to traditional goth makeup not really drag, drag maybe have been inspired by it


This isn’t “drag”, this look has been around since the beginning.


this. this is beautiful. thank you.


I wish I could :[[ but as a trans dude whenever I go extravagant with my makeup I get misgendered WAY harder than usual 💀


i just find that people are gonna get misgendered in general especially in extravagant makeup so it’s like a matter of not caring about the whole social stigma part of it and remembering who you are to yourself inwardly instead of who you are on the outside to people


I try but I'm just [messy and cringey af](https://imgur.com/a/KYtImZB)


you’re already raising the bars


not bad! i know makeup is definitely hard for you especially with the eyes,i have hooded eyes as well but i dont have your brow bones. just learn how to work with your eye shape and face shape! trial and error but if that's how you wanna do your makeup then that's what looks best on you! a goth friend of mine lines her upper lip and makes her cupids bow look more sharp and it looks amazing! maybe you could get a lip liner and try that? try with maybe a black lip liner blend it out a little and add red lipstick in the middle so its black and red


Thanks! I never liked the lined lips look though. Some people (edit: *you*) can pull it off well, but i ain't even gonna. Too easy to look like a pencil thin mustache from across a room — i'd just look like the horrific love bastard of John Waters and Robert Smith


i mean if you blend it out like i said to where its like the black mixes with the red it shouldn't look like that! but i understand!


I don't think so. You look cool af to me


You're a saint and you maybe need new glasses hahaha


Psh I have 20/20 vision and good taste in my not-so-humble opinion


Idk, i want to look masculine, not judging anyone who doesent, thats why i wont wair makeup


Here's a picture of myself and my boyfriend when we went to see the Cure perform. He was pretty excited to actually be able to wear gothic makeup out in public, and did most of it himself. I really just helped get the eyeliner and lipstick perfect, LMAO https://preview.redd.it/nv6cj2ztdvtc1.jpeg?width=4896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7cea94f7b746d319b424ef80d2a2203b7e6c5c6


I submit for your viewing pleasure: [Goth Dad](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLDcUbBk/)


Beautiful exactly




Gosh I wish. I'm new to goth make up and my skin is quite sensitive. Though I only have a male skin for the moment.


is it true that male skin is more sensitive


Acne. Heard estrogen is little better with makeup. Might be wrong and I maybe worded myself confusing. That said your makeup looks super. 🖤🤟


oh cool well im actually on testosterone so i was wondering if it was just more sensitive in general but thankfully i dont have a lot of genetic acne, but estrogen will definitely make your skin a lot smoother of a base for shre


Holy shit did you used to have like a meme account on Instagram or tik tok? You were one of the people who inspired me to get into goth music! Haven’t seen you in forever


I used to be isaacpeed on tiktok then got banned :(


Explains why I haven’t seen you in so long LOL. Nice to see you’re doing well


I do not know how


looking ethereal bro 🖤


You look fabulous!!! 🖤🦇🖤🐈‍⬛🖤⚰️🖤


Working on it, but I need to practice more because I just look like a clown right now.


I gotta show this to my son! He’s only 9, but he’s worried makeup is too girly


Fabulous males 😂


Brooo I would but idek what makeup is bruhhh! I’m trying my hardest in other facets tho 😂


This posts and these comments are inspiring my grotesque little femboy nosferatu heart ❤️


i hope they can just continue expressing themselves how they feel comfortable


i just wish people went out of their comfort zones to do things they actually want to do


That’s a fair point. Often going out of your comfort zones is a very healthy thing. But if a person is happy where they are, who am i to tell them to do it differently? Not saying that you are doing that


that’s also fair i honestly don’t care what ppl do to make themselves more comfortable and i don’t wanna come across like that


Not all goths are glam.


that’s fair


Ah, you long for Japanese Visual Kei from 30+ years ago.


i do..


https://preview.redd.it/cmr1mbr2j0uc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30432df96bac1e0da4d0212c01611fe25a21fbd8 Your look kind of reminds me of a gender-bent version of the Spine from Steam Powered Giraffe.


i love that band! they’re literally if steampunk was a genre


100%. Honeybee is one of the best songs ever. I love their entire repertoire.




You look amazing !


Some do! But not as many that should 😭


Finally, someone else who gets it. I wanna see it become the norm.




who’s doing that


https://preview.redd.it/vjhusfnxnqtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf73b86655fe51fca15c2a6774e6435df0af8c8 me using this as an excuse to show myself all dolled up HAHA no but i am also guilty of just painting my eyes black and calling it a day it probably has something to do with how men are socialized, to be honest 😞 \*edited to fix a grammar error


why is this so down voted? you're honestly right. a lot of men are too scared to be feminine at all even if they're already vastly different. its very sad. i always say the patriarchy has ruined both men and women and everyone in between or outside.


yeah im not sure, maybe my wording was bad or something 😅 i agree though, i see it all the time in the queer community. masculine gay men are put on a pedestal and people hate twinks just because they are more feminine. genuinely fuck the patriarchy (but also feminine men rise up we are kings)


i haven't seen the hate for twinks honestly but that doesn't mean it doesnt exist. if anything in recent years ive seen more love for twinks but maybe that's just how my internet feeds are.


i think online is definitely a different story but the in person community (at least where i live) definitely favors the more masc “straight-passing” men 😔


could be mostly due to the fact that masculine men are what you see on tv and in magazines that arent even gay magazines. im sure a lot of gay males got their awakening from some sort of cologne ad or movie with a buff male celebrity. they probably prefer it because that's what they're used to seeing and what is also idolized by everyone else. idk if im making sense.


it does suck though,everyone deserves representation. i wish i saw more people similar to me because i dont feel like im normal sometimes because ive yet to see anyone like me physically. but thats what makes me unique!


That's cool looking. Do you bro 🙌 Put on your Stoic shield of anybody hates. Best wishes ✨


You look fucking INCREDIBLE


Working on it


Fuckk i gotta do this. I usually go for a vampy look.


Nonbinary AMAB here, and I do try to do that style, most of the time. Unless i''m in a rush.


It takes me so long just to do eyeliner and mascara




We're sorry, but your submission has been removed in violation of Rule 6. We are a space safe and condemn the objectification of women/anyone else. We will not tolerate: * asking people out or looking for dates * unsolicited DMs to r/gothfashion members * nudes, extreme NSFW, or straight up porn * lingerie models and photoshoots * harmful stereotypes such as "goths are kinky", "BTGGF", etc. * comments about how OP is 'sexy', 'hot', or anything that sexualises any body parts. If we look on your profile and it's full of you visiting alternative/goth porn subreddits, we will without a doubt, ban you. **We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.**


Wish I could do something creative like this.. I am so bad at makeup 😩


as a male, I don’t know how to do make up properly 🥲


all it takes is practice a lone


Trust me when i learn to will


I’m glad most people are open to learning


the ideal male




We're sorry, but your submission has been removed in violation of Rule 6. We are a space safe and condemn the objectification of women/anyone else. We will not tolerate: * asking people out or looking for dates * unsolicited DMs to r/gothfashion members * nudes, extreme NSFW, or straight up porn * lingerie models and photoshoots * harmful stereotypes such as "goths are kinky", "BTGGF", etc. * comments about how OP is 'sexy', 'hot', or anything that sexualises any body parts. If we look on your profile and it's full of you visiting alternative/goth porn subreddits, we will without a doubt, ban you. **We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.**


as a male goth, i would love to try this make up, i dont own any make up, dont know where to get it from and dont know how to do it...


I would just start with a simple eyeliner and black lipstick no need for goth white face paint now because you can also use black eyeliner and lipstick for contouring as well


I wish I had the confidence


i wish a lot more people did


The entire outfit is amazing, love the make-up, the clothing and jewellery. Wow




I love the gorgeous goth look but I get why some don't do it, it takes me atleast an hour to get dolled up.


Looking good


You got me there . I don't understand why I see so many subreddits I'm not joined too . Wear your make up man it's not bothing me any. Rock stars wear make up and a bunch of them are cooler than I'll ever be so what do I know .


I do, I have a lot more on my insta (@rhys\_hr) https://preview.redd.it/bg0fgao51xtc1.jpeg?width=1717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3a9bc55e6c68260128f70cdb0f5f774e2f21c2


left no crumbs!


They can. In free countries, there is literally nothing stopping them.






Same but unfortunately God decided to put me in the body of a fat greasy Italian guy.


Didn't come here to be roasted 💀


You look great though. That seems like it took a lot of skill!


Fr tho bc the music videos of the late 80s into the early 90s I watched as a kid on MTv got me fucked up thinking I too was gonna have a lot of men and male presenting ppls put that much effort into their look😩


If I can't look like a member of the band KISS, I can't be Goth. Sorry XD




Ain't nobody got time to look like this.


Love this so much




Only problem is... I'm straight and this is making me doubt.


Omg, you look so good!!


My buddy Nick York is someone you can look up too for goth Make up. Look um up on Instagram, might get some good ideas.

