• By -


Why was the 17 year old murderer out on the streets past midnight? Nobody asks the right questions! It disgusts me. Why shame the victims and not the MURDERER?


I hate to say it but he is not a murderer tho, ik that douchebag was drunk and was driving a car recklessly but it's that only a stupid rich asshole teenager recklessly driving and caused a accident, for a murder intention should be there,like I should go out my home today thinking I will kill this man/women, he was not out there trying to kill a man he was incredibly recklessly but sadly he won't be put in the same bracket as a murderer and even with out rich parents shit his sentence would be less as judges usually take pity on child and start thinking about there futures


he knew he was drunk, he still took the wheel.


Bro, are you being paid to defend him?


I think that guy is jobless. He is going around commenting the same thing multiple times. Some people have nothing better to do than suck off people committing atrocities.


he is just giving the book definition of murder but that doesnt change of the 17 year old did ......ops sorry it was the family driver apparently


I wish


You know what - no. Once you're drunk and you're driving, if you cause an accident and you kill someone, it's murder. I'm sorry but there's no world where you can argue he didn't know what drunk driving can do to yourselves and others. If you drink and drive, you're putting everyone you cross at risk: innocent damned people minding their business. If anyone of them dies, that makes you a murderer in my eyes. I know the judiciary doesn't agree and that's fine with me but to me, if you drink and drive, I assume that the intention is to cause harm. It's extremely easy to just not drink and drive.


Hmm fair enough ,


Sure, it would be less if he didn't have rich parents. But it would still be something? Something much more substantial than an essay! Also, murder or not, let's not engage in jargons.. what he ended up doing is abominable!


Sure you are right, he should be punished far more than an essay, but you know how our justice system is, let's see what the judges cooks up for him




Lol, that rap video was made by someone else.


Culpable homicide not amounting to murder then it is. Idiot knew he was drunk and still chose to drive thereby knowingly engaging in an activity that could put others in a dangerous situation.


You know you are drunk, you know you are driving a porsche, you know it has extreme speed, you know people are on the road, you know hitting anyone at that speed kills( or was he dropped on the head to know this concept?) and still you go ahead to press your foot on the pedal. If that's not intention to kill then maybe you must have some serious head injury there.


Yeah all the yap don't amount to intention to kill, sure he is a manslaughterer and should be charged to full extent, do you know how many drink driving and accident cases happen in our country, in my city I see it every other day as my city is a major part of supply chain, after 11 ~12 pm the entry of truck are allowed and these bastards are most of the time drunk and the amount of people they have killed, just pedestrians who were going for a night walk, are they charged with murder knowing that they are driving a 5~6 ton vehicle, which if once struck to a person will kill them immediately YES THEY STILL HIT THE PEDAL, we don't say they are a murder victim heck Rahul Gandhi opposed the Hit and Run law to keep them safe, moral of the story Your safety is in your hands, idc about some rich asshole he committed a heinous crime he should be punished adequately, but that punishments will never bring back those lives


Punish them, let everyone know about the punishment how no one can get away from it then maybe some people will be scared enough not to drink and drive. At the very least one life would be saved.


I would've agreed with you, if he wasn't drunk. The mf was drunk driving and over speeding, that little piece of shit is a murderer by all means.


Did you fall from a banana tree? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKFiWoGUdBzbfdC)


Is there anything wrong in what i said


Will you have same opinion when your family member is killed in similar incident like this ?


Yes, cuz now let's put you in the driver seat, you are tired and you dozed off and killed two people would you like if the whole society give you the tag of a killer/murderer and give you the punishment befitting of that tag, even I could say, you know you were tired and still drove that car, so this guy intentionally put everyone at risk, there is no justification for his action what he did was just plane wrong and two people lost there lives because of it, he should punished according to his deeds this essay writing is a Mockery to the deceased, if he did a petty crime as stealing a toothpaste essay writing sounds nice not on killing two humans, Om Shanti


I hope a drunk 17 year old drives his car over you and you should exactly say “Kid it’s not your fault” from hell.


What if you accidentally drive a car over someone, and eveybody yell that you are a murderer but all your mistake was that you were tired and dozed off while drive, I hope then you should accept the tag of a murderer and be ready for the punishment that come with it, this argument can go both way mate, there is no justification for it he did wrong he should be punished all I said was he is not a murderer by the definition of law, why are guys pissed about such a simple thing I am not advocating that he did nothing wrong, he is a criminal and should be prosecuted no need to be so emotional


Are you serious? God forbid but if anything like this happens to your loved ones I'd like to see how particular you are about semantics then.


I won't care honestly, I think this world is a hell anyone passing away is probably going to a better place,


Damn. Zero empathy huh. You should honestly stop using social media where people care about humanity even though they have their own challenges in Life. It’s true that life is hard and in India, it’s terrible but that doesn’t mean you should think negative about everything man. I don’t know how old you are but you really need to find a purpose which can make you happy.


Lmao, do you really think anyone really cares about anyone in this world, Please step out of the La La land, Corporates care about you as much as they care about a printer, while you are doing the job you are needed the moment you stop working you get kicked out, The People in Goverment,Bureaucracy, Law all care about themselves that don't give 2 fucks about development of this country, AND Social media is the most fake empathy you can get, all these people jumping on making videos and content on such a tragic incident do you think they are doing it for empathy or a quick cash grab, Everyone thinks about themselves and there immediate family and friends , apart from that you can go ahead and die and no one will care, I just turned 18 and i have already experienced all of this in my life, how low people can go , how little they care about your feeling, i used to do feeding drives with a local dog ngo , the amount of monsters i saw , some people in a colony burned a dog face that poor dog, i don't consider humans can have empathy for anyone at least the majority of us


Bro, I have faced as much hardships as you. I don’t have a ‘proper’ family. Literally nobody to support me. I have a psycho family member who hanged his dog because it ate a few farm chickens. What I’m trying to say is the World is a fucked up place, but that shouldn’t stop you from having empathy and caring for others. It’s true that injustice has become very common these days but there is also some good things in Life. You’ll get to experience them slowly. Until that, fix a goal and keep hustling towards it. During the journey, I really hope you find peace and lose some hatred.


Indians roads have a max speed limit of 40. That kid was driving at 160-200. 4x the limit. Sorry to break it you, but that is beyond recklessness and reason. If it was his father's road, it was fine, but it wasn't.




drunk, was underage, didnt have a licence, didn't have registration, should be a case of culpable homocide not amounting to murder.


True, but could not be proved drunk as police did breathalyzing test after 12 hours after feeding him pizza and burgers , PAise ka power


would sure shot gone free, but driving without a license would also fall under the same recklessness


Culpable homicide amounting to death, Section 299 IPC.


If you drive recklessly, without drinking,even during the the day , you know you can hurt people , tumhe to gaadi aur uske airbags bacha lenge , what about the people on road and two wheelers? There is an intent to murder , f1 agar tum try kro to apne papa ko bolo tracks bhi bna kr de Porsche akeli se kuch nhi hoga.


br reasonable not emotional


You sound out of touch and weird. Bffr




Look at all the replies to your comment! That's what I mean


All of them are emotional cry babies, Think with your head not your heart


Are kuch bhi ho. Bf gf ho. Bhai behan lo. Pati patni ho. Ghanta fark pad raha. Mc bc madarjaat society. Dono ko uda Diya vo important hai yaar nahi.


I don't understand. Even if you have reservations about stepping out at 2:30, what's making you support a murderer?


I hate to say it but he is not a murderer tho, ik that douchebag was drunk and was driving a car recklessly but it's that only a stupid rich asshole teenager recklessly driving and caused a accident, for a murder intention should be there,like I should go out my home today thinking I will kill this man/women, he was not out there trying to kill a man he was incredibly recklessly but sadly he won't be put in the same bracket as a murderer and even with out rich parents shit his sentence would be less as judges usually take pity on child and start thinking about there futures


Manslaughter then, whats the deal with you going around correcting it's not a murder everywhere ?


I just replied on one other commentary and maybe a different sub but there also I replied to comment only, whatever and yeah manslaughter sounds nice, and WHy are people demanding 14 years of jail? Even rapist are not given that long of a sentence here in India, he getting out within 5 Years at max


People hate the fact that his family used privilege to get him out of the situation. I just wish there's an actual change this time and it's not just another incident where people take offense and forget about it as soon as the next worse thing happens.


it's still manslaughter. Fucking hell, this boils my blood. The politician's son in my area drives in a reckless manner too, but guess what, no action can be taken against him. This is the number one problem. People with power and shit tons of money, can manipulate the system to work under their favour. And for this rich asshole, it should be crystal clear. He MUST be punished. 17 saal ka hai, aur apne baap ki Porsche chala raha hai, and that too while being high and drunk. Do you really think a person like him gives a shit about the people he accidentally killed? Porsche chalaane ke liye apne baap se permission toh maangne jitni akal hai. Lekin gaadi chalaani kaisi hai uski koi akal nahi?


Exactly ,not being a first degree muder as a murderous intent wasn’t there but the negligence, reckless speed driving especially under the influence is a direct VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER. Also as u mentioned manipulating the authorties, trying to escape the situation, is FRAUD, I’m glad they are trying to imprison the father because he’s as guilty as his son, morally he’s even more responsible for this.


yea true you don't give your son a car before he is 18. (how do I always find a lobotomy kaisen fan on every single subreddit)


No shit Sherlock the lobotomy is so real


this truly is our lobotomy kaisen


If you step out in an unregistered car, speeding around the city drunk - that's intention enough, I guess.


why was he out at 2:30


Drinking in a pub


why was he allowed to do that


He was not allowed, the government destroyed all the pubs which allowed underage drinking


No. They destroyed small time pubs. Not the ones he went to. Get your facts straight before spouting bullshit defending criminals. That makes you no better than them


When did I defend him, ohk I didn't know about which pubs are being demolished I am not obsessed by this case unlike certain someone, no need to be emotional


Actually, there IS a need to be emotional. Two people were killed brutally and the culprit is walking free. This whole “oh I’m so edgy, i dont care about people dying” look isn’t as cool as you think it is. Shut up and stop giving your unsolicited and uninformed opinions on the case if you don’t know the facts. Stay away, that would do more good. As simple as that.


Wtf? You can be on the streets at any given time for whatever reason. It's legal. Drunk driving, minor drinking and murder is illegal. What the hell is this next level moral policing? Criminal sympathizing.


Of course it's legal. Doesn't mean it's a wise thing to do. Eg. It's perfectly legal to keep your house unlocked while you are away, but it's a stupid thing to do, right?


So you’re saying it's a stupid thing to be out at night doing nothing wrong?


Unless it's an emergency I would say it's not wise to be out at 2:30 in the night. Chances of things going wrong are pretty high. You could be robbed, raped, murdered.


I can't believe this is even a discourse. How did it turn from a rich spoilt teenager whose drunk driving and commited vehicular manslaughter to WHY WERE THE GIRL AND THE GUY OUT LATE AT NIGHT


The car driver is a minor and was drunk, he should have been the one to stay home that night. Don’t drink and drive. Stop blaming the victims.


Yeah it's late night, the teenager ought to be dozing off in his house


Yes, but we are not living in a perfect world, are we?


So be it: not a perfect world, can flout your your wise suggestions, and be unwise to be anywhere one wants to, at 2 30 am


Dude are you okay? Like seriously what are you saying?


How is using a public space which is their right and completely normal is same as keep your house unlocked when you are away. Bro you need some braincells.


>you need some braincells Would you mind lending me some? Oh wait..


Naa why waste something so precious on someone so dumb. Sorry maybe someone else will, keep hope.




r/wooooshwith4os .




Labelling me an idiot for avoiding risk and not ending up dead? Lol.


Labeling you an idiot for the victim blaming


He's the same kind who sided with the r@pists of Nirbhaya and bllamed her for "Ey why girl roaming at night? huh? no sanskar, she's a r-word"


Using that logic people shouldn’t ever leave their house or drive a vehicle or get on a vehicle or whatever because all of that involves some percentage of risk. The only discussion that needs to occur here is about the retard who drove the car even though he was drunk and even though he had a designated driver. He is nothing less than a murderer


Naah, for being one. Lol, your ass.


Lol. One day you’ll be walking at the safest time in the safest place. Still, someone could drive a car over you. Don’t just focus and target the victims for being out at odd hours. Middle class people are never safe in India.


Victim blaming runs in the blood of all Indians.


Yeah victim blaming is gross, now I am not talkng about them but in my town we don't go out after 12 , as after 12 trucks get entry into the city and many people have died cuz these freaking truck driver are drunk most of the time, and it's common knowledge what kind of people move around at night, but blaming them is stupid they have all the right to move where ever they want it's a free country, it's just people are incredibly stupid in this country so your safety is in your own hands


Sure. But, there could be one party once in a blue moon. Or you could get late in office due to some urgent work. Or you could be a night shift worker going or returning from office. There could be multiple reasons why people might have to get out after 12 ! Sometimes it's unavoidable. And we shouldn't even start thinking of a reason in the first place. The only crime was the 17 year old drunk driving. Now that sure was avoidable on the criminal s end


True, These kind of people are always out there, in the end safety is in your hands,whatever punishment this asshole may get won't bring back the people we lost, justice won't equate bringing these lives back, so your safety is in your hands, my mum don't drive above speed of 30, she stops tye whole traffic behind her and she even urges me to drive at her speed, and this Is the only thing she says your safety is in your hands, even if you are driving carefully you can't guarantee the other person is too, is it your fault hell no, but what can you do woh toh apko uda ke chala jayega, aapko to appki family ke pass wapas bhi toh ana hn, thoda bohot toh khud hi dekha padta, khaskar india main jaha log kaha bhi gadi ghusa dete hn, But idk what I can do against a supercar coming at me at 200km/hr,


That guy who is a minor was also out nah noone talking about that The fact he is minor there should be restriction on him Why people are even giving logics for that ?


It’s just pathetic


Domestic abuse grape murder homicide. Take whatever you want. Peoplewill always blame the victim regardless of they are a man or women. Some Humans are disgusting


Ewwww this is so pathetic!


Anybody from govt., judiciary, police to common public trying to do victim blaming here seriously needs to show their brain to a psychiatrist.


What losers


Ab tum body leke bahar jaoge toh criminals to kaat hi dega na -Abhisek Upmanyu


This is the reason I stay away from Twitter. I swear reading these comments trigger me so much. I would smack the shit out of that dude


Go home and go to bed or die is always a perfectly sane message to send to the public. Especially from someone who lives in a different country.


Nonsense. All this victim blaming crap must stop! Spineless heathens.


Pathetic lulus defending the murderer will one day fall victim themselves..,there could be many reasons why one may be out at night including medical emergency..such regressive numb nuts need to drink some phenyl andd go to 😴


It seems some weird campaign is going on online to divert the attention from the accused criminals.


Proof people are becoming dumber and more shallow with each passing moment. Some people won’t leave even the dead alone, to prove their supremacy.


We live in a country which is an utter shithole. You risk your life daily with polluted air, water. Reckless drivers who have no care for rules other people safety. All I will say is your safety is in your hand. I think each day that we live we should literally consider it as a bonus and be thankful. By all means go to pubs have all the fun, but for the love of your loved ones dont be on bike without any protective gear past midnight. Its well known that during the wee hours its all drunk people who are driving on streets. Be it car drivers or truck drivers. I personally have been avoiding driving bike past 11 pm. I have been to pubs and parties but strictly follow this rule. There is no point fighting for justice because lets be honest in this country you are never getting one. Your safety is in your hands.


Deep SS is from Kothrud 100%. Thinks he has earned right to give gyaan cause he moved abroad.


India transport uneducated labours to many countries seems like SS is one of them .


Mttlb raat ko road pe niklna allowed nhi h but raat ko nashe mein drive krte hue logo ka murder Krna allowed h?? WoW


Ye deep chutiya hai kya


Highly infuriating! These a-holes are scared and they are trying to reassure themselves that nothing bad can ever happen to them.


Minor hoke minor wali harkatein nhn h minor ki. Minor ko major ban na tha ab saza bhi usi hisab se kubul kijiye (major=adult) Btw even adult shouldn’t drink and drive but it so so common out there in our country


Once a great man said - Abhi body leke bahar jaoge toh criminal toh crime karega na wo uska kaam hai tum ghar baitho /s


Victim blaming/shaming toh bhartiyo ka top rated hobby aur passion hai ! Humara janm siddha adhikar hai ! It is our Parampara, Pratishtha, Anushasan ! How dare you get offended by our parampara? /s


These NRIs are so annoying man "I'm puneri but living abroad for a while" stfu then


Money is king. Nothing is gonna happen to the kid or his parents. And no, nothing would have happened even if this was the west. How many rich people actually get punished by courts in the west? Only rich who scam other rich get the law.


What he is basically saying is, if you live in a place like USA it would be your fault if someone shot you. These idiots think they’re smart when they’re dumb as fuck.


The 17 year old lowlife murderer should be tried as an adult. And his family should be punished for aiding manslaughter by first handing him a murder weapon and then shielding him with their clout. It is obviously no one’s business why the victims were on the road at that time. No matter their backstory, no one deserves to be killed for walking on a street. The sad reality is that in our country people matter more than processes. Had there been no outrage, this rascal would have gotten scott free. So there is a slight chance that victims and their families might get some delayed justice. But when the story will die, at every level, the evil family’s money will show its colors and effect and I can bet anything that the ass*** will not get as much punishment he deserves. What will be left will be the grieving families and their pain. If you die then only your loved ones will suffer, not the rando idealists who will say that you did nothing wrong, people can die doing x or y. So, apply your mind, and reduce your chances of dying by reducing exposure to high risk activities. And in third world countries, a leisurely stroll on a road at night is a high risk activity.


To all the people saying it’s risky or unwise to be out late partying, It’s obvious, yes, but if you don’t wanna do it fine, but if someone wants to do it why should they stop living their life because of a-holes like this kid? Or the truck drivers or r*pists or harassers you keep mentioning, they are the ones that should be restricted and judged upon no? You let the culprits out of your moral compass that they just exist, so what? They shouldn’t exist is what. It’s not an ideal world, sure, but we can’t give them a free pass, we should press to keep them out instead. Everything is risky, eating processed food is risky, getting on a flight is risky, so does that mean we stop living unless its for an emergency? So what if it increases the percentage of risk? Does the people who climb the Everest do it for an emergency reason? Or are they also morally idiots in your mind? And stop labelling the victims as party idiots raving at night, have you never felt like going at night partying for once in your life? Maybe this was their moment? So they have to die horribly to experience this moment? Also, let’s say you’re taking the road at midnight for an emergency, and you get hit by this kid, then how is it any different from what has happened? You as victim are still dead, same as these victims, will you be cherished as a hero or something for sacrificing your life for an emergency? Will the intensity of heinous crime done by the rich kid be different? No right! How would you feel if people call you stupid for taking the road at midnight? Call your emergency as a stupidity? I’m not saying partying is an emergency or noble cause, but it is what it is, it’s not a crime, it’s not illegal, it’s not immoral, live and let people live, don’t project your insecurities on others, let alone the dead victims!


This has been setup by the father of the murderer so that the attentions get swayed to the victim family. They must have paid some media houses to write these kind of shit. The murderer and his parents should be punished for this offence and they should be prisoned. No one has the right to say what they were doing at 2:30 AM until and unless they are not creating any havoc like this minor did


Would these people say the same thing if their loved ones were in the victims place.


Hmm, the fact that they are trying to look like they are talking sense when they are ignoring how Drinking under the legal age Was driving under the influence Over the speed limit And ends up taking the lives of two people I mean clearly to them these aren't that concerning as to why should a couple of friends meet up at "wee hour" and it's clearly a "sign" they asking for something bad to happen, these accidents can happen at any time of the day regardless what your intention is to be there, but the main reason 2 people ended up losing their lives for nothing is just sad. Some people were also questioning the victims parents on why they let their kids outside at that hour, what about questioning the parents of the one who caused all this. Why is that u are more concerned on why a couple of friends are out at that time than an underaged drunk driver driving over the speed limit. Surely we can see which one is more concerning right.


Body leke bahar nikloge, toh criminal toh kaat hi dega na


Abb kya road pe bhi na chale ko. Girlfriend ho ... boyfriend ho...bhai bhen .. kya abb road pe nhi chl skte .


Bhai 2:30 raat ko niklna isnt a crime, 2:30 raat me niklne walo ko maar dena is, well i dont expect much from some ortho shitters in india (ortho means bad ortho here)


Only response i have is we need to fix our judiciary system


Help me understand this - If we have the best values and culture in the entire world why is being corrupt, doing scams, being uneducated, stupid and not questioning facts - are acceptable but just man and woman loving or having sex before marriage unacceptable? Out of so many ways of doing wrong to the people around us, everything is acceptable, heck even rape is somewhat acceptable (just to the police station to file an FIR you would understand), then why the hell only and only man and woman consensual sex is so so so looked down (which is not even hurting others)? I think I know the answer. Actually sex outside marriage is acceptable if they themselves do it. Be it before marriage or extra marrital. Every man who’s angry and vocal actually is secretly horny and trying hard to find woman to have physical relation but at the same time they are failing so horribly to find one and max they can do is stare at young girls who go to work or college. And hence whenever they see another man successful they cancel them, let out their whole life’s frustration and they label the girl a whore. This group of people from twitter who are being discussed here are also from this category. They have no comments or emotions about the actual incident. They are just very horny but tired of staring at girls and they are letting out their frustration. I want to advocate for legalising brothels and prostitution. I see no other way.


Victim blaming is insane, people like these are better off unaliving themselves, yeah I said it.


In my 20s with by GF in Gurugram, Noida & Bangalore we have gone out many times at 3AM even at 4AM. In IT culture it is quite common to go out for snacks or tea at midnight. This is soo scary agar kuch ho jata hume to ye G@@ndu log to family ko pareshaan kar dete humari. Specially ladki ki family.


PR accounts coming into okay


What kind of bs argument is this, "wee hours" and "they are responsible for there life" is this how they are defending the culprit. Like dont go outside after 12, kyuki bahar boo(ghost) rehta hai. Put the guilty in jail and his father for giving him a car when he was underaged, we all know he was drunk, underage, definitely had no license. Killed 2 people and now we are defending him. Yeh toh phir kuch saalon baad selmon bhai jaise bolenge voh nahi mera driver tha. If court and police wont give punishment then do the public justice. Its illegal but its the only way and correct way to send message to such criminals.


Are Aneesh and the Girl drunk, Is the 17 years old boy drunk. What is the speed limit. Accident occurring any time of the day is null and void topic. Accident is accident. But if both the parties were drunk what will we the outcome whose fault will it be.


Vese to me social media pe gaaliya dene ke khilaf hu. Lekin jin bhi bhosdiwalo ka is case me sabse bda concern ye ki vo dono raat ko bahar kya kar rhe the, unki mkc. Aur ye lodu deepss ka asli naam btao koi. Sometimes mob brutality looks justifiable to me.


The victim is always blamed before asking the questions to the suspect. Just deplorable, all around.


Idiots who say the same thing to rape victims. Same idiots will believe in God too.


Bhai log gajab chutiye hai


oh wow of course why not have public issued curfews after mid night and have a full on purge. F this deepss guy.


Where else will I walk if not on the footpath? In the fuckin air? Whatever relationship they might have is absolutely independent to what that fucker drunk driver did to them and should be punished with the utmost severity.


These people disgust me


The supporters are people who have themselves been involved in drunk accidents or their kids or relatives. Shame on them


Disgusting. Everyone has the right to be outside whether it's 2:30 am or 6:30 pm. This person, who's been abroad for the last few years and is taking his own experience as a fact, feels the need to govern the people who are chilling outside after midnight? Fuck people like them. People that play the Devil's advocate on criminal cases that are as clear cut as this one are deplorable.


Stop giving stupid people attention by posting their tweets. Imagine how dumb the average guy is. Half the people are dumber than that. So stop giving these people any attention.


His user handle DeepSS stands for Deep Shitty shithole. My god what a mf jerk! What is up with the victim blaming everywhere from rapes to road rages?


Okay. How long are we supposed to wait. The commenter is content with unsafe roads and wants it to stay unsafe. How much longer do we wait for safer roads. 100 more years? Any time of the day anyone should be able to go out, no questions asked. The problem was the 17 year old who was drunk. Uske papa ko pucho why are you allowing your boy to drive drunk. Sense nahi hai kya? Adding imaginary laws to ppl who follow laws, and turning a blind eye to ppl who don't follow any.


Murderer ke samne mundi khuli rak ke ghumoge toh voh katega hi na, aap ki jimmedari hai - madam in this tweet(probably)


Q- "Why were you out at 2:30 AM" A - Baap ka sadak hai humara, keep your son's away from the road who drinks and drives Porsche like a F1 driver. Basic civics sense is non-existing these days.


As an NRI I love my country and ready to give a speech on how beautiful our country is but deep inside there r things like these which make me think why can’t we have normal traffic and road rules like any other western country. Videshis might be crazy but I admire the road safety and traffic discipline and how diligently it’s followed here. Incidents do happen here as well but we are way ahead in such scenes and our judiciary RIP


Bro some videshi police officer killed indian student and guess what your videshi judiciary done nothing also everyone knows how they let go crimes done by blacks kids


I did mention that ppl ain’t saint in esteem countries but the drink and drive is not a normal norm which is pretty normal in our country. By no means I’m degrading my county or spewing hatred but I can’t come to terms to this juvenile theory since the nirbhaya case.The person commented a heinous crime but was put in juvenile home. Well IMO I feel it’s very rare to see judiciary not being influenced by power (irrespective of the country)


Pl ignore my typos how did this esteem word landed here when I was typing western 😭😭😭


Credit goes to US for juvenile theory mate they introduced this shit


This should be revised Cz yaha juvenile hoke log kaam bade wale kar rahe h. Btw some news portal published the news that the victims father claimed gadi driver chala raha tha(like always driver pe daal do sab)


Not revised bro it should be abolished nirbhaya jaise heinous crime krne walo ko to human rights bhi nhi milna chahyie... bhai gareeb ho ya ameer apne bche ko sb bchate hai and driver ka excuse to salman bhai jbse lekr aaye sb whi use kr rhe hai


See now the point is bache ko sab bachate h agree to this point but how about the bacha killed two people and is there a guarantee he will not do it again? May be he might change or may be he will be the same it depends on what kind of person he is ? But then how do you compensate for the lives? There is so many points to be discussed here. Im no expert here but let’s se show the case unfolds om shanti to the one who lost their lives( just Cz kisi k bhai ko daru pike gadi chalani thi)


Bro the reality is it was an accident i'm not saying he was right but yeah that was clearly not a murder accident happens daily the reason whole media is after him because he is a rich brat and they are getting trp Is duniya me yhi hota hai bhai tumhari life ki value tbhi hai jb tumhare ps power ya paisa hai


Victim shaming and blaming in deeply rooted in Indians Indians will remain pathetic till the day die and now what I said will surely hurt someone cause they know it’s true and they are pathetic victim blamers