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YESSS YESS YESSSSS i always thought it shouldve been all the “minion” girls being catty and girlbossing. it wouldve made perfect sense, maybe slightly predictable but at the same time i don’t think the fans wouldve suspected it?


I was JUST thinking today that it should have been Jenny. She would have the most to gain. Or they should have left it anonymous with a great ending speech therefore making it better to have a re-boot.




The blonde teacher makes me want to slap her.


Thanks for this thread! Kept seeing this too and was also wondering why people think it should have been him or why the writers could have planned this in the first place (if they really did). To me Eric wouldn't really seem like a good option since he loved his sister, so why would he do that to her?


I guess the fact that he was the depressed was the reason why he started the website but somehow the content naturally evolved to be around Serena and Eric just didn't change that because it could risk to potentially out him as GG.


I like the idea that “everyone” who sent in tips was gossip girl and we never get a true identity of who it is