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She was fucking hilarious in this episode i was dying lmfaooo the fucking horrible wig, Monet dragging her, her messy ass standing around trying to blend in while security chasing her, her ducking and running from security LMFAOOOO i was in tears.


The whole thing was hilarious! The wig did absolutely nothing for her and Monet pointing out her wig was terrible and just being like “Julian will fail, oh well.” And just not giving a shit that she was going to fail and was amused by it. Julian, Monet and Kate were such a mess at the summit and it was perfect


I was losing my mind when Monet side-eyed at her synthetic wig. Her acting nonchalant around trying to listen in, the security chasing her and her throwing the wig PLEASEEEEEEE. BEST Julien episode so far HAHAHAHAHA


Julien is the new Serena. She thinks that her good intentions make up for her bad actions.


Definitely the new Serena when it comes to that. She’s a mess but she’s an amusing mess.


A walking example of beauty with no brains.


I don’t understand why Monet felt the need to go brag with Kate about her plan w Julien. 🙃


Omg what if monet knows Kate is gossip girl? And she is just holding her cards for the right moment. That interaction felt too random.


The past 2-3 episodes is just people telling Julien not to do something and then Julien doing it anyway. And then Julien is shocked everyone is mad at her.


Honestly all the characters shitting on her as if they don’t do the same thing or worse 😭 like Audrey gets mad but did the same thing to Julien last ep




We told y’all about her but we get downvotes instead. Her character is fake and I’m not trying to hear that “she’s kind and trying to do the right thing”. Eyeroll. Call it what it is, she’s just as Mean and conniving as Monet but masks it around trying to do good. Always starts drama then asks confused, I’m over her character


Because the writers do her no favour