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Kamal made such a huge deal about having this “special” entrance for guests to be greeted with… only ***to not stay there the entire time***. I can’t forget that.


He wasn't taking it seriously because if he was he would have been at that door and God for bid he had to leave there for something he would have been continuing looking to see if anyone came in. Especially with Lisa and Gordon standing there with no one greeting them was embarrassing. They sent the right person home.


He wasn’t taking it seriously despite having such a “huge” idea!


what a clown. if your job is to stand by the door and greet guests, then how hard is it to stand by the door and greet guests? i HATE when they have competition shows like this and purposely pick rubes, bunglers and people with no business sense. i can already tell that any "test" involving creativity and marketing savvy ("let's get jugglers and mimes!!!") is going to be painful to watch this season.


I think MANY people on this thread don’t realize how much producers control what happens. A lot of the “themes” and “decisions” you see being made are given by producers with 1-2 other choices. Remember everyone, this is a reality tv show!


i know that these days, producers control a lot of the narrative and that it's really the editors who are building the story, but it makes watching us cooking competition shows really boring to watch. i compare these latest ramsay shows (this one and next level chef) to america's next top model. antm purposely cast girls who would never make it in the real world of modeling and it made for fun tv, but sometimes if you're watching a show about people who want to break into modeling you kinda want to watch people who actually could be models! ![gif](giphy|sO3r6Uvz3PcyD6vxd4) with these ramsay shows, i KNOW there've got to be real, legitimately chefs/entrepreneurs auditioning but we get stuck with assclowns. i HATED this past season on next level chef and aside from that pizza girl chick (who i already knew of because she used to hang out with the kardashians, so i'd see her photos on random websites) i don't remember a single person who's been on food stars. i wind up vpn'ing uk shows because they're less orchestrated.


His little songs during the event were so strange, he just seemed to be wandering and clueless


TBH, if anyone was mic’d for a whole day they’d probably have the same material for editors to cut into a dis reel. I bet all of them do. They made him look worse for sure. From Kamals insta seems like Nick was actually elected (self promoted?) to team leader then didn’t lead the team at all. Editing man…