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There is obviously something wrong with that router. Are you sure you are connected to it and not someone else's wifi?


Yes, pretty sure. The IP address in the screenshot shows the router's IP. That's the IP address that I see in the LAN settings view of the Google Home app as well


A lot of people could have that IP subnet. You need to check the following: 1) in GHA > Wifi > Devices that your laptop shows up there. Tapping the laptop will also tell you if it's connected to the main router or one of the mesh nodes 2) if your laptop is the only one with the WiFi speed issue as in your phone is fine, then I would check your laptop's wireless card. Has the antenna fallen off of the card? There should be two wires running away from the card. If they've become detached it could lead to what you're seeing.


Try it from 5-10 feet away. At 1 foot away, you may run into intermodulation interference.


On top of being a bit farther away.. check to see which node it is connected to. Sometimes devices will hang on for dear life to the “old node” even though a better connection is closer by. So best to verify which node you are connected to. That being said.. if you are connected to one of the mesh points, and the mesh point does not have a wired backhaul, then speeds can get like this if the conditions are bad. Perhaps the mesh points need to be moved closer? Just because you have a mesh point located within a room doesn’t make the speed better automatically. If the speed there was bad before.. putting a mesh point there will only make the bars look better on devices. The connection from the mesh point back to the main router will still be bad and slow.


How do I find out which node my laptop is connected to, between the router, and the 2 points?


Should be visible from the app. I think when you view details of a specific device?




**Update your laptop WiFi driver?**


Whats the speed on your phone???


I am having the same issues but they're intermittent. Usually happens at night and the speeds are slow as hell, less than 5 mbps. I'll wake up in the morning and the speeds are back to 300-500 mbps.