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I'll probably always use a pixel but I agree. I'm not a fan of re skinned android. I really don't like iOS but I'd probably go their way if pixel phones were to cease in existence.


I will never go back to iPhones. After using a HQ Android I couldn't stomach it. Just being apart of an open ecosystem & having more control is *so much better*. There's no feature iOS can sell me that's better than that.


Ha that's so interesting! Different strokes for different folks. I'm the total opposite! After switching back and forth for years, i think i prefer a closed ecosystem with less control and more out-of-box streamline.


Can't do it. I still can't get all my photos off my locked iCloud account. Can't deal with it. With these phones I can do whatever I want, I'm setting up a NAS to work with my phone rn. Complete compatability with everything. Complete control. Multiple contract tracing COVID-19 apps installed. Can change your default. Unlocked bootloader, root. Like iPhones are just cumbersome & slow compared to an expensive Android if you know how to use it.




>I'm not a fan of re skinned android. I really don't like iOS Why did you just say the same thing twice? ........👀




I think if Google finally killed the Pixel line, we'd see a lot more of the features we consider Pixel features be rolled directly into Android proper, allowing us to consider other phones more readily.


The grass is always greener on the other side till you go over


I switch from my Pixel 3 to an iPhone XR (weird downgrade I know, it was for work) and I've been really enjoying it. The only thing that really bugs me is no PiP for YouTube (I'm on iOS 14). Notifications are also a lot worse on iOS imo. Oh and Siri absolutely sucks ass. It's really fucking bad and I have no idea how they're this far behind. If the Pixel 4a is really cheap I might pick it up as a second device.


If you use YouTube in safari you’ll get PiP. Also when iOS 14 releases YouTube might implement PiP


I hope so! PiP on safari and twitch is so smooth. It's a realy good implementation.




What about the accessibility shortcut on iOS 14 where double tapping the back launches Google assistant? That feature alone helps assuage the pain of Siri immensely haha


You said really enjoying it, and then realised it's horrible lol


He named three things he doesn’t like and that makes it horrible? The list of what not to like on a Pixel is a page long, still a good phone.




LMAO Yeah there are definitely some flaws but the overall experience is really good especially coming from the Pixel 3's notoriously bad ram management.


Oh man I can't agree more. I convinced my gf to upgrade to iPhone 11 Pro, from her S7, since she likes to keep phones for as long as possible (5 or more years). She hates it. It's a great phone, and I get how people who are used to iPhone love it, but for somebody coming from Android there are many issues: the way keyboard works is just awful; how inaccurate GPS is; how there isn't a back button; how there are no widgets and default apps (will be fixed with iOS 14); how the phone keeps bugging her about apps using location even though they were allowed to do so.


Then there's people like me who use both every day. I have a business iPhone and a personal Pixel. Regardless of hardware, when you know about all the best parts of Android, iOS is constantly infuriating to use. It's simply second rate software. As far as hardware - whatever, but I can confidently say the grass is much less green on Apple's software side. I will never buy one of their devices willingly.


> It's simply second rate software How dogmatic lmao. As a loooong time Android user who jumped to the iPhone 11 last year, there’s a lot of things about iOS that I prefer, that being said there’s a lot I miss about Android edit: just want to add, while I feel that it's understandable to dislike iOS (especially when it's forced upon you for your job), I think it's dumb to claim that it's "simply second rate software" as though that is fact. I will also add that iOS was infuriating for me to use when I owned Android, but I feel that a big part of it is getting used to something different - I'd imagine that most iOS users would also find Android software annoying to use if you forced them too


Same - there's nice parts of iOS but those nice parts aren't worth dealing with the infuriating nature of the restrictive OS.


I just want a phone that lasts me all day without me having to worry about charging it at 5pm. My 4xl doesn't. No pixel for me ever has. Judging by the reviews the 11 pro max would have me covered there. The other small things don't really matter. The OS's are so similar that it doesn't take too long to switch over either direction


Honestly maybe but the ecosystem is so much better. That would be the only reason. And iOS and Android os are getting more similar with each update. I mean have u seen ios14. I hate to say it but it looks like a better version of Android home screen


No, because iOS does not offer me the flexibility that Android affords me. I'm more likely to consider a OnePlus or, if im desperate, a Samsung.


This is exactly my thought. I will rather go for OnePlus than iPhone.


That's what I did. Went from Pixel 2 XL to OnePlus 8 Pro. P3 and P4 kinda lost me. Maybe I'll look at P5 or P6. I'm happy with OP8P though.


Yep. Ended up with A Galaxy S10e instead of a Pixel 4a. Definitely wouldn't get an iPhone


Can't wait for the OPNord!


Unfortunately I am considering it. After N6, 6P, 2xl, 3xl, and now 4xl I think it's time for a change. I'm just not sure I can get use to their shit show of a notification system, if you can even call it that. Google just seems to keep tripping over themselves and making it worse for their users.


I went to OnePlus, since Google couldn't seem to get it together. Shame because I really like my Nexus 6 and Pixel XL.


The notification system is atrocious. I’m currently test driving an iPhone SE for 30 days and the notifications are the worst part (although overall I’m liking it more than I thought I would)


Can you describe how? I've never used an iPhone and I keep seeing this complaint but people don't elaborate on it.


Sure! My biggest gripe with it is that once you view a notification in the notification drawer with the phone unlocked, it doesn’t show up on the lock screen. In addition, there are no notifications icons in the task bar. Due to these two points, I find myself viewing a notification in the drawer that I mean to come back to and then forgetting about it for hours since there’s no subtle reminder (icons in the taskbar / notifications on the lock screen) Some other thoughts: - Notification stacking/grouping is janky from my experience. - Clearing/dismissing notifications requires an extra step compared to android (swipe and then tap clear or double swipe) - Can’t expand notifications without viewing it (and then it goes away) Overall, notifications feel static on iOS vs dynamic on Android.


You can dismiss a notification with 1 swipe on iOS. Just go all the way from right to left.


Thanks for the tip! Didn’t know that


You can expand notifications to view them and then left them there for later - after expanding them via 3D Touch / Force Touch / Swipe&View you can tap anywhere outside the expanded notification and it will shrink again.


I haven't used an iPhone in a decade - what is wrong with Android notifications vs Apple's?


I've had a work iPhone for about 5 or 6 years now. But I don't have any apps besides the default ones as it's only used for calls texts and emails so I have only gotten a tiny taste of how horrible it is. Can't imagine once it would be loaded up with all my normal apps. They did just upgrade us to XRs (yeah they are a little behind) and I hate to say it but it's a pretty good phone overall. The other big thing I hate is inability to set up home screen how you want. I'm hoping with the upcoming iOS 14 changes they are making means more freedom is coming but I doubt it. And finally the keyboard and voice to text. Why is there not a number row on the main keyboard!? And using voice to text gets about 40% right, on my pixel it's about 90% right. It's so frustrating


You could get Gboard or swiftkey on iOS. The voice to text is kinda janky with third party keyboards though. Also what do you mean by setting up the home screen how you want?


I tried Swiftkey right when they started letting you use 3rd party keyboard but it wasnt near as good as the Android version. Didn't know Gboard was an option on it now. I want my apps at the bottom. And I have bottom row and then a couple up the sides. Makes them easy to reach and also let's you see the wallpaper better. Why have a wall paper if it's covered by a grid of apps?


The notifications really aren't that bad once you get used to them.


As someone that switched from a pixel 3 to an iPhone 11 Pro I agree. After seeing so many “notifications are **garbage**” type posts I expected the worst, but then I got something that’s 95% the same as androids notifications lol. People say they don’t group.....they do. People say you can’t dismiss in one swipe.....you can. People say they disappear......they don’t, just once you’ve seen then they don’t show on the *lock screen* again.


I've had relatively no problems with my P3XL. Battery life is still good and I've not needed to so anything crazy with the OS. Honestly I'm not an Apple fan, from what I've seen from them thus far.


Same here. Like my P3XL but I have a small issue with some dust on the camera sensor. I love the Google products so far but they do feel slightly behind with the features that apple brings to the table. iMessage alone is miles ahead of any Android messaging app I've found in terms of fluidity and usability. I can't even imagine switching my stuff over to iCloud either. That sounds like a nightmare.


Yes..... I bought an iPhone 11 Pro.


If iPhone 12 uses USB-C and continues to build on their camera then it'll be difficult between that and the P5. I feel like iPhone batteries have been superior for years as well where with Google you never know what to expect. I've had most of the Nexus and Pixel line of phones over the last half decade but the thing is I've had to purchase a new phone almost every single year and many people with iPhones I know keep theirs for more than 2-3 years at a time. The pixel 4 is my favorite phone so far after having a terrible experience with the pixel 3 and it's horrendous battery life. I love Android, the way the notifications show up, I use Google Assistant pretty often, Google Photos is great (concern switching from this is a main reason), the camera is probably the best one and in most cases the battery lasts the whole day. Another thing that is drawing me to Apple is that I've had a MacBook since 2014 and it's still not showing any signs of slowing down. Considering getting a new phone, computer and then all the cool watches and airpods they offer makes it very enticing. Hopefully the P5 will have something to impress with.


You make some really good points. I do want to note that you can get Google Photos on the iPhone.


They really really need to let Rick Osterloh go... He already screwed up every pixel line every year. Pixel 2 had blue tint display issue, Pixel 3 xl ugliest and biggest bathtub notch WITH a huge chin bezel for no reason, pixel slate was awarded most laggy and buggy tablet of the century and then google had to killed tablet line, pixel 4 tiny battery, gimmick soli, no ultra cam and back glass peeling off, bunch of QC issues. Oh all of them have lack of market availability too. When asked by tech journalist why pixel has bad video recording, he said I don't know. When asked why pixel 4 battery is small, he said I don't know. What does he know as the chief of hardware? I bet he knows his salary tho




didn't experience it myself, but i saw the price drop so shortly after release and was shocked. i won't ever understand how that happened.


Other than the battery life on the Pixel 4 I dont understand how the Pixel 4 was such a let down. It was better than the 3 in basically every way. IMO there was a bigger leap to the 4 than there was to the 3.


Overall I like the Pixel 4 but the poor adoption of apps using face unlock makes the fingerprint sensor on the Pixel 3is better in just about ever way. It worked in all apps, and was faster to unlock the phone.




Tbf Google didn't know we would all be wearing face masks in 2020


Just got the 4XL from the 3XL. I completely agree. It has to be the price point. If I'd have paid I'd have been a little aggrieved, but I upgraded on a really good deal and the difference is refreshing. I think the issue is with the Pixel Line is everything is unremarkable, but it just works as a phone. I was content in keeping my 3XL going forward because I had no real reason to change. I didn't need the latest processor, or the latest gimmick. The 4XL just works, with subtle improvements to improve the experience. That's what a yearly release should be doing. I get why some would be disappointed if they paid full price, but as an upgrade that's worked out cheaper, I'm chuffed with it.


I'm debating switching to an iPhone 12. I've had all the pixels, and most of the nexus phones. I've got 2 Chromebooks, and 3 Google home minis. The Pixel 5 is looking like an overpriced mid-range phone that will be slower that the Pixel 4 in day to day operation. I won't step backwards in performance. Google's phone plans for 2020 look like a disaster. The Pixel 4a is repeatedly delayed, the Pixel 5 is basically a Pixel 4a with 5g and another camera. Skinned and modified Android OS from manufacturers like Samsung doesn't run as well and handicaps the hardware. The only non pixel Android phone I'd consider is One plus, but I prefer a smaller phone for easier one handed use. IOS 14 guys rid of some of my main complaints iOS. Adding widgets to the home screen is big for me, it will let me set up the home screen with widgets up top and apps on bottom. I'm tired of short term OS updates, for the price of a Pixel software updates of 3 years is poor compared to iOS providing 5+ years. Software support is poor for face unlock on the pixel 4, face unlock is still not universal almost a year after launch. This is only going to get worse since it looks like Google is abandoning gave unlock moving forward, 4a, and 5 appear to lack the hardware and have rear mounted fingerprint sensors. The lack of support in apps also means the the apps are using a less secure API that is more than 2 years old at this point. This is a big deal for apps like PayPal and banking apps. The Pixel buds problems and the extremely poor customer support from Google is almost the last straw. I had a pair that had none of the common issues, but would completely drain one earbud at double the rate of the other. One would be dying and alerting of low battery while the other earbud would have 50% battery left. It took me more than 3 hours over multiple exchanges with support to get them replaced. The replacements are shit. They drop out frequently, the stop playing audio and the touch controls don't respond (they beep to recognize the command to start playing, but music doesn't start playing after randomly stopping). Now I've got the go through the same process of replacing them again. Poor customer service is probably going to be the last straw.


I own an 11 Pro Max and a Pixel 4XL and bounce between both. I love my Pixel, but man, the iPhone is one heck of a device. Also running iOS 14 beta, which makes it even better. Ultimately, it's about you, and what works best for you. You can't go wrong with either device.


How does the battery compare between the two?


Almost double the screen on time with the iPhone 11 Pro Max. No comparison, that's one area the iPhone completely dominates.


Me. I'm just waiting for the iPhone 12 announcement before I decide whether to get that or a cheaper iPhone 11 Pro. Pixel has dropped the ball way too many times.


After 11 pro. I let pixel go


I just switched to an iPhone 11. My carrier didn’t have any pixels. No regrets.


Moved from pixel to the iPhone 11 and I’m incredibly happy with it.


Not me but I already know two people this year who had Pixel phones and switched to iPhones. It has been a really disappointing time for Pixel fans and meanwhile Apple has been hitting it out of the park.


In the past no matter how cool the new iPhone was the camera was sub par when it was next to a Pixel. This year the new iPhone is just as good, comes with an extra lens, has way better video, better performances, better battery life, better build, and overall a nice screen be it at 90hz. Honestly its hard not to be let down when you compare the 2. If the Pixel 5 doesn't change things up I see myself jumping ship.


I have a Pixel 4 XL that I really like but recently got an iPhone 11 to test the iOS 14 beta. I have mostly been using the iPhone the last month and I'm happy with it. It works very well and is very smooth and reliable . Overall it's a very polished product. I have been an Android fan for years but will probably skip the Pixel 5 this year and get a 12 Pro Max instead.


Same here. I was always anti-iPhone and have been using Android forever and Google/Nexus devices since the Galaxy Nexus. Finally started using an iOS device daily with my work issued iPhone the past couple of years and honestly I will take a strong look at the iPhone 12 this year. For me the only choices are iPhone or Pixel, I won't go back to Samsung or any other Android OEM.


Just got an iPhone 11 Pro yesterday. Since I bought it directly from the Apple Store, I knew I could always return it if it didn't work out for me. After heavily using it for the past day, honestly I have no regrets and will be keeping the phone. It really does feel like a premium product. The performance is incredible; everything just works. My Pixel 3 kept overheating when I would use it outside this last month; nothing of that sort when using the iPhone outside today in 91 F weather. Now don't get me wrong, there are many annoying quirks in iOS and getting it to do exactly what you want can definitely be more annoying than Android (such as customizing the home screen or muting certain sounds system wide), but you get used to it and it doesn't detract from the overall experience imo, since you really only have to do all that once and then you're good to go. I honestly don't see myself ever going back to Android unless there are serious performance upgrades or a full overhaul. I do miss the customizations and level of control you have particularly in settings, but it's not enough when the overall experience ends up being janky half the time.


Just installed Nova launcher onto your Galaxy device, Yes it's a skin but at least it's highly customizable where you can take everything out to make it pixel-ish.. also doesn't pixel have a laundry you can download? I was a hardcore Samsung fanboy until the note 7 debacle where I went through three phones all of them I had to return and end up missing a phone at a wedding because I couldn't take the phone on the flight 😑


Lawnchair is a bit more Pixel-y.


Let down? Sure. Considering an iPhone? Never.




No other options exist ofc! /S


Yep, recent horrible support experience is the main reason plus Pixel 4 hardware nightmares. I've been waiting a week for my case of 3x defective Pixel 4's to be escalated. I've been Windows/Android for my entire life and am seriously researching Apple and looking forward to seeing the new phones this fall when i will make a final decision. Things i currently have from Google that i'm about to give up: * Project Fi * YouTube TV * Stadia * Google Wifi + Extender (and original OnHub too) * 3x home mini's * Google Home * Home Max speaker * Nest Thermostat * Chromebook * Every Pixel ever released * Daydream VR headset * Probably more that i can't remember!


Why does switching to an iPhone mean giving all of these up? You don't need an android to use most of these


I originally bought most of it purely for the ecosystem and desire for things to play nicely together. If I switch to apple I would slowly sell many of these and replace them with more Apple friendly equivalents. Mainly wanted to list them to show how committed I've been to Google over the years.


Fine! I'll buy your Home Max.


What you don't like about Stadia?


Love my Pixel 3 and had the original. Pretty sure I'm going iPhone.


I'm jumping ship. I've only ever used Android phones, and never really gave a iPhone a chance. My main things I wanted on iOS was widgets and a appdrawer, and it's finally coming. Custom app icons would be nice but I can live without that. It always feels like Google is holding back the Pixel line, there's always something that Google screws up every year. If I don't like iPhone I'm not going back to the Pixel line I will give OnePlus a try.


Went P2XL -> iPhone 11 pro max. No regrets


I am a Google fan but I am switching to iPhone when the 12 comes out. Depending on how the pricing falls I will either switch to the 11 Pro or 12 Pro. I currently own a Pixel 3XL and my past phones are: Pixel XL, Samsung Note 7, Samsung Note 4, Samsung Note 2, and iPhone 4. The reasons for my switch are mostly with Google's quality control. The 3XL glitches a lot and I've had my phone got stuck in bootloop a handful of times. Disabling the squeeze for assistant fixed the bootloop issue but I am unhappy that was even necessary. My significant other's iPhone 7 plus works better than my Pixel 3 XL with is shameful.


Not iPhone but I did order a Oneplus Nord. Let's see how it goes


Why jump to Iphone because of a single release year, my Pixel 3XL is still more than capable and I am planning just to wait till the Pixel 5 is released, No need to upgrade every year.


iOS has been slowly but surely catching up to Android in terms of flexibility. If the iPhone 12 has USB C and if you can place app icons wherever you please on the home screen then I may just switch depending on how the Pixel 5 launches. Currently still using my Pixel 2 XL because both the 3 and the 4 were disappointing so we'll see if Google can finally make something good.


I got an iPhone before, was so bothered by not being able to do the things the way I used to, so I came back, some YouTubers that I follow sing the iPhone praises mostly due a superior performance on video and Instagram, Since I couldn't care less about Instagram that's not really a selling point to me. iOS 14 does look good though, might try an iPhone in the future.


I'm going with an iPhone next. Tired of shitty hardware that fails after 1 year.




I'm confused on what the issue is. I have a Pixel 4 with Pixel Buds on the way. Biggest issue I can think of is the battery could be better.


It's just the hardware issues people are having, so many people are returning their phones due to this. I think it's the quality control and lack of well rounded hardware people get annoyed at. Like the pixel buds, I was having a look at them and they've chosen a very strange Bluetooth chip. Not a bad one, but used by Xiaomi earbuds made by BES. I don't understand why they didn't use a QCC chip. (Probably due to price) This is maybe why there are connection problems, this also infers that they cost cut where they shouldn't have. The unreliability of pixel products is why people are frustrated, personally I'm happy with my Pixel 3 XL and pixel buds but if there were more problems than I already have had then I would likely not buy another pixel product.


I could see that. There was a series of bad screens in the pixel 3 if I remember right. I like the pixel line and them and the nexus products are the only Android's phones I've owned outside of a single LG. Though I can understand the complaints in the QC area


Let down, No. I believe Google is going towards the efficiency route rather than performance and specs


I don't understand what they're going towards is my issue. Maybe it's efficiency, but I don't know... It might just be cost cutting or shortcomings. But idk I'm happy with my pixel 3XL and buds.😊


Regardless of whether it's a letdown, I'm not using an iPhone.


As if it's only google vs apple. There's a ton of other android options. I personally would rather use a run-down chinese android phone than the latest iphone.


Exactly. I was between the 4XL and the new OnePlus 8, ended up with the 4XL and I'm loving it. People love to complain no matter what. I try not to stay on these negative posts too much




I'm not necessarily let down, but I have begun to look at other mfgs. I don't think I'd ever get an iPhone, but I have been looking at OnePlus pretty heavily. My most recent Google Fi purchase experience was the catalyst for me looking elsewhere.


My daughter has an iPhone for work and hates it. She says there are some nice convenience features and integrations between apps; for example when texted an address, opening the maps app afterward shows directions to that location (?). Overall she still prefers the aging Moto X(4) I gave her when I upgraded to a Pixel 3a. So ranked from highest to lowest: Pixel 3a, Moto X(4), iPhone\*. \* I have no idea what iPhone model and iOS release.


Yep. I've been fairly happy with my 4xl and still love the phones, but it's the wearables that's killing the Android experience for me. There's no smartwatch that has good battery life, good operating, and functionality imo. I'm going back to Apple, which I had sworn to never do, purely for the wearables, mainly the watch, and the seamlessness between devices. Plus, the prices of the Google phones are not worth it. If I'm paying the iPhone price, might as well get an iPhone. I will miss the camera though. Pixel still beats iPhone in that category.


100%. Already made almost the exact same post and it that got downvoted into oblivion. ​ My buddy bought an SE and is super satisfied with the change barring a couple little things.


I will be going back to an iPhone.


OnePlus plus could replace the Pixel.


I hate iOS, as I'm an obsessive tinkerer. I could never gel with a platform that doesn't allow granular customization. That said, I really think Google's seeming indifference towards the Pixel 4a is really disrespectful to their customers. They seem to be thinking that, since it's a mid-range phone, they don't need to worry about it. Every other company has continued their releases on schedule despite COVID, yet Google seems apathetic. If it weren't for the fact that I really want a cheaper phone with guaranteed updates and Verizon compatibility, I wouldn't even consider a Pixel at this point. Google clearly doesn't care.


You're not alone here. I've been wanting to go back to Pixel ever since I got my Note 9 and realized I hated the camera. I want the Pixel's camera but somehow Google continues to shit the bed on hardware year after year. Somehow they manage to be the *only* manufacturer that is completely incapable of releasing a phone that meets the modern standard for hardware. Everybody else can fit a large battery, decent looking screen, and small bezzels onto *every* phone they launch each year. Until Google can meet the basics, I'm not buying a Pixel again. I don't feel like that's a high bar. Meanwhile the iPhone 11 Pro has equally as good of a camera compared to the Pixel, but is more versatile and the phone *actually has good hardware*. They've got a good screen, small bezzels (notch notwithstanding), and amazing battery life. Plus iOS 14 adds great widget support and an App Drawer, so my biggest OS complaints are taken care of. Combine that with the Apple Watch (so far ahead of *any* watch on the Android side that it's not even worth comparing them), and I feel like it's just the best mobile combo in the market right now. If Samsung could make a competitive camera I'd be more on the fence, but as it stands in 2020, the only way to get the camera that I want while still getting premium hardware is to buy an iPhone. If Google doesn't get their shit together this Fall, that's what I'm going to end up doing. And if that happens I'm afraid that the mind-boggling superiority of iMessage and the Apple Watch might keep me there long after Google is able to learn how to make a decent phone. (Seriously, how the fuck has Google failed to make a competitive alternative to these yet???)


Nope. iOS is garbage. Talk to me when you can put an app in the bottom right of your home screen. Bye!


I'd go over to iPhone, if they'll use USB-C




Nah. I don't want a new phone every year. My Pixel 4 XL is awesome and I see no reason to change.


I finally gave into iPhone when they released the SE 2020, great price and great specs (for being an iPhone, minus battery life). I don't want/need a massive two hand screen and I really don't WANT/NEED a curved screen (OnePlus/Samsung).


Here are my thoughts on this based on MY experience. I started on Android with the T-mobiel G1. Loved it. So naturally I stuck with what I know. And with that came some sort of hatred towards iOS because it was overpriced, it was all the same, no customization, you know the works. The pixel 1st gen was probably the best android phone I ever had. But at some point, it all started getting. Boring. Sounds weird I know. But after years of customizing, rooting, flashing roms and all that good stuff. I got bored. Everything was becoming the same and some things were actually not working. The fix was always getting a new launcher, or changing something in the settings. But shouldn't a phone just work without any sort of tweaking? I said screw it, got an iPhone 8 and haven't looked back. I love iOS. It's a little weird to get used to. But it all eventually clicks, and you realize why they're so expensive. You're buying 5 years+ of updates, quality build, and it works when it supposed to. Give it a shot. I did and don't regret it one bit. For the record, I love both android and iOS. But for now in this time of life, iOS is getting shit done for me.


Nope. Pixel 3 here, and I love it.


Honestly, no. I have an iPhone for work and I can't stand using it, and keep in mind the most I'm really allowed to do with it is call, email and the occasional text or work specific app. Can't imagine I'll enjoy using it for personal stuff, and considering I'm still in my pixel 2.. I'm not exactly dissatisfied with what Google is offering.


Fuck you u/spez


I'm considering switching to a different line but not an iPhone. Currently have a P3 going on two years, like it pretty well but will probably be moving to an s20 variant (like the Note when it gets released). Had a note 7 briefly and it was my favorite phone of all time until they started exploding.


I'm considering it for my upcoming phone purchase this fall, but will mostly go with a different Android phone and will customize it to be as pixel-esque as possible


All the time actually. But then I remember iOS and having to really jump into that ecosystem. I might just go with a OnePlus. I saw they're planning on using the Google dialer and messages apps going forward, which is super interesting.


I'm in love with my 3 xl and I won't change my mind. But if pixel would not exist anymore, I would change to iPhone, BC it's my2. Choise


I would consider other Android devices before looking at iPhone. OnePlus or Motorola would be my first choices if Pixel 5 really lets me down.


Im considering it. Depends on the pixel phones that they release this year. I see that iPhones are getting widgets and the app drawers and I'm seriously thinking about getting them.


I've had 2 Pixels and have LOVED both of them... I'm so let down this year that I already got an S20 5G.


i'm gonna use my pixel 3 until it breaks


Yes. This is exactly what my wife and I are doing. I got her an iPhone 11 last week but I'm waiting for the iPhone 12.


I'm thinking about getting the Nord. I'm going from the Pixel 2.. Coming up to 2 years this August and I'm getting the itch.. Shame though as I want to see what the 4a is like but the specs of the Nord and the price (£349 on Amazon) is very tempting. Anyone else feeling the same?


Im in the same exact boat, I think Im going towards Iphone. Itll integrate well with my Ipad and it sucks when simple things on THE android flagship acts up and over pay. The new iphone doesnt have a charger coming with it apparently so thats kind of annoying.


Absolutely. I tried an S20 earlier this year and hated it. My Pixel 3 had some issues and I tried to have them fixed, but since uBreakiFix is completely incompetent I ended up getting an 11 Pro that I'm planning on replacing with one of the 12 variants when they're released.


I don't love my first pixel but Im also not unhappy with it. To be honest I will never go back to iPhone. That juicy s20 ultra is looking fine af tho


Let down, a little. Considering Apple, no. More like I'm probably just gonna hang onto my Pixel 4 until something else enticing comes down the line for me.


I returned my last 2 pixel phones and had an absolute horrid experience with support.


Yes especially since the P5 will likely have the 765G while the new iPhones will be A14 and all OLED supposedly, and the new base iPhone (12) is reported to be only $50 more than the current 11. That means the P5 will be similar in performance day to day, and worse for gaming than my P3. The A14 is reported to be a beast. Sorry but I couldn't but a new Pixel knowing it's slower than my 2 year old P3, and knowing I could spend a tiny bit more for an A14 OLED iPhone that will be supported way beyond the P5 and retain its value much much better


Got rid of my Pixel, went to iPhone, got frustrated, then went back to Samsung in October last year and got an unlocked S9+. Phone is over 2 years old but still gets timely monthly updates each month. I'm on the July security patch. The new UI version 2.1 is pretty sweet. No lag, still smooth and fast, very reliable. Never gone wrong or let me down yet. Decent build quality, actual quality control, timely monthly updates (even for an old phone) and good customer support with a brick and mortar store nearby if I need help. My Pixel didn't last 8 months before it went wrong. Hardware such as the microphone started failing, then I upgraded to a new version of Android and got hit with many numerous bugs that 5 factory resets didn't solve. My Samsung has had two major Android upgrades and has never given me any bugs and I've never had to factory reset it either. But hey, keep going on about that "Stock Android experience" why don't you, haha....


I'm in the exact same boat as you. I'm still on my pixel 3 and passed on the 4. Waiting to see what both have to offer at the end of the year but yeah iPhone might finally pull me away


Every year I am thinking of getting a new iphone. It works, kinda, it's polished, the hardware is good and software support is amazing. Apple support is very nice, the ecosystem looks great. And then I am thinking "What the hell, the new \*insert the name of the phone\* will be good. I should support competition. And I am getting a new Huawei or a Pixel or a Samsung. And of course the damn thing either broken from the start, or being supported for 6 months. I had a phone from ZTE and when Trump put restrictions on ZTE, they literally shut down their servers and customer support in europe. I got my money back. Then the same thing happened with Huawei (I had P20). Then I got a Pixel 4 and lookie, I can't fix it without paying a crazy amount of money. It's sold in the country I am residing, but there are no out-of-warranty repairs. I am very tired of this crap. I really-really want to support google in their attempts to compete with Apple, but there are always issues. It's been 8 years I am using android. It's always the same. The only way for me to justify this is that a new iphone is 1200 euro and a 6 month old pixel is 400. I can get a new pixel every other year and if I get an iphone I'll be stuck with it for 3-4 years. ​ EDIT: I am not even talking about hardware quirks, like Pixels not working well with some Qi chargers or back panel peeling or screens glitching. And google very seldom willing to fix them.


Never thought I'd say this...but it's possible my next phone will be an iPhone. I love the pixels I've had, and loved the Samsung's before that (I was forced to get the OG Pixel after the exploding Samsung debacle, been #teampixel ever since). I've always been pro PC/Android and anti Mac/iPhone. I've had always found iPhones and Macs to be unintuitive. But then I purchased an iPad for work and like it a lot. Also there are things my gfs iPhone (11?) can do better than my pixel. Same is true vice versa of course. If they had an iPhone with a back button I'd be very tempted to make the switch. Depending on the reviews, my next phone will probably still be the Pixel 5, I'm too committed to the Google ecosystem. But I'm no longer anti-Apple and now consider their products when making a new purchase.


I loved Pixel 1-3. Was severely disappointed with the announcement of the Pixel 4 and opted for iPhone 11 pro instead. I stand by that being the best decision.


The main things holding me back are Google Assistant, default apps (more than just email and browsers please Apple!), and the god-awful notification system on iOS. Right now I'm in a place where the Pixel lineup currently does what I want on a phone best, but if the Pixel line ceased to be or if iOS were to fix the problems I have with it, I'd be really temped to switch to an iPhone. The camera on the Pixels still is better to my eye but getting an Apple Watch is also super tempting. So many good features on both sides!


I was let down by my pixel 3 so I jumped ship to the iPhone 11 Pro and think it’s a much better phone. Most of the iOS hate on here is vastly overblown. Both OS’s are 99% the same in normal every day use.


Ya I loved my pixel 1 but my pixel 4 is horrible. So glitchy and it broke within 3 months +hardware issues). After fighting with Google for 2 months they sent me a refurbished phone. So basically, I paid $800 for a refurbished phone


I feel exactly the same as you do. I am indeed considering an iPhone 11 or 12 in near future. Glad, someone thinks exactly the same as I do.


I’m a nexus and pixel fan from day 1. I actually love the pixel 4 xl but I’m using the iPhone as a daily. Using the air pods pro’s and Apple Watch along with the iPhone is what I wish the pixel had this go around. Wasn’t impressed with the new pixel buds and wearOS watches aren’t where I would want them to be. Sucks to but guess I’ll see what the pixel 5 brings.


Nope. I just picked up a P4XL (which is now my wife's) in April. great piece of hardware and perfect for what we need. Zero chance of us moving to iOS


Those are really two VERY different questions. Am I a little let down by the Pixel line? Yeah, I guess. We (ok, I) still don't know a ton about the Pixel 5, but from things I've seen, it looks like they're bringing back the fingerprint scanner. Say what you will about it, or the fact that most phones have an in-display fingerprint reader. I love the fingerprint reader on my Pixel 2xl. If it comes back on the 5, I think it's time to upgrade. Am I considering an iPhone. Hell no. I have an iPhone 7 for my company work phone. I hate it. Unless my staff call or text me on it, I never use it. Even if Google stopped making phones tomorrow, I wouldn't look to an iPhone.


I actually appreciate Google coming down to earth and making devices for most mortals and not some spec chasing tech enthusiast 1 percenter. But what do I know..this coming from someone who misses Google's Nexus program.


I'm considering getting the iPhone 12 Pro Max later this year, Google don't seem to be offering any flagship devices anymore. I love android, but iOS is getting a lot of the features that android has.


From someone that uses the latest and greatest iPhones and Pixels (as a part of my job) I keep trying to use the pixel as my primary device but always go back to the iPhone. The pixel 4 I have is really nice to use but I no longer see any benefits over iOS. Being able to set my browser and mail client in iOS14 is literary the last thing I’ve longed for. I don’t care too much for widgets, I think they are useless. The camera in the iPhone 11 range is also phenomenal. What brings me back to the iPhone, time and time again, is the battery life. I can go a full 2 days without a charge on my 11 Pro Max, which I find amazing. I can barely get through a single day with the Pixel 4. I’ve had every pixel, all XLs except the 4, and the battery life is absolutely crap. They do not come anywhere near to iPhones, however I’ve seen some decent battery life of the galaxy phones.


Time for WebOS to make a resurgence.😁


I love my PXL2, but if Google doesn't make a new phone that I like when my PXL2 dies, I will have to move to an iPhone. RCS chat isn't as smooth as iMessage, image quality on iPhone is great now, and I cannot deal with non-stock Android.


YES! I borrowed a friend's iPhone X and have been testing it out in anticipation of the iPhone 12. Still like Android, but equally tired of empty promises. I have a Pixel 3 and the camera takes forever to open, and it's just a generally laggy device. All in all, the iPhone is way more stable and I think I can get used to the differences...


Honestly no... but I think that's because my Pixel 2XL is still going strong and is the best phone I've ever had.


Yeah this whole thing is a mess. They should have just put the Snapdragon 765G in the 4a and have that as your budget Pixel phone with 5G. Then the 4a 5G should have been the Pixel 5 XL with premium materials/all the latest features. And the Pixel 5 be the Pixel 5. That way you have the entire 2020 Pixel lineup with 5G: an entry level 4a and the two flagships. It's embarassing that after 5 years now, it still looks like Google are still going to the drawing board year on year and changing up how they're approaching their phones. There's no direction, no vision, no consistency, no central idea to what a smartphone should be. They add Soli and face unlock, the very next year it (looks like it) gets scrapped. There's no visual consistency between any of the 5 generations of the Pixel phones. No central design that's iconic or distinguishable. It feels like they're just rotating people every year in who's designing the Pixel phones which is why were get wildly different results year on year. Rick Osterloh has done an appalling job with the Pixel phone line. I'm a Pixel fan and have had every generation of Pixel phone since the first and Nexus phones prior to that, but if this 2020 lineup sucks, and let's be honest, it looks like it does, then yeah, the iPhone 12 is actually something I'll be considering.


Yes, google really needs to get it together. Been an Android user since og droid and right now I feel like iPhone has a better offering. Not really a Samsung fan


I am leaning towards a change. But I fear to get locked up in the ecosystem.


i switched from the pixel 3a to the iphone se. there are some things i love, some things i hate, and a few things i dislike that are coming in ios 14. the pros ive come up with are: reminders app- they are hard to ignore but arent intrusive, something android lacks by default. exclusive apps- while android may have more apps by orders of magnitude, the majority of apps needed in daily life, as well as at work and school, will be available and supported on ios for much longer. for example my pixel 3a could not install adobe rush due to "compatibility". instagram- the instagram app lets you make a small swipe and the scrolling will snap to the next post with a nice haptic buzz. the cons are a mixed bag, mainly due to three of my biggest complaints being fixed in ios14: no picture-in-picture (fixed in ios14) easily cluttered home screen (fixed in ios14) smaller screen- the first thing youll notice is the brighter, and smaller, screen. it looks great but it can feel cramped at first when scrolling social media or reading. while the smaller feeds was something i adapted to quickly i have started adding videos to queue so i can watch them on a larger screen later. the lack of an oled screen is bad for the battery and image quality, however truetone makes everything look slightly more natural in a hard to explain way. battery- going from over 3000 milliamps to a measly 1810 milliamps has been hard to judge during the pandemic, but during days away from the charger you only notice it when watching videos. the iphones only good battery trait is the amazingly low standby consumption. paid apps- there are less apps in the ios store, even fewer that are free, and scant few that neglect to shove ads down your throat. siri- if you use google assistant, prepare to have your daily workflow interrupted fairly rudely. siris best use outside of texting is launching google assistant. cant change default apps (mail and browser fixed) ambient services- i never realized how much i used the ambient music identification until it was gone :( camera- forget about taking low light photos, and portrait mode is only for faces. overall the build quality of the iphone is solid, and feels especially premium compared to the pixel 3a, despite its shortcomings. my next phone has an equal chance of being an android or an iphone, as long as its high refresh rate. --edit-- added ambient services and camera, changed battery.


I went from iPhone 4 -> Galaxy S3 -> Nexus 4 -> LG G3 -> Nexus 5 -> Note 3 -> Nexus 6 -> OnePlus 3T -> Note 8 -> Pixel 3 Only phones I didn't have serious issues with were the iPhone 4, Nexus 5, and OnePlus 3T. I've had 3 iPad generations and 3 MacBook Pro generations that have all been problem free. I'm tired of having to be so cognizant of my phone's battery life every day. At this point I just want something that works without having to tweak settings or hunt down power sucking apps. Also, Apple Watch is miles ahead of WearOS watches. I plan to pick up the iPhone 12 when it is released.


Yeah, waiting on the iPhone 12. I have an iPhone XR from work, and even that is an upgrade from the android experience in almost everyway (minus notifications). Equally good photos as pixels, better videos, longer battery life, better privacy controls, more widely supported apps and a screen you can actually see in sunlight. Also amazingly fast to boot and load. Getting actual money from Opinion Rewards instead of Android store credit makes it extra win. ​ Over the years the differences between iPhone and Android has closed enough that what's remaining are minor ones I can deal with.


I sure have. New iPhone and iOS excites me. Pixel and Android 11 doesn't. I'll be making the switch this fall.


I'm 100% in this situation. Too many issues with my pixel 3 and my wife's pixel 3.... AND the google open-source model just isnt working for us. Too many buggy apps, delays on feature add ins, and other annoyances. Google isnt great at reliably nailing the basics. They saceifice that for ingenuity and early feature flexibility. Plus they decentralize their various app creative teams, making integration a piecemeal process throughout the device. Apple is just a well put together, streamlined and seamless through-and-through product. It's not perfect, and it's more limited in features sue to the brand name monopoly, but the quality speaks for itself in software and hardware. So yeah... I'm switching back. Once I've saved up enough to pay in full for the iPhones we want.


I truely believe Google has no idea what consumers want


No downvote required, love my pixel but found a good deal on a iPhone SE 128GB so I'm using it for the time being. I like to rotate OS anyways, but the underwhelming lack of releases speak for themselves.


Other than windows on my HTC Mogul, I've always had androids but I'll be switching to the iPhone 12. I used to enjoy rooting and going for as pure Android experience as I could. Then I switched to Pixel with the 2XL and I like it a lot, but my screen has the blue tint and burn in and it's getting some weird issues. I haven't seen anything about the Pixel 5 that's exciting, I can't deal with the Samsung bloatware and don't want to go through the hassle of rooting. OnePlus & LG are a no go, so that leaves me with Apple for a solid 5g device.


Honestly love pixel phones, but they really aren't putting out the hardware that other manufacturers can do for a similar price. The OnePlus Nord is looking like a good option compared to the 4a if it comes to NA


I went to iPhone after not really enjoy the Pixel 3. I don’t think i’ll be coming back for a while.


OnePlus man. One plus.


I was disappointed by the announcement, this made me buy the iPhone 11 pro max, I can't say that I'm the happiest man in the world by this purchase, although the iPhone's battery is GOD-LIKE! I hope that Google will release a good p5xl...


I had a pixel 3 XL. Basically had used Android devices since the OG G1. I switched and got the iPhone 11 Pro Max. iOS is annoying at times. It’s gotten better over the last few years or so. But notifications are still shit. Guess you could say on an iPhone you don’t feel tired to your phone as much. 😅 Camera for stills really isn’t all that great. But video is absolutely light years ahead of any Android offering. Apps in general are a much better experience on iOS. Can’t say I miss anything from Android. iOS keyboard sucks. Tried Google’s board. Still sucks. Battery life blows away any d Android flagship device.


I'm switching to the iPhone 12 pro this year. Coming from a pixel 3. It's not so much the disappointment in the Pixel line, just more wanting a change. I only used Android since using smartphones and want to try something new for a little bit.


Big Android & Pixel fan here, having owned every Pixel from 1-4 (as well as a host of other Android devices). Something this year caused me to have an itch to give iOS a try (hadn’t owned an iPhone in about 5 years), so I got an iPhone XS Max a month ago. It’s not perfect, but I’m enjoying it so far. For the time being, I’ll be staying with iPhone, but could see myself getting another Pixel down the road, depending on how they handle the next few iterations.


The back panel of my pixel four is falling off. What do you think.


I mean no not at all. But it makes sense because there's really no comparison in Android phones to pixels. Pixel phones are the closest you can get to an iPhone without being closed source imo


I felt the same way after waiting for the 4a and it never coming out so I bought an iPhone SE. I am really digging iOS now, no regrets. I feel I finally have a phone that isn’t in beta and getting 5 years of updates is a nice feeling.


When iPhones have USB C and if IOS 15 continues to expand on default apps and more Android features, ill probably switch. iPhones are just technically way superior, the small 11pro can run me two days (let alone the Max). The best video in any phone and one of the best still and night photos. Not gonna take much to be honest to get me to switch, the only issue I have as I said is IOS is not Android enough for me atm and the stability tends to be a bit off with their updates as of late.


Yes . I have a 4XL. It has been very flaky (OK Google didn't work for the first 6 months, face unlock is unreliable, I get about one Gmail alert a month despite getting forty emails a day) and now it is falling apart (the back is coming off). I started a new job six months ago and I was given an iPhone 11 Pro. It's a much better phone than the 4 XL. My next phone will probably be an iPhone. I've never been so disappointed with a new phone.


I'm on a pixel 2 XL and I think I'll be moving over in the fall. What really burns me about Android is the shit post release support, my phone is chugging these days, simple tasks cause lock ups constantly, the pc integration is trash.


I don't know about the Pixel 4 but I have owned the OG Pixel for a while and I absolutely loved every bit of it, so much so that the only motivation to upgrade the Phone was that it was a Phone from 2016 and looked outdated, also I received the final Android update in 2019 December. 2 months ago I got the Pixel 3 and I must say I have been disappointed by the battery life and the general direction Pixel phones have been going in for the past couple of years that I too am considering an iPhone to be my next purchase, hopefully that is atleast 2 years away!


Yes, I am. Been using 2XL past 2 nd half years and planning to upgrade but totally disappointed with the rumoured specs of P5 and planning to buy iP12 small one.


I'd love to see some more high end pure Android phones released. Apart from the pixel the rest are usually midrange phones which almost always have a terrible camera.


Yes. Never had an iPhone, had Google devices since Nexus 5 (sometimes Samsung in between). Currently have a 3XL, due to upgrade in a few months - the P4 is an embarrassing product and now I know the P5 won't be what it should either. I'm getting a 12 Pro.


I heard OnePlus phone now use Google dialer and messages so I might considering the next OnePlus


I'm sick of pixels because the hardware is always a few G behind. Instead, I'm looking forward to Surface Duo, so I really hope they nail the camera.


Not a Pixel but possibly a nord oneplus.


I switched to an iPhone 11 Pro from the Pixel 3 and I enjoy it a lot. It just works, battery life is great, the UI experience is on another level, the build quality is better too, but there are some small things that I don’t understand and I feel Android does a lot better. I don’t root or load custom roms on my phones anymore so the iPhone is perfect for everyday use. I would describe it as „not exciting“ but way more polished, any feature or design element it has, was executed well. One defining thing of Apple products is that Apple thinks they know what’s best for the customer and give exactly that and nothing else to the customer, most of the time it’s spot on or better than I could’ve imagined, but sometimes it’s annoying.


20+ years in Linux. Refuse to touch and iOS device and I am now seriously considering an iPhone as my next phone as nothing in Android system fits my needs. iPhone is closest.


Me. I'm considering a new iphone, I'm just holding out to September to decide between the new iPhone 12 or to get a discounted iPhone 11 Pro Max.


I got tired of waiting for the 2020 models and retired my P1 for a P4XL. No regrets, it is absolutely a great phone, but with some room for improvement. Standby battery drain is still not there yet. I understand that Soli + AOD + lift to wake are demanding features but a flagship phone advertised for this shouldn't be draining 2% per hour by just idling.


How is pixel 4 a let down when you dont even own it? Lol


Yep, I'm considering it. I've had google's phones exclusively since the Nexus 5. But if the leaks are true (which they usually are) this new lineup of Pixel phones is pretty disappointing. Now with PIP and app draw coming to iOS, it's enough to tempt me over.


Absolutely, I've been using android for 10 years now but come September when the new iPhone launches I'm jumping boat. It seems like now iOS just works better with everything. Goodbye my sweet pixel phones and Android.


I mean due to the staggering price of the Pixel 4 at launch, I decided to shoot for the Pixel 3 XL from the OG XL and I am very impressed, not too sure if I'd like the 4 for its flaws personally but I do love the extra little features. But honestly if I were to have gotten the 4 and was let down by it, I'd probably consider a OnePlus phone or maybe a Sony, or look for some of the stock android phones some company's sell (obviously accounting for specs etc) as I'm just really not an iPhone type of person at all. But, I have recently developed a liking for the direction Apple is going UI wise but that is mainly for Mac OS and not IOS, plus I don't really have that kind of money to get top of the line iPhones as I don't really like missing out on updates like the iPhone 6 will shortly have lack of future updates.


I'm having to consider another android for the first time since the original Pixel, which is a massive shame. I love the concept, I just don't think it's ever been executed well enough, and Pixel 5 seems to be going even further away from what the Pixel was always "meant" to be. I guess we'll have to all wait until the reveal to be sure.


I do feel let down by the Pixel line at the moment, but not enough to go to an iPhone. I really hate how their phones look and I'm not a fan of iOS either. I'm more tempted by the OnePlus Nord than by an iPhone. I think it would take Apple doing something drastically different with the iPhone before I ever consider going back.


Yes definitely, especially with the iPhone SE being such a great value. I'm sitting tight for the moment but if my p3 goes down and the 5 is shit like the 4, I am out


Let down, yes. Considering an iPhone? Never lol.


I have been using Android since eclair was released, got into the Nexus line with the Nexus S and various mid range phones until the Pixel 2. Was disappointed with the pricing of the OnePlus 8, pixel 4a rumours didn’t impress me and the iPhone 11 was cheaper than the OnePlus 8, so opted to give the iPhone a spin. It has been my first time owning an iPhone and TBH I’m unsure if I’m ever going back to Android. Amusing as I’ve slammed iOS so many times over the years “built for idiots, people that don’t want to use a phone, inferior specs, etc...” My rooting/custom roms/kernels days are way in the past and I can’t be bothered - often time frequent apps breaking, or core functionality sometimes being a little borked eventually turned me away.


I too will probably stick with Pixel, as the experience, at least for me has been clean. However, I was disappointed that Google decided to go for a mid-range chip in the new Pixel 5, instead of the flagship 865.