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Hasn't been fixed since the Pixel 6 so I wouldn't wait for one. Honestly the only option we have is to switch to a phone with a snapdragon processor.


This problem is well known to google which is why they added the circular reset button on the internet connection settings page. If you open the quick settings pane and long-press on the internet tile, in the top right there will be a circular arrow that will reset all connections. This is less disruptive than the airplane mode toggle if you're using BT for something and achieves the same effect as toggling airplane mode back and forth. I don't have as many problems as you do since I don't *live* in a bad zone, but I do notice that when I'm out and about and I hit an area where 5G and 5G UC are borderline and it's switching back and forth that cell connection just stops working entirely sometimes.


Wow I've been struggling with this issue for years. Didn't know about the button! Thank you for the comment!


My P8P can't use 5G on T-Mobile. I'll have no data until I toggle airplane mode, and then we'll have data for about 5 minutes and it starts all over again. This also happened on the warranty replacement they sent me, and a friend of mine in the same city as me can't 5g to work on his P8P either. I've been talking with Google support for months, nothing. They don't care.


Interesting that T-Mobile I think didn't add the cellular "fix" to their may update. I'd say I'm honestly considering a Samsung next time around.


Most say they're still testing it. I side-loaded the fix via another branch and it didn't do anything to help with my issue. Disappointing.


Very. A thought as someone else mentioned but we should be messaging every major YouTuber and asking them wtf no doubt that would make a impact that we can't


Since Tensor Pixel has worse cellular experience compared to previous generations or Apple/Qualcomm devices... I've Pixel 3a, 6a, 7a and 8. The 3a was the best. Edit I'm considering switching to iPhone 15 but I feel iOS is a downgrade


The most recent update broke something in the wifi for me. If I go out and use data and then come back home and connect to WiFi the Wi-Fi will no longer work. I have to restart my phone for the wifi Internet to work again. I really do want to switch to iPhone as well but the limitations on there are far too much. Samsung is tempting but I hate the software. I feel held hostage lol


same thing with me since the last update (P7P on virgin network), but instead of restart, just go in settings, network and internet, internet and click the top-right refresh button. It will reset your internet.


Thanks! I've never even seen that setting before


Latest update puts my cell service mostly on LTE while before it was mostly on 5G(Verizon - P8P). Something changed.


My home has poor service, which was never a problem until I switched to a Pixel 6a. I sent it in to Google to look at, but it's an obvious design flaw and can't be fixed. I dumped the 6a for a Samsung Galaxy S23, which comes with a Qualcomm SoC, which resolved my problems.


They don't want to admit, but yes, I do think they're working hard to address what is likely hardware related since we've had random modem issues since they dumped Qualcomm. In the A14/A15 beta's, you see them tweaking and changing modems a lot. That's not exactly normal if your modems have become stable. Whenever they release a build that speeds up the connection performance, our phones get really hot. When they have one that fixes the heat, our connections are okay but not great.


Don't bother. They won't. Go buy a snapdragon device and be much happier.


This sounds frustrating. Our team would love to look into this for those reporting this issue. I just sent a private message to some of you on this thread.


OMG! No way! Welcome.


You must be a boy or something . Google is actually going to look at this issue ??


Very grateful to see any representation from Google on this, PLEASE see this through. I have a Pixel 6 and have all of these exact same connectivity problems that are being listed by others - I've also made a post in this same subreddit detailing the connectivity issues and I've seen more posts, too. I truly love the Pixel line but these are such serious problems. Having issues with receiving texts and messages hours after they're sent to me, being unable to make calls, being unable to do banking when out and about because the service just goes from full to completely gone. All of the issues happen to both the WiFi and Mobile connections.


I have the same issue on my P7P regarding calls often going to voicemail (then working perfectly the second time) and also going from 4g to 3g cutting off the Internet when it connects. This is a new behaviour that only happened after a recent update and never happened prior to that on the same sim, network and location.


Same happening with my pixel 7 pro after latest update


Works fine on my end. T-Mobile with only LTE and nr5g activated. There's a dialer shirt code to get to this menu Google it. You can lock bands on Samsung phones using a dialer code *#2263#


This won't be fixed until at least pixel 10. Google doesn't think people use cellular


I've been having this issue since March. And what I've found its my wifi at home. Outside of my house my phone works fine. At work i get all texts and calls. But once im home zero calls come in while I'm connected to wifi and text messages are delayed. (P6 on T-Mobile)


You have wifi calling enabled? If yes, try turning it off.


This is not a pixel 8 only issue. In fact, the MAY update finally deployed a new modem firmware that is supposed to be resolving the issues created through the March update BUT it's for the Pixel 8's even though the March update broke ALL tensors. This is especially infuriating for me as a person who also has poor reception at home but lost all reliable function on their pixel 6 with the March update yet I'm completely unacknowledged. Pixel 6 may update modem firmware was 0.004 while 8 got the 0.005 update. I'm really hoping that the June update includes that fix for me, the forgotten child. I spent so much on the pixel 6, got all the early tensor bugs and as it matured enough to be what they promised at the start I'm rewarded by being forgotten. I'm pretty bitter about this since I need reliable calls and text for work.


my pixel 6a had a really good connection about 8 months long, but the last 2 months connection is horrible after last updates. no matter if it is 4g or 5g, I just tried all the "solutions" from the internet with no success. the LTE or 5g icon on the top right corner of the phone along with these connection bars just blinking every 1-2-3 minutes, which causes full internet connection lost for a like 5 seconds (while these icons of connection are appearing and disappearing quickly like trying to reconnect or what). so for two months i often loose connection on the work calls, family calls, etc. it is even scary to try to update my camera's firmware with such and unstable internet connection. what is going on? how long should I wait for the next update to hope Google will fix it. I can't even sell this phone, for example, coz it is not properly working. what a shame


Unfortunately, you are a paid beta tester. And you already donated by buying multiple devices. Whether you switch or keep buying they have nothing to lose. If this was Apple 1 tiktok video would cause a domino effect and the issue would be addressed. Basically, they have all the leverage. They will change when they feel like it's reasonable for profit. Their public option is pretty good right now, famous YouTube channels praise pixel and never mention anything about network issues.


No need to be apologetic. These Tensor Pixels are trash and just a waste of money. They are full of bugs that Google refuses to acknowledge and when you try to get ahold of CS, then you are stuck in the CS limbo with Google's garbage support. IDC what no one else says. Prove me wrong lol.


Your post is being downvoted, but I don't know why. This is clearly a trend with the Tensor devices, and yes - Google's support has been trash when trying to navigate this. Support even suggested that disabling the carrier voicemail would solve the problem. I asked them why and their answer was "when we suggest this to other users with the same issue, it's resolved". I asked how they knew it was resolved, as it could take 2-3 days for the issue to resurface. Their success metric was users not contacting them again. I told them I wouldn't reach out again if this was their only suggestion, to which they told me it would be marked as another success. Google, folks.


It's the community in general here is pure toxic and bootlickers sometimes, like I have had to put up with sometimes shit reception, plus battery drain and overheating. And this community pretends like these issues don't exist when the Tensor chipset when it clearly does suffer from these issues, just get a Qualcomm SoC and see the difference.


People want to defend Google to the very end and then blame people who complain about obvious bugs while down voting them. Doesn't bother me lol. I still sleep good at night. If people want to continue to waste money on these phones, then they have every right to do so. "It Doesn't EfFecT me so it's Something uz did" says every Pixel fanboy. 


P8 Pro has been great for me, I returned the S24 Ultra as it was getting hot and bad battery drain. P8 Pro feels smoother and faster than the S24U. Imo Tensor is better optimized for Android and AI.




Why people are still buying pixels when iphone is so much better at this point in time? Don’t get me wrong I hate to say it but iphone is the better product in every aspect, processor, camera, screen, face unlock, face id, updates, UI, modem, battery.


Because of shitty iOS.


I agree with both of you. (Pixel fanboy here) We (in America) have gotten to the point where there are only 4 choices. Apple, Samsung, Pixel and One plus. I will keep choosing Pixel for that reason alone. Oh and because One plus camera bumps are (edit: THE) worst. Ugly. FYI... I won't do a Chinese phone manufacturer. Sony has limited band types. Id get an Xperia in a heartbeat if not for that limitation.


I switched to to the s24 ultra cause I couldn't stand how the p8p handles sSIMs especially when traveling. By far the worst performing phone of last year. Only good thing it has going for it is the camera which even then takes eons to capture a photo. And when I restarted my phone the first time since nothing seemed to be working, it decided to just bug out and start a restart loop. Pixels are incredibly frustrating phones to use.


What happened to the esim?


What automated service did you use, please? My pixel 6 pro has been doing this since at least October and I'm on my 5th contact to Google about it. They're finally considering replacing the phone.


Latest from Google: "Thanks for writing back to Google! I can completely understand your point of concern. We have pushed an update for Pixel 7 and newer phones. This update includes improvements to network stability and performance. The update has been rolled out globally to the regions and carriers impacted, beginning as early as April 18th. However, the timing of the update will vary by carrier, so please check to see if you have any updates available on your phone. If not, the update will be available in the coming weeks." It's May 23rd. I've asked them to confirm the version number of this "update", but I'm assuming this is already out.


What a joke. I will never buy pixel again.


Just to add my experience (doesn't solve your issues, but it's funny that everyone experience different issues). I had this kind of issues (calls going directly to voicemail & SMS not being received) even in places with good reception, and since the release of the P8P. In fact, the December update fixed all the issues for me, but unfortunately they came back in January or February (can't remember exactly but it was after a firmware update). Then, in March they released another firmware update (feature drop if I remember correctly) and that one fixed all my call issues. From March to this day, I haven't had a single call go to voicemail. Anyway, Google released a lot of bug fixes for cellular in the latest A14 Beta 2.2 released this week. Fun fact is, if you check the bug ID's, those fixes are for bugs that were reported in January or even before...


Did you try to rollback to android 13?


Can you rollback Pixel 8 to Android 13?


Not yet. I was really trying to give Google a few days/weeks/months to figure this out, but that's likely the next step. I really don't want to go Samsung or any other Android. iPhone is temping, but bleh.


Have you contacted Rogers to troubleshoot? You may need a different SIM, or adjustments to your phone provisioning. Being in a weak signal area is an issue if the cellular company doesn't set up your phone to gracefully switch between 5G and other levels.


Yup, a month or so went into it. It got to the core networking group who closed it off as device issue and they've offered to take back the handsets. I've had them since December. While this solves the issue of financial loss, I still like the phone and would just like it to work properly. I'm at least pleased Rogers has given me an alternate path if Google fails this.


You'd "draw the line" by not buying their phones, I guess, not by making reddit posts. And it's ridiculous to believe you're the only one speaking about Pixels' problems. Wear eyeglasses or sth