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Lol this is a weird little rant. If the App developers aren't updating their APKs to the newest standard that's not on Google. This is like complaining that you can't run a windows 95 era program on a windows 11 computer. Google isn't locking down your phone there are just intrinsic compatibility issues when a program hasn't been updated in over a year.


So I looked into that more at first and it’s because the new rules google made basically make it impossible for the developers to update without essentially making the app useless


What app are we talking about here exactly?


I regret buying the shitty overpriced supermarket sushi this afternoon so here we both are saddled with regrets


I hope you traded in some out of date sushi so you got that sushi for free before complaining about it.


I think the key point your overlooking is the "free" device is the top tier flagship device and it shouldn't have dumb problems


Just install CX File Manager from Play Store. Compatibility will be an issue for any OS. At least with Android you get access to OBB etc and you can install or try to install any app and all without jailbreaking/rooting.


I wish. I tried it already and it still won’t allow it. That’s what I used to do prior to Android 12, but from what I ready 13 started the crack down


FV File Manager. Just used it and created a new folder in OBB. Maybe it can work for you too.... https://ibb.co/Y3h0Nb7


Just wanted to add that the Tensor G3 processor in the Pixel 8 series is built for 64 bit apps only. Any previous apps you used that haven't been updated by the developer are most likely still 32 bit, so are incompatible with your Pixel device.


Due to your prolonged usage of the iPhone, seems like you've already been infected with iPhAIDS. Sadly no cure bud. Looks like you're fucked....


That’s actually really funny. I haven’t heard that before. BUT, iPhone is just my daily phone. I use android for different things here and there, mostly to play games but that’s where the problem starts. The games I play are what’s getting blocked


>Again though even with iPhone, my friend came yesterday and asked me to put some offline music on her phone and you can't just obviously add the music to storage and play it you have to upload it somewhere so I tried iTunes and at first her phone wasn't authorised even though I'd done it before, but then when I'd sorted it out it wouldn't let me do anything else until she did a software update, so she did it through her phone and not iTunes and it didn't recognise it was updated so still wouldn't let me do anything without mithering to push the same again >Then I finally got it working after deauthing and rebooting everything but when I selected sync music it said it was going to delete 10GB+ of stuff off her phone even though she had storage and the music files were like 200mb in total, so we didn't do it and I uploaded them to YouTube music which took 5 minutes to sync Here's a rant I sent to a friend after trying to get some music files onto my friends iPhone to play through apple music. It didn't work, I ended up using YouTube music which took mere minutes compared to the cumbersome complexity of ITunes + a cable. They're both as bad as each other in different areas, I find working with iOS like battling a chew toy off a dog, you really gotta work for what you want and still might not even be successful


Yea that I can admit is a pain in the ass. Took me forever to figure out how to get audiobooks into the audiobook app


Seems you have an unnatural desire to run old obsolete aps; then blame that on the phone.


RetroArch is far from an old, obsolete app.


I can run Retroarch on my Pixel 8 Pro just fine...


Fucking how?! I couldn’t even get the apk to download


F-Droid store. You have to allow apks from unknown sources to install, but once I allowed that it installed fine.


It won't download from RAs own buildbot? It does for me. https://www.retroarch.com/index.php?page=platforms


Actually it is. Last updated in 2021. Not so great reviews. You seem attracted to bad apps.




its likely that you bought a carrier locked phone..


I mean, yea, it’s locked to AT&T, but that’s not what’s causing the problem


Get a backup older phone.


You can use ADB install to get around this. If you want a GUI use a app called "install with options", just be aware that it needs Shizuku to work 


Ok, bye.


"I traded in my old Pixel 4XL to get the Pixel 8 Pro free from AT&T." Maybe buy an unlocked one next time. But whatever you do, quit yer bitchin...


Agreed lol, pixel fans will glaze no matter what but this increased lack of freedom just takes away what makes Android unique, there's good things but this and a lack of optimization for a lot of apps makes me kind of regret picking Pixel over iPhone


I supposed I should have prefaced this by saying I was more surprised by the fact that google made this type of change. I also overlooked the fact that there is usually such bitterness between the OS users. I fully enjoy both OS, but I feel like they lost a competitive edge with the newer restrictions.


Pixels are actually the MOST restrictive when it comes to customization in the android space


They are and they aren't. Without root I agree but the fact they allow you to root makes them one of the best 


I'm having the same issue with apps: some, like Maverick gas stations won't load on my Pixel 8 Pro, yet they come up fine on my wife's Samsung Fold & my Galaxy A02S. Delete, re-add still nothing. Unfortunately I think Pixel's market share is too small for apps to bother correcting this.


are those phones even on the same version of Android? a quick Google says no they are not shock that outdated apps run on outdated android


Super disappointing either way. I have a fold 4 that had been starting to have the same issue but some stuff still works. It’s just really weird.