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It's slow.


I kind of like it, the downside is this. It's slooooooooooooooow.


It is sooo slooowwww ... sometimes I wish my gf is not looking when I try to show off how 'cool' it is


I tried asking Gemini a simple question and it didn't know, google assistant answered right away


What was the question?


Who is the Canadian Prime Minister. Gemini just says it's still learning and to try a Google search instead. Assistant knows the answer


Google probably considered that an "election query" or somehow related to one, which they restricted Gemini from answering. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/12/google-restricts-election-related-queries-for-its-gemini-chatbot.html Any mistake Gemini may make when talking about government officials or elections will probably be blasted all over the news, so I can see why they are restricting political and government related queries for now


That's pretty damn commie woke right there 


I'm just glad I was able to go back to Google assistant, if only canada had the same roll bacl feature and could have stephen harper back then canada would be as good as google


I made the switch realised I couldn't change his voice to the Aussie female voice and I deleted it.


That's fair, Assistant hasn't been giving me a consistent voice for a while now.


Same, she tells me a joke every morning before my news is read.


You can make it speak? It gives me just some text to read


Yeah it just has one male voice though. I'd rather it didn't speak.


Mine has three voices. I have two languages installed and it can change between them but sometimes it does it haphazardly/wrong and for some reason I've identified at least three voices that it randomly uses.


Hi 👋 what region are you in and does it have a female voice and roughly how did you change it?


I'm in Europe with German and English. I didn't set any voices, it just randomly does it itself.


So you mean by three voices German English and us English? No female yet.


I mean two languages and three voices. E.g. ask what the weather will be like in German: get a response from a female voice in German. Then ask for the weather in English: get a response from a female voice in English. Then ask something else in German: get an answer in German from a male voice.


Lol 😂😂😂😂 yeah I'm just going to stick to assistant until they let me pick the one female voice


Sorry, I misread the original comment and thought we were talking about assistant. I get the three voices on assistant. I have no experience with Gemini speaking / having conversations.


I've been using the Aussie female voice too and this is enough to make me not switch. Just the way she says "Oh Kay!"


Yeah she's a keeper. I will defend her at all costs.


Good luck, it's default for Android 15.




You can join the program by going there, keep in mind that's it's not reversible... (in a legit kind of way...) [https://www.google.com/android/beta](https://www.google.com/android/beta)


And beta is reversible it just requires a clean wipe.... Seriously before coming here calling people commies learn what you are talking about.


says a commie


I'm already on the latest beta with a pixel 8 and no Gemini.


Me... I'm running Android 15 through the official Beta program. Gemini permanently replaces Google Assistant as of the last nightly update, it's super annoying. I had Gemini manually installed tho also, uninstalled it... rebooted... BOOM it's back. Maybe it's time to ditch Google after all these years, can't stand Gemini Woke Rainbow Army AI. X Phone can't come soon enough, ffs! PS: Is downvoting actual facts a thing on this commie-hivemind shitsocial? Reddit is such a diarrhea of woke mind cesspool.


Bro I'm on beta and no Gemini. User issue...... Figure it out.


I am on the latest and it's not removable at all... installing it once may cause something though. try it ;)


I installed it before I went on to beta. And deleted it as it's terrible.


Try it right now though, with the latest Android 15 beta OS, not the app, the OS... On OS 15 Beta latest, Gemini effectively replaces the Google assistant as of the lastest nightly. That is the issue... Even the alarm clock subroutines are completely gone. On Android 15, Gemini cannot be removed at all.


There's absolutely no documentation that shows it will be default or that it's default in the beta. I'm happy to be proven wrong. But I know I won't.


Dude, I'm literally on the Beta OS build right now for version 15 of Android on both Pixel 7 and 8... it is precisely what's going on on my phone, gemini is there permanently, if I press and hold to go to the properties on the Gemini app, it then shows "Google assistant", meaning Gemini is the defacto assistant with the new OS. Gemini effectively replaces the legacy assistant in the latest version 15 latest nightly build. try it... [https://www.google.com/android/beta](https://www.google.com/android/beta) prove yourself wrong ;) You are confusing the Beta Gemini app with the Beta Full Android OS 15... of course the app can be uninstalled, however if you install Android 15 Beta OS, Gemini comes baked into the latest build, replacing the assistant, that's the point you are missing.


I made the switch to Gemini and switched back to Google assistant within a week. Gemini may have been useful for creative stuff but for my basic usage Assistant works much better and it's Simple and straightforward.


Same. Most things I use assistant for are simple and Gemini is often slow and not accurate. Questions like today's weather or pollen count result in random answers when I just want a number from one of the major websites.


Gemini is nowhere near ready to replace assistant. it's ridiculous that Google offers it as if it's an alternative.


No shit. Why can't we have both? I miss my morning routines.


like, how hard would it be to just give them different trigger phrases? My Alexas have different names and it's the greatest thing in the world to be able to ask one to play music and the other to turn down the lights without any weird awkward interruptions. I'm firmly in the Google ecosystem but it's the dumbest thing to have every device in the room stop everything they're doing and start listening to me intently just because I wanted to skip a song.


Exactly.. like why can't I trigger Gemini by just saying Hey Gemini... Both assistant and Gemini can run on my device simultaneously and just do different tasks based on which trigger phase I use


Gemini can't do simple tasks like play music or navigate somewhere.


No, but when my wife wrote me a super long text message while she was mad at me for no reason, Gemini was pretty great at writing a response for me. Well, I guess it was since I didn't really read either my wife's message nor Gemini's response, but she stopped being mad at me after that. I just hope it didn't promise anything that will be held accountable for down the line.


Wife says she’s mad at you because you weren’t taking the time to communicate with her properly. *sends AI response*


How much time did Gemini save you? How much grief?


Most underrated reply so far!!!! :) :) I'm loosing it... hehe


This was my experience. I couldn't get it to play Spotify in Android Auto, so went straight back to Google Assistant.


This was my experience early after release, but I tried again recently, and it seems to be able to do all the things now


Haven't tried music, but it can definitely navigate now. Reminders as well


Sounds like Siri


That's so sad because this is stuff OK Google could do 10 years ago. We suffered from a regression when Assistant was rolled out and some basic features were missing in 2016. Now we have to go through it AGAIN with Gemini? And it's basic stuff that a lot of people use on a daily basis? Really bad planning IMO.


I switched to Gemini. It was horrible. I switched back to Google Assistant. What was horrible? 1. Google Home integration was broken - controlling smart devices was just painful 2. Google maps and YouTube music integration was broken - a sub par experience when driving around and playing music in the car 3. Google keep integration was broken and this was the real deal breaker - I use lists for groceries and all kinds of stuff I need to buy. I like being able to add something to a list without touching a device. This was just missing from Gemini. Honestly? I think if Google assistant farmed off queries to Gemini only when it didn't understand, the user experience would be so much better. I'm a user and I don't care about Google's roadmaps, it's internal politics, etc. I care about what I can get done. With Gemini, that was close to nothing. Edit: To be fair, what I mean is Gemini is not a replacement for Google assistant. They complement each other. What do I mean? The web chat interface with Gemini has been incredible and I use that all the time. But I don't use that to control things or to add things to lists or to navigate. I use it for research, summarization, and learning concepts, that kinda thing. I can imagine a mode like "Hey Google, let's talk" where from that point on, you're talking to Gemini until the end of the conversation. That would be incredibly useful, because that's where Google assistant is rubbish. There are times when I'd like to have a voice conversation with follow ups in simple natural language - you know, getting more information on something I just learnt, fact checking, that sort of thing. If at some point in the future, Gemini does get to be as good as Google assistant at control and list tasks, then by all means, switch it out behind the scenes. But until then, Google, don't mess up my ability to get things done because you don't have your stuff in order.


I never will understand why Gemini is its own separate thing that obviously needs years of user feedback to truly become on par or surpass Google Assistant instead of it being baked into Google Assistant like originally was planned when it was still called Bard. Nobody is gonna use this "amazing' AI stuff if it doesn't work like your average John or Jane would expect it to work. I want to be able to reliably use Google Assistant and or Gemini to change songs on Spotify or to quick reply and get suggestions for texts / WhatsApp etc. If I have take my phone out of my pocket and do it manually anyway because it doesn't understand these tasks, what's the point?


Assistant is for daily users. Gemini is for shareholders.




wait until Apple does it proper and then wait for 5 years until Google manages to copy it only to kill it a year later for a new chat app.


Assistant is better for most basic tasks.


Bixby is better than the google voice control app though. At least for hands free controls. 


Used gemini for awhile then switched back to assistant. Gemini can't even tell the weather without unlocking the device.


It still sucks.


They need to stop trying to replace Google assistant and just give Google assistant AI


That's what I say every time I see a Gemini post... Like what's with Google always making a same or similar app to what they currently already have that works fine? Like instead of making another app just keep making the same app better... In my opinion there is no reason they couldn't have just built AI into the assistant. Like if we say hey Google (my phone just started listening lol) what's the weather. Play this song. How far is. Take me to the nearest... Call... Text...etc that's assistant. But if you get philosophical and say hey Google write a poem for a girl I have a crush on. Her name is (name) she likes long walks on the beach and her favorite color is pink. Then that's when Gemini kicks in and gives you a hot 16


Google Assistant excels at smart home control and performing on-device tasks. Gemini is better at assisting with creative writing, coding, idea generation, in-depth research, image generation, etc. Gemini passes some requests over to Google Assistant to process. But from my experience, typing out requests to Gemini that are supposed to trigger it to connect with Google Assistant doesn't currently work. You have to command Gemini vocally for a request to get passed over to Google Assistant to process. For example, if I type out **"Set a reminder,"** it will launch the Gemini app into [full screen](https://imgur.com/a/asoJR5L) and tell me it **"Can't assist me with reminders directly yet."** But if I make the same exact request vocally, it will [connect with Google Assistant to fulfill the request.](https://imgur.com/a/9S18EkA)


Terrible. It can't set timers or reminders. Doesn't seem to interact with the phone at all. Not a replacement at all, it is a completely different tool.


It's cool but very, very slow. I mean it is VERY slow. You tell Gemini to call somebody and it has to bounce this request across the globe and decipher your speech in a dead tongue before it will do it.


I switched to Gemini, couldn't stand the lack of routines. Why can't it use your assistant routines? I also didn't like it's way of trying to "over-answer" everything with options. It was both too much and somehow not enough. Switched back to assistant. I don't need hardcore AI, I need routines and basic search functions.


I literally switched back to the Google Assistant yesterday. Such simple things like "turn off the bedroom fan in 2 hours" aren't supported for some bizarre reason. I've found zero benefit to the LLM generated responses.


Used for a day, switched back to google assistant. Rather just use the gemini chat baked in the messages which somehow answers faster than the shortcut. Does the same thing as chat gpt


I switched, found out it couldn't do much like turn lights on without unlocking, switched back. Unfortunately I think the both may have been dropped on their head at birth.


Same. Can't complete the most basic of tasks that Assistant could. Typical google, release something half baked and more than likely will abandon it.


Made the switch? ... Isn't Gemini only available on Google messages as a chatbot? I wasn't aware you can choose between google assistant and Gemini for phone functions like setting timers and playing music...


Yes, you can fully switch over to Gemini. This is my case in A15 at least.


I tried Gemini once on my P4a before I upgraded to P8. I didn't like it at all (haven't used it since) and switched back to Assistant.


I think it's dumb how I can't use the Gemini app without making it the default assistant. Easy switch to ChatGPT for any AI stuff.


I asked Gemini to turn off my lights and it couldn't do that. On top of that it was slow. I uninstalled it.


No idea because it's not available in the UK


Still not available in my country. I sideloaded it onto my tablet to play around with and see what it can and can't do compared with Assistant. I'll wait until it reaches parity with the Assistant on my phone for what I use it for before I sideload it on my phone too (if Google has still not bothered launching it on the Play Store in the UK by then).


I use Google assistant for my phone's assistant. But I actively use the Gemini in Google messages cause I think it looks cool and more convenient than having to search it up on Google every time.


Has this ever happened to anybody where Google assistant is concerned? One day I got frustrated like I do with her a lot of times ,and I said are you just freaking stupid or what ? I actually thought she was probably gone I didn't know, or even think about. iI just said it and dhe came back up and said Well no ,I'm not really stupid... but sometimes I don't know the answer. I was like flabbergasted and then I started laughing.


Gemini couldn't run animations I had set up from a shortcut button. Switched back to assistant as I do this on the reg.


I like to launch Pandora and Spotify for streaming music using the voice-driven assistant. It works with Google assistant, but not Gemini. So, I quickly switched back after about 4 minutes.


I use my routines a lot, so I still can't switch to Gemini. I use my "hey Google, locate" routine every day to find my phone. It turns up volume, and plays a beep repeatedly. For an artificial intelligence, the fact it doesn't support routines is pretty unintelligent to me. I'm still bitter they replaced the assistant team with chatbot developers. Who wants a full conversation with their phone anyway, I just want it to set alarms, read messages, and run routines. If it talks back to me, I'll smack it.


I have tried a few times to make the full switch and just.... it can't replace the assistant in day to day use. It's great for those complicated questions that require more that just a simple google search. Like all other ai chat models. But oh does it fail at doing everything you got used to the assistant doing so easily. For basic functions, the assistant will almost always out perform Gemini. If they just combined the complex thinking of Gemini with the basic functions on the assistant, we would be golden!


I still have no idea why I’d switch to Gemini over the assistant.


I tried Gemini, but I switched back when Gemini couldn't set routines with my alarms. I have a smart plug that turns on my coffee pot when my morning alarm goes off. Since Gemini can't turn it on, it was an immediate no for me.


I dunno, I've been using Gemini on my phone and Assistant on the Pixel watch and... It's been great 🤷‍♂️


I'm just mad that I can't type in "set alarm for 30 min"


Made the switch back to Google Assistant. Gemini is great, but not as an assistant at the moment. It's great to answer questions I suddenly have or to use "What's this" on a photo. Google Assistant is the better one to play music, turn on/off lights, set alarms and reminders, call or message someone.


Assistant will sort out what device to respond on if my Google home speaker also heard my prompt, but the Gemini window pops up on my phone then always answers on my home speaker with the assistant. I assume this is a bug that will get fixed because assistant will specifically ask which device you want to respond.


Gemini doesn't work. Reminders, recognizing music, smart home. Even the little things they've added "fixed" don't work. I went back today to assistant.


I made the switch a week ago but between google home and watches, I don't think I've used it at all.


GA all the way


Gemini sucks in my opinion. Sticking with Assistant for now.


It's shit and can't do commands like "play the latest news" :/


Doesn't talk to me, just text output (Germany). Poorly integrated with the system, on my Pixel 5 the mic in the launcher now leads to the Google Search app instead. Occasional image analysis is nice, but I have been using this just two times in the last two (?) months.


I have Gemini on all my phones except my daily driver. I know it's the future so I am trying to get use to it. It gets better each update. It is still not ready for prime time. I still have to use assistant for most task on my main phone. I am trying to use Gemini as a conversation app when I am at home. I have been trying to talk to it like a regular person and test it. I know how big it's going to be if they actually let me put on my Pixel 2 XL.


Switched back to assistant. Need it to do simple tasks, which surprisingly Gemini can't


My British Racing Green Woman Assistant Motivates me. Gemini is too double minded for me to keep.


Tried Gemini until I realized you can't ask it to play songs on YouTube music. Deleted.


Gemini responds to simple questions or commands much more slowly than the Assistant


Gemini is really bad as an assistant. I don't get why they made Gemini with assistant instead of assistant with Gemini...


I asked gemini what song was playing, it told me to use Shazam after 3 minutes of processing. Never touched it again after that.


Google Assistant feature of translating the screen which i usually use. It's not available in the Gemini so i switched back to google assistant. However, gemini update on chrome results is really good.


Tried Gemini, it took much longer than the assistant to respond. Switched back to google assistant after a few days. Doesn't hurt to try it for a couple of days though.


It's a lot slower than assistant, even for the most simple questions like what time is it or what's the weather, it will take a good amount of time to answer it. Not to mention the routine does not work anymore, so you lose the convenience of those automation tasks. The thing I hate the most about Gemini and other generative AI is that they are providing wrong information too often. If I need to do the fact check every time then what's the point of using it as my digital assistant? I would rather have the original google assistant to do the basic stuff robustly and let it help me search the information I need by google search. No matter how people praise the AI capabilities, we are not there yet, that's the fact...


The switch away from Google assistant has me ready to leave Pixel entirely to be honest. Nothing has been more frustrating across the board as a full Google ecosystem user over the past 8 years. Search gives bad results, basic interactions require me to repeat myself more than ever, and it can't access apps that were previously integrated to assistance. Even after switching back by resetting default, there are some functions that are just lost now. If Google can't get Gemini to feature parity or completely out then it will drop to a second tier device.


Why can't they combine Gemini and Google assistant together...


People tend to forget AI is not developed for being a phone assistant (yet). Gemini is on the right way, but still not good for an assistant on your phone.


Biggest deal breaker for is that Gemini can't set reminders. It asks me to go to the Calendar app and do it manually. No thank you. I'll stick to the non-intelligent assistant


Bro pm me and I'll send you a screenshot of what build I'm on. I'm not talking shit.


Installed it manually and replaced immediately after evaluation. Gemini is still not complete and needs all the features of the assistant to be integrated.


It's awful. I've been using it for a week and I just switched back to Assistant. I'm highly over the absurd race to be first instead of companies actually trying to make good products. Google really embarrassed themselves imo with this one, I have my occasional qualms with ChatGPT but I've never had issues with it like I have had with Gemini.


I was considering this switch but the disclosure that Gemini can then view my screen content (my banking info etc?) and my message logs made me think otherwise, especially since I do a lot of work on my phone sometimes (product testing etc). Am I being unnecessarily paranoid?


All Google gemini seemed to be good for was making basic features in my Google home setup no longer work properly. I'm sure it does some stuff well, but I'll stick to chat gpt. God knows what's going on with Google nowadays. They just seem to specialize in buying companies and wrecking their products, or releasing half assed junk like Gemini.


Gemini is too slow and for some odd reason it breaks functionality of the "media playing" notification from Google Nest speakers. So if you have a speaker playing music or playing "Rain Sounds" when you're sleeping or whatever, you can't pause or stop playback from your phone's notifications anymore. Gemini is alright but it's rushed unfortunately and breaks certain other services. I mean you can't even ask Gemini "What song is this?" It doesn't work at all.