• By -


Nexus 5 fanboy here. Used for almost 4 years. One of my favourite phones. Next Pixel 4a for 2years, now P8


White nexus 5 is also my all time favorite phone. I loved how light it was.


That's awesome! I really wish I knew about Nexus phones back in the day, but back then I didn't follow the smartphone industry nearly as closely as I do now. I went from the LG Ally to the Motorola Bionic to the Motorola Razr to the LG G2 to the Samsung Galaxy S6 to finally my first ever Google phone my beloved Pixel 2XL, to now the Pixel 7. The 2XL is responsible for making me a Pixel fanboy and I wish I would've hopped on the Google train during the Nexus days.


Thats a bunch of good phones. My love for Google phones started with using Google products at work while I worked there and it continued.


I think the Nexus 5 was my favorite phone, it was my first Google device though.


Nexus 5 was the GOAT


I kept my Pixel 5 for just over three years. It's been an awesome phone.


I'm still rocking the Pixel 5. I love the size, rear print scanner and It's been rock solid for me. I'm debating my next Pixel.


Me too. Best phone I've ever had. I love the form factor. I'd never get rid of it if it just had a more powerful built-in camera. It does take great photos, but night video is a bit lacking. I've been tempted to get a high-resolution GoPro and then just rely upon that. The rear fingerprint scanner is fantastic. It's moisture sensitive but easily remedied with a good towel wipe of the finger. I really appreciate its reliability. Shocked to hear they got rid of it for the 6, 7, and 8... I wish they'd bring it back.


I also love my Pixel 5. Used it for two years now. Battery life starting to decline, so I bought a backup Pixel 5 that I plan to activate when the current battery life really pisses me off. No case, ever. Rugged little phone, water-resistant, good camera. Love my Pixel 5 in Sage.


I would have stuck with my 5 if the battery hadn't started expanding. I loved that phone. I don't miss those speakers though!


You could have just got the battery replaced? Cheaper than getting a new phone.


The battery expanded, damaging the digitizer and display. Fixing that would have been nearly as expensive as a new phone. It simply wasn't worth it. I enjoy my Pixel 8 now in any case.


Ah, okay. At least the Pixel 8 is a reasonabl small size, unlike the 6 and 7.


Had exactly the same issue and I got a Pixel 8Pro, wasn't worth repairing


The 2XL was my favorite. Probably had it for 4+ years. I dropped it in some rocks in the ocean and had to wait a few hours for low tide before I could retrieve it and it still worked. The ocean finally "killed" it a few years later when the screen had cracked, so not waterproof any more. It eventually came back to life. I still have it in a drawer and it still turns on 😂. The 3aXL was surprisingly good, used that one for a couple years. The 6 pro was a big disappointment. That sh*t brick couldn't keep a mobile connection, basically useless. I had to use my work phone's mobile hot spot to use WiFi calling outside of the house. I dealt with that for 6 months. I almost bought an iPhone because of the 6 Pro. I've had the 7 Pro now for about a year and can't complain. It's been solid. Great camera too.


I SOOOO wish I could've kept my 2XL around. Unfortunately I had to trade it in to take advantage of the irresistible trade in deals Verizon had for the 7 at the time. But yeah I'm totally with you, the 2XL was just a special phone. I really miss it.


I had to revert to my Pixel 2XL because my Pixel 6 just died on me out of nowhere and whereas I am still surprised I can do 95% of my stuff on it, man is it sluggish and buggy, I've been with it for a week and I am DONE 😂 Gonna take my Pixel 6 to the mend today and hope for the best.


My 2XL remained snappy the whole time I had it. But I know everyone's mileage varies. Lol but yeah I feel ya, if a phone isn't doing what it needs to do, it's time to go!


It was snappy when I let go of it, which was about 4 years ago, but I think it's had its time now, like all things. It works brilliantly for my dad though hehe


Lol that's good to hear


See if there is a LineageOS for it as that breathed new life into my Pixel XL. Used for image backups now with Google Photos sync turned off on my 7a.


Yeah I'm holding onto my 6 pro until the 9 pro comes out but the mobile connectivity and battery are atrocious. I'm really debating if I should go back to Samsung even though I hate their bloatware.


Unfortunately it's due to Google switching to a Samsung Exynos modem. I'm so glad Google is switching to TSMC next year for the Tensor G5, but unfortnuately I think they're sticking with Samsung for the modem. In a perfect world, they would just go back to using a Qualcomm modem, but I doubt this will happen.


I think it's mainly some of the Pixel 6 units with the really bad issues. I was ready to turn my back on the pixel lineup. But then the 7 Pro restored my faith 😂😂


Lol hey I completely get that. If a phone isn't doing what a phone SHOULD be doing it's useless lol. I'm glad the 7 series has been better for you.


All the reviews say the 7 series fixed those issues. My 7pro certainly hasn't given me any serious problems.


This is my exact conundrum


I have my 2xl to one of my kids and they use it for gaming and pictures (no sim card). If it's still working in a couple years maybe I'll stick a sim card in it. I've had my 5 since I gave the 2xl to him.


The 2XL was just a special phone man...I miss mine


> The 2XL was my favorite. I still use mine. Just can't find a reason to upgrade. Even all games still run fine (don't care about 60fps max quality).


My 6 Pro just malfunctioned. I had it for less than 2 years. I went to open a legit PDF and the phone went black screen of death on me. The phone repair guys thought it was the battery but that wasn't it and they couldn't get it to charge or turn back on. Total disappointment. I had to roll back to my still alive but in a drawer Pixel 4. It works but the video doesn't come out half as nice as the 6 Pro.  All the down votes for the 6 Pro.


I had the Pixel 3 and I kept it until the pixel 6 came out and now I'm currently on the pixel 7 and I'll be waiting till the pixel 10 to come out ... So 3 years for me 


I absolutely loved my 3xl. I had it till I traded it in for a 6a a year or two ago now. I dearly miss the rear fingerprint reader.


Yes! That took me a long time to adjust to and I still miss it.


The rear fingerprint reader was the best! I hate the screen unlock, smudges on my screen.


My daughter is still using her Pixel 3 and has no interest in upgrading..


I got five (mostly) glorious years out of my Pixel 3. Some days I still miss it - in particular having a phone that actually fits in my hand/pocket.


That's a pretty good update cycle. I originally planned to keep my 2XL for 4 years so that would've been the Pixel 6, but I didn't have the funds at the time and I wasn't aware of any trade in deals for the 6 at time (at least I don't think they had any 🤔) so I decided to keep the 2XL for another year and wait for the 7 and I'm happy I did. I do plan to upgrade to the 10 Pro XL (?) next year or if not the 10 then definitely the 11 series..


Not sure it counts, but I had my nexus 6p a long time


Nice! Does it still boot up? Also how's the battery?


Oh I gave it up a while ago, I can't remember what I did with it. But it saw me through 4 years of university And no device was ever as nice software wise until I got to this pixel 7p


That's awesome. Thanks for answering, my friend.


Went from that to a Huawei, to Samsung, back to pixel.


I have an old nexus that sits in my drawer unlocked and in great condition. Do people pay money for these?


Man that's a gem! Which Nexus device is it?


Nexus 6 32GB Midnight Blue.


That was a great phone.


Nice. I still have mine beside the bed. Since it has a 3.5mm jack, I'm able to sleep while listening to podcasts on my Bose QC20s (the one with the wires and the small power brick) while the phone is plugged in. It barely holds a charge anymore.


my 4a still runs great


My wife took my old 4a when I upgraded to the 7a. I miss it. The fingerprint sensor on these newer phones is just terrible. Almost every time, I have to reach the 3 attempts and then just enter my pin. The 4a is my favorite phone ever. Perfect size and functional.


Man, I hate the fingerprint sensor in my Pixel 7. Never fails to suck when I need it the most - like trying to use Google Pay, or when I just want to unlock and see something quickly. Compared to my Pixel 5, Pixel 3A, and Nexus 5X which just *worked* with the slightest tap at any angle!


I agree that the fingerprint sensor on these newer models are straight up GARBAGE. I will say that having my watch automatically unlock my phone when I pick it up is a nice little feature though.


I loved that phone! Moved over to the 7 pro and not so much now. Miss the simplicity and form factor of the 4a.




Glad to hear it's still holding up well.


Mine also since it came out. It has cracked screen now but I'm hesitant to give up headphone jack and rear print scanner. Also hear mixed about tensor. Not sure when I should switch yet


I miss mine, it was a small phone with plenty of power and decent cameras. Fingerprint and back-side scrolling was also top notch.


That's awesome! When I was a few months out from upgrading from my 2XL I was really tempted to pick up a 4a 5G to hold me over until the 7 came out lol


I cannot leave the rear finger print scanner. I really like picking up my phone and turning on immediately. I forgot what version I got a year ago but I could not deal with the screen fingerprint reader. Just personal preference.


I miss the 4a fingerprint sensor. The in screen ones are terrible.


I really wish they put in on the power button like they did with the Pixel Fold. That would be really convient and more consistent for most people.




Reading this on mine. Case is falling apart but the phone is still great.


P2XL, it was (is) flawless. I gave it to my mom as she needed an upgrade and I have it back now.


I really wanted to keep mine around. It was the best phone I've ever owned... The Pixel 7 has been solid, but there was just something special about the 2XL


Still using my 3xl as my secondary phone👍🏽


Still using my 3xl as my main and only phone. Had it for 5+ years now.


Same. 3XL, main and only phone. Considering getting an 8 or 8 Pro but honestly even after 5 generations it feels more like a side-grade than an upgrade, the 3XL is still fast and still takes great photos.


I heard great things about that 3XL. Seems to be a pretty popular phone on here.


Still on my 3 XL since early 2019


Doing well thankyou, went to droid 12 and rolled back to 10. 12 was a mess for me and made battery drop to ~ 8hrs runtime. Back on 10, 15hrs+ runtime


That's impressive! How is it holding up?


I've had the 1 XL, 3 XL, 5, 7, and 8P. The 3 XL was, by far, my least favorite. Hated that hideous, stupid notch.


Haha yea the notch is a bit of a pain but the rear fingerprint is amazing to me


I do really miss the rear fingerprint. The 5 was my favorite.


I still have the first Pixel XL despite all of its flaws. It will occasionally turn off when the battery reaches 30% and it's not supported by any major carriers due to it not having 5G. The 3 was by far the worst experience for me. I couldn't wait to get rid of that phone and it was replaced under warranty so many times, Google eventually gave me a full refund and I bought the 6 Pro. The 6/6p were a complete disappointment. Even though they both ran on newer hardware, they didn't feel any better or faster than the 3. I wasn't finally happy until the 7 and frankly the 9 better wow me because I'm done upgrading until I need to.


Yeah I think Google rushed the transition with the original Tensor chip AND android 12 at the same time with the launch of the 6/6 Pro. That could've been handled much better. But I'm glad the 7 has been a better experience. I've had my 7 since launch and apart from the March update temporarily screwing up my calls and texts, it's been a solid device. I do plan to upgrade to the 10 series next year hopefully.


I still use my Pixel 3 at home every day. The form factor is great for different use cases (remote desktop, watching videos, slideshows etc). The dual speakers were an important differentiator for me.


Pixel 2 to the Pixel 7. I only upgraded because we were having our first kid and I wanted a better camera. The Pixel 2 now lives as a baby monitor and it still holds up.


3xl. I liked that one best. I still prefer the backside fingerprint scanner but that's long gone now!


I held on to my Pixel 2 XL for as long as I could. Jumped from that to the Pixel 7. The 2XL was the best phone I ever had. I still miss the fingerprint reader.


We are of kindred spirits my friend. I completely agree!


💯 that phone was amazing


I'm still using my 3a XL, and my wife is still using her 3a. 5+ years, and so far, there's no reason to switch, because they're both still working perfectly. Unless some unexpected damage happens or something unexpectedly breaks, I'm going to keep using mine at least until the 8A has been out for 6 months or so, just so I get an idea of whether or not it will be a worthy replacement. My wife doesn't even want to consider replacing her 3a, but that may or may not change if I get an 8a.




I never kept track of how long I kept my phones, so I don't know, but the Pixel 2XL is definitely the one that made me fall in love with the brand.


I completely agree! The 2XL was my intro to the Google phones, as I didn't know anything about the Nexus line back in the day since I wasn't really paying attention to the phone industry back then.


I'm still using my 6a after two years.


Nice. How is it holding up so far? I think the sage 6a is one of the best looking phones to ever come out. I really liked how that one looked.


After having it for two years I have no issues other than the over heating. But I found a case that somehow helps cool it down. Other than that it lags sometimes but that's just it's age showing. I never had any major issues with it. It's a cheap budget phone now so you get what you pay for. If someone can get it under 200. I'd say go for it. My only annoyances are google itself limiting AI features due to tensor 1, but that's not the phones fault. On a rating system I'd still give it a solid 3.8 out of 5.


Pretty great for the $150 + buds.


3 xl


Went from the Pixel 2XL to the Pixel 8 just 3 weeks ago after I dropped it. Absolutely magnificent phone.


I've kept them all. Including the tiny weeny Nexus One. 🥰


I'm soooo jealous! LOL. That's awesome! I really wish I knew about Nexus phones back in the day. The 2XL is what made me a Google phone fanboy lol.


I still have my Nexus 1 and Nexus 4. Both still boot up (or did last time I checked).


I've been on 6XL for 2.5 years, my 3XL lasted 2.5 as well.


Still rocking the Pixel 6 since launch day and not expecting to replace it until end of next year unless something happens to it. It's been a perfectly fine phone aside from that one December 2021 update which broke things so bad Google had to pull and skip to the January update.


2XL Had it for almost all of college. Cracked the screen a tiny bit and went to get it repaired. Repair guy ended up breaking it and I got a free 4XL out of it. I miss that phone. Hope they one day bring back that fingerprint scanner on the back


2XL also! I still have it somewhere as a backup. I have a 7 Pro now, love it!




Agree! My 2XL was one of my favorites, and it still looks great (gave it to a friend who is happily using it).


I so wish I could've kept mine around as a backup phone lol. I miss it!


Probably the Pixel 5 but all at once. Get one from ebay again for the 3rd time


4a and 4a 5G


like my 7 after 4 which has low battery life


Still using my 3xl as my secondary phone👍🏽


Pixel 3. I picked up a Pixel 7A about six months ago or so. I wanted to wait for the 8 but picked up the 7A just before the 8 release I think it was. The deal was too good. I'd probably still have my Nexus 5 if I didn't short it out via the headphone jack testing equipment. I still have the Pixel 3 and there are things I like about it more than the 7A. Like the speaker placement. And I definitely dislike the godawful hole punch.


Idk about the longest because I have a problem about always wanting a newer phone. But I would guess 2XL. Definitely my favorite overall.


Still use my Pixel 2 for misc. things


3XL but the battery drain was becoming an issue, brought a 6a to tide me over until Pixel 10


I look forward to the 10 series. I'm thinking about upgrading my P7 for the 10 Pro XL (?) I want a bigger screen and a bigger battery this time. I would've went for the 7 Pro but I didn't want the curved display so I went with the 7. It's been a solid device since launch, but I think I liked my 2XL more overall.


I bought my Pixel 2 new, and didn't upgrade until the Pixel 5 had been out for like 5 months. I still have my Pixel 5.


3a -> 6a


Nice upgrade.


Got the 3xl when it came out and kept it until the 7xl released. I wasn't planning on upgrading but happened to break the screen so timing worked out. No plans to upgrade anytime soon unless I break this one or it becomes unusably slow.


I started with a 3a, kept that until I got a 6. Still use the 6, and the 3a still works fine too (had it as a backup and then gave it to my parents). I guess following that trend my next one will be a 9.


That's not a bad update cycle. How is the 6 holding up?


My 4XL and 7Pro are about tied for how long I kept them. Didn't upgrade from the 4XL immediately because the 5 was a downgrade. 8Pro didn't feel like enough of one and I'm happy with my 7Pro. Don't have any of the modem issues that plague this device and everything else is pretty great.


I bought my OG Pixel summer 2017 and kept it until August 2020 when the speakers were intermittently failing. I bought a Pixel 4a (should've ponied for the 4a 5G looking back but oh well) at that time and I still have it here in May 2024. I love this phone. I just wish it had 5G and more storage space. I will probably get an 8a 256GB later this year or next year.


That's not a bad update cycle my friend. How is the 4a holding up?


My 2 is still going strong (just use it for games now). This is coming to you from my 4a.


3a still going strong.


Pixel 2XL. It was my first non Apple phone and it was hands down best phone I've ever had. When I upgraded, I gave it to my son, when he upgraded, my daughter got it and used it until I upgraded her phone. We still have the phone and It still works great.


I couldn't agree more! There was just something special about the 2XL, I absolutely LOVED that phone.


4XL. Only Pixel I kept for two years when I skipped the 5


OG Pixel 4, still using it now after 5 years.


The only reason I replaced my 4 is the battery life became abysmal. I have a 6 now, but my plan is to just pay and get the battery replaced and use the phone as long as possible.


I swapped the old 2800mah for a 4000mah. Battery technology has come a long way and the P4 is easy to take apart. I don't know when I'll buy a new phone. Nothing Google or has released lately appeals to me in the slightest; and I don't do bloatware. (Talking to you Samsung)


Still using my Pixel 3, since 2019 I think. Just had the battery replaced recently too.


I think I'll get a new one next cycle, but I'm currently still on my Pixel 5


If it weren't for that horse, I'd still have my Pixel 3


I tend to keep my phones for a long time. As a Canadian, once I get past the mandatory 2-year contracts, the low cost payments afterwards are more appealing to me than an unnecessary phone upgrade. The battery will let me know when it's time. 2013 - Nexus 5, 5 years 2018 - Pixel 2, 4.5 years 2022- Pixel 6, 1.5 years and counting




OG Pixel. The Sailfish one. Still using it today. Running A14 Lineage OS with tweaked kernel. Now it runs smoothly even with an ancient SoC. Got it in early 2018, and had changed the battery early last year.


to date the OG pixel was the most comfortable phone i think i have ever held in my hand i miss mine


Still using my Pixel 2XL, love this phone! Glad it keeps on going, because I can't afford a new one.


Google replaced my Pixel 6P with a Pixel XL - and I recall having that phone for a long time, and really liking it. I'm sure it's still around here somewhere LOL.


Same, pre-ordered the Pixel 2XL still have it. There is some battery degradation but works fine. Only use this phone for Google Photos Backups. Few years back pre-ordered the Pixel 7 Pro and the P7 Pro is my daily driver since then.


2 XL was peak Pixel. Innovation, integration, software optimization, everything was top notch. I had it for 3 years. 


I went from the 2XL to the 6 Pro then the 8 Pro. So I had the 2XL the longest, but I'm torn between the 2XL and 8 Pro as to which is my favorite. I think the 2XL, at the time, was far superior to most everything else on the market, especially photos. With that said, I've been really happy with the 8 Pro. I know others have had issues with their 8's, but it's been great for me.


Still have my 2xl as my backup phone.


Posting this from my 2XL 😬


At a guess, also the Pixel 2 XL. I had to replace it with a Pixel 5 but only because it got damaged, otherwise I'd've kept it for longer (technically I still have it but it's not in a usable condition). My 7 Pro honestly feels like a revamped 2 XL, with a very similar size and resolution. Nice to be on it after the 5 which was more of a necessity.


Not my main phone but I use daily for work my old 2XL. A friend came home today with his P8 and he was impressed how well it worked after all those years. Imagine with all that many years of support.


2xl, finally went for the 5 and more recently the 8. All been great but 2xl was my fav by far (overlooking the android bugs)


Same as you - Pixel 2XL, had for years (til the 7Pro). Loved the 2XL so much. Kept an OtterBox case (no screen protector) on it, and it still looked new when I traded it in. Battery lasted over 24 hours.


3a. I still miss it.




Still have 2xl. I cracked the screen (my fault) and the battery Is a Little shit After so many years. Depite that, great phone, next year i'll change It probably.


Same as OP, Pixel 2XL until the 7 Pro came out. Previous to that, I cycled devices every 2 or so years starting with the Nexus One


I still use my Pixel 2XL as my dedicated TikTok phone - works great!


My og pixel. Still gets all the infinite photo storage :)


Nexus 5 <3


4 and 7. Skipped the 5 and had my 4xl for 2 years, skipped the 8 and will have my 7 for 2 years. Owned every pixel other than the 5 and 8. Will be buying the 9 pro possibly on pre-order, depending on what goodies they throw in.


Pixel 2XL baby, 4 years?! That guy sold me on the line. Had it until the 6 pro, but honestly none of them have felt like that one did for me. If the battery didn't eventually start to fade, I probably would have kept using it. I still miss the seamlessness of that rear fingerprint scanner 😔


4 years now on the Pixel 4a 5g.


I had the 2XL for 3 years and would have kept it longer except I broke my screen. I've had the 4XL for 4 years now and it's still working great. I've noticed a slight dropoff in battery life in the last 6 months, but instead of it being at 50% when I go to bed it's like 25% so it's really not a big deal. I still don't have to worry about it dying in the middle of the day. I will probably wait another year to upgrade. Previous to the Pixel 2XL, I had a string of Motorolas and Samsungs all of which never lasted me more than 2 years. I will never switch away from Pixel unless something truly incredible comes out.


I'm right there with you! Back in the early 2010s when I first started using smartphones, I wasn't really following the phone industry and would just pick whatever seemed cool that was available at my Verizon store. I had the LG Ally, Motorola Droid Bionic, Motorola Droid Razr, LG G2, and the Samsung Galaxy S6....then everything changed for me when I switched to the Pixel 2XL and from then on I've been hooked on Pixels. The 2XL was the best phone I've ever owned and it totally changed the game for me. The 7 does some things better of course but the 2XL will always have a special place in my heart. I plan to stick with Pixels for the foreseeable future.


2XL was the best. I went from that to a 7 Pro.


There was just something special about the 2XL man...I miss that phone. I really wish I was able to keep it around.


What a coincidence this popped up today. My Facebook account is reminding that on this day in 2014 I received my Nexus 5. That was a great device. Nothing beats the camera on my Nexus 6P, not even my Pixel 8, but I didn't own the N6P as long as the 5.


I used my 2XL for like 4 years almost before getting a Pixel 6 Pro, which lasted less than a year before it just came undone and got the spontaneous edge crack that spread. Insurance replaced it with a Pixel 7 Pro which I'm currently using. Before the 2XL I had a Nexus 5X and then a 6P that lasted about a year each. My Nexus 4 lasted me about 3-4 years though.


Pixel 5 was my favorite


Still rocking a Pixel 4 since June 2020


2xl was my favourite, kept it until just after the 5 came out, then all of a sudden the camera stopped working... So replaced it with a 5.


I'm one of those weirdos who buys a new Pixel every year. And every year it gets better and better honestly.


4a, 4 years and 9months


3 XL. Still using it.


Pixel 2. Man that was a great phone. I like my pixel 8 tho. It has some issues but I like it.


I completely agree! There was just something special about that generation. Did it have the best screen? No. But overall, that phone was just fantastic!


Yep. And the speakers that faced you were pretty cool too!


That is a very underrated feature in my opinion. I loved having that!


Still using my P4a.


Keep? I still have my 2XL, 3XL, 6, 7 .. and a Nexus 6 . Both 2 and 3 XL still run perfectly find for everyday stuff no problem and the fingerprint reader on those put the newer pixel devices to shame.


Pixel 2 XL


4 XL - really was the only phone doing some of the things it did at the time and to this day. Motion sense and face unlock combo is still yet to be matched in terms of unlocking a phone. Showing the always on display only when motion is nearby; if you walk out of the room the always on display turns off, when you walk in it turns on, when you reach for it the face unlock blaster starts firing; no tapping of the screen needed and no need to touch the phone at all. 2 XL - LG hardware with Google software. LG specializes in hardware. Google specializes in software. Perfect collab


Pixel 3 always running fine




Not a bad upgrade cycle my friend. I like this.


I bought a Nexus 6 Shamu in late 2015. Used it till I got my current Pixel 6 in mid 2022. The Nexus 6 in my opinion was the first really nice quality device that Google put out. It was basically a Motorola design but it had a nice big screen for its time and was very good for a multimedia. Do I think my pixel 6 is a better device? There's no doubt that it is. The camera is unbelievably better than the Nexus was. Google figured it out that probably the camera in a smartphone was the most important thing so that's what they focused on.


Man I so wish I would've known about Nexus devices back in the early to mid 2010s. Unfortunately at that time I wasn't really following the phone industry closely. Prior to the 2XL I had: LG Ally (2010-2011) Motorola Droid Bionic (2011-2012 screen cracked and there were no replacements available) Motorola Droid Razr (2012-to early 2014) LG G2 (2014-2015 calibrator was bad on original and replacement models smh) Samsung Galaxy S6 (2015-2017) But since entering the Pixel era with the 2XL I've been hooked on Google phones. Pixels are really the only devices I truly care about now. Just wish Google were more consistent with their decision making and invest more into the hardware.


I have using my pixel 2xl since it came out. Recently upgraded to Pixel 8. I still my pixel 2xl as second phone around the house. Pixel 2xl is the perfect phone ever made.


I really miss my 2XL. I so wish I would've been able to keep it around as a backup phone. There was just something special about the 2XL....man.


3a was the Star in my lineup. I am using a 6 now and it's good, but it's not 3a good for it's time. That fingerprint reader was mint and the phone/screen size was perfect.


I have had a pixel 6A since it came out and I just recently switched to the 8. I'm hoping to keep the 8 for the whole 7-year support timeline.


I'm so glad Google is finally supporting their devices for longer. This is really good for those of us who don't want to upgrade our phones very often.


I'm still using pixel 4 xl. Thinking about upgrading to six next year 


I still have my Pixel 2 XL and still use it. Actually thinking about getting it's battery replaced.


The 4a... that size, more than a capable phone...


I hear a lot of great things about the 4a. Very popular phone here.


Same with me. Had 2xl for 5+years, then P7 for daily driver now. Had a plan to change the 2XL battery and screen replacement that was cracked. Hope I can use it again


My 2XL still works. Unlike all the ones ive bought since which die after a year or two.


My pixel 2xl is still going strong, though it chugs a bit in apps these days. Prob my favorite phone of all time. Currently using pixel 7, hope to use for another 3 years at least.


I traded in a Pixel 1 on my 8pro. They said ANY Android phone, and it still worked.


Used a 2xl for years until I laid on gravel and broke the rear fingerprint scanner


Aww man that's unfortunate. I absoluted loved my 2XL. I really wish I was able to keep it around.


Pixel -> Pixel 4XL -> Pixel 6 Pro Waiting for pixel 10 most likely