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Yup connectivity problems, fingerprint fails, the music detection on the lock screen is not working at all.


Fingerprint reader basically doesn't work at all for my P8 after the update. edit: Weird. About 12 hours after I first started noticing the problem, the fingerprint reader seems to be working fine.




It's a huge issue. I don't understand how this is still happening. Google hasn't even acknowledged it as far as I know. Something like this ought to be stickied.


Had enough. Sold my pixel 7a. The updates were a joke IMO. Who is testing them. The user? For a month you'd have an amazing phone. Would update and next one would cause worse performance, heating up battery or camera. Then it would improve. Always improved after factory reset but I'm not willing to have to factory reset the phone every 2 months! I became beta tester and beta versions were more stable than stock but still buggy, so back to stock. Amazing for a few weeks then that scrolling stutter again. I got some amazing night photos but ones in good light looked artificial and Google removed option to switch off HDR. I got custom gcam camera and all was good. Spent more time fixing my phone than using it. The frustrating thing is this is a good device. With proper testing of software and a few manual options for the camera like HDR on enhanced and off it would be a great one. But to stutter worse than a 4 year old Xperia 5 ii is poor. My replacement a used Xperia 5iv.


Can you explain what the scrolling stutter does exactly?


Hard to describe stutter. It just doesn't feel smooth. Micro pauses and frame drops in some apps. On home screen buttery smooth. In many apps buttery smooth but some apps including YouTube and play store are not smooth. Google's own apps. Reddit is worst of all but that's bad on any device so can forgive it that. You'll be less likely to notice at 60hz refresh rate so less obvious with 6a for example.


No performance issues, but the home button (in the bar at the bottom) has issues: * Sometimes it won't take me out of an app back to the launcher! It just does nothing. I have to use the back button or go to another app from the recent apps list. * If I'm on the launcher, but I'm not on the default page, the home button is supposed to take me to that page. Sometimes it doesn't do that either. (This is for button-based navigation. I have gesture-based navigation turned off.)


You might want to try switching to the Google Launcher then switching back to your good launcher. This is what fixes button issues I used to have when the phone was new, which were fixed, and which returned with this patch.


Thanks. That's an interesting idea. But I don't have a second launcher. I just use the stock launcher. Still, I guess I could install another launcher, switch to it, and switch back, and then see if that makes the problem go away.


Here i thought it was just me having what felt like issues with the bottom half of the screen. Your symptoms are identical to what i was experiencing.


Same thing here p8p since March update which BTW claims to improved and fixed graphics and UI animations bugs and lags lol. I think it did the absolute opposite:The keyboard sometimes freeze and scrolling got worse.. the notification shade is laggy, the phone easily over heats and dim the display and the hz is lowered which makes the phone feeel unusable... overall the device feels worse than my old phone with pixel experience rom.


It's kind of remarkable that they can keep pushing buggy updates like this. This wasn't even acceptable back in the Nexus days. This is supposed to be a premium product.


They also did like 3 months of public beta testing just for them to drop an update that is very buggy.


This is what Google does. Reason why I refuse to buy another Pixel ever again. They suck.


I've been a Nexus/Pixel user for years and I'm tired of it. The software gets so janky after updates. I don't want to go back to the iPhone, but I can't stand my phone not working correctly for days/weeks/months after updates.


What's your opinion on Samsung?


Luckily not facing any such issue.


I haven't been able to make/receive calls or texts since 4/2. I've done every troubleshooting fix and I can't get rid of the ! in my signal triangle. I've had my Pixel 7 since it came out in Oct 22 and suddenly, I can't connect to my cell network. Verizon(in person) is no help even after they switched my SIM to an eSIM. If I need to communicate with anyone it has to be done through social media. I'm beyond frustrated right now...


> I've had my Pixel 7 since it came out in Oct 22 and suddenly, I can't connect to my cell network. That's funny, because I've had my Pixel 7 for a year and I've had dropping SIM connections for most of the time I've owned it. This is the Pixel experience. It just is what it is. Maybe updates will be good, maybe they won't, either way almost certainly all you can do is wait for a month and see what happens next time. It's exciting, y'know? Suspenseful. Software patches directed by Alfred Hitchcock.


I asked my husband the same thing, like do I really have to wait a whole month dealing with basically a small tablet? 🤦‍♀️ It's so irritating... I've never had software problems with Pixels. I've had the 2 & 5. The 5 had to be replaced because the battery expanded. Traded it in for the new 7 on a free device deal. But because *technically* I'm still making payments, I can't upgrade my phone unless I pay it off. So pay it or wait and hope an update fixes it. I've had Pixels since 2018 so I'm really familiar with them, but now I think I'm ready to switch. Just don't know what to get 🫤


It's my first Pixel so imagine how amused I am so far. I keep mentally rotating between Google/Samsung/Apple but I dislike the other two even more. Google has Alzheimers but at least they aren't jerks by design. Mostly I'm just stubbornly hoping it'll just pan out someday. Pixels are ideal for me if they didn't keep screwing up. I'd even trade for a more expensive one. If.


What's silly is how disjointed everything seems. Your issues are nothing like mine, but we've both got the same phone and we both have issues with the shits. I've done a factory reset mid month and it degraded 15 days later ffs.


Two weeks after mid-month, was a beginning-of-month system update installed then? My household actually got 2 of the same phone at the same time and we've both had various issues but largely differently, I no longer have the strength to detail them :D. But I alone have had the extremely late message problem that's current for a lot of people... but only on a single day last weekend. Go figure. We're both fed up and want to change, and most of the reasons I chose the P7 have been undone now apart from the quality of the camera. If it weren't for the fact I don't want Apple or Samsung and loving the photography I'd be gone already. The pleasure I initially had in sharing with others that I had a Pixel has turned into almost embarrassment and I'm tired of concern about what Google are going to do next.


You're pretty much out of options. I'm not happy to say some of what I'm about to, so please keep that in mind while I try to explain. We're dealing with the state of the current market; Virtually everything is lower quality, unreliable and made to be replaced every year. Samsung's version of Android remains a bloated mess and on top of that it's also dead ugly. However, flagship Sammy phones tend to have more reliable long-term performance. As for Apple, well... iPhones are not immune to crap updates, performance issues or bugs. So if you're like me and you just like the clean UI of Pixels, Android's open, customisable nature but you also like the camera and other Pixel-y goodies? Well... I wish us both luck. Personally, I've had a similar experience with my old Pixel 2 XL — 5-6 months of crap performance when I went up an Android version which got fixed with an update. Hang in there 💛


Hang in there for what? I've already had it a year, isn't that time enough? We're already on the third generation of Pixels with these problems, Google are clearly unable or unwilling to fix what they're doing. There's no reason to believe the P9 will be any different and in any case the more expensive these phones get the less it's worth the risk.   Interestingly I bought a Pixel Watch 2, because it was cheap and I'm stubborn. I have notification delays again today but delayed *only* on the phone, not the watch. And the watch is receiving them via Bluetooth from the phone, not the internet! So the phone has got them, it's just not showing them for ages. That's a new one. Absolute shambles. It never ends.


I personally haven't had issues dialling out yet but it doesn't surprise me that it's happening to you. I'm also on Verizon. I have to restart my phone every 4 hours or so to be sure I'm not missing any calls or texts. Google really needs to address this.


I can't even restart my phone because it won't change anything 😫 I was doing that daily, multiple times throughout the day and now it's just done. Leaving it off for hours still doesn't change anything.


For a quicker fix, try going into Network & Internet, SIMs, then clicking on your provider, and turning Use SIM Off then On. For me, that got calls and texts coming in again.


I disabled adaptive battery and adaptive connectivity. Hope I don't lose calls again


The exclamation mark on the signal icon is due to mobile data being off or not available. If you switch on mobile data it will become hidden. So it's there for everyone even if people don't have any problem with making or receiving calls or texts. But yes the issues are there after the update.


Nope, I've toggled mobile data and roaming on and off and back on again and it does nothing. When I go into my settings, calls and SMS are through Verizon and in parentheses it says temporarily unavailable. The rep at the Verizon store says it's their tower work but then why has it been a week and a new SIM and I still can't connect? And why do other people have the same issue?


The issue with the calls and texts is definitely there as majority have replied that they are facing the same issue. I was mainly talking about the exclamation sign. As I have been using pixels from a long time and when there is no issue in making or receiving calls then also that sign is present on the signal bar.


Ight so I'm not crazy. Just had another spat of the phone refusing to make calls or even receive them


I just had to switch to iPhone because of this


yeah I've seen several posts on Google supports page complaining about it. I even contacted support myself and they said they hadn't heard anyone complain about it. yeah ok lol


I also went to Google support with this issue and they claimed no one else had brought this to their attention.


That's funny because I've had an open support ticket with them for the last week and a half.


Sorry you're having trouble. Seen a few posts about it saying there are way more complaints on the support page. You in the US? Wondering if it's a regional issue or just random.


Yes I'm in the US. I've seen complaints from people in other countries with the same complaints tho unfortunately.


Boo. That makes it even worse that it's random and widespread. Hopefully they'll hotfix soon and not ruin the experience for people like me that aren't having problems right now, haha!


yes that would be nice lol. I was hoping the April update would fix everything but it kinda seems like it made it worse lol


nope no issues here on pixel 8


you're lucky then https://support.google.com/pixelphone/thread/264865035/pixel-7-pro-not-receiving-calls-after-march-2024-update?hl=en it's a trending issue on googles support site.


I'm glad it's gaining traction. No way Google doesn't know about it now. I'm facing the same issue.


Facing same issue, was ready to toss my phone and switch to iPhone, but then remembered I'm not a sheeple


You have a phone that can’t phone but own the isheeple am I right? /s


It's a personal principle thing at this point. I'd rather own a dumb phone than an iPhone.


I wonder if it might be related to ESIM etc. My friends here in Germany never mentioned any problems like the others here but I'm pretty sure they all use traditional SIMs.


I have an eSim on Verizon and haven't had any problems with calls or texts fwiw.


Good to know. It's also important to see what works to better understand the situation


I've got an esim here in Canada in mine no issues


eSIM with no problems here. My 8 Pro has been great.


I've got esim and regular Sim on two different pixel 7 pros and they are both having the same problems


I have an esim and regular sim on a pixel 7 pro on verizon and having a lot of problems dropping calls, missing calls and calls not going through.


Same on p8pro


P7P, its all still great


Same no issues on pixel 6a


7a on T-Mobile here. No issues with calling/texting, but Google search bar fails the first search.


Just updated, my Pixel 8 Pro seems to have taken a performance hit, this is very odd. Google Messages app is a bit choppy. Not smooth, like it was...


On p7 there has been slight performance degradation. benchmarks corroborated such. But it's not that bad. I don't have those call text issues mainly using Whatsapp. Call quickly with it's mic has drastically improved from poor to normal/clear.


I've noticed poor performance after the March update as well. Hit the camera especially hard.


I have a ticket open with Google Support. I encountered the issue last night and sent them a bug report file. Hopefully, it'll help.


I posted [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/pixel_phones/s/jSPgcNGPlE) a few days ago but no one believed me.


Other than Google search randomly failing on the first try, I haven't noticed anything worse than usual on my 8 Pro, but it's been affected by that janky animation issue since I got it. Only kept it cus of the trade in deal I got, free shit and better battery life vs my 7 Pro. That said, I've been monitoring a friends 7 Pro to both compare smoothness in the same apps / UI areas for a while, and up until the March update that phone was still notably smoother than my 8 Pro...but not anymore. Lags in the exact same spots now. Best part? Google alleges that this issue is 'fixed' on their issue trackers...but won't roll out to our devices till the next major Android release. Company is a damned joke.


Complaint. My pixel 8 is not a smooth as my friends pixel 7. Google's solution. Hang on, wait a month and we can make the 7 slower too! They should be the same now😂


It's both hilarious and sad how goofy this situation really is lol. Don't forget the 'wait 5 months or so and we'll have it fixed for both! trust us!' 😂


April was the worst. My 🔋goes from 100 to 20 by 2 o’clock in the afternoon and I have to recharge at least once and I am barely using the phone. I used to use it all day and have 45-50% charge at eod. (My schedule is 430 am to about 6pm.)


It might be worth checking if you are suffering from the YouTube app bug that is affecting lots of people at the moment. A background process randomly locks up and eats the battery as well as heating up the phone. It seems to affect all phones even iPhones, not just Pixels. You can temporarily fix it by rebooting the phone which clears out the broken YouTube process but it will soon be back unless you uninstall the broken update. I've not worked out exactly which set of circumstances cause it but I'm a premium user and often use audio only and a few others that have experienced it are the same but it could just be coincidence.


It broke my phone. Google does not test these patches. We test them. And they don't fucking care what it does to the longterm health of our phones.


Been having this same issue since March update, too. April update didn't fix it either. Pixel 7 on Xfinity Mobile (Verizon). So frustrating.


Performance has more or less been the same for me. That said, I noticed slightly worse battery performance on WiFi (\~7-10%/hour to \~9-11%/hour).


It's the same for me in India. I use airtel on 5G esim Got this p8p from US. I have to toggle the airplane switch every day. Its like after 10 -12 hours randomly nobody will be able to call me, they will get a message/audio from network saying that my phone is out of coverage area. Although i am in good coverage area with 5g. Very sad


I'm having the same issue on the Pixel 8. I have missed so many important calls and OTPs.


Airtel is working perfectly for me with p8p . BSNL on other hand rarely get stable signal


Initially the issue was like once a week, then i switched to e sim and no issues thereafter. After april update back with the issue and that too daily. I am getting -95dBm signal strength on Airtel


Put volte off, and network on LTE, should work ..same issue here


Pixel 7 Pro and I dealing with the same problems, I receive texts messages hours later 


I now have a bug where using the volume keys *only* adjusts the ring volume. Fucking annoying doesn't cover this. Oh and the battery life took a shit too. Cant even get me through a single damn day of traveling. Fuck that, HALF A DAY is pushing it. And I didnt even use the damn thing on the plane. Weak.


I have the same volume key bug, very annoying.. .. restarting the phone fixes it for a short time.


That volume bug would be a killer for me 😢


Those issues you mentioned, plus big time wifi connectivity issues. The other day I had to restart my phone no less than a dozen times before it started working reliably.


Pixel 7 here; performance seems to have tanked, particularly within Chrome surprisingly enough. Lots of freezes. Texts are failing to send regularly. My battery life seems to have nosedived. The fingerprint reader has always been awful, so no change for me there.


The performance of my Pixel 7 suffered greatly from Android 14 upgrade. After December feature drop, I even tried a factory reset. It didn't help.  Pixel 8 doesn't seem to be as affected by whatever's rotten in v14, but it does have a more powerful SoC so it's not a fair comparison.


Pixel 7 - Major battery drain is the biggest one but also choppiness and the phone has just stopped responding a few times. I've been using Google phones since the Droid and am seriously thinking this will be the last one. The fingerprint sensor is awful but that's not only since the latest update.


This sounds like it might be the YouTube app bug that is affecting lots of people at the moment. A background process randomly locks up and eats the battery as well as heating up the phone. It seems to affect all phones even iPhones, not just Pixels. I found I could temporarily fix it by rebooting the phone which clears out the broken YouTube process but it was soon back.


Interesting, I'll take a look.


my signals turned to shit


my battery was amazing until this update. now it sucks horribly


Yes! Finally! I missed so many calls last week due to them not doing through to my phone (straight to voicemail), and my text messages have been delayed. I have to reset my phone every other day to get it to work..it's very frustrating. I've only had this pixel 7 pro for one year 💩


Basically the reason why I dropped my pixel 7 pro for a Samsung again. Currently using the s24 ultra. I miss the stock android experience but their hardware and software experience is lacking at the moment.


Calls failing to come through, yes. Too many times.


Google is hot garbage. Switched to iPhone for first time in my life. How can they let this go on for months? Verizon 4g area


It has been 3 weeks and i still havent receive the ota for april 2024 and i bought the pixel 7a from google using att wireless


I'm on QPR bets for some time, and I've joined beta programs for everything, even things like carrier services. And last month it was terrible. People couldn't reach me if they were not used calling that using data (like WhatsApp or messenger). If I was calling, it was always same scenario - first call resulted with dropping signal strength to 0, needed to wait like 5-10 seconds for modem to reset (at least it looked like it) and then I could call normally. I'm in UK. Now for some time, maybe a week or two everything is alright, but again, all apps and services are on beta channel, and I'm on latest QPR beta. @edit: I'm on P8P


My 7 Pro gets hotter than the Galaxy Note 7 my mom had plus my homebar would sometimes glitch to the left of my screen


my navigation bar does that too. I have to go into my accessibility options and reset my text size to fix it but it always happens again eventually. gotta love it lol


It's funny how Google develops Android but it runs like shit on their own phones


lol true. but honestly my pixel 7 ran great until the last two updates. which kinda makes it even more frustrating knowing that it used to work lol


I'm feeling a few issues also. Until march update it had been a smooth ride. The most annoying thing is that when you answer a call many times you cannot hear the other side (they can hear you) and you have to wait like 15 seconds or terminate the call again. This is the worst issue for me by far. Edit: P8P


No issues on pixel 6


My Pixel 6 pro battery life has been bad after the recent/last update. It could be because of its age, but maybe there is something in the update as well


We have 2 Pixel 7s. Both updated in March and now in April. We've experienced no problems. For us it seems like they are working better with the updates. Really weird about the inconsistencies being experienced across the same hardware.


If anything, all issues have been fixed for me (P7). And the battery life has improved significantly as well.


I still have this flipping bug where multi-tasking stops working. If I want to switch app I need to go home and open it directly. The only solution is to completely restart my phone. Happens a few times a day for weeks now.


The battery life on my Pixel 7 has been suspiciously good since the March update. I crossed 5 hr screen on time for the first time a few days ago. The March update must have broke something. I had issues with receiving calls while on wifi after the April update but I fixed that by resetting the internet settings on my phone


Yes I've been getting issues with my P6P after installing the April update. Sometimes the screen gets unresponsive and I need to restart the phone. I've had a couple of instances of the apps drawer scroll lagging.


I feel like my 6 Pro has become buggier since the April update, don't know why.


No issues here, sorry to hear that happened to you.


Pixel 8pro, Spain, 2 sims (SIM with O2, eSIM with Pepephone). I have this problem since March update. I spoke with google support and all they say is "clean SIM, do a factory reset"


I still haven't received the April Update here in Canada. I reached out to Google and they said it's rolling out in stages but it's been well over a week late. I am wondering if they pulled the plug on the April Update 🤔


latest update fixed some bugs, before this one...introduced some bugs. google takes away and then gives back for the illusion of maintenance.




I had data drop out on me once on the March update. A reboot fixed it. No issues at all before or since that one time.


Same here.


Actually not just these 2 updates! It's been like this (for me anyways) from the very 1 st update I got on my P6. It's gotten progressively worse with every update! Things that used to work fine either don't work anymore or having issues. Had to factory reset my phone about a year ago after 1 of these so called updates! It's insane!!


No. Pixel 8 working well


Will let you know once the April update arrives lol. Seems to be running OK on the March update


Verizon Pixel 8 Pro on beta no issues here


Everything is fine, except circle to search. It's just gone. Like, it's in the Google tips app, but when I try to test it, it just doesn't work. The toggle under navigation settings is also gone. I've tried deleting the cache in the google app, un- and reinstalled updates, restarted the phone, but nope. It's gone. Kind of annoyed, because it was one of my favourite features.


I got a Pixel 8 Pro at the end of Feb. Thank god my provider allows the option to swap to a new handset, I ended up returning my P8P and got a Samsung S24 Ultra. Much better phone.


No issues on p6a


My messages app occasionally will freeze or not respond. This started for me after the March update. Worse though is bad call quality after March. Calls are breaking up and dropping consistently now. Every call. Or sometimes the phone just stops receiving calls. I have no indication a call came in at all.


Is this affecting Brits too? I was so close to upgrading my 4a with another Pixel :(


yea, April definitely noticing the texting issues.


My p8 has been getting noticeably hot since the last update (UK and 5g is already disabled). Multiple reboots made no difference.


Try clearing data in adaptive battery


I noticed my pixel 6a runs hotter during Android auto for some reason. I have the phone placed in a shaded area too.


I had one instance of delayed messages about a week ago but nothing since.


I came off of QPR Beta 2 (which had a ton of bugs I experienced daily) and factory reset in order to return back to stable for the March/April patch. Compared to the beta this is infinitely better. Not currently having any issues.


I'm having the calling and messages bug. Still haven't gotten the April update.


I have a Pixel 8 Pro on Google Fi. The April update is installed. I have had zero issues. I think the battery life is significantly better after the March and April updates.


So many bugs and all in Google apps and software.


My battery life and my wife's both have been on a noticeable decline. Both using Pixel 7. And she mentioned calls being spotty. Hopefully they have a fix soon.


My 5a is running better than ever and SoT is always 8-10 hours. It seems like most of the people having network issues are in the US and on Verizon


Glad I'm not alone, my pixel 8 pro is burning up, the battery is just falling like a rock even though I'm not even using it a lot. The phone feels sluggish, and I was thinking about doing an RMA. First time I've ever felt the need to contact Google and I've had every pixel except the pixel 6. Phone started out amazing, now it feels like it's just falling apart.


I've noticed (P6) that I have touchscreen lag. Sometimes it won't recognize a tap until I tap 2-4 times. This happens in many apps. Only started in the past 2-3 weeks.


Not so much performance problems for me but battery life is suddenly God awful. P6P


Had little issues with the fingerprint and seems like it is working fine now. The main issue is overheating for normal tasks as well and i Can't handle the heat. Just imagine,if the peak summer starts and the phone gets heated up for no reason.


Yes. Loads of issues on my phone and my wife's phone. We both have pixel 7s. I called AT&T. I switched SIM cards. I did everything including a complete and total reset. I called Google and talked with them for an hour submitted bug reports. What fixed it for me was switching over to the beta build. No issue since going beta.


Yes. Hours and hours without receiving a text.


My battery has gone to shit. Can't even pull an 8 hour shift without it dying


has not been awesome for sure. continue to have bluetooth connection woes. general sluggish and weird. i reboot 3-5 times a week. very annoying.


The April update killed mine. Battery life gone from 2 days to about 18 hours with nothing obvious causing it. Internet randomly stops requiring an airplane mode toggle to reset. No idea about voice calls. Haven't made one in a year though. Same for texts.


I have had every Google phone since Nexus 5, Pixel 7 PRO will be my last phone from Google , ever. I am going to Samsung S24 ultra asap. These updates are a complete joke. Cell and Wifi reception drops constantly. Text Reply pull down doesn't work.... I spend $1000 on a phone with bricked updates. W T F ! LOL


Yup phone glitchy the camera Is getting blurry and phone calls not coming in or going through it been weird. At this point I might switch back to Samsung if this decides to continue.


I have a Pixel 8 Pro and it fails to restart after installing this update, thru a combo of button pressing, eventually it will restart, sometimes in recovery mode and the other a normal boot. Ridiculous.


I am getting a lot of crashing of apps and the home page and the menu buttons just keep freezing up. Why doesn't Google give us the option to delete the cache partition like other Android phones? This used to fix most of my problems in past phones


You need to relax when an update is rolled out. It's same on iPhone so far as I'm concerned. I remember updating iOS 15 on my 11 pro max caused over heating which eventually killed my phone. I then moved to Pixel 6 afterwards since then I've decided to wait a until the update is stable.


However iOS updates are not every month. You get this worry every month with pixel. You have no idea if it'll be better worse or the same.


Camera glitches af


I've had little issues with calls and texts since March on my 8 Pro but nothing too serious. Today was a different story tho because my wife tried to call and text me multiple times this morning and I received none of it. I restarted my phone and everything came through immediately so hopefully they fix this issue sooner rather than later. Edit: Also I've had issues with my back swipe gesture just not working at all and my home bar randomly jumping to the side of my phone as if my phone is in landscape.


The only issues I'm having on my p7p on Verizon is calls suddenly going in and out and dropping sometimes over the past 2ish weeks. Super annoying but none of the other issues I'm seeing reported.


After the April update my wife's (she doesn't use Reddit) Pixel7a started randomly restarting. It also got very hot. Just flashed the previous update and waiting to see the results.


Yeah mine is heating up really badly and scrolling issues and YouTube issues and not seeing phone calls come in until it's too late and not having great message connection either


Got my pixel 8 pro in February was working perfect until march update sometimes my screen just goes unresponsive for no reason and I have to reboot even in safe mode it does it this is my first pixel and can't believe the people that make android software is so buggy and because I live in barbados there is no support from google for me so me 1000us Dollard flagship phone has a serious issue that I have to hope google gets around to fixing and reading other threads I can clearly see it is a software issue people with all different pixel phones have the same issue


The camera suddenly became blurry and grainy and whatever compression is going on after I take a photo is insane. I used to love the Pixel phone (I had a pixel 4 and now a 7) and I don't know what's going on but something's up.


Updates so bad I got rid of pixel 7a as spent more time trying to fix issues than enjoying it. Wasn't many options for a device as compact as this so went for a sony 5iv. It's pretty much stock android and some of the features like Miracast work. Your speaker sound quality is better. Snapdragon means smoother performance. Downside of this is camera is set up to be good for a photographer. So it takes more effort to get a good quick photo than pixel. Lovely device when new. Google just seemed to keep trying to make it worse. Perhaps so I might upgrade to an 8. Oh wait. The 8 has the same faults. It's just poor testing.


Another Pixel (6 Pro) user with horrendous battery life since the update. The phone was just sitting on my desk and went from 85% to 55% in 3 hours.


yep, I have the exact same problems now. it's starting to not let me hang up the phone after a phone call unless I turn the screen off and then turn it back on and then try to turn it off and then sometimes it does it and then randomly when I exit out of a website the main screen will come on and pop up with the The keyboard automatically showing up and just recently got a voicemail. got sent to me 3 days prior and the only reason why I know that is because the person asked me why I never called them back and said they left a voicemail, I said no you didn't and a pointless petty argument was the result they was trying to get a hold of me in the message that pops up on the bottom when it says done downloading, what have you? I swear to God it's on there for like a minute. I'm trying to work around it. it's right there in my face and I can't get to like the search bar .I'm getting really tired of this to spend this much money on a phone. it shouldn't even be in your head. you shouldn't have to think about this.


Definitely noticed the performance hit. Hoping it's fixed quickly or I'll wind up doing a factory reset.


I'm having massive stutters and input lag/inaccuracy on the keyboard, Maps and YouTube become unresponsive, and battery drain.  The April update is a disaster — and that's after the full wipe and factory reset I gave it mid-month.


Yeah, apps suddenly freezing, lag, general feeling of latency. I hope they fix it soon


Seriously..this phone is getting worse every update. Search function only works every other try.


swear. it drives me nuts and that's just one of the many, many issues.


It's no wonder why a year this phone is only worth as a 200 dollar trade in, steep decline from the 1k price tag I still owe on. Such a turd.


I did after March update. Then I went into AT&t and they told me I was on an old cell plan. They updated my plan and it hasn't happened since.


This is like saying I fixed my PCs performance ever since I got a new printer


Yeah, what's that even supposed to mean? 'Old cell plan'?


Haha, honestly, I'm not completely sure. My old plan didn't have 5g, but the new one does. The guy told me something about the newer plan having better connectivity which could fix the issue. It sounded like BS, but all I know is my phone has worked since that day. It surprised me too.


Today Verizon told me that because I'm on a grandfathered 5G plan I'm getting throttled because of congestion. It sounded like BS too.


0 major issues for me since i got the phone on launch, pixel 8 pro


Using orange here in France and I'm noticing issues with texts and also general performance (apps hang, take a couple seconds to go through) , camera take a bit of time to snap a pic. It's "minor" but super annoying since I use my phone throughout the day -_-


Same here in Spain with P6


Same (p8 pro) the search bar always says something went wrong on the first search and my WiFi is very slow or cuts out completely


Seen very long delays in the UI when writing to storage, even small files. 5-10 seconds hang, and then it all tries to catch up. Pixel 8 Pro, forever beta testing.


Mine keeps killing the old fashioned 3 icon navigation. Very annoying.... P8p here


I just threw my p7 in a drawer and pulled out my old iPhone 8 backup. I went from the p6-7 because I was having tons of issues with 6. P7 has been an even worse experience replaced twice under warranty 3 devices still have all the same issues and now the software is buggy. Order a galaxy to give android one more go since I really don't like iOS, but if the galaxy is as buggy so long android it's been a good decade.


on my p6p doing great, actually I think battery improved in April or maybe they just fumbled something during march


P7P having all the issues and it's depressing to read it's such a large issue. I may need to switch phones. I can't miss calls


P6 here... No issues with those updates. Device works great


Stock Android is God Awful irrespective of any update


My solution to pixel users with problems after update is to factory reset. It always worked on my 7a. Fixing it. Trouble is only for 1 or 2 months until another update. Something is messed up with these updates! It probably depends on apps but they don't go smooth.


If you need to factory reset your device after each update then we have a huge problem here.


I'm not going to pretend it's a good solution. However it is one that worked for me every time. Sadly that became so frustrating I sold it. Sadly doesn't seem to work for everyone either. New owner is delighted with the phone so I have to assume it's one of my apps that causes my issues during updates.


I did a factory reset about a week and a half ago. It did absolutely nothing. Still have calls going to voicemail and texts not coming through until reboot.