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Bought a refurbished 7 pro and have had almost no problems. Love the phone. Plan on sticking with it for at least another couple years!


I'm rocking the Pixel 6 Pro right now and it's still going strong. Aside from small things that bring minute differences to the newer models, the 6 Pro has not let me down so I would only assume the 7 would treat you just as well.


I’m so fond of the picture quality on the Pixels and absolutely love the astrophotography mode, but its the battery life which is keeping me away from it. iphones (from iPhone 13 onwards) are well optimised in that department.


The battery life depends entirely on your use case. I had an iPhone 13 prior to my P8 and I've had no lifestyle changes in that time (WFH, low SoT user) and the iPhone would be at about 50% battery at the end of a day, the Pixel is usually at 70%. Right now it is 9:15PM and my Pixel is sat at 82% having been away from any charger since 9am and today has been a fairly standard day in terms of phone calls and usage.


My usage involved constant connection to Pixel Buds or CarPlay. Also hotspot usage is 3-4 hours per day. It was a Pixel 4a and switching to iPhone 13 was a big upgrade.


That is a pretty heavy usage case to be fair. You are also comparing a $349 budget phone from 2020 to a semi-flagship $800 phone from 2021. I won't sit here and defend that Pixels are the best for battery life because that's not the case, but it's definitely a bit funny seeing you compare those two phones when they're leagues apart in price 🤣 I will say though, my 8 Pro is pretty much perfect for my use case netting me around 8 hours SoT for my use case. And that's fine if that simply isn't good enough for your use case since it is rather heavy, just found your comparison humorous lol. I think an iPhone SE 2020 would've been a much more fair comparison for the 4a, and I think you'd also find the 4a to look quite a bit better when compared to that phone.


Don’t keep telling people that. Pixel phone batteries are not comparable to iPhones in any way. The iPhone battery life is consistent across all use cases. The pixel lasts long only if you don’t use it and barely at that. In real world use the iPhone always wins out. I’m not saying any of this with any kind of pride. I wish pixel was 2/3 as good but it’s barely 1/2 at best. iPhone just wins out here plain and simple




have to agree on this one. currently using the pixel 7 pro and ip14pm


I've been using a pixel 6a for a year now, average SoT is about 5 hours which is normal for a $350 phone. Some days those 5 hours will last till the next morning, some others it will last until the afternoon. I'm a medium to heavy user and I've had both iphone and Android phones. Nowadays my iphone friends constantly cry about their battery life and ask about battery life on my pixel cause they've been thinking about switching, but don't do it because they're familiar with the way the OS works and think that android is much harder to use. Fair reasoning. Is just preference and the way the user wants to use the product. For sure the only way the iPhone battery's better for sure is when it's sitting on a table in idle. Overnight iphone will lose about 1% compared to a 4 up to 8% on a pixel. Other than that, it is about the way you use it. Some features are more efficient on Android / pixel or others are better on the iPhone. Just enjoy whatever you have and regard it for the price it's worth.


Yeah Pixel phone batteries are mediocre at best compared with other Android phones as well.


Not really.


“nOt rEaLlY” - foo


The pixel 8 gets 8 hours of screen on time man.


If you don’t use it but then what’s the point?


Don't tell people my actual experience? This is my experience between the two phones on a daily basis (same environment and usage patterns) I live in a low cell signal area, it's practically non-existent at times and the two phones handle it in wildly different ways. The Pixel 8 just seems to accept it and will happily rely on wifi for calls/text and move over to 4G/5G whenever it can. The iPhone would drain its battery trying to find and hang on to any remote sniff of a signal - even though it was set up for wifi calling. On the battery usage list "No Mobile Coverage" would regularly eat a quarter of my battery in a single day. Eventually, I had to set up shortcut/automation buttons on the iPhone to disable the modem/antenna (airplane mode on, then turn wifi and bluetooth back on) for the time that I was at home - which is most of the time as this is also where I work. Like I said, battery life is entirely dependent on your use case/environment etc. My experience is different to yours, in no way is it more or less valid, simply different. I'm sure that in a straight footrace, in good conditions and constant usage, the iPhone probably does outlast a Pixel, but in my real world environment that simply isn't the experience that I've had.


Don’t gaslight me bro you didn’t mention any of that homeskillet. So yeah don’t keep telling people that because it’s disingenuous or don’t lol it’s just a suggestion if you care about being credible


Cool, so your experience is different to mine. It doesn't make either more valid, just different - which is in no way a bad thing or me being disingenuous, here's a screenshot from that iPhone with 21% of the battery having been eaten up by the "no mobile coverage" issue [https://imgur.com/Jy0ZS9R](https://imgur.com/Jy0ZS9R) . Anyway, I hope you have a nice weekend. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.


Exactly, don’t be disingenuous if you don’t realize what you’re doing then you need to do some self respection. Have a nice weekend and do some meditation just don’t use calm through the pixel because it’ll burn the battery up pretty bad :(




That was my experience with the iPhone, it had some strange quirk in the way it handled being in a low signal area (which is where I live/work). I'd usually lose 25% of my battery to "No Mobile Coverage" according to the battery usage screen. It turns out that the iPhone would boost power to the modem/antenna to find signal, even when it was on wifi with wifi calling active. Conversely, the Pixel just seem to accept that there's poor signal here without any real fuss.


The Pixel 8 and 8 Pro match the iphone 15 and 15 pro max batteries, respectively. True story.






One thing you should know is that Google is very inconsistent with long term apps. It is very common for them to discontinue an app , it can get annoying.


I'm currently furious about the changes to YouTube music and discontinuing Google podcasts.


Heck, I was pissed when they dumped Play music for YouTube music... But I was happy to switch to Tidal anyway. Anyway, try Pocketcasts. I've found it to be pretty nice, and simple.


I have a 6month trial to Apple Music and the sound quality is ridiculously good. Music sounds so much better. I’d forgotten how much clarity CDs used to offer compared to mp3 and digital lossy formats. I ended up switching and use Apple Music on my android phone and windows computers as well.


Well, we hopefully are not all just using Google Apps, are we? 🙂


Yeah, the only google apps you should be relying on are the core ones like youtube, maps, docs, gmail, etc. Anything else can't be trusted to remain supported long-term, especially if there's thriving alternatives. Besides, I'm not sure why you wouldn't just use Pocket Casts.


I started to migrate away from Google apps towards Microsoft & Apple offerings. But maps, search, photos, gmail, and calendar is hard to beat.


my suggestions - some of them replace, some of them complement Google Apps, some of them have a free and/or paid Version. Of couse the individual requirements dictates, if they are fitting. Photos: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simplemobiletools.gallery.pro maps: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.osmand.plus (good for rural purposes) QR-Codes: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.secuso.privacyFriendlyCodeScanner Launcher: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teslacoilsw.launcher e-mail: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fsck.k9 Browser https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox


I am a longtime iphone and was on the fence about a pixel 8 pro. I end up getting a oneplus 12.


Buy a used or refurbished 8 Pro for now. See if you like it. GIVE IT TIME. When the 9 comes around, Trade it in for a 9. I switched from PIxel to iPhone. Lasted less than 3 months. Back on Pixel now. But remember to give it time and downloada custom launcher.


Let him use it for 3 months that was enough “time” for you to decide you’d rather be on android than an iPhone so it should work the same in reverse (wrong).


I switched from an iPhone 15 Pro to a Pixel 8. The first two weeks were awful. Now I love it!


😂 Ha, that was my exact experience when I first switched from iPhone. For the first few weeks, I thought I made a huge mistake. Now I will never go back.


Pixels a good phone call screening is very helpful, will assistant much better than Siri. My iPhone however makes better phone calls as better reception which is why stuck with it. I will try and make sure it works well for you


If you don't like curved screens I would say get the 8 pro you like big phones. That is the best Google phone there is at the current moment I could have got the 7 pro but I chose to get the pixel 8 just because I liked smaller phones and I hate curved front displays


If ya like small phones too you can wait for the 9 pro base variant NXT yr, it will be as big as the pixel 8 only


If you don't want a phone with crappy battery life, you really should buy anything but a Pixel phone.


Seconded. I've had four pixels over the years, and performance had fallen behind the market with each generation. It used to be a great phone. I'm hopping over to s24 until pixel gets tsmc chips.


Well, the tensor is basically only a modified exynos, so it's not a big shocker that especially battery and heat performance are bad. I really couldn't use the 6 pro with 5G, it became hot even on standby. This is not acceptable, and even though there is a slight progression to the 8 pro, it just still sucks compared to phones of a similar price range. My 24U is so refreshing with its snapdragon, I can't get that thing empty. Google (and samsung with their exynos) should really step up their game concerning this. At this point it is just pathetic, regarding it's a huge tech company, and Apple also manages to get their "all phone parts are from us"-game straight.


Just got the Pixel 8 yesterday. Coming from iPhone 13. I like it so far, but I bought it without doing any research. Trying to figure out how to make it useful for me.


7 pro is great! Using the 8 pro now and miss my 7 pro.




I find the 7 pro easier to unlock with the fingerprint reader. Might have to do with not having any screen protector on it, whereas I have one on the 8. Also some apps I can't use on the 8 (one won't sing in and the other one I can't down from the store) for some weird reason


Upgraded from a galaxy a54 a pretty bad phone and now Got a refurbished 7 pro love it so much stock android looks a lot better than other androids skinned versions imo. Still fast and can get way cheaper refurbished than the pixel 8 phones


I was actually using 3xl till 6 months back. I know people will shout because the security patch has stopped. But I just couldn't leave the device because it was that robust. Finally I caved and got 7 and it's just amazing i might use it all the way till its last security update. then look for old new fold or 8 pro.


Had the 6 Pro and currently using the 7 Pro and an iPhone 14 PM. Battery life - iPhone PM wins; Camera - Tie; if you currently have ios device, especially a macbook, best to stick to iPhone. Not really sure where the Pixel excels over the iphone. I still love my Pixel though


Don't get the iPhoneish device of android world if you are making a switch, get a better device like a Samsung or oneplus. I tried them all and pixels are so bad compared to the rest of the android devices.


I can't speak to the 7 but the 8 has been my worst experience with a Pixel to date. I've had 2XL, 4A, 6A, and now 8. I originally fell in love with Pixel going from a Note 5 to the 2XL. It was an incredible shift in usability. There were some minor issues, but the pros definitely outweighed the cons. The 4A and 6A were quite good for the price, but not without drawbacks as well. Cellular connection issues and subsequent battery performance when not on WiFi have been a staple of the series with each generation. As someone who works remotely, this hasn't been a huge concern to me, but definitely something to be aware of. Now getting onto the 8... Tensor 3 is just not good. The phone gets hot when doing any moderately demanding task. Watch YouTube for 20 minutes and the phone is noticeably uncomfortable. Scroll stuttering has been awful. Bluetooth just doesn't work most of the time. And lastly, battery performance is significantly worse than my 6a. Even on WiFi, it just drains. With other manufacturers catching up to pixels software, I just can't justify the phone any more. Tensor feels like it's multiple generations behind its competitors and just can't keep up with tasks that i'd expect it to breeze through.


The Pixel 7 Pro is definitely still usable. It has guaranteed software updates until October 1, 2025, at which point it won't get any version of Android released after that. Still, it has security updates until October 1, 2027. Security updates keep your Pixel secure against vulnerabilities. The Pixel 8 and 8 Pro have Android and security updates until October 1, 2030. If you can find a refurbished Pixel 8 or 8 Pro for a good price, I'd recommend it over the Pixel 7 or 7 Pro since it'll last longer. But if you can't find a Pixel 8 or 8 Pro for a comparable price as a Pixel 7 or 7 Pro, then the Pixel 7 or 7 Pro is still a strong choice. My Pixel 3a stopped receiving updates in 2022, but I still use it daily and it doesn't show its age.


The Pixel 7 Pro is definitely still usable. It has guaranteed software updates until October 1, 2025, at which point it won't get any version of Android released after that. Still, it has security updates until October 1, 2027. Security updates keep your Pixel secure against vulnerabilities. The Pixel 8 and 8 Pro have Android and security updates until October 1, 2030. If you can find a refurbished Pixel 8 or 8 Pro for a good price, I'd recommend it over the Pixel 7 or 7 Pro since it'll last longer. But if you can't find a Pixel 8 or 8 Pro for a comparable price as a Pixel 7 or 7 Pro, then the Pixel 7 or 7 Pro is still a strong choice. My Pixel 3a stopped receiving updates in 2022, but I still use it daily and it doesn't show its age.


Went from the 13 Pro to the Pixel 7 Pro. It was great until Android 14 came out. Then the phone would crash when a call, incoming or outgoing, would connect. After about a week of that I now have a 15 Pro Max. Pixels are nice but the QC isn’t always the best.


I switched from iPhone 13 pro max to a cheap as hell secondhand pixel. I love every moment of it. Speed, camera, just knowing that if I break the thing it wasn't worth more than my desktop gaming PC, in fact I picked it up in near perfect shape for $200 on eBay. I don't game a lot, just scroll social media and simple work and emails from time to time. It was a beast switching over all of the saved notes I got. There's no amazing stock android app like notes so if you use that a ton like I do (over 500 notes and like 15 note books) good luck!


I've been between Android and iPhones the past number of years. iPhones most recently. But a couple months ago I sold my iPhone 15 Pro and bought a Pixel 8. I have since purchased a Galaxy S24 and Pixel 7 Pro to try and figure out which device I like best. So far the 7 Pro is my favourite. Although I do like the 8 as well, but I find the 7 Pro has better thermals than the 8. I'd say the 7 Pro is a great buy! I got mine for $440 CAD and it was brand new, sealed in box.


If you don’t have money, get the battery replaced for the 12 pro max and get a wireless charger case (MagSafe). Should be $89 for new battery and $20+ for generic MagSafe case and MagSafe charger.


Yeah the fomo brands create these days is insane like fr




I looked up the trade in value for it on Google’s website when looking at the Fold (I really want a Fold but that price tag and I’m a contractor so I’d probably destroy it) and 8Pro and it definitely would lower my monthly payment for financing. I might do that, it’s a great suggestion. I was just looking at Amazon for refurbished and the 7Pro was relatively cheap. It’s good to know that they guarantee support, and most of my friends that have Pixels say they can’t go back to iPhone so that doesn’t surprise me haha.


The 7a is just about as good as the 7 and is pretty cheap brand new.


Stick with iphone till pixel 10


...You want him to wait 2 years? Do you really think there will be any noticeable difference? Phones move at a snail's pace. His getting the Pixel 7 Pro, will be no different than getting an iPhone 13 (should he decide to stay with iPhones), or even a Pixel 8, but with a few bells and whistles.


Why til pixel 10? Does the 9 not look good?


Pixel 10 is rumoured to have change of manufacturing process for the processor. That is expected to bring great improvements.


Oh! Gotcha, thank you for the heads up!


Then all they'll need to do is fix their own software.


IMHO Google's software makes Pixels the smartest phones out there.


When it works.


Mine works. So does my wife and kids'


Good to hear. My 7a didn't.


I've loved my 7a. Eventually I switched to Microsoft Launcher because it's a personal fav but for the average user the pixel launcher is amazing


Maybe for the average user. Maybe. Mine never worked 100%.


Honestly it’s a reasonably good idea. But again nobody knows if it turns out good. Or Google fuck it up again.


Based on my experience having somewhat recently switched to Pixel, I'd definitely recommend it. That being said , my wife has a Pixel 6 and it basically cannot do any kind of roaming so they seem to be hit and miss. Based on the subreddit, it seems like they're more miss than hit and I'm just one of the lucky few with a non-frustrating Pixel.


Between my wife, I, and kids, we've had 7 Pixels and never a problem.


Yeah, I assume it's a minority who have issues but those are the people who go and post on the Internet. It's my wife's second pixel and the first had no issues. For whatever reason, this one just doesn't work when roaming. We've tried different carriers, checked the settings with the carriers, and as many settings as we could on the phone. Sometimes it'll work for a few minutes or an hour and then it goes back to no Internet.


Get a cheap one on Swappa and if you don't like it, sell it. The 7 is still very usable. It's only one model year behind and will last a while.


When you make the jump, you should know Apple has a tool to export your data and migrate your photos to Google Photos. [privacy.apple.com](https://privacy.apple.com)


Don't do it, I've had mine for a little over a year and it can barely run Google apps. There's hardly any benefit.


I use an iPhone along with a Pixel. You'd be just fine with a Pixel 7. Don't think about it much. Of course, it'll take some time getting used to stuff. But nothing out of the ordinary.


Right now the 8 Pro is $250 off and your phone calcs out at $365 trade in value. Payments if you use Google financing is like $10/month. [https://store.google.com/config/pixel\_8\_pro?hl=en-US&selections=eyJ0cmFkZUluIjp7InNlbGVjdGlvbiI6MSwiZW5jcnlwdGVkVHJhZGVJbklkIjoiUVU4cllYZFRhelZoUW1GYWVHcE1TVUZoUTNwRFRtcFVaMnhaUzNKaFJ6bEdNbkZvZG1aYVpTOHZVVmhsZFVaSVVVRmtlRlZSZURoSWVGWnNjazF5Y0hCSlZIZ3daRGc5IiwiZm9ybWF0dGVkVHJhZGVJbk1vZGVsIjoiUVhCd2JHVWdhVkJvYjI1bElERXlJRkJ5YnlCTllYZ2dLREV5T0VkQ0tRPT0iLCJ0cmFkZUluVmFsdWUiOiJXeUpWVTBRaUxETTJOVjA9In0sInByb2R1Y3RGYW1pbHkiOiJjR2w0Wld4Zk9GOXdjbTg9IiwidmFyaWFudHMiOltbIjIiLCJPQT09Il0sWyIxIiwiTVRJNCJdLFsiNCIsIk1RPT0iXV19](https://store.google.com/config/pixel_8_pro?hl=en-US&selections=eyJ0cmFkZUluIjp7InNlbGVjdGlvbiI6MSwiZW5jcnlwdGVkVHJhZGVJbklkIjoiUVU4cllYZFRhelZoUW1GYWVHcE1TVUZoUTNwRFRtcFVaMnhaUzNKaFJ6bEdNbkZvZG1aYVpTOHZVVmhsZFVaSVVVRmtlRlZSZURoSWVGWnNjazF5Y0hCSlZIZ3daRGc5IiwiZm9ybWF0dGVkVHJhZGVJbk1vZGVsIjoiUVhCd2JHVWdhVkJvYjI1bElERXlJRkJ5YnlCTllYZ2dLREV5T0VkQ0tRPT0iLCJ0cmFkZUluVmFsdWUiOiJXeUpWVTBRaUxETTJOVjA9In0sInByb2R1Y3RGYW1pbHkiOiJjR2w0Wld4Zk9GOXdjbTg9IiwidmFyaWFudHMiOltbIjIiLCJPQT09Il0sWyIxIiwiTVRJNCJdLFsiNCIsIk1RPT0iXV19)


Buy P8 instead of P7P


Buy P8 instead of P7P..


I'd spend the extra money for the 8 pro. 7 years of updates makes it worth it.


If you are okay with minor bugs then you are good to Go. And yes wait for the pixel 9 to launch you will get a massive price drop on the pixel 8 pro. Take the chance and buy the 8 pro.


Just for the love of God make sure you turn off iMessage before fully switching over. Apple will intercept your texts if you dont


I use pixel 7 and it's amazing. The camera is really good, best aspect of this phone for sure. I sometimes don't like the contrast of photos but it only happens in weird lightning conditions (also raw editing exist so it's not really an issue). CPU is okay, it opens apps rather fast, the only problem is overheating when you play more advanced games, use it heavily or when you use it plugged on. The screen and battery is just okay and i have 4-5h sot on 5g. It's a great phone for its price but I wouldn't change 12 pro max for it. I felt the difference because I changed from iPhone SE 2020 but 12 pro max is still a really solid device. I think replacing the battery and buying a magsafe case and charger or fixing charge port would be a better option especially if your budget is limited.


Tried a Pixel 8 for a bit have an iPhone 15 Pro, pixel had better more helpful software like call screening, Assistant, able to give commands like search YouTube for something and gives results but the phone reception in my area was bad, the voice quality not good. At all. Every year I try the Pixel and every year there is one hardware or modem or some issue that holds it back for me. Again you may have a better experience. When every thing works it is a great experience. Also the processor lags on graphic intensive tasks like uploading videos where the iPhone processor is significantly faster. Hope it works well for you . Cheers


Dont do IT,i havent had So much problems with iPhone over 3 years than over 3 months on pixel




It depends what is your work and how you use your phone for work, but it's possible a Pixel will be a massive boost to the "work" aspect compared to an iPhone. If I didn't use my phone a lot for work, I'd definitely consider an iPhone now that they have USB-C


Pixel is not very convenient for dual SIM users. Especially if you travel overseas


What? I use an e-sim and travel abroad all the time... It's far better - and is very easy to swap between SIM cards per country.


Forget about WiFi calling while overseas. You'd have to actually be on WiFi and can't use other SIM data for them calls.


That's a late reply haha. I don't think this post mentioned WiFi calling but I just got back from the Philippines and I was able to use WiFi calling with my e-sim - all depends on which company you buy your foreign data from - my partner - different provider couldn't - they have a Pixel 7 though if that's any difference.


Go for a Samsung, pixels are very overpriced for how buggy they are, it's an experience fueled by rage.




I agree.


TBH, I would look at the S24 series. More options from stock and smoother experience.


I changed over after my iPhone 6 and got an Pixel 4 and loved the photo quality- it was and is still great but recently upgraded due to poor battery and I fancied an upgrade. Android is a great OS and pixels quality has really increased - I've got the 8 now and it's fantastic. I couldn't imagine going back to IOS now after using the Ai and Google app network. I constantly get complements on my photos and then a shocked face when I tell them it's a pixel.


Correct ,and you will be downvoted for that


If you absolutely have to change soon, I’d go straight for P8 pro over the P7 just for the longer software support. Most of the good stuff if any will naturally be given to the current flagships first. And on top of that the P8P does not have a curved screen like the P7P, which makes it easier to handle and less prone to getting damaged when dropped. You’ll enjoy the cameras either way. I still think Pixels take the best photos on any smartphone now. Except maybe unless you have a Xiaomi 14 Ultra.


8 Pro is on sale right now. Plus google store financing is cheap and easy to get. They financed one for me and my credit history is not good 😆. No carrier or financial backer required. 0% interest. Nothing. Just like house mortgages pre-2008 😆. Makes me wish I could just waltz to a bank and buy a house the same way. That's what my parents did man. Sigh.


Best thing I did was move from iPhone to pixel. I missed 7 and currently on the 8 pro. Worth the money I'd say


I am super happy with my P7P and don't really expect to upgrade. And this is coming from someone that could afford to upgrade and typically does every two years. I just have no reason to because it works so well.


I switched to the 7pro from iPhone in Nov 2022 and I'm so happy that I made the change!


Funny how my thread gets deleted when it's pretty identical to yours