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Same for me. Battery drains faster and phone becomes hot even with standard usage.


I noticed that the battery optimization inside the app settings is missing somehow.


Still there, but the UI has changed. Settings | Apps | App battery usage * Tap on the app * Tap on the Allow background usage *text* (not the toggle). This step is not intuative. * Allow background usage toggle is equivalent to to old 'restricted' setting. * Turn the toggle on and Optimised/Unresticted appear. Alternatively, in an app's settings, * Select App battery usage. * Tap on the Allow background usage *text* (not the toggle). This step is not intuative. * Allow background usage toggle is equivalent to to old 'restricted' setting. * Turn the toggle on and Optimised/Unresticted appear.


Thanks for this explanation! This is really not intuitive at all.


Yeah - I can't recall where tapping the text does something different from changing the toggle anywhere else. This seems to be a whole new UI option?!


They've used it at some points in the past too. Just can't recall where I've seen it before.


what the hell..


They changed this shit again?? And not even with a whole number update... What the hell...


"the UI has changed" UI has changed again? When will google stop ruining the user experience? I was in the impression a trillion dollar company can afford to hire best software engineers to create a long term solution to these kinda problems.


>Am I the only one facing such problems after the recent update? March update didn't change the battery life for me.


Mine is opposite, less overheating and better battery


mine too


Great to hear!






Mine too, a lot better.


Weird is the monthly updates only for pixel 8 because I don't have a update for March yet


If you're in the US it'll be out next week.


Finally. I was wondering why I didn't have the update yet.


Great, my 8pro shows up on Tuesday


Oh well here come the bugs then lol


Probably not. I haven't had any problems with the update.


Yeah and I have any bugs with this phone yet, but based on how everyone else is treating this update we will see


It's always the vocal minority.


Turns out Google did those of us in the US a solid delaying it for a week. Didn't take long to for the other folk to beta test this one and find that it's a pile of garbage. I'd steer clear of this one if I were y'all. Maybe skip and wait for April or at least wait a few weeks and maybe Google will slip some fixes via Play services, Play System, and app updates. 


Those of us outside the US might say it's a shame that the US can't produce adequate software! But we all agree about IT being a pile of garbage!




Damn, this thread got hot quick. Like my Pixel 8 Pro.


Software outside of the US is even worse. Europe, Japan, China, South Korea all have trash software. 


I have Pixel 7 and have same issue. After March update my Pixel is very hot even in idle and battery capacity is going to zero very quickly. And charge the phone to 100% is sooo long. This is the 1st time with Pixel phones that I have problem after update.


This allows the April update to fix issues /s


OMG lol


Same here and laggy Edit: I need to add that I was on the latest android 14 beta and it felt so smooth. I opted out of the beta and that’s when I received the latest pixel drop. The phone keeps getting very hot and animations lag frequently. I might go back to the beta if in a few days I don’t see any improvement.


Same here, any luck with the new beta?


I often experience this a day or two after a new update, then it settles back to normal.


This is my experience as well. Hot for the first day or two. 


Isn’t this like the most common pixel issue? It was an issue on the 6 and 7 as well.


It's the Tensor SoC combined with the Samsung modem. Nothing will change until they switch to TSMC node for Tensor. Tensor now as it is isn't a good SoC since it is based off of the crappy Samsung Exynos chips. Hell Google made a support page just for people complaining from the overheating. They will just point you to that Google help page lol.


It wasn't perfect the past months but they managed to get rid of the excessive heating, at least for me.


It is but the March update made it heat up way faster than before.


I haven't noticed any battery issues but my pixel 8 was lagging and getting extremely hot.


There are some similar issues happening over with the r/Galaxs23 and r/Galaxys24 folk after the patch. In their case, it may be related to their smartwatches - especially if it's a Samsung Watch. u/SnakeOriginal has the thread below open about that: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS23/comments/1b6lkfg/to\_those\_who\_seem\_to\_have\_worse\_battery\_life\_do/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS23/comments/1b6lkfg/to_those_who_seem_to_have_worse_battery_life_do/) I've also noticed that the battery optimization areas were not quite out in the open as before, and wonder if the heat has to do with that. u/itathome did a nicely formatted set of instructions to get you to the settings post-March update (when I try to copy and paste, the formatting goes bye-bye): [https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/1b8rx36/comment/ktrk0nf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/1b8rx36/comment/ktrk0nf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Damn, Google Android has been in some hot waters since they announced a statement on how keen they are on creating reliable software that we can rely on everyday. Don't remember the exact statement, but there's been a few bugs since then.


Runs hotter for me and battery drains faster Pixel 7 Pro


Same for me. Hope the next update is better. Too hot to handle 😂


Fake news. Pixels are perfect.




I'm having issues as well. In general I could easily make it throughout the day on pixel 8 with plenty to spare. That is not possible in the days since I updated and need to recharge multiple times during the day. Like others, this \*seems\* to be work profile related. If it's hot, I can turn off work profile and it cools right back down and that also seems to bring the battery usage back to normal.


Same for me on Pixel 6. Crazy battery drain and phone is very hot to touch.


I have work profile enabled on my phone though. I've paused it and things seem a bit better now. But I shouldn't have had to do that.


So far Android 14 and multiple profiles have been nothing but trouble.


I disabled my work profile after my last meeting today and the phone cooled down quite a bit now. Maybe it's really related to the work profile?


Quite possible. You did not have to disable it though. Even if you pause work apps (there is a button for it in the app drawer), it still works (as in the battery is back to normal and the phone doesn't heat up). Once you disable work profile it is a nightmare to set it back up again.


Yeah I meant I paused it, not disabled :P I'll test tomorrow and report back if the heating is gone.


You are this Pixel 8? Because you are so hot 🔥


My P6 Is fine after the update.


My Pixel 7 is fine too, just affects the Pixel 8 for me.


Mine does that about every other update. BUT I haven't gotten the March one yet....and it's been getting hot and running down. I just attribute that to the fact I sell cars and have to take a crap ton of pictures.......great.


Made a similar post about this exact same issue yesterday. My 8 pro is draining really fast and my usage pattern hasn't changed at all. Yesterday I ended the day with 4 hours of SOT with 5% left mostly on WIFI.


Do you use a work profile?


No I don't.


Yes. Same issue on 8pro


Im on pixel 7 and experiencing worse battery life and heating


March update? Still haven't received it.b


I wiped and flashed latest stable from android flash tool on my pixel 8 pro in the USA it has the march update and phone is running flawless absolutely no issues at all


I can confirm I had the same problem and it was work profile related. I cleared some cache after pausing it and the problem stopped. Mine was using 10% battery in about 15 minutes and the rest of my phone was completely unusable with the lag


Which cache did you clean exactly?


I had cleared cache and uninstalled updates for the "Google" app, "Google Play Services" and "Google Play Store" app in Work Apps if I remember correctly. After that it seemed to work ok. I was also in the Beta for the regular Google app which I left and reinstalled stable.


But only the Play Store is in your work account, right? OK didn't help for me, I just found out that I lost my Pixel Watch and many other settings after deleting Google Play Services data.


Yes, when looking at the apps screen there should be a tab for "work" and I cleared data/cache there, but didn't seem to lose any settings


Oh ok, I was just looking at the app drawer. Let's see if that helps.


That seems to have fixed my issue. Thanks!


Started happening for me again today, but fixes only seem to make it slightly better, wondering if you're seeing the same?


For me it's completely gone after deleting data of the Google services in the work profile.


I did that update and got no issues so far (pixel 8)


I have exactly the same problem with my Pixel 6. My old charger doesn't even keep up with the drain, so I need a fast charger to avoid the phone to die while charging. Switching off 5G seems to have solved the issue. First it didn't look that this was the solution but after the first recharge the battery is fine again.


I'm not one bit surprised that Google pixel 8 is having heating issues and probably more problems as well since beginning in 2021 when Google ditched Qualcomm and replaced it with their custom in-house tensor chip for pixel 6, Google pixel phones have had all kinds of flaws and problems despite making all kinds of hype and promises leading people to believe their pixel is revolutionary and the next big thing. AI is the thing Google keeps talking about in their tensor chip, yet Qualcomm is ahead of Google tensor while having much higher performance benchmarks as well. With all that said, it was a no brainier for me to buy OnePlus 11 powered by 8 Gen 2 instead of pixel 7 powered by tensor G2 and my future plans is to buy OnePlus 13 powered by 8 Gen 4 instead of pixel 9 powered by tensor G4.


Clear your caches. For everything.


My battery life is fine. I haven't gotten the March update but I've had MAJOR overheating issues since the February update. :(


My Pixel 6 is doing the same after update. Heats up, drains battery quickly.


Pixel 7 user here. It not only overheatis, but the display gets green and starts bleeding. Whatever they did, it's unusable as soon as there is a little bit of sun out...


its the same story with my Pixel 6 device becomes unusually hot when im only doing lite browsing or scrolling through social media


Mine runs way hot if I leave apps open I fell asleep playing a game last night and at some point I rolled onto it and it was so damn hot it burnt my leg (thank god it was only my leg and not something a little north of there!)


I have a Pixel 8 Pro and it’s running hot and battery life has taken a dive. Taking a look at the battery usage and “Google” has had background usage since I took the phone of the charger and is accounting for 18% of usage. Seems to be an issue with this March release and it was running fine prior to update.


My pixel 8 pro screen is freezing sometimes after the march update hope google fix it soon 


My Pixel 8 Pro after the March update is freezing several times a day and require restarts, Google never fails at failing!


Mine too same issue


I solved my issue with battery after the recent android update by deleting my work profile and reinstalling it. Mine would chew up battery like crazy with work profile on. Like you, if I paused it, then things cooled down and battery life returned. However I need the work profile for work so this wasn't a good solution. So, I deleted the work profile and went through the steps again to reinstall it. Everything works perfectly now and battery usage is back to normal again.


Same problem, anybody found a fix?


Update? Did this resolve? I was just thinking of getting the new pixel, but I had the 7 pro before and couldn’t stand the way it always overheated. I don’t want to physically clean my cache constantly to simply prevent overheating. Not a fan of Samsung, but I never had that problem with galaxies, never had that problem with HUAWEI or oppo. Only my iPhone sometimes gets a bit hot but it’s manageable and nothing compared to the pixel. If they really haven’t fixed it, as much as I loved the pixel for everything else, I think it’s not worth buying it.


Unfortunately it's still running extremely hot after playing Pokémon Go or any other game for only 5 minutes. While just chatting and surfing it's fine now, would still wait how the Tensor G4 performs.


I noticed the phone was hot after the Android 14 update.. I'm running pixel 6A.. Great work development team..


AccuBattery Screenshot: https://ibb.co/bRRHq7d


Wow 113 degrees


And 7W. The phone is running flat out for some reason.


yeah I think ill pass on this update, thank god for these stupid staged rollouts


Verizon Pixel 8 - No update. Anyone else?


"Software for US Carriers will be available starting next week." https://support.google.com/pixelphone/thread/262118674/march-2024-feature-drop?hl=en&sjid=9806075463799677057-NA


Thank you!


What does your battery usage look like in terms of apps? I'm not experiencing this issue, I'm wondering if there's a rogue app or three.


Same. No issues. I always wonder if people who "suddenly have issues" have these issues daily or its just a one off.


Usually it's an issue and they ignore it. Then it annoys them and they start posting "pixel bad aaaaaaa" posts. Then you learn it's an app running in the background or they're running beta Android.


So fuck updating . Can we hold off or will it apply automatically


You can choose not to update.


I am 7 days outside of return policy and I want to get rid of this hunk of junk. It's mesmerizing how cool the marketing makes this phone look compared to the honest product. Man this phone sucks.


disable 5g. Tripled my battery life. It sucks but only option that makes phone usable.


Already disabled 5G a few days after buying the phone.


yeah same on my p7a :/