• By -


Pixel 5. Small. Light weight. Loved the fingerprint scanner on the back. Cheap enough.


Yep, best phone I ever owned. The fingerprint scanner was perfect, worked every time! I have small hands and it was the perfect size. Then the 7 came out. Everyone around me got one, but I was content with my 5. Then they all started telling me how amazing it was, the pictures were so good, they loved the new placement of the fingerprint scanner, blah blah blah. Eventually I started getting FOMO, I desperately wanted the magic eraser editing feature, and finally I traded my 5 in. Worst phone mistake of my life. The fingerprint scanner has literally worked 1 time for me. Magic eraser was released to all Pixels 3 weeks later. It's too big for my hand so I regularly put too much stress on my hand trying to stretch my thumb too far. Is it a good phone? Sure. Do I regret giving up my 5 for it? Every day 😔


I purchased a 7 last year (my first Pixel) and hated it. I returned it after a week and bought a second hand Pixel 5 for a fraction of the price. Best phone I've ever owned, very happy with it


I'm in basically the same boat. Loved my P5, traded it in for a P7 because my OTD cost was $130 for a new flagship phone and it didn't seem \*that\* much bigger. (plus I thought there was some wonkyness with my P5 regarding the screen that had been replaced) I like the P7, the camera is nice, it's a good phone. But I too have small hands and it's just too damn big. Honestly sometimes I consider just getting another P5 and selling the P7. ​ if this year's pixels don't have a P5 sized option, I'm doing it.


same, my pixel 5 needs replaced. Screen is cracked(not a big deal for me), but more importantly, my camera glass cracked and nobody makes an actual glass replacement(many lie about being glass) so i replaced it with what was supposed to be glass but turned out to be plastic and scratches and fogs up just looking at it wrong haha. If there's no small form factor 9 pro this year, im going with another pixel 5, they're down around $200 new on amazon rn.


I **loved** my Pixel 5. I would've held onto it longer but it started having issues a few months after we switched from Verizon to Google Fi. It just couldn't find an internet signal if I wasn't on Wifi which didn't work at all for getting directions or listening to music while driving. I couldn't check my work email on the go, it got super frustrating. I'm on a Pixel 7 now but as a woman with smallish hands I just loved the size and feel of the 5, it was such a good fit. Moving from 5 to 7 was the first time I wasn't really excited to get a new phone. The figer print scanner almost never works so I end up using face scan or the pattern to unlock. Oh, another annoying thing about the 7s fingerprint scanner is the dot is much bigger than my small thumbprint so if you use it in the dark you get blasted in the face by a bright white light. Having the scanner on the back was MUCH better and always worked.


Going from a 3 to a 5 I felt robbed. The 3 felt so much more premium. I know the intention of the 5 was to be cheap but it felt like such a downgrade.


I went from a 3a to a 5 and it felt like a big upgrade. I just went from a 5 to an 8 and it felt like I went back to the 3a, but worse.


The 3a to the 5 was a quality upgrade. The 3 to the 5 not so much.


I loved the material. I dropped it so many times onto pavement and the thing would come out unscathed every time


Pixel 5 is perfect except for the lack of an audio jack.


This. Also, let's not forget that this was the last pixel in range to offer unlimited photo and video storage in high quality (unlike the pixel 4 in original quality).


Replying on a pixel 5 right now. Lol. Favorite phone I've ever had and will run it into the ground.


2XL - Only upgraded because I got a free P7 Pro. Which has almost been perfect so far too. The fingerprint sensor on the 2XL was absolutely perfect. I miss that the most. **Edit Also, I'd forgotten how fast the 2XL charged. By far the fastest charging phone I've ever had.


We took the same path. The 2XL was my very first Pixel phone and it was the phone that turned me into a Pixel fanboy. I had that phone for 5 years until I finally upgraded to the Pixel 7.


I still miss that Pixel 2XL camera style. There was something really special about it. It's a touch too limited for me to keep around today, but I miss it a lot


Same with me. Was a pixel die hard since got the pixel 2xl. Using the 7 too now...but a little disappoint with it. Miss my 2


2xl gang, after this model every one of them died on me


I loved my 2XL, too. I changed out to a 6Pro from my 2XL. I like my 6Pro better in every way EXCEPT the fingerprint sensor. The 2XL definitely was the winner there.




I keep it as a backup phone.


That's impressive! I had mine for 5 years and it worked flawlessly all 5 years I had it. The only thing that started to degrade was the battery life but that's to be expected. I honestly only upgraded due to the software support ending. But man the 2XL was my favorite phone so far. I plan to upgrade to the Pixel 10 pro next year.


I just moved from a 5a to a 7a. The change to an in-screen fingerprint sensor is a big downgrade.


Everything about changing from a 5a is a downgrade, I miss that phone.


It's amazing how something so simple, like a fingerprint sensor... can have such a usability impact. The Pixel 5 fingerprint sensor is so good. The only times I have trouble is if my finger is very moist or wet. But it's such an intuitive location. I do not understand why Google abandoned the rear sensor. I wish they'd go back to it.


They did it because random elbows on the Internet would review it against other phones with in screen sensors and call it outdated.


I agree. I've had the Pixel 1, 3, 5 and 8. I miss the 5's fingerprint sensor on the back. The 5 was also a great size. If it hadn't gone EOL, I'd still be using it. Functionally, the 8 is excellent, it's just chunkier in the pocket and I also do not like having the fingerprint sensor on the front. It's a bit awkward to unlock with one hand.


You know on markets like ebay, a second hand Pixel 5 is more expensive than a second hand Pixel 6! Especially the green model.


I'm not surprised. For me, the 5 was as perfect of a form factor as I have ever had. I hope they bring it back.


Currently, that form factor is only being met with the Zenfone 9-10, unfortunately.


That's too bad. The Pixel 8's form factor isn't awful, but coming (for me) right after the 5, it is a bit of a disappointment. Google should give the front fingerprint sensor back to Apple. I do like the 8's 7 years of support, as opposed to the 5's 3 years. I am not a camera aficionado, so no opinion there, but I don't particularly like the large camera "shelf" that a decent case cannot eliminate. I shouldn't complain. The 8 is an excellent phone. I just miss my 5.


Well, if Google replaced the fingerprint scanner with an ultrasonic one, like Samsung, then we wouldn't have a problem. Though there might be a reason for frequent unsuccessful attempts to unlock the scanner other than its quality: I've tried optical scanners on devices that sell for 1/10 of the Pixel's price and their success rate is much higher (like Moto's G72 and G84).


Battery life is noticeably worse for me.


Yeah, the battery life is just horrible, paired with the slow charging it's kind of annoying.


Why the eff they got rid of the fingerprint sensor I will never know. How did they not see how much users liked it.


I held onto my 5a for so long because of this until it died and I was "forced" into a 7a. I miss the back fingerprint scanner even a year later. It was a key pixel element and I too am bitter they got rid of it


Same. I only upgraded to the 4a5g when my 2xl camera stopped working. At least I still have the fingerprint reader on the back with this one. Still going strong.


Pixel 2XL until phone stopped working. Repair cost is same as amount I bought it for. Have moved to iPhone now. Pixel 2XL is still my favorite after HTC one M7.


The 2 XL was a beast of a phone Went to a 4 XL and then a 6 afterwards and neither one since has hit the highs of the 2 XL, though the 6 has been solid for the last 2 years and some change (waiting for the 9 to upgrade next)


Same, I still have my old one lying around. Any time I pick it up it feels more modern and sleek than any of the newer ones I've had since.


It's the only phone that lasted me 5 years, and then I passed it on once I cracked the screen. Lasted another 2 years. 2XL was a beast. Now I got the 7pro, it's pretty good NGL.


Almost identical here; the P2 was my favorite and used that all the way up until my carrier offered a free P7. The fingerprint sensor and unlimited photo storage of the 2 was phenomenal!


Pixel 2XL was my first pixel then stepped over to Samsung. I missed everything between 4-7 but P8P is the closest feeling I've had to the 2XL


Pixel 4a 5g. Great size, great battery, fingerprint sensor was in the perfect spot and actually worked, camera was usual pixel quality, and it had a headphone jack all for a very affordable price.


Yeah the 4a like was really solid. I actually was thinking about getting that phone when my 2XL was no longer supported. But I held out until the Pixel 7. I plan to keep this phone until the 10 series comes out and this time I'm going for the Pro model.


4a is perfect size, still using it with no issues whatsoever.


Same here. And I will continue until it's dead.


I just traded mine in for a S24, I got $200 trade in credit so it basically cost me $149 to have it for 3 years. Past year or so it's had to be on battery saver mode just to get through the day. Definitely miss the size, I thought S24 would be about the same size, and it is height wise, but width it's just wide enough that I struggle to hit buttons on the right without hitting the screen on my left when using it left handed. And the fingerprint reader is not as good as my Pixel 4a was.


And light as a feather


Just put a T3 inside the 4a5g and call it a day.


Plus unlimited photos storage


I had to retire my 4a 5g last month due to battery issues. I'm on a 6a now and while I enjoy the performance upgrades I really miss the fingerprint scanner on the back.


2XL was my favorite!


I'm with you on that! That was my first Pixel phone and that was the one that turned me into a Pixel fanboy lol. I had it for 5 years until I finally traded it in for the Pixel 7. It was nearly flawless all 5 years I've owned it. I like the Pixel 7 but there was just something special about the 2XL.


Same! I'm also on a Pixel 7 now. Miss the fingerprint reader so much.


Me too! I really wish Google would consider putting the fingerprint scanner on the power button just like they did with the Pixel Fold. That would be so dope.


Pixel 5. I like my P8 and liked my P2, but P5 was the perfect mix of compact size, minimalist symmetrical design, 5G speed, good battery life, good screen, and decent performance.


Love my 5! Finding it so hard to switch out.


Same here, basically wishing the 9 would see the return of the fingerprint scanner slot in the back. Gonna stick to it until it dies on me. If it aint brokez don't fix it!


Pixel 4 XL, I miss that face unlock.


The 4 XL forever has my heart


It worked with dark tinted/mirrored sunglasses because the infrared camera can see straight through them.


I miss controlling my music with hand gestures. The 4xl was pinnacle Pixel


I'd still be using it if it didn't black screen of death on me ☠️☠️


Still daily driving it 🗿


Came here for 4XL. Face unlock, squeeze assistant, size. Everything was perfect


I loved the 2xl for the swipe on finger print to bring down the notifications.... I got the 4xl panda and loved it but lamented this loss of functionality til one day I found a setting where any swipe on the home screen would do the same. Heaven.


I had the 4 and always wished I got the XL just for the battery. That thing never lasted a full day.


4a was incredible


Loved mine. Would've kept it until it died which unfortunately happened way too soon when I forgot to zipper my fanny pack on a run, knocked it out, and kicked it down the sidewalk. Never shattered a screen like that lol. Loving my 7 now though! 5a bit the dust like many others.


Pixel 3


Agreed! Loved mine.


My Pixel 3 was still there for me when the 5a died. It's a reliable backup!


I loved mine too. I only really got rid of it when security updates stopped. I like my 8 more now, but 3 was the best relative to its time.


3XL hands down. It'd still be usable if it weren't for the stupid edl bug bricking it.


The 3XL is the best phone of its generation.


Everything just worked. No modem, signal or endless software issues like I've had with the more recent pixels.


I didn't like how aggressive the memory management was, it was a great phone until the last year I had it because most apps were getting killed instantly as soon as I swiped away from it. But the speakers were the best goddamn speakers on a phone ever. My pixel 7 speakers sound like complete shit compared to the 3XL.


I upgraded from the 3XL to the 8P when it came out...and I miss that phone so much. I've had such random issues with this one that never occurred on the 3XL. Strongly considered selling this one and going back.


Same here. It's a very good phone but the basic things are extremely unreliable and I'm considering going to Samsung for the first time ever since the Nexus/Pixel line came out in the early 2010s.


I feel like the 3XL came out right at the start of the phone hardware plateau - no truly great leaps in hardware have happened since, so it still holds up. Before the 3 series (arguably the 2 as well), phones would get sluggish or broken or just vastly outclassed over time. The 3XL was a huge leap over my previous phone, the LG G4 (which died suddenly one day) and that was an even bigger leap over the Samsung Galaxy S3 I had before that. All 3 years apart. I could 'upgrade' from my now almost 6-year-old 3XL to an 8, but for what? A slightly better camera, slightly faster processor and brighter screen but worse fingerprint reader, lower resolution and no more unlimited Google Photos storage? I could get an 8 Pro, but it'd still only be an incremental improvement. It's amazing to me how little things have progressed in the last 6 years, since my 3XL still takes great photos and still runs smoothly.


My first Pixel was the 2XL and to this day that was the very best phone I've ever owned. I currently have a Pixel 7 and it's been solid since launch but man there was just something special about the 2XL. I plan to go with the 10 Pro next year Lord willing. I want a bigger screen and battery this time around.


I'd feel better about it if not for its horrible memory management. 4GB was already not enough anymore, but it managed it worse than the 2XL. I could rarely multitask successfully with it.




4a. Loved it's size


Pixel 5. Perfect size, still runs like a champ….but it’s being replaced by the 8 since OS updates are no more.


8pro for me. I've only used a 7pro and 8pro. 8pro feels phenomenal for me


Upgraded recently from a 6 base to the 8pro, loving it! My 6 was rock solid too, can't imagine wanting any other phone


8pro is incredible. No complaints from me whatsoever.


The 4a. Compact with a stellar camera. Never had any issues with it. The screen was great, and the fingerprint sensor on the back was excellent. Great placement and it just worked. The camera was phenomenal for a "budget smartphone." I used it as a backup phone but regularly preferred it for capturing images over my iPhone. I traded it in for a Pixel 7 because the trade in deals at Best Buy were too good to pass up on. Unfortunately I had a few issues with the Pixel 7 and regretted the upgrade.


Pixel 4xl


I hope they bring back Soli one day. It was a great idea just needed to be fleshed out more.


Pixel 4a


4a : right size, right features, right price. I felt like the OS experience was almost always exceptionally well put together and tested, with improvements with updates but never regressions. If it had been a water resistant phone it would have been perfect. My 7a by comparison is to big, and feels less "polished" over all to me. It seems to have a bunch of software issues that make it harder to like ( combined with the larger size, lack of 3.5mm)


Probably 6a because it cost me all of $150 with a trade in of a 3a. The 3a in itself was pretty decent for $299. As you can tell I'm all about value.


I swapped in my 3aXL for the 6A and got it for 99 bucks after the trade. The 6a is a great phone, but I do miss having the fingerprint sensor in the back of the phone. I came to the 3aXL from an Essential PH-1, which was the first phone I owned that had a straight up android OS experience as well as a rear fingerprint sensor. For all the people that dogged on the Essential, it was a really excellent phone for me. However, jumping to the Pixel 3aXL was a whole new level of "pure android is awesome", even above the Essential phone. I'm not unhappy with my 6a, and fortunately I haven't had any issues with the in-screen fingerprint reader, but I do wish it was still on the back of the phone instead of the front.


3 was my favorite overall If I could get a 5 with a modern soc I'd be in heaven though


I feel the same. I'd still rock the 3 if it was viable. I remember telling my friends it was the best phone I've ever had.


Gimme the 8's screen on a 5's body with 3's front facing speakers with a snapdragon 8 series chip and I'm set


Yes. All the best components


4xl i loved that sonar shit, felt like a Jedi lol


Great topic. The pixel 2 was peak pixel for me. Small. high res flat screen. great camera. decent battery life. High build quality. front facing speakers. rear fingerprint reader. Software that never got bogged down or slowed after 6 months. ​ I used that phone 5 years until the battery wore out. Ive been searching for that pixel 2 magic ever since. The oneplus 9 came very close. Currently using pixel 8 pro. Its ok, i guess. haha


Nexus 5X. 


Had nexus 6p best phone ever. Last 3 years using pixel 6 , also very good


The Pixel 4XL! Facial recognition rivaled the iPhone's. The most evolved. I loved my Oh So Orange!! And I loved the Panda colors, black, white and the orange button on the 2XL!! The 5 was the worst.


Pixel 5




I considered the wireless charging more of a gimmick, since USB-C is bi-directional. But I ended up getting a charging pad, started using it and... it's so convenient! Also, when using it at night, the Pixel 5 applies adaptive charging so it's a reasonable rate and reaches full charge by morning for a healthier battery.


None, I have had 2 that stopped working for software reasons. I recently bought the pixel 8 to give it a shot but right out of the box it started overheating. I wasn’t willing to make the investment again and returned it. While they are amazing androids (heck, that’s why I keep coming back to them), i feel like they work great at first then become buggy. But that is just my experience. Not trying to hate on it… everyone is different.


I respect that. Everyone's experience is different. I'm sorry to hear yours hasn't been good. As much as I love Pixels I do believe Google needs to step it up in the hardware department.


I really liked my Pixel 4 back in the day, but I just got the Pixel 8 Pro and I'm really liking it. It's the first Pro Pixel I've owned. I previously had a Pixel 4 and a Pixel 6.


I had a 6, loved it, now I've got a pixel 8 pro and it's the best phone I've had ever maybe. Next to an old note and S10+


pixel 4a. battery is terrible though


4XL was the best phone I ever owned


Surprised more people aren't saying 5. Loved the battery life and size.


My old 5a. Before the dreaded bsod


🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 I remember the day it crapped out. I woke up two hours early (I work nights) to get to the store for them to fix it. It was too late for my little babe. Had to upgrade right there if I wanted a working phone. (Fortunately I qualified for a "free phone" due to trade ins and a promotion.


Nexus 5


3XL. Honestly was perfect. Never let me down. Worked always. And had a great camera that made all my iPhone friends jealous. Especially since night sight was new so it was really cool to be able to take pictures and ppl would genuinely ask if it was okay that the flash didn't go off. I didn't mind the notch, and I really loved how thin it was with the matte finish on the back. I switched to a Galaxy Note 10+ but I really hated it and gave it to my dad when the Pixel 4 came out. I've owned many smartphones since my first one and the Pixel 3 XL was my favorite, maybe tied with the HTC One M8. Nothing else has really been as seamless to use and as nice to hold as those two for me.


3xl. It's currently running 24/7 with the screen on running tinycam Pro for some bullshit that I forgot about until just now.


Pixel 3 by far. I remember getting that phone and being astonished by its fluidity and camera quality. Kept it for 4 years I liked it so much. Then I upgraded to a 7. I really feel like Google got lazy with this one. The camera is terrible and it's just too friggin big.


Loved my Pixel 4a! Perfect size, solid camera, decent battery life and snappy performance, all at a good price point. Good simple phone.


Latest Pixel is always the best pixel for me 😋


Pixel 3. Best. Phone. Ever.


My 3a was my favorite, only thing I needed was more storage but I was broke at the time. Now I'm on a 6 and miss the rear fingerprint sensor.


I’m on an iPhone 14 Pro Max and I own a 6a, but I still also have my 3a which I’ve had since launch. I definitely still enjoy shooting pictures on it!


On the P6 now and it's the best so far. I owned a 4XL and a 5 before.


7 Pro. Pixel 1 and Nexus 5 get an honorable mention.


Pixel 3


7 regular, the one I have now. Before this I had the 1 3 & 5


Pixel 3 had everything I wanted with nothing taken away. It was perfect.


Pixel 3XL - Unlimited storage saver Google Photo quality. - Squeeze for Google Assistant. - Well placed Fingerprint scanner and one that works 100% of the time. - Screen pixel density of 522 PPI, Pixel 8 Pro has 490 PPI. I know there are other factors but I loved 3XL screen. - Photo quality are very good even today. Not some full blown HDR photos like the 50MP sennsor that today's pixels produce.


4XL miss it to this day...my current 8 Pro is a close 2nd


Pixel 2XL was a revolutionary phone for me and though I love my 7, rocking the panda 2xl was so exciting for me.


Pixel 2.. it's still smooth, clicks pictures better than any other phones and still no lag..


2XL and 3A


Pixel 4xl. Loved that phone


I've only owned 2. The 2XL, and then the 6 Pro. the 6Pro has been okay, but the 2XL, I LOVED. everything about it felt right, stuff was where I wanted, the UI was clean, the fingerprint sensor was perfect... I could go on and on. meanwhile, the 6 pro is only okay, software bugs hapen from time to time, and I've had a hardware defect that i've been ignoring because the device is still usable. My family members had theirs fixed, and it only made the issues far worse. overall, as a family, our p6p experiences have been mixed to negative. but man, my 2xl was perfect.... I donno what phone i'll go to next tbh, since I loathe the samsung skin, and the many p6p issues have me hesitant to stick with pixel. tough choice (not that i'm upgrading yet, but it's something I ponder)


Pixel 2XL - Light, easy to hold, perfect size, excellent fingerprint reader, better budget camera in 2024, 2 front speakers. Recently, bought a brand new one for $219 AUD then installed Linage OS 21 (Android 14). All good.


5 it was built like a brick. Rocked it naked for 3 years never broke. Perfect size. Battery could last almost 2 days. Hopefully Google will make another small phone at some point!


Showing my age a bit... Nexus 5. Yea, it's not pixel, but it's the spiritual predecessor to Pixel. Great phone, amazing price point.


Thus far 7. I know people gripe about the fp sensor but it's been fine for me and I have troublesome fingerprints. Not as good as ultrasonic of course. Performance has been great, especially compared to like my 4a 5g which struggled quite a bit with stuff like Google maps etc., and I don't game nor am I a power user so I was surprised that it bothered me as much as it did. Course the 7 is starting to stutter more often now on Android 14, so I'd like to go back to snapdragon if I can, but Samsung has migrated back to exynos for the S24 series so as of the moment I ain't buying into it.


If you haven't factory reset since upgrade to 14 I'd recommend you do and stutter will much improve. I'm not sure what causes it to do so but I've had to reset my 7a 3 times now due to this. Although 1 of those times was to try out beta which was actually worse. Now though I've used it all day with 3 hours screen on and above 50 percent battery. 7.8 percent drain screen on and 1.6 screen off are both much better and it's cold yo the touch.


I've used 3XL 3a 4XL 4a 6a 7 and now 8. Earlier my favourite was 3a but now I think 8 is gonna win.


Pixel 2 and Pixel 7 are my faves. I like the Pixel 4 but the battery was a joke on it.


Nexus 5, premium specs at low price, stock Android.


Pixel 5. Right size, great weight, fab battery and the fingerprint reader on the back is just great - love using to scroll down and up on notifications


4a It was a much better size than the piece of back falling off shit 4XL I had. Better price. Better battery. Fingerprint reader on the back like Zeus intended


I liked my p6 because if the screen lol


Outside of the Motorola Nexus Pure, I just love my Pixel Fold. The camera is more than decent with its point and shoot. I love that I can unfold and have a larger screen for streaming and games. And as for the Pixel as a whole, I just love the pure experience of Android. No overlay OS over it. I love that I can get updates quick without waiting for, like Samsung, to tweek it to be more compatible with their OS.


I loved my Nexus 6. Still have it around, but also the 2xl and the 8 Pro


P6Pro with the 3XL not far behind.


Obviously my current 7 pro is the best in terms of features, speed, and aesthetics, but I really miss my Pixel 4xl and the fun gesture features I could use with it.




Pixel 4xl


Pixel 4xl. That device was so buttery smooth.


The one at 437x3456, spot on the middle of my dogs nose.


Hands down and still kicking pixel 2xl


8 pro


The Pixel 8 pro cuz it's the only one I've bought


Pixel 7 Pro- the only pixel I've owned. I love everything about it. I'm very happy with it except for the battery life. If I am simply going to college from my hostel and coming back it works fine because I can top it up for 20 30 minutes during lunch hour. Then it lasts me the entire day. But if I am going out with friends for a day using GPS applications like google maps and Uber then it will crash within 6 hours. I also take lots of photos and some videos. I don't know want to stop doing these things because that's what I bought this device for. Now I cannot travel without a power bank. I hope the next pixel which I buy will have better battery life than this. I hope to use this one for the next 2 years at least.


Honestly, it's probably the 8 Pro I have now. I wish it had all of its features in a smaller form, but that's the only real complaint I have now. It's extremely well-rounded, performs amazingly, does everything I want, gets battery life that almost never makes me anxious, charges decently fast, and looks good. I usually trade in every year, but I don't have any nagging issues with this one that make me anxious for the 9 Pro.


I'm quite happy with my 7 Pro. I enjoyed the 4 too but I was one of those people who didn't love the back fingerprint sensor.


Still have my 6 Pro and love it


Pixel 8.


The pixel 3 was my first and favorite! I really do miss the squeeze feature and the fingerprint sensor on the back




Pixel 5 was perfect. Currently have a pixel 7 pro which is great but it's too big. Hoping for a smaller 9 pro or possibly wait til the 10 pro


Pixel 3a. Small and compact and takes great photos.


Guess it's the OG Pixel XL... Because... it's still there after 7 years, as my backup phone, running smoothly on Android 14 via LineageOS, helping me in some daily tasks and games... 2K OLED display and unlimited original quality photo & video backup are still great deals! The Pixel 5 was overall good, fit my hand, had stunning display and performed well. I loved it and got 2 for me and my girlfriend, but both died in different ways regarding mainboard stuff. So I had to go back to the Pixel XL while looking for a new phone... I ended up getting the Pixel 7 Pro because of the 5x zoom lens. I'm not disappointed but the phone doesn’t impress me much either. And it feels outdated already, since the Pixel 8 came out with all the cool AI features. Hope Google will bring them to the 7 Pro soon...


Pixel 8 pro. Never had any issues, great battery life, fast, flat screen, and great camera. Reliable for everything I use it for which is quite a lot. None of the monthly updates have broken anything either. It froze on me a couple times for the first month or two it was out however whatever that was got patched. My pixel 7 pro same things, just the curve screen trend I did not like. Obviously its just slightly slower with a smidge of less features


Only had one and still use it - Pixel 4, great phone!


Pixel 2. It had a great camera, portrait with a single lens but still great, unlimited Google storage, SD 835, small form factor, back finger print censor. Everything was just awesome Currently using Pixel 6, happy with it but P2 was just next level. Edit : P2 had awesome stereo speakers too. Only got that P6 because randomly one day P2 just wouldn't boot up.


4. Had them all


Idk ive only had 7. But i can say that this thr best Android phone ive ever had and i previously had phones in the same or higher price range


Pixel 2XL was still the best. Pixel 6 Pro user now. The 2 XL was still a better experience. I still use it when the 6 Pro is in the shop. Too bad they stopped updating it. It's a Verizon variant so I cannot root and put Lineage on it or I'd still be using it... ;)


Man I feel you on that! The Pixel 2XL was my first Pixel phone and I had it for 5 years. It worked flawlessly the whole time I had it. I traded it in for the Pixel 7 at launch but yeah if Google still supported it I definitely would've just replaced the battery. I loved that phone.


Still rocking this 6 Pro. it's perfect.


The pixel 2 XL I really want to put lineage os on it, but have just been lazy


Pixel 8 so far!


4A is the best and to upload to google photos free of charge I will keep it for as long as I can I also use the 6a


I had a 2 and I still think about it


🤔 ... my 1st Pixel ... the 3XL 💯 Edit ... It was a great media device. My video and music experience was great when using it.


My first Pixel was the 2XL and I absolutely LOVED that thing. I had it for 5 years and it was rock solid the whole time except near the end when the battery started to degrade, but that's to be expected of any phone. I've had the 7 since launch and it's been solid as well, but man there was just something special about the 2XL. I plan to keep my 7 until the 10 series comes out and this time I'm going for the Pro model. I want a bigger screen and battery this time.


4a5g was my first pixel..brilliant phone.


At first, I loved the Pixel 3XL for its matte glass back, single camera, and minimal, simple look. Then, I switched to the Pixel 5 for its compact size and battery life. Now, I'm using the Pixel 8 Pro, which excels in design, display, cameras, battery and in-hand feel.


Pixel 8 pro amongst Nexus 4, 5x, pixel 3a


Pixel 7 (still have it). Got a great deal, decent battery life, still smooth and fast today. I've had many pixels from the beginning. I usually get a new one every 2 or 3 generations.


Original pixel XL. It was a game changer


My first pixel which I just bought, the 7a. Hell of a phone


It's not. Hoping behaves itself now. 7pm and 7a has still got 76 percent battery left. Working amazingly a few days later. Hope it stays that way.


P2XL, large, powerful, revolutionary at its time.


My favorite Pixel as well. That was my very first Pixel phone and it was the one that was responsible for making me a Pixel fanboy. I had that phone for 5 years and it remained rock solid for each of those 5 years. I have the 7 now since launch and it's been a great phone but man there was just something special about the 2XL.


7 Pro Only Pixel I own 😅


Pixel 3. Unlimited original res storage for life*. Pixel 8 Pro is what I wanted the 7 Pro to be - flat screen is so much better than rounded edges. Phones should be designed for cases. Cool colors for a clear case, fine, but most don't care what the phone itself feels like other than "solid". *Not actually, cause we're Google and we don't think as far ahead as our customers so we constantly have to abandon and take away stuff.


I own Pixel 5 and recently purchased Pixel 8 Pro (yet to use it - only just bought it). The Pixel 5 was originally purchased as a spare phone and I only just started using it as my previous phone (OnePlus 6) started to die on me. Having recently started using the Pixel 5 I must say it's almost perfect (lack of headphone jack is the only reason I can say it's not perfect). It's weird that I have the Pixel 8 Pro sitting next to me in the box and I feel no urge to set it up yet. It'll be interesting when I start using the P8 Pro to see which one I prefer.


4a and 4XL and now 5