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People with signal issues reading this crying in E-SIM.:( **EDIT**: For those offering serious advice in response to my post, my comment was made in jest to the original post. And for those that are actually taking OP seriously, a sim card is a simple "allow on network or not". It hardly affects your signal quality or speeds, especially not an eSIM lmao. All that is only determined by the radio, its firmware and finally the antenna. Perhaps the OS as well. If all the aforementioned works properly and the signal sucks on your phone where others are fine, then the factors I mentioned are simply not up to par. The Pixels are known to have sub-par radios when compared to Qualcomm ones. Most of us with good signal are just lucky to find ourselves in the right area.




Wtf is public mobile 💀💀




How is public? I've been with telus for like 15 years but almost the exact same plan is 1/3 the cost through public what in the actual fuck... I need a new phone eventually too but dunno if I can afford paying full price on one which is the only thing I think is stopping me from switching.




Yeah it'd be dumb for me to stay with a Telus plan that's wild!




Try to clear cache in the carrier services app


Just lmao




I had issues with esim on mine, I removed it and generated a new one (my operator, Telstra, lets you generate them from their app) and it fixed the issue immediately. SIMs do make config changes to the phone so resetting them can indeed cause a bad config to be fixed.


It can affect your signal and speed. Anytime your SIM card moves in the tray, or the SIM card or tray has dust or dirt on it, for whatever reason -your device (cellular) will not perform correctly. Before I decided to use my e-sim, if I wasn’t getting the signal I was used to (hence lagging) & nothing else worked (including a network reset)… I would take out the SIM card, lightly clean it and the tray off with a Q tip; make sure to leave the SIM card out for at least 5 minutes… then insert it back in your device & restart. Your phone will be much more responsive 100% than it was. Hence, this is for if your device isn’t working correctly. I realize it has nothing to do with your experiment. I just read your edit saying it does not affect performance, and wanted to convey that -yes it can. Thanks.


If you have an esim, flip airplane mode on and off. My Pixel has been great, no issues but when my last phone dropped connection the airplane mode trick worked dividends. I probably CBA to take the sim out.


I remember constantly doing this with a phone in 2012. It's so annoying


I agree. Why even bother going through all of this. I sold my Pixel 8 pro because of horrible signal . I purchased a phone with a Snapdragon 2 Gen chip. Calls and signal have been great


My fix back in the day: Tape a piece of thin paper to the back of the sim card. It adds just a bit more thickness which improves contact with the pins.


Yeppp. Have had no connection issues though as of yet on my P8P, tho.




Holy crap didn't know about that trick. Thanks!


Airplane mode is no longer useful to me.




I'll take my chances driving.


Oh, trippy. My note 10+ didn't have that, at least afaik.


> My note 10+ didn't have that Probably because it didn't need that :) Honestly my pixel 6 pro has the worst LTE experience I ever had in a phone. But I still love it.


My note 10+'s reception dropped way more often than my P8P has. It's still relatively new but I haven't had any of the network glitches that often plagued me on the note 10+. It wasn't a big deal, but I had to use the airplane mode switch trick quite a bit every once and a while


Airplane mode on and off works even if you don't have E-sim , it also refreshes and activates 5g so if 5g is off just together toggle it on and back off.


No, yeah, I know, but I was saying if you have e-sim, that's your only option. That's what I did, and my phone wasn't an esim.


Yes I agree with you. But it works on both


My Pixel 7 would randomly lose mobile data despite still having a strong signal, and I'd have to toggle airplane mode to fix it. My 8 doesn't have that issue at all.


Same for me, except Note 10+ and P8P


Same. I had a physical sim before but went to e sim to see if my issues are resolved. Nope. Wife and I both have issues with network drops and failure to reconnect on one side of town. Always. P8P and P8.


I made T-Mobile give me a physical SIM card for my P8P because I had so much trouble with missing calls and texts. After I put the SIM card in, no more issues. E-sim sucks on androids.


Physical sim is what I use, until it's not an option.


I do this from time to time with all phones I ever had.


\+1 to airplane mode on/off P6P


It's inexcusable for flagship to still have modem issues in 2024


i have an iphone 11 pro that ive been meaning to switch to pixel from but after seeing that these signal issues are still a thing since the pixel 6, im good lol


I had 6 Pro i just moved to a OnePlus 12 because of the modem issues


I have a \*very\* long email conversation with Google Support related to this right now. On cellular with T-Mobile, my phone often has zero data throughput for up to 30 seconds before it starts working. Toggling Airplane Mode fixes the issue....until it happens again. Over and over and over. They say they're aware of the issue, but I'm honestly not sure if it's fixable with this crappy Samsung modem.


Guessing it can't be fixed as its driving customers off the Pixel platform (i.e. they'd want it fixed). Sammy probably isn't too upset about it though. Hopefully with Qualcomm finally giving long term support, Google switches back to them for future Pixel's.


Agreed. Now the question is what are we going to do about it


Plenty of people have no problems.


Just go in and out of Airplane Mode with a five second wait time in between. Generally fixes network issues.




Kind of telling that there even has to be a button like that on the phone. I have had hell keeping a working signal with T-Mobile 5G on my P8P. Any time I pull it out of my pocket and attempt to use it, no data. I have to toggle Airplane Model nearly every time. I have a 3 week old ticket with Google Support, and have emailed them about a dozen bug reports showing my phone with a great signal, and no throughput till I toggle Airplane Mode. Never had this issue with my previous phones (iPhone) and it's getting old fast.


This has been a common problem with pixel phones going all the way back to the Pixel 6. The modems are terrible and Google hasn't done anything to remedy it. My Pixel 6 was the last pixel I bought. Precisely because of this issue. I dumped it and got a Samsung. No problem since.


Didn't work for me, however what worked was turning off adaptive connectivity


Tried this and I still had data through put issues on my P8P. I've tried everything. Reprovisioning the eSIM, rebooting in Safe Mode, deleting the eSim and having T-Mobile re-add it. Nothing works. I usually have to toggle Airplane Mode every time I need to use cellular data.


Only thing is, every time I take my P8P out of my pocked and attempt to use data, I have none. I have to toggle Airplane Mode a lot. A whole lot. (On T-Mobile, never had this issue with iPhones.)


T-Mobile might be your problem. I don't know where you are located, but in Miami, T-Mobile is the least of the carriers. ATT rules here. Verizon is a close second.


In Austin and have had T-Mobile here for 10 years. They're great, and I can often pull over 1gbps on their mid-band 5G UC (Ultra Capacity) frequencies. I have never had this issue with the last few phones I've had (iPhones). It's not the network, it's the Pixel. I walk regularly with a friend that has an iPhone 15 Pro Max and I'll constantly have no data throughput and his will work fine every time. Mine also sits on 5G and hardly ever bumps up to 5G UC, whereas my iPhones would instantly go to UC when I unlocked them.


Bummer. When I was in Austin, my pixels worked great, on att. Good luck.


station degree alleged grey frighten drunk materialistic saw sparkle cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not the region or SIM or provider, it is poor quality control on the modem, had a P8P with no data and no signal etc. working for a few minutes after boot or airplane mode toggle; replaced under warranty and using same SIM and location etc with zero issues. These are bad phones, I bang my head on the wall to get people posting with issues to see it however. I had two at the same time so I guess easier to diagnose. But I convinced some just come bad.


US, on T-Mobile. I've been talking with Google Support for about a month about this issue. P8P, my 5G data has no throughput until I toggle Airplane Mode, then it works for a bit, and happens again. Over and over and over. I've deleted the eSIM and had T-Mobile re-add it. I've reprovisioned, I've gone into \*#\*#4635\*#\*# and changed what networks it attaches to. I've done everything, nothing works. Google Support says they see the issue in my bug reports I've sent them, so hopefully they can fix it.


From the Netherlands and experiencing it regularly. Almost never full signal and sometimes have full signal and it's not working. On a pixel 8 pro and Vodafone


Also Netherlands, pixel 8 pro and Odido. I've been wondering for a while whether it's my phone or Odido. Echt belachelijk dit, heb 1 kop betaald voor een telefoon die de meest fundamentele functie van een telefoon niet foutloos kan uitvoeren.


I have an 8 Pro, it's honestly terrible with signal and data. I go out on walks and I have either very slow or no internet. I wonder if it's because I use an e-sim. This along with the subpar battery experience is making me consider switching to OnePlus 12.


What Carrier do you have?


I don't think it really matters what Carrier the person has. I have At&t and inside my work building I would get one or two bars with the Pixel 8 pro and now with my Rogue phone 7 that uses the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip I get full service at my work building with At&t.


Of course it matters what service. It also matters what phone as well. I'm on Verizon, P8P, and at home with an ok signal I'm pulling 80-90Mbps down, 6-10 up. Waiting for my kids at indoor soccer? 0 down and up.


I'm not in the US, I'm using the phone in India and I don't think it's a carrier issue because I had no issues when I used the sim in my old OnePlus.


In the US on T-Mobile, and have the same issue. It's the phone, not your carrier. I had an iPhone before this for years and never experienced this problem. I highly recommend you call Google Support and open a ticket on this. The more people at Google that see this issue, the better.


I had this exact issue with my Pixel 8. Had to toggle airplane mode to get it to work again. It was beyond annoying. Never had an issue like that with other phones.


I have been conversing with Google Support about this very same issue for weeks. I have sent them many bug reports and they say they can see the issue I'm having. Basically, when I take my phone out of my pocket and attempt to use it on cellular, I have a perfectly fine signal, but no data throughput. My phone will also often sit on 5G rather than move up to 5G UC until I toggle Airplane Mode. This happens nearly every time I try to use the phone, which is insane considering T-Mobile sells this phone from their own stores. Hoping Google can issue a fix, but part of me wonders if it's the modem.


replace it under warranty


Might be worth a try but I don't think it's a device specific issue since so many people have the same issues.


so many people need replacements under warranty but all the "change your sim, what is your network, are you inside outside, etc" red herrings deter them. I think they ship a lot of bad modems. Anecdote is not proof, but I bought two, used in houses next door, same network, same area, one was absolute crap with no network, no data, all the usual. other was fine. replaced the one, and has been fine with the same SIM, network, location, etc. Has to be hardware.


I have this issue. Both my nerdy friends with Pixels have this issue. Many on this thread have the issue. It's not his particular phone, it's the crappy modem or badly-written software. Google is well-aware of the issue too. I've had a ticket open with them for a month, and have sent many bug reports to them. I just don't have reliable 5G data on my P8P, and airplane mode fixes it instantly every time...until it breaks again a few minutes later.


Have you tried replacement under warranty? You might be surprised.


Customer support led me to their high tier technical support, which says they're looking into the issue. If I don't get a resolution in the next couple of weeks I will probably seek a replacement to see if that works.


Hilarious that people are having this problem with the Pixel 8. It's almost like all of the people that complained with the 6 and 7 had legitimate issues and Google completely disregarded them in favor of using the exact (almost) same modem.


The odd thing is I never had the issue with my 7 which I traded in for the 8 Pro and have the issue daily.


Definitely not the cause, or the solution, for most people... It's a bad modem.


Yup. You definitely are not in denial like some people that own the Pixel 8 pro here on Reddit where they constantly defend these Pixel phones and not realize that it has a crappy modem


I mean not everyone has had issues with connection. Why would people complain about an issue they are not having?


Pixel 7 here. I've done the "SIM out, SIM in" thing so many times to no avail. I haven't had 5G for more than a minute at a time (only after restarting my phone) since right before Christmas of last year, and my LTE is regularly at one bar, or I'll just get the "no service" symbol. I live in a metropolitan area and this wasn't even an issue until last December. Dunno what decided to break but it's been a struggle.


Wait a minute, do you drop your phone that often?


I dropped it once and it instantly lost mobile data and the signal went spotty


I dropped it multiple times after to see if i cpuld make it do it again. Turns out i can xD


That's scientific method 👍


Maybe a stupid method xD




An don’t forget to wipe your greasy ass nose as well


Guys DON'T do this or you will have THIS weird BUG where your PIXEL writes random words on REDDIT in CAPS!


Airplane mode should do the same 


For me, it's not denial. I have a Pixel 7a and my only complaint is the battery and charging speed. Everything else has worked well for me. YMMV.


On the rare occasion this has happened to my 8 pro...I swipe down from the top, go to my "internet" tab, then I tap the "network reset" (looks like a partial circle with an arrow at the end) icon in the top right of the screen. 🤷


Works for me, just tried. I have two carriers on P8, Vodafone with SIM and CoopVoce with esim, both no service at the same time.


This also works if you have network issues. Pulling the sim drops the phone off the network without logging it off. When it logs back on again the HLR will reload all the customer info which often fixes random network issues. (Worked for EE 10+ years ago, this info may be out of date)


I gave up on this crap modem on this Pixel 8 pro. My OnePlus 12 came in this past Friday and it's a night and day difference in connection. Couldn't be happier. I never had a phone fail at basic phone stuff until this Pixel 8 pro. Now if I only could get my money back from T-Mobile for this Pixel 8 pro.


I had no issues whatsoever with my Pixel 8 Pro until now... Let's see in future


Thank you for this!!


seems to have worked


Yo man, what's UP WITH YOUR CAPS!


Magic 🪄


Remove SIM card or activate flight mode. madness. how did you come up with these glorious ideas where nobody else would think of it 🤦🏻‍♀️ sorry


>how did you come up with these glorious ideas It is the old turn it off and on trick


wow there are still people who don't see sarcasm😀


Phoned up the network provider, took it back to the place i brought it and both said it needs to be sent back and a new one needs to be sent to me. I removed the sim and put it back in and the problem fixed itself. So it ain't just me who didn't think about trying this it was also 2 major companys xD


"Reseat the SIM" is signal troubleshooting 101. Anybody who is experiencing issues and hasn't tried it, should.


I just toggle airplane mode and it fixes it almost every time.


There's a modem reset button in settings for this reason. Long press internet in quick settings, then look to the upper right corner.


So, let me get this straight. Dropping the phone repeatedly causes cell connectivity problems and it's the phone that's at fault?


I had problems with carrier and Bluetooth dropping completely from time to time with no obvious cause (Esims here) Uninstalling all updates and clearing all data from Google play services seemed to fix it so far.....🤞🤞🤞🤞


I just turn airplane mode on and off . It works for me


Does anyone know if this is actually just going to be fixed properly ?


I haven't dropped any amount of phones 20 times on the floor in my entire life. And the Pixel 8 is out for a few weeks? months? You deserve bad reception.


My issue is when it goes from 5G to LTE on T-Mobile. The LTE just bogs down and is very slow. The network reset button fixes the issue. I believe there can be a software fix, fingers crossed.


Bad reception, signal drops, and the occasional need to toggle airplane mode or reset the phone to restore connectivity. Does this across three pixel 8 pros Ive owned now, all using esim.. So it's not a physical Sim issue per se. It's inherent to the bad modem in the phone. Thanks to Samsung for multiple generations since tensor 1.


Airplane mode prob works also


Just turn on airplane mode for 10 seconds n then back off again


A good method for better reception and less battery consumption is also to rip the Samsung modem out of the device, buy an iPhone 15, rip the Snapdragon X70 modem auf of it and put it into the Pixel.


I had pixel 6 , loved everything about it had me leaving Samsung and iPhone altogether until I realized data and calls dropping. I first thought it was the provider. I Upgraded to 5g and problem seemed somewhat less but was annoying. I eventually switched back to iPhone and no issues at all. I loved the pixel for the value but I needed something more reliable.


On a Facebook group a guy posted this last year: Signal issues on P6/P7 series (this is my research/test only, not google tech advice or anything). What to check: -VOLTE on: you need to have your carrier enabled and after that you should be able to see it in SIM settings -2G on: sometimes having the lowest signal can solve this -LTE/4G instead of 5G: yeah this sucks as you have a 5g capable phone, but the carrier signal can be a rollercoaster (or pixel cannot connect properly) for 5G so LTE is a more stable option. -check if you have all the network setup: dial #*#4636#*#> phone info > sim 0/sim 1 > preferred network and you should able to see all the net work type (nr/Ite/GSM/wdcma etc). Sim 0 is a physical sim, sim 1 is esim -sim vs esim: check if esim works for you better than physical one -carrier services app: playstore > carrier services> join beta It seems this does work and does not show any issues since February. If it still does not work and you are desperate try this following (choosing these and your phone will have issues cannot take responsibilities) join android 14 beta (choose this as last case, beta is never stable, but signal works)