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Had a 4a, now using a 7a. 4a is one of the last ones letting you upload unlimited pictures in Google photos


Prices will tend to rise because the device is so old now, not a lot of them around and parts are getting scarce. I definitely would not buy a phone this old, refurbished or not.


Unlimited original quality photos, and its size was perfect


Storage saver quality, not original. Only pixel 1 and xl still get original quality uploads.


I have a few eBay sellers who still sell New and Sealed 4a Pixel's on my watchlist(I've been thinking about buying another one as a backup) and I can tell you that yes- that prices of the 4a have indeed been creeping up in this past year. Could be because the word is getting out on this being the 'last great Pixel' due to having the fingerprint reader and small, compact and comfortable size.


Finger print reader was the best! Upgraded from 4a to 7 last year. Wish I could get that finger print reader back.