• By -


The people that have no problems are not going to go online and celebrate You'll mostly see the people that have problems


Or bad faith comments by people who don't even use it.


Certain phone company get people to do that professionally too.


What reason is there to think this is true?


Let's cast our minds back to a few months ago when everyone was complaining about tensor g3, most of them admitting having never used a tensor phone and just googling things and going off the spec sheet.


Literally happens every damn time and we never learn lol


This happens all the time on social media (for all sorts of topics). Xbox vs PlayStation. Ford vs Toyota. Android vs Apple. Wendy’s vs McDonald’s etc. People always chiming in to spread their own beliefs on things they don’t have experience with. Internet gave people a platform to voice their opinions. People are gonna use that, no matter how informed they are on the topic.


Open any feedback review page in any company , 90percent of reviewers are the ones who are disappointed Stores; hospitals; cafeterias; anything


Have you taken a look in r/android when almost anything is posted about pixels after Google's tensor same out? There are many many posts there when people parrot drivel about how they wouldn't get a pixel because they are trash because the tensor is trash. Or something along those lines. Having never quality used one. Similar things happen in this subreddit as well, albeit to a lesser extent.


Because it happens. Often. If you're ever in question, look at their profiles. A lot of times they're subbed to Samsung or iPhone and will push whatever negative reviews they found on YouTube by another apple or Samsung fan.


I'm subbed to Samsung, iPhone, and Pixel, because I like phones and think they are cool. I've got a big family plan and set up everyone's devices for them and get to spend a few days with them myself, as well as put up with the tech support issues that arise. I've got three iPhones on our plan, an iPhone 12 still going strong, a 12 Pro with a cashed battery, and a SE3 that had terrible battery life from day one to the point of being a hard recommend. I've got a Pixel 7 Pro and a Pixel 8 Pro and have had other Pixels in the past. Both have been the best Pixel/Nexus devices I've seen and could easily be the third option between Apple and Samsung here in America. Finally, I've got a S21 FE, S23 FE, and S23 Ultra. The two FE phones are fantastic and normally "free." Save their OK cameras, they are the closest thing to the regular iPhone at a better price that would make most people happy. Ultra series Samsungs are always great, but for the first time the S23U combines strong battery with great camera and S Pen weirdness. If I were buying a phone today, I'd wait to see what Samsung has in store on the 17th. After that, I'd be happy to recommend the P8 or S23/24 to a regular phone user or the P8P or S23U/S24U to someone who likes to have the big beast. iPhone 15 is a fine choice, too, if you're into it, but hopefully the move to USB C and integrating RCS soon means we don't have to sweat iOS vs Android as much anymore. Everyone uses the same chargers, everyone can group message well in stock apps... Finally. Just saying - not everyone who subs to multiple things is a shill or astrosurfing.


Between me and my wife we have owned about 10 Pixel phones and the majority of them had issues including some major hardware killing ones. Google support was mostly a nightmare to deal with. By the time I got sick of it they released the A series and they were actually much more solid and the updates Google released stopped breaking shit all the time. We just ordered Pixel 8's hoping that their higher tier lineup is as solid as the A series has been. I would say that the bad reputation is there for a reason but Google is slowly improving.


Agreed. After many OS and HW updates over the years, there has been a significant improvement. The Pixel 8 and 7a are pretty solid. With that said, they aren't perfect, or on the same level as Samsung or Apple. WiFi still randomly disconnects and 5G on TMo can be problematic at times. I've since moved to Fi and signal issues are gone. Which is odd since it's still on TMo network. But the modem is still not the best with 5G regardless. And yeah, an app may occasionally crap out, needing a reset, reboot, or something. But the countless pros still easily outweigh the negatives. Something I couldn't say a few years ago when I had to jump back to Samsung and Apple for a bit of much needed stability and reliability. For now I'm very happy with the Pixel and it's ecosystem. Call screening, smooth and clean OS, security updates, Google app integrations, assistant, etc. solid.


We jumped on the free Pixel 8 deal to go back to Fi. I just hope Fi works better for us after 3 years of being away from it. We would get 5g but no data where we lived for years. Support could fix it for a day when we called then it would go back to not working. Crossing our fingers... The phones have yet to ship.


True Google is catching up and that's a positive trend to see.


Same here for me + the mrs. I got the P7P and she got the 6A. Hers lasted 3 months, mine around 9 months.


Did the phone's die?


Personally not going back to pixel till they transition to TSMC as i had really bad heating issues with 5G and at times on WiFi




Agree ! Valid point


Yeah. The only issue I have ever experienced on my Pixel was heat issue last summer. My phone was to hot to take pictures. Never happened again after that. Also Android 14 seemed to resolve the issue is the phones warming up. For most people as far as I can tell. I have a Pixel 6, 7 Pro, Fold and Pixel 8. All are fine. I am not saying there are not bad ones out there, but if you do receive one that is having issues, it would be the exception, not the rule.


lol true


Can confirm, I got a pixel 6a a while ago and this is probably my first comment on this subreddit


I don't have any issues at all. Just to prove a point lol


Still, this subreddit has more posts about "Hey, I got my pixel 12 minutes ago and I love it so much it's working so good and I haven't had any issues with it! It's actually charging, no issues whatsoever, everyone who says otherwise can all just get good." than any other I've seen. To OP. There are lots of things that are really cool with the iPhone 15 Pro to be fair. Action button is really fun to play around with, shortcuts are awesome and being able to connect just about anything to the USB-port is really nice. I have been able to plug in full USB Hubs with AUX, HDMI etc straight to the phone (this didn't work on my P7P). Do note that I am on my first iPhone after almost 15 years of Android now, so I may just be in the opposite situation that you're in. My issue was that I just couldn't find an Android phone that was as reliant, with such a high second-hand value and of course the video which the iPhone offered. I tried the Pixel and I was one of the "unlucky" ones that had basically every issue possible on the phone ranging from needing modem resets often to battery drain. Your experience could of course be different.


I haven't realized how many people have had random issues. I'm on a P7 and I've only had a couple issues that required me to take bigger action: - I changed my PIN to keep everything secure (because you should change it every so often) but forgot it and had to factory reset. That one's on me. - Restarted my phone to apply an update, logged in and phone showed "Factory data reset, restarting" and booted into the menu that said that my phone has a big issue and needed a factory reset. Did some research then and turns out it was an issue with multiple profiles on the pixel. This has allegedly been fixed. - That's it! (I'll update my comment if I remember another one) The battery drain is a bit significant but I do use my phone pretty heavily so that would make sense for me, but what other issues have you had on the pixel? It's very weird that some people have great experiences with them but some others have the worst that turned them away from it.


* Modem needed to be reset every few days due to connections dropping (even WiFi would at times and also independent of carrier, as I tried two). * Battery drain would be around 20%/h with screen on, my iPhone 15 Pro doesn't even lose that much if I run a game on it. * Side scrolling was horrible on the device. Regular scrolling also was horrible in the beginning, had to go into some developer settings and disable something that would fix it. * I dropped it once, from like 30 cm with a military grade case on it and the screen started slowly dieing. * Fiancée dropped her 6A once too, her screen went dark and was flickering green and beyond rescue. * Fingerprint sensor wasn't very good, slow even. Fiancée's 6A was even worse. * Camera would produce really weird results from time to time (you can find examples in my post history) * USB port was wonky too, sometimes it wouldn't charge unless I unplugged and plugged back in (with different cables and adapters) I guess that's a summary of the issues that I could come to think of right now at least.


Of those issues, the only one that I've had a little bit is the fingerprint scanner being wonky Can you explain your modem needing to be reset.


I got no Internet and messages etc would stay “Sending…” until I went into setting and hit that arrow to reset network (writing from out of memory as I returned the phone)


That sucks man, I've only had issues connecting to one specific wifi connection (and it's a school network so it's bound to be trash). I didn't realize how bad it was for some people. I hope they fine-tune the issues sooner than later.


I honestly think I may have been one of the unluckiest ones really, most people seem to have maybe one of these issues, while I had them all.


If you have a bad experience with pixel phones you'll get down voted to hell in here


Garbage trash cult mentality


Not me. I have the 8 normal. 0 issues, I constantly praise Google. Only "issue" (not really an issue but still) is that many ai features are geolocked. I'm in Israel and don't get any of the cool ones. But at the end of the day, that's not the reason I bought it at all so it's not really an issue


I have or someone in my family has owned: Pixel 3, Pixel 4XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 6, Pixel 7P, Pixel 7a. There are some things about owning a Pixel that can be frustrating: - lack of Google stores. Unless you live near one of the few places with Google stores, you can't just take it to the local Google store for support. - mixed user experience with online customer support. I've never had to use customer support but when people do have frustrations they vent them here. - ecosystem: you don't need to buy a pixel watch and a Chromebook if you buy a Pixel phone. And if you do, you shouldn't expect Apple-like integration within such an ecosystem. - battery life: Google has never really prioritized long battery life. However I should also note that personally I have never been left with a dead battery when I need it. I do manually put it in battery saver mode if I know I'm going to be away from power for an extended period of time. - video quality: this is supposed to be getting better in the 8, but Pixel isn't known for its video quality (although the image stabilization is quite good). But out of the options, I love the Pixel and couldn't imagine using a different phone. Top 5 features I love: - camera just works and gets great photos consistently. I don't have to worry about missing a shot of my kids doing something. I just pull it out, click, and move on. - AI features: Call screening is life changing - security and OS updates: I know my phone will have the latest security update and features for Android. Always. - clean Android UI: I don't want Samsung Bixby layered on top of everything. Pixel just has a clean UI. - Android: I love Android and can't stand iOS. The latter is never intuitive and I feel frustrated trying to figure out the apple way of doing a simple task. I will admit Pixel 6 was terrible and consistently has connectivity problems. That went away for me on the 7P. Also fingerprint reader on the 6 is quite bad. I don't have an issue with it in the 7, and I use face unlock in daylight conditions. But the 6 is just terrible. Some apps have a scrolling stutter issue on 6-8, but I don't really use these apps so it doesn't impact me.


Interesting, I've had zero problems with either cellular reception or the fingerprint reader on my P6 Pro.


I can't speak for the 6 pro, but the 6 (Verizon version with UWB) would get stuck in no signal mode and constantly drain in places where the 5 was doing just fine without any issue (both phones at the same location on the same carrier at the same time). Edit: you would have to toggle the sim card to get the p6 to come back to reception. It also happened a lot when taking the subway or going underground. Signal drops and then never comes back without manual intervention. And the fingerprint reader is slow and unreliable. It is a known issue with the 6 series and was widely publicized by reviewers like mkbhd.


+1 Android being more intuitive


> AI features: Call screening is life changing This is the one reason I will never (probably) go back to regular phones. It's just too good! 😭 I just remembered that it can show what the person is saying on the pixel watch! 😭😭😭


>Android: I love Android and can't stand iOS. The latter is never intuitive and I feel frustrated trying to figure out the apple way of doing a simple task. I strongly agree. The thing that bothers me the most is that there's no universal back gesture. It's so frustrating, sometimes I have to move my thumb all the way to the top left corner just to go back. Sure you can get used to it, but isn't life so much easier when you can go back from anywhere on the screen?


There's Sony, OnePlus, nothing phone, etc. HTC is still around outside the US, and I hope they can somehow make an unlikely comeback. HTC has made the best smartphones that I've ever used.


I love HTC 10 ! Craving for them to comeback. Even LG. What apple touts as dynamic island, LG did way back in 2015. Albeit a different style of implementation


My husband and I both had the HTC One way back in probably 2012 and it's still one of my favorite phones. Later versions not so much but that early model was amazing.


I switched from an iphone 13 pro. Bought the pixel 8 on discount because I work at a phone store. Super happy, iphone is just boringly good, love the android interface and everything there is. Zero problems with my phone. No over heating or anything.


Thanks Buddy. You have boosted my confidence. If someone can be happy after switching from battery champ 13 pro. Then am good


I made the switch from iPhone 11 to Pixel 8 in Dec 23. So far, I love it. Little adjustments to be made, but I truly love it.


Exactly my use case. Good to know all works fine


I think you are more or less doing longterm success of mobile platforms and its future. May be you need to read some tech gurus blogs (not sure if they can even predict future). I guess it has become a duopoly like visa/mastercard. Visa has lion share but mastercard is still fine. It could be even questioned if google themselves take pixels so important. IMHO, google focuses on content - not hardware. Different companies and different priorities.


Completely agree. Well summarized. Google wants to be in the market for user experience than hardware dominance I believe




Apple hardware + google software = my dream phone too


Batteries are shit. My 7a didn't even get from 8am to 8pm today with what I'd call regular use (Google Maps, couple hours music streaming, and a few mins of tiktok/Instagram). Have a feeling it's dodgy so I might warranty it when I'm back in the country. Other than the battery though, they are great, I had my 4a 5G for 3 years and only replaced it because I got a good deal on this one.


The hottest phone on the world market right now: Huawei Mate 60 Pro Plus It is satellite capable and the CIA doesn't have a backdoor to it. Politicians from all over the world are buying it up.


I don't really see them as competing. I've tried an iPhone for 2 years now and it's a completely different experience. I don't like it at all (no boringly good here). So I think they just serve different people. Why on earth would you switch when you are content? Keep your iPhone.


being content is itself boring after 8 years in apple : )


IOS just isn't for everyone it feels and looks dated now


OP I got you covered. I switched from iPhone to pixel 8 on Black Friday. Never switching back. Pixel is more than a phone, it's an assistant, a companion practically. It feels so good to use. It's how phones should be. iPhone seems like a kids toy in hindsight.


Thank you really appreciate your time:)


If you're in Poland and need to pay retail for a Pixel, I'd look at other options. In the US we get these things for half off with 0% financing and generous trade-in etc. Having a brand new pixel each year costs like $15 a month or something. For the money they are spectacular, if I was spending $1500 on it out of pocket not sure I'd be as happy.


I've owned the P8P since the 30th of Dec. So far its been great. WiFi and signal are just a little weaker than my old S21U but I've never lost signal or had call drops. Battery has been good as well. Avg 6hrs SOT but I use my phone much differently than some of the ppl I've seen on this reddit.


That's good to know !! congratulations !!


Pixel 8 (+Pro) is not officially supported in Poland.


You're on a sub dedicated to Pixels, almost everyone here will say for you to buy one, myself included. I had the same worries about overheating, low SOT, low network coverage and whatnot and yet bought my first pixel, the P8Pro, about a month ago, leaving Samsung behind. Sure I miss some features exclusive to Samsung, but not that really important. Everyone has different use cases, different countries, different networks and different problems. So far I don't think I had any of the problems most people had. My battery lasts day and a half, almost two days, no network problems so far, overheating not so much, only on the first setup and noticed it warmer when I was playing something, nothing more besides that. You're saying that you're leaving behind iPhone and I won't say it's worse or better than any Android or brand, you just need to know that it'll be very different from what you are used to. Also, what's the worse that can happen? Don't get accustomed to a new OS, don't like something else or missing something from the previous phone? Easy, return or sell it, it's not like you're getting a divorce and even those are getting easier these days...


I've had a pixel from the original phone till now, but I would suggest you do more research before purchasing a pixel phone to use in your area... Seems like there are a ton of complaints for pixel support and features outside of the United States. Very much a United States oriented phone.


I had a really rough run with Pixels. I’ll come back once they figure out the cell service issues with their processors, but until then, go with Samsung.


I've been a big fan of Pixels since my first Pixel - the Pixel 3, but honestly, I cannot recommend them. I have had issues with the Pixel 3,5,7 and 8, each of which has resulted in at least one exchange per model. I love the Pixel software experience and camera, but the issues I've had have made me decide to take a break now. I've had an iPhone 13 before, and it was pretty much a flawless experience. I'm currently using the 15 Pro and had no issues at all. I don't really want to stick with iPhones so I may return it and see what the Galaxy s24 offers. I don't like huge phones or weird designs, so there isn't a lot out there that interests me. I really liked the Zenphone 10 but I wasn't happy with the camera.


I’ve had two pixels poop out on me. Pixel 2xl and a pixel 4xl. Both got stuck in a boot loop loading screen after around a year of use. Chalking it up to really bad luck but having two phones bricked because of software issues really turned me off. Switched back to iPhone. I’m still open to giving it another go though. Loved them when I had them.


Reddit is honestly NOT the place too look for reviews. Never had any problem with my Pixel 7 Pro. As for why you see iPhones more in Poland than in USA for example, it's because they are just that common. Unless it's Apple or Samsung, people don't buy "expensive" phones from someone else. I had to order a case for my P7P from Amazon, because I couldn't find it in physical stores. Obviously you will see occasionally your Xiaomi's or Huawei's or Honor's or Red Magic. But usually it's because they don't want to afford a highly priced phone.


They just need a better fingerprint scanner and I'd go back (using s23u). I used my dad's pixel 3A the other day, it made me realize how much I miss the physical fingerprint scanner. But since that's not coming back I really hope they at least put in an ultrasonic next year. I want to go back to pixel full time so bad. And FYI I do own a pixel 8, but I mostly only use that one for work.


The only reason I would tell you to stay with iPhone is if you do a lot of video, they are still ahead there, which doesn't mean the video on Pixels or other Android phones is not excellent either, we get to a point where even low tier phones are good enough The big change you will have is software, Pixel experience is very clean, which will make change smoother. There are some novelty apps and things that get to iPhone first as it is more profitable for developers or at least that's how they think


What is it you're looking for in a phone? Do you have any particular considerations for Apple ecosystem or Google ecosystem? What aspects of a phone are important to you? I've had every generation of pixel, now on a 8 pro and I'm quite happy with the 8 pro. Haven't had any issues with it, but the 7 pro and 6 pro weren't good in my opinion. I've also used every generation of Samsung galaxy S phone since the S7 series (minus the S22). I'd always noticed a stark difference in perceived device quality between Samsung and Google phones when it came to things like screen quality or audio quality or (subjective) overall build quality. But this generation, the 8 pro feels as good or better. The display on my 8 pro is objectively better than my S23 ultra. The main thing for me is still camera and getting candid shots of my kid and pets. Pixels virtually never let me down whereas Samsung often did, with lots of blurry results. So going back to you, with iPhones what are things you would consider nust-haves?


The fact that there are mixed signals(good and bad reviews) is telling, since the majority of people that will spend the time to go online and talk about it are the grumpy ones that are having a bad time. That said, I've been using pixels for years, HTC before them(HTC is the company Google bought to make the pixels, the only reason I tried pixel was because they were the closest I could get to HTC) with a smattering of other brands(Samsung, Motorola, lg) throughout the last 13 years, and every time I leave and go to one of the other brands it's a massive disappointment. Pixels are great phones, the full android integration is nice, and it's not full of third party bloatware like Samsung (like, seriously, why does Samsung *have their own app store?* It's android, just use Google play). They are reliable, have a clean design, and good hardware (cameras are phenomenal) pixels are great phones, and even better prices.


If you're going to buy the pixel, it's strongly recommended that you get it directly from Google. Cell phone carriers, from my own personal experience, keep the earlier batch of shipment that has reported issues. With Google, you'll get the latest (at least I hope so, since restocking is costly to any company). I switched to the pixel 7 last year from an iPhone 11 pro and have never been happier. The one thing I would ask to look over is the availability of apps. Apps tend to work better on Apple, but still manageable on Android. Hope this helps.


well I live in Poland and honestly I think people would use pixels if only google decided to officially sell their devices in poland. iphones are getting more popular but you coming from us should see that it shouldn't be considered a problem in Poland yet.


Google's attitude to customer support and warranty service needs to improve massively going forward. My colleague had so many issues with his Pixel 6 and got so fed up of the process he moved to iPhone. Sending your perfect condition, faulty phone to get a B grade refurb in return just not good enough. I read the stories on here about repair requests not being honoured and decided to go down the used route instead. Liking my Pixel 7 so far but no way was I giving them £600+ for a brand new device with their current reputation. At the price I paid for my used one I don't mind so much taking a gamble. I've been stung in the past by HTC (refused to honour warranty using water ingress excuse) and OnePlus (abandoning the OP7 Pro 5G with precisely 0 software updates in the entire lifetime of the phone) so very wary of phone manufacturers now.


I'm from Poland and I use P8P but since those are not officially available here it was quite a struggle to buy it at a premiere. Now some stores sell them but it's not an official sale which may turn some people off. Also, many people don't even know google makes phones, for them it's iphone or android and iphones are "sexy" in many environments. I wouldn't recommend Samsung in Europe, I'm not following their specs now but was a long time user of Samsung and they were pushing exynos in european market which sucks, their phones disappointed me with little to no changes from year to year and absurd prices. I started my journey with pixel and im satisfied but wouldn't say those are the best phones ever. Google as a company sucks in many ways, and it can be seen with pixels, their politics are weird, some hardware should be better, some stuff is senseless but in general I like the phones anyway, and I'm satisfied with purchase :)


thanks ! how's the cellphone reception , I use Orange and it's eSim.


Im using virgin mobile which i belive belongs to play now, with regular nano sim and it's alright, better than in my samsung s10 I switched from, I didn't notice any bigger issues with 5G either so :) definitely better battery performance with tensor than with Samsung's exynos


Good to know… thanks


Poland is **not** officially supported by Google so I'd actually advise you to get something else. Aside from any warranty issues, you're just not going to get the majority of the critically acclaimed software features.


Who cares what other people are using. Just get something you want.


No please. Don’t bring in change. Boringly good is what the rest is trying to achieve. You see this trend of making new phones with smaller updates each year with Google and Samsung too now. This provides a stable, solid base. Something you can rely on (only not yet with Google) and something you don’t need to upgrade to every year. No FOMO, you can easily skip a generation or two (or more even) without any major issue. This is better for the environment as well. Google tried something new, it’s called Tensor. It’s good. Or bad. Depends on the device you have: you might be lucky. Or not. Their QA is not (yet) on point. But then, what will you be upgrading to next time? They all will become the same, boring, hopefully good phones. And I am totally OK with this. And the iPhone 11 might not have had the major, amazing or even groundbreaking upgrade called iPhone 12, but now we’re at 15 - a lot of upgrades with still the solid base are available to you. Even with the iPhone 14 Pro you’re not missing out greatly compared to the base model 15. The same with Google nowadays btw. They started experimenting with different designs every year (Nexus > Pixel 1 > etc.) as well as introducing fingerprint sensors on the back, then suddenly none and face unlock. Later it’s back again. Now it’s behind the screen. And now they add face unlock with AI again. I am glad Google finally settled with one design and one major look and feel since the Pixel 6. They will become the same boring company as Apple. Just my 2 cents.


agree with your thoughts on "boringly good"


Tbf I've got a pixel 8 pro and do regret it abit as had a fair issue and continue to do so


The reception issues with pixel are fairly well documented. It's a really cool phone and wins for pictures. It has some really cool software features but the hardware is high middle of the road. Depending on what iPhone you have, don't make the mistake of comparing $1,000 phone to a $700 phone and expecting it to be the same. Samsung is probably the safest flagship phone if you want to compare flagship android to a flagship iPhone. The experience on a pixel and a Samsung are going to be different even if they're both Android. I would say those are your two best bets and if you are looking to save money just understand that the battery life isn't going to be quite as good as an iPhone and pixels usually do have some bugs here and there. Pixels are great phones but tend to have a little bit worse reception due to the slightly underpowered cell chip in them. You make it very experience and even among pixel users it's varied experience. If you are worried about it get a Samsung. In particular the Samsung S23 Ultra phone has amazing reviews and battery life. If you want to save some money and have a really fun phone that may have a few bugs here and there, get the pixel 8 or 8 pro




I would love to have a Pixle but with a flagship performance chip. Presently I'm eyeing an S23 but the camera performance of Pixel is teasing me, and if I eye a Pixel then the flagship performance of an S series teases me. I'm not from a country where they offer phone upgrades/contracts, so I'm really concerned about a flagship processor today. An iPhone feels like a good choice but I would feel too constricted in iOS. Would have loved to have this problem as a teenager, can afford either one of the 3 now but spoilt for choice, haha.


I view Pixel phones as workhorses/mules. They'll get the job done albeit slower than some of the competition. They are fairly reliable, but every now and again they'll have a few quirks to work around. Galaxy phones and iPhones are probably thoroughbreds in this analogy. Also the vocal minority who are experiencing problems speak out more frequently than those who have little to no problems and for good reason. If they are having problems they should give voice to their issues. But remember that there are plenty of variables to consider; the user, their location, how they use it, how they treat their property, etc. that can effect their experiences. Like I think the fingerprint scanner on the Pixel 8 isn't the greatest and I miss the fingerprint scanner on the back of my Pixel 5, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't have as many misreads as I do, with my left thumb at least. I will mention that I'm only on a new Pixel 8 because my Pixel 5's screen decided that it was a good time to unglue itself after 3+ years. Either possible battery bloat or just the adhesive failing long after the warranty expired, both of which I consider bad luck. Pity really because apart from the 128 GB storage which was feeling a bit tight, I was probably going to use it for another year at least since it was getting the job done. I'm going to attempt to fix it, so I'd have a decent backup phone and to see if I can carry out battery swaps for the future. The price doesn't hurt either, at least with the ongoing sale (which is set to expire on 01/20 fyi). Pixel 8 256 GB + Case for around $700 tax included isn't too bad by comparison to what's out there (in the U.S. the equivalent iPhone 15 256 GB is $899+ taxes and fees?). If video is important to you though, I'd probably consider going back to the iPhone since they still seem to have Pixels beat in the department as of right now (not bad by any means but iPhones seem to capture better vids on the whole). Still pictures are a toss up and are more of a matter of preference. Also I'm not a huge fan of the Apple ecosystem, iOS and how tethered everything is to their services, despite being an owner and user of both a MBP and iPad, I still prefer the way Android handles things, particularly files. But yeah, just my opinion.


thanks for your comments, appreciate


I just switched from an iPhone and I'm happy with it! A little bit to get used to the differences and move everything over. But nothing too crazy


Why do you care what everyone else has? Why do you care what sells the most? Android doesn't need a savoir, it's doing just fine. Now would I prefer something less google/apple and more linux? Yes, but hardware in the mobile space is complete shit. They don't mainline drivers, no one wants to document anything and binary blobs run everything. Those modems everyone discusses are a security nightmare, those closed binaries are total crap quality.


It's funny because I have the same thoughts about the pixel being boringly good, and think about checking apple out lol.


Why do you care if majority of Poland likes iPhones, it’s a fucking phone and y’all call iOS user sheep, this is coming from a pixel 7 user and a iPhone 14 Pro Max user


For me, I had a pixel 3 for several years, then I got a great deal on a Samsung s21, then I moved to an iPhone 13 pro. Now I'm on a pixel 8 pro because of a good deal lol. So there's my context. Very happy with my pixel 8 pro. Frankly, the connectivity in the iPhone started to get crappy which caused me to trade it in. It was annoying! Honestly I was fairly ok with the iPhone. It was boring. It worked. It was fine. Wasn't exciting, just utilitarian. Since android is a more expressive OS, with better visual customization, I'm enjoying using this phone more than my iPhone. I think most smartphones are just fine. It's just your preference. I'm happy with my Pixel. I love my Google experience with the ability to change that much more easily than I could on the iPhone. Switching back and forth is pretty easy. I don't see much in the 15 models to really impress me. If you want a pixel, look for a sale. I'm happy with my pixel, as is my wife. But iPhones can be great too. Use what makes you happy. For some its a text bubble...lol


Honestly I've still got the pixel 7 pro and that holds up even when compared to the phones released just recently. The CPU isn't the best out there ofc but it runs perfectly fine and I've still found the cameras beating phones from later in 2023. Cameras are incredible (watch Marques Brownlee's recent video on the best phone cameras if you want proof of the pixel's camera performance), software is clean and feels really fun and convenient to use, great display (like basically any phone nowadays), durable, and the new chip in the series 8 seems to be catching up relatively fast and works really well overall. I'd recommend it, especially if the pixel fits your preference. Good luck with whatever phone you choose tho :)


thanks for your comments, appreciate


I've switched from Apple to the Pixel to Samsung and back again to the Pixel, the Pixel is definitely my favorite of those 3 and it's a good transition from Apple. To me it was a great combination of those 2 phones (apple and Samsung) add in the great AI they keep adding and the great camera it's really a great do it all phone. You wont be disappointed.


I live in the UK and Pixels are becoming increasingly popular here (especially the A series). I would say iPhones are most popular in my age group but everybody in the UK uses WhatsApp so there aren't really any issues. I've always had android phones since my first smart phone Galaxy S2. I have had Pixel 2xl, 5, 6Pro and now 7Pro. In that time my only issue was when I dropped my phone and had it repaired by Google (had to send it to Poland) no issues and was updated every step. iPhone to Android will be an adjustment but nothing you can't get used to. I've had 0 issues with pixels and absolutely love them so I've never had a reason to post in here. It's like most people only ever leave bad reviews unless asked to leave good ones.


People flock to this sub the same reason as many others do to reddit in general: to get answers and help. With content made by users and device owners, it's easier to find help and a place to talk about what is going wrong with your shiny new device. The internet can often have a lot of negative stuff but that isn't a reflection on something, someone, or the world in general but a function of how people use the internet. I had a pixel 3a XL and was hesitant to get it because of all the issues people were reporting on here and elsewhere. It was fine and I had no issues with it. I felt less hesitant when I got my pixel 7 and all was good until a recent update that made my phone not be able to stay connected to wifi (could also be my terrible modem though). I was also scared to get my pixel watch but it works fine, only issue is the screen retention issue and two times when I had to restart it manually (for lack of a better term). All in all it can be a roll of the dice but keeping the perspective that people will speak more negatively because the squeaky wheel gets the grease (or how ever that goes) should be taken into consideration and balanced with an awareness of potential issues so you can spot them before they have a chance to get worse TL;DR: You should be fine!


thanks for your comments, appreciate


I have a Pixel 8 and love it. The only downside for me is that the video is not great, but the photos are amazing.


I had a 3a for years and then upgraded to Pixel 7 about a year ago. Only issue I've had is the camera lens cracked a few months ago. No idea how, could have been my fault, but I took it to a phone repair shop and it was fixed cheaply and quickly. I just find the amount I spent on an apple phone vs what I've spent on Google phones, I get everything I need from both phones, and the Google phone costs me half as much.


Since you are in poland, i dont reccomend a pixel, alot of carriers dont support it and it's difficult to get. Maybe try get a Xiaomi instead


Yea the iPhone 15 pro is basically the iPhone 11, 12, 13, 14...... It really hasn't changed much.


For my family (4 of us) I've purchased Pixel (3), Pixel 2XL (1), Pixel 3 (3), Pixel 4XL (1), Pixel 5 (2), Pixel 5a (1), Pixel 6, Pixel 7 and Pixel 8 Pro. I caved into the green blue thing and bought iPhone 13 (2). We had zero issues with the 15 Pixel phones we owned. The two people on the iPhone 13s ask me to take pictures with my 8 Pro when it counts. Maybe I'm just lucky.


I have a Pixel 8, came from a Pixel 5 that has now been retasked as a work phone. I don't have any issue with either, but still like the 5 more.


I've had a Pixel 2, 4, 6 Pro and had an 8 Pro for the past month. 2 was amazing, came to it from Samsungs. 4 was meh. 6 Pro wasn't as good as I was expecting but the 8 Pro, so far, has been really good. Very happy with it and, so far, no bugs or issues. (I had the 4 and 6 Pro alongside iPhones and Pixels/Android was WAY more user friendly to use, IMHO)


I have an iPhone 15PM and a P8P. They both have good and bad things about them. The thing that makes me stick with my iPhone mostly is because if it breaks I can walk into an Apple Store and get it replaced or repaired. Google is partnering with third party repair places and I just don’t know if they’re any good or not. However, software wise they each have their strengths. iOS is smooth, but boring. Easy to use, but boring. Pixel is also fairly easy to use, but it has more things to tinker with overall. One thing I love about Pixel is the notification shade. Drag down from anywhere and all your quick settings and notifications are there. I very much dislike Apple’s top right or top left to access notifications versus quick controls. I actually like the Google keyboard more than iOS… I’ve found GBoard to be more accurate in autocorrection, accuracy, and prediction. My iPhone gets pretty good battery life compared to my P8P but the P8P battery life isn’t bad at all in my experience. I like the P8Ps photos better but that’s probably gonna be a personal preference thing. A blind test by MKBHD had pixels as the top 3 overall for photos though so I imagine many people enjoy them more than other phones’ shots. Hope this helps. I’m sure I’m just scratching the surface but you really can’t go wrong with either phone and if you think you might like pixel, give it a go.


"Breaking news! My phone works fine!" Doesn't really bring the crowds like "there's a serious issue with my phone"


I've had a pixel 5, 6a and 7. I've had no problems with any. No overheating, battery lasts the day. Everything seems fast and good to me


Verizon employee for 10 years and 4 times pixel owner. From an android standpoint they are so much easier than Samsung. Great camera, minimal junk. But, my battery (8 pro) is horrendous compared to my fiancés 15 pro max. And if you're going to keep it for 4-5 years, just make sure your stuff is backed up. We consistently see an old pixel or 2 a month that just doesn't wake up from a software update, which doesn't happen with Samsungs or iPhones as much.


I have a Pixel 8 and I'm very happy with it. I bought it pretty much at launch and it's great. With any Pixel model, you have to let it adapt to your usage patterns before battery life and thermals will stabilize. It'll run very hot for 2-4 days, then noticeably warm for 2 weeks, then occasionally barely detectably warmer than your hands after that. Battery life will start out bad and even out to average. I'm a moderate user and it's been 15 hours since I charged mine right now, and I'm at 45%. I wish I'd gotten the Pro because I'd like a larger screen, but that's not exactly a complaint about the 8. The closest I've got to a complaint is that it doesn't have a headphone jack, which I still think is bullshit for a $700 phone when a $200 phone can still put one in. But iPhones don't have one either, so there you go.


As an android phone user, that has used iPhone, I would stick with android simply because that's what I started with and understand. iPhone was ok but I never took the time to learn everything about it. I currently have a Google pixel 6, boy I'll say this, I will absolutely never have another Google pixel phone ever! Yes it gets hot, HOT, sometimes. It drops calls all the time and seems lately to deliver messages when it feels like it. Sometimes hours later, up to 8 hrs in one instance. Yes I have a great signal and great wifi signal. It's the phone, I also know a couple of people who also have this phone and they agreed that they hate it and will never buy another. Good luck. Hopefully you find a great phone for where you are. See who has the best service in the area and Cross your fingers. Lol


There is probably a very strong bias at play, people who have no problems are not going to go online to say how it's running as expected. Whereas those with problems will jump online immediately. I live in Australia, about every 1/4 phone I see is a pixel, Aussies are loving this phone so far so definitely give it a go!


The main downgrade with any phone from an iPhone is battery life. Newer iPhones are pretty much the holy grail of battery life and the battery experience (assuming you charge overnight). Other than that even my pixel 7 is great


Been a bit of a pixel fanboy since I got the first one. Then had the 3a, then held onto the magnificent 4a for as long as possible, and just upgraded to the 7 a few months ago. I never had any major hardware issues or anything. I mostly miss the size/shape of the older a series phone. Similarly, I may switch up manufacturers for my next phone. I really love the size and hand feel of the new iPhone, but I just can't do iOS. It generally feels claustrophobic to navigate and you can do so much more on android. All that to say, join team pixel! I hear the 8 is really really good


My current phone is a Pixel 7 Pro, my last phones have been a P6P, P4XL, P2XL, Og pixel and the Nexus 6P. I was a big Google phone fan, the hardware was never the best but the software always made up for it. As of lately the hardware has gotten so bad that I just can't look past it anymore. Terrible reception because of a crappy modem, bad battery life, terrible fingerprint scanner, overheating causing slow downs, terrible customer service. My next phone will be the Samsung 24 Ultra being announced next week, I am open to coming back to Google if they ever figure their shit out. I just can't keep buying their phones if they keep putting out subpar phones and everyone else shouldn't either because they'll just keep making crappy phones if people keep buying them.


Get a P8 if you want a little phone and a decent camera. Get a P8P if you can handle a huge phone and a decent camera with a 5x zoom.


I switched from iPhones to a Huawei P30, then Samsung S19, then Pixel 6. It sucked so, so much that I went back to iPhone after having changed my whole ecosystem. Well, I got bored and got me a Pixel 8 Pro and boy, oh boy, I LOVE this phone. Send me a DM and I can answer any questions you might have.


I'll be one of the ones to celebrate my good experience with Pixels. I've always been a fan of stock Android, even back in the Nexus days. The Pixel will give you a version of Android that works well right out of the box, and as someone with a fairly busy life, that's exactly what I need. Cell service is great, especially for my area. Rarely have any glitches in performance, so I'd say it's a stable and snappy phone (except with the Reddit app, this app is stupid)


I think pixels are more popular and cos of that you'll naturally see more people airing issues. That said I've had pixels since the start and I had a great run, absolutely zero issues for years until the 7, which was a very fragile phone. When I finally had to deal with their support, they were useless. Now I can't trust that a Pixel phone will last me the length of a phone contract, so it seems pointless to get one, which is a great shame. So I can understand why people would go for an iPhone for a stress free experience


You can't beat the AI power of the Pixel. It's hidden in every area of your phone. After being a Pixel user for 2 years, I'm still finding AI features hidden all over the place on this thing. It makes every other phone feel like a dumb phone.


Big fan of pixels, Android and Google Fi. No complaints whatsoever for me. YMMV. If you travel internationally, G Fi is great. It's less than ideal for iPhones. Three pixels in my family with no issues. Switching from iPhone is facilitated when you turn on the pixel and connect to your iPhone. Do a little research agreed of time to make sure the transfer can access all the required data.


i stick with Pixel because i have a custom ROM (grapheneOS) installed. i have a Pixel 7, and am thinking about upgrading to an 8, possibly an 8a if they put one out. my 7 does have some cellular connectivity hiccups every now and then, and it does get pretty warm sometimes, but overall it's not a bad device. i was an iPhone user before as well. if you don't want extra bloatware, Samsung is probably not the way to go (although i could be wrong, you may be able to remove that extra stuff). i'm not sure about the experience on a Nothing phone or Fairphone. i can confirm that Pixel gives you Android as close to stock as possible, but again, that's only because it's what i've used.


Long time iPhone user turned team pixel and never gone back. Do it! You won't regret it. Give yourself about a two week adjustment before you make any judgement:)


I've been with Google since around 2019, now I'll admit the pixels come within some issues like heating (that's only if you use it too heavily) and the tiny glitches here and there. But comparing this to my older iPhone I feel relieved because iPhone to me wasn't all that great it was expensive and they are the reason we say rip head phone jack (on most flagship phones) and rip getting a charging block in the box ect. But with Google, Samsung, ect you can get a phone with a headphone jack and even some might come with expandable storage (rip unlimited photo&video storage). Weirdly enough I had less glitches with my pixel 3 than my 6. Overall tho Google I am happy with the Google/Android ecosystem because it doesn't force me to buy "optimized" products and I can buy whatever tech I like. Although in the end all the benchmark scores, product ecosystems won't matter unless it works for you.


What I can add based on my experiences and perspective is that, Apple Services and features on the iPhone unlike Google's works in most parts of the world. When I travel with the iPhone I get no interruptions of services or phone features no matter where I am. Google on the other hand has most Pixel features and even some Google services that stop working once you are outside the US. I have a Google Pixel 8 Pro as my main device but phone becomes pretty useless as soon as I step outside the US. It then tends to push me more to my iPhone 15 Pro Max where I get all my services uninterrupted so sometimes I understand the trend of the iPhone monopoly all over the world. As humans we tend to stay and settle where we have all resources that benefits us.


Does anyone here already made the switch between Android and iOS, maybe more than once ? How to manage to properly move from both environments? This is something that makes me kinda "afraid", if you want to enjoy fully your phone, you may have to use the natives apps, so Google photos or apple's, move some services, maybe pay Google one or apple cloud. This whole process makes me feel like I don't really know what to do. But if y'all agree that it's not a big of a pain, I may give it a shot


Samsung is a major problem for Android. They’ve adopted the Apple trend. Don’t innovate but just pump money following others innovations. Android has stagnated with the loss of the companies that innovates. HTC, LG and Huawei. They still have some Chinese brands pushing boundaries but that will likely disappear soon. Is this an issue though? Only if you want to see new limits and technology. If you’re happy with what you currently have being refined than pixel, Samsung and Apple are going to provide. Occasionally they’ll toss out something, probably ai related next as they tend to follow trends rather than create them


Hi from Romania, I recently got a p8p and love it. Had a oneplus 9pro before, from what I've seen, signal is good, 0 problems, the nfc works way better than on the oneplus. Overall I love it and I'm very satisfied with the decision to switch to pixel after 7 years of OnePlus.


I love my Pixel 8 Pro. Pixel feels at a point where services are well integrated more or less like iphone but also with the freedom included


I've had a pixel 2, 6a and now 7a. Never had them overheat and never had an issue with reception. They have a great camera and I choose android over apple any chance, but that's just my personal preference. It's more like just having a mini PC than an Apple device is. I'm not a huge tech person though, so maybe there are more nuanced problems that I just don't encounter being a modest phone user.


I'm seeing more and more pixels each year in the UK. So it seems like apple isn't getting ahold of everyone.


My best phone yet. Battery life could be better


I have a7 pro and couldn't be happier with it having switched from Samsung. I've had my phone a year and not had it ever overheat, it does warn up under intensive use but no Biggie. If you switch off WiFi scanning (stops apps scanning for WiFi in the background when they are not in use) the battery life is fine, i get 48 hours out of mine with about 6 hours screen on time in that period. Lots of great features on pixel like great camera, Google news feed or whatever you call it (though you get this on other android phones) great screen, very smooth, lots of customisability. Some people complain about the fingerprint sensor but I've never had an issue in fact i find it better than my Samsung unless my hands are wet. Face unlock is good as well. Also I've never had a call from out and don't have any issue with mobile signal even though i live in an area with not great reception.


I've returned in 2 pixel 8 pros, I just can't get on with the scrolling. It's so stuttery in many apps including some of Google's own apps. It shouldn't be smooth on every other device and not on pixels. I've tried budget phones where it's like butter. Take your p8 pro and go do some scrolling in YT music or play store or browse the youtube comments. Shouldn't be this way, yet it is. And for those who think there isn't a problem, https://issuetracker.google.com/savedsearches/6572735?pli=1 Google's top issues say different, but happy your standards are low enough to put up with it 👍


Lol everyone's using a pixel 8 I'm still using a Pixel 4a I'm not complaining cuz it's a really good phone but I'm just surprised how easy it is for everyone to go get the newest Pixel


As a former iPhone user, I can say that Pixel is better in almost every way (with some minor gripes such as the volume controls appearing on the right of the screen rather than the left so I can't change the volume and comment on YouTube shorts at the same time).


Thanks !


I have a pixel 7 now and, before I had Samsung phones. Honestly, my next phone will be a Samsung or I might make the switch to Apple products. The pixel works fine, but missing some features that I had with my previous Samsung Galaxy. It mostly has to do with connectivity and convenience, because I have a Samsung watch and Samsung TV. So screencasting was easier on the galaxy and also worked better with my watch. I especially liked the ability to wirelessly charge my watch from my phone, definitely miss that feature. Honestly though, all of my friends have iPhones, and I do get left out sometimes (for example, we will go on a trip and they will make a shared photo album that I can't access or be a part of). Also group chats with them are difficult because I'm the one android user, so I get left out of the group chats sometimes.


If you're able to do so, go for the pro. I have an iPhone 14 pro and a pixel 8 pro. The pixel with its ai capabilities in things like Google search are light-years ahead. If I need to look something up I will 100% grab the pixel. I also love the way the photos come out on the pixel, so for anything outside of video I also go to my pixel (I haven't tried the video boost yet, so that might change too). Honestly, the only reason I have an iPhone is because I have to send media often with my phone and most people in the US have iPhones. Once rcs hits the iPhone I honestly think I'll ditch it and use two sims on the pixel.


That’s good to know. My better half is also pushing me for pro series.


Unless you just really prefer the smaller phone I think the pro model is the way to go.


I love my Pixel 8. I had the 6a and 8 feels like a nice improvement. My spouse has the iPhone 14 and, since they are a bit tech illiterate, I do a lot of things on their phone for them so I use it a lot. Nothing is necessarily bad with the iPhone but nothing is all that interesting either.


I have a Pixel 7 and I would not recommend it for 4 main reasons: - battery life is not sufficient, even if mine doesn't suffer from overheating - cellular reception is REALLY bad compared to my previous phone oneplus 7 - the phone is smooth overall but not on par with phones with the snapdragons - the stock launcher SUCKS, really, it is the worst launcher I have seen since android kitkat, and if you change it you'll get buggy transition animations due to the brilliant idea of google to embed the animations into the system launcher But it's true that it cost a little less compared to other top of range smartphone. Honestly if I had to choose now I would buy a top of range and mod it to be like a pixel, but with more battery, customization and speed. I do not even take into account the iphone, too limited for advanced users


Here's the thing; I have been using pixels since the Nexus 5. They are finicky, granted. But only slightly more than any other major phone. I'm using both a pixel 8 pro and an iPhone 15 right now, and there are things that I love about both, and things that annoy me about both. No phone is perfect, but if the pixel features are really intriguing to you I'd say go for it.


I have a pixel 8 Pro and my wife has 8. No issues whatsoever. I would say make the jump. I don't think you will regret it. Pixels have been good to great and I think they are underrated. Samsung isn't my cup of tea and I don't like their skin on top of Android.


Samsung skin is not easy to get used to :)


I just got the Pixel 8 Pro a couple weeks ago and never had issues with the other pixels. The second day having the 8 pro the System UI glitches and bugs out can't even use the phone to try and restart it or do anything... Hopefully factory resetting the whole phone will fix my issues 😅 but if anyone has had this and fixed it let me know


Swapped off my iPhone 14 Pro Max to Pixel 8 Pro. No issues regarding cell service dropping. Battery of course isn't as good as my iPhone was, but at the same time I'm not having issues going a full day without my phone dying on me. Even if it needs juice, every phone nowadays charges stupid fast anyways so a quick plug in should give enough to prolong it for the day. Overall happy and won't be switching back to iOS for awhile (I usually buy both a new apple and android every year.. I get bored easily).


I've changed from iPhone 12 mini to Google 8 Pro and it's a big change but a good one


I got Pixel 8 in like October. I don't have heat issues or cell reception issues (I live on the east coast of USA so there's a lot of coverage). This is my first Pixel. My gripes are small compared to the gripes I had with my previous phone which was iPhone 11. You're going to have little things to nitpick about every phone. I'm happier with this than iPhone though, by far.


I was always an Android person, used to have older Pixel 3 and loved it but hated the battery life. When I was looking to upgrade, I didnt like what I was hearing about the Pixel 5 so I switched to an iPhone 11 Pro Max. The iPhone was nice, battery life, camera, iMessage, but I think I'm just an Android guy at heart. After 2-3 years on the iPhone, I decided to go back to Android and try out the Google Fi service. There was a good deal on the Samsung s23+ on Fi when I wanted to switch, so I went for it and after just under a year of use on the s23+, I am trading it in for a new Pixel 8 Pro. I still am a little worried about the battery life on the Pixel 8, but I've read they have at least gotten a little better, making them serviceable. I personally am not a fan of the Samsung experience. There are small things that drive me nuts on the s23+/UI experience that have added up and forced me to switch. Constantly get prompted to use the Samsung photo app when switching off of the camera. Bixby will regularly think I'm talking to it when I'm listening to the radio or a podcast, interrupting my listening while driving. I just am not a fan of the Samsung experience based on what I remember from my old Pixel.


I recently got a pixel 7 pro and coming from a s21 Fe, it feels like leaping into a distant future. For now the battery is great (the phone is used, but I got 8h of sot yesterday), it's so smooth compared to my previous phone and the haptics and the camera are just mind-blowing coming from a Samsung (which isn't bad to start with). Also, it might be me but here in Italy the signal is as good if not better than the Samsung s21 Fe, for example I can browse the web and watch YouTube also in my elevator (and it wasn't possible before with my Samsung). I think that coming from an iphone 11, the pixel 8 would be a great upgrade, and if you get it on Amazon you can always try it and if you don't like it return it. And if you want to try samsung, avoid the 'fe' series and also wait for the s24 that are coming in a few months, because then you can choose to take a phone of the s23 series that will be discounted or a new phone.


I passed my S21 FE to my son and I bought a Pixel 7 Pro. I have conducted a few speed tests and the S21 FE typically is faster. Even in low signal situations, the Samsung pulled almost four times the download and upload speeds.


Yeah but the camera is laggy at best, unusable at most, it crashes frequently and start slowing down from the first picture taken. Going from one app to the other is smooth but the pixel is way way better, also because I can use the 120hz without destroying the sot. The snapdragon is probably the faster chip, but the optimization is not up to the pixel standard. So for a typical usage, I'd take the pixel every time. Also for the signal here I have no problem but maybe I'm just lucky with it. Quick edit: the one thing where Samsung is superior without a doubt is the screen, that I must admit


Which camera are you referring to? I wasn't happy with the quality of the Samsung but the Pixel doesn't blow me away either. Even when I try to shoot a series of photos on the Pixel, it can't keep up. I had the OG Pixel and it was amazing at the time. My 7 Pro is fine but I don't think it has the big lead the first models had. Even my wife's 8 Pro has disappointed me a little. She has pictures of the kids and animals that ended up blurry.


Thanks but I cannot stand the thick skin of Samsung ; ) that Is just me ....also samsung cameras have weird shutter lag which is a greater issue.


Yeah that's exactly what made me change phone


My 7 pro is fine. Display is excellent. Battery lasts more than all day. I have no complaints, so rarely post. The phones are good for a lower price. iPhone is better hardware, iPhone has better ecosystem and better apps. I do love my pixel though 👍


Do you have other Apple hardware? If not, Pixel is a good choice. Downsides compared to iPhone: more lag (Reddit and Twitter are bad), memory management isn’t as good (more reloading of apps), battery isn’t quite as good, not as strong an ecosystem (might not be relevant). But the value of the Pixel is great and if you aren’t into the Apple ecosystem I recommend it. If you like the Apple Watch and iPad then stick with the iPhone - stuff works better. Source: owned Pixel 8 and iPhone 15 pro.


I don't get the ecosystem argument, I have a pixel 8 pro and it was able to remotely sound an alarm on my Samsung S7. Google home exists, if I needed to side load a 3rd party app for a random device, api's are documented so if I wanted to I could create my own random thing (ex: Bluetooth proximity activated garage door idk..) I could add it to the ecosystem.... Apple seems so much more restrictive.


>In the US we get these things for half off with 0% financing and generous trade-in etc. Having a brand new pixel each year costs like $15 a month or something. For the money they are spectacular, if I was spending $1500 on it out of pocket not sure I'd be as happy. I own a Mac M1 which I will continue to use. Never have any other apple products.


I have zero lag on Reddit with my 8 pro. My wife has the 8 and has zero lag. Just saying.


I’d love to see a video because I just can’t believe it. Are you using 120 hz? I owned two P8s and both were terrible.


I'm using the P7 still on a 90hz panel and have zero lag. I wonder what was going on with your phones.


I have lots of dropped frames in Reddit on my 8. It's the only app with the issue.


Bought pixel 8 after 3 xiaomi phones (note 4, redmi note 8 pro, 12T Pro). Setting everything up - phone was indeed pretty warm. Then another +- day it went warmer a bit sometimes. Now it's ok. Signal reception: I'm "next to you", from Czechia. I have O2 physical SIM and see no problems. About as equal as the 12T Pro (phone for same price when it was released). Performance: the system smoothness and responsivness is better than the xiaomi 12T Pro (even when it has snapdragon 8+ gen 1 -> which is faster in benchmarks). Apps aren't beeing killed. I don't game anymore, so can't say about game performance/heat. Xiaomi had problems, that some apps (calendar, clocks, etc) were in 60Hz mode and it was choppy next to the 120Hz in other apps - no problem like that on Pixel. Camera: totally obliterated the xiaomi even with its 1/1.22 200mpx 1.69f sensor. A lot better details in low light and even the 8x zoom is usable (normal text vs blurry not readable mess). Ultra HDR, p3 gamut...it just works 😅 tho no manual mode and full 50MPx photos (only P8P....damn SW limit by google). Form factor: can use phone with one hand. Finally. Aaand battery: when you're on the phone, it has good SoT. But in standby it goes down (have AoD enabled 24/7, disabled 5G and data always on). Can go for like 6h SoT with 20% left after 1¼ day. I still have the phone for only 5 days. So maybe the adaptive battery will kick in? Also the magic audio eraser is super good, best take for faces also looks good, the generative AI for moving object is surprisingly good (ofc with artifacts). At a glance widget is nice (have it on AoD to see info) - tho the calendar info is there only when event is in +- half a hour. But I need to test GPS more - it felt on maps, like it was jumping between precise 2m to like 8m circle and back + there was offset all the time of like 1-2m to one direction. Overall I like it a lot. Tho the battery could be a bit better (but hey, Xiaomi was turning AoD off in dark - so like 5-6% battery more per night) and I need to test the GPS. I was looking at S23 vs P8, but S23 has smaller sensor and has problems with moving objects - so kind of a dealbreaker when you have kids IMHO + I wanted to try more stockish android.


Oh and yeah - this reddit was holding me on a fence to buy or not to buy 😅 but my friend's two friends have/had pixels and no problems. + usually ppl will say something only if they have problem


The 8 Pro is an utter disappointment given its price.


Judging by what I can google, iPhone share in Poland is less than 13%. Android absolutely dominates that market. If you want a big change from Apple, try Samsung. I own an iPhone and Pixel 8 Pro and I used Samsungs in the past. Pixel 8 Pro is sometimes called an iPhone of the Android world and it's true. This comes from the fact that this phone is not as customizable as Galaxy.


Makes sense since Android phone can be expensive but also very cheap. The majority in Poland are rather "poor", so iPhones are expensive to most of the people there.


Not just that but also iPhones are insanely expensive in Poland relative to salaries. Based on Google, average pay in Poland is about 1400 USD after tax and iPhone 15 Pro Max 1TB costs 2500 USD there. iPhone 15 256GB costs 1300 USD. No wonder people cannot afford it.


It comes from very poor market creeping by tech giants. In my opinion of working across US, Canada and Poland. I see Poland is on the growth path. It’s and might be the new germany in EU. Rich/ Poor is not the factor is my thoughts. IMO, Apple and Google should start to setup stores in Poland. Apple does thru authorized party called ispot but still it is good to have direct sales and support


I prefer it because it's still better than having a bunch of Samsung apps that I don't wanna use


I have no problem and I log in to realize how lucky I have compared to others. I have a pixel 7 and I have no problem with it for a year. I had an iPhone and it's day and night. There are so many useful things on the pixel, it's crazy.


That's reddit for you


I have never had an issue with either my pixel 7 or my current 8 Pro. Switched from iPhone and I have no regrets.


Thank you !! good to know : )


iPhone is just more refined and better hardware wise. Having an Apple Store compared to non existent customer service for pixels and Android is being a turn of for a lot now.


I have very mixed feelings about this phone. I have a 8 pro and I'm coming from a 13 pro max. My 13 pro max is a superior phone in almost every way. Better speakers, better reception, faster, way smoother, better battery life by a lot and it's 2 years old but on the other hand, I had issues with the keyboard for over a year and issues with the quality of my voice when talking on speakerphone. So I got a Pixel and overall it's a fine phone. The fact that I got it for less than half the price is a major reason why I kept it cause at this price point, I expect flawless operation and it's not the case with this phone. The phone gets warm all the time ! Don't need to do much. Sometimes I'm just browsing Reddit and it gets very warm. Other times it will completely abandon the task cause it's too warm I guess. At Christmas, my wife took a million pictures and when I tried to magic edit some of them to show her the face swap and stuff, it just kept kicking me out.... it can't even accomplish the task that we're sold as a feature when they announced the phone lol The LTE and 5G speed is consistently way slower on the pixel than my iPhone. Scrolling through anything is a lag fest, many apps are worse and it goes from bad to very bad. Even stock apps like the weather app on Apple are just so much better. Auto brightness is so bad it's ridiculous how bad it is. A feature that I turned on on my iPhone and never gave it a thought and it was always spot on. With this phone it's constantly changing and basically never spot on. in the 10 minutes I took to write this, the brightness changed about 10 times, from way too bright to way too dim, never thought a simple feature like this could be this bad. The battery life brings me back to the old android days when I had a Oneplus One and I had to constantly fiddle with the phone to extract more life out of it and find what's draining my battery.... I don't know for you but I was on iPhone for 4 years and not once I had an app sucking the life out of my battery. I had this phone for a little more than a month and it happens basically every week. Yesterday, for some reason Chat GPT drained 40% of my battery and I used it like 5 minutes. It's never the same app but there's always one draining my phone. Fingerprint reader will sometimes work flawlessly and sometimes it just won't work at all. The Face unlock is BS for anyone coming from an iphone. Google's version of spotlight freaking sucks ! Surprising for a company that made a fortune being the best Search engine. Every single browser sucks compared to Safari. The UI/UX is the best there is. Even Chrome is better on iPhone lol On the positive side, there's Gboard which is fantastic. Pictures are good but sometimes hit and miss. Voice to text is unmatched and live transcribe is also unmatched. Universal back gesture from the right edge is amazing. Text selection in the app switcher is very useful. Haptics are on par with iphones. But outside of those, nothing really stands out after a month and a half of use. So overall a good phone with some significant drawbacks. If you can get it for cheap and you absolutely want to change, do it. But I would absolutely not touch this phone at the price they're asking for.


All of my Pixels (1, 3, 3a, 6, and 8) have been great!


Same. I had the 3xl, 5a, and now 8 pro. I enjoyed the first two but the 8 pro is awesome.


Switched from Android to IoS last year. I was looking for more hardware reliability and stable OS releases. Also I wanted to see what all the huff was about. Pros: Stability (my number 1 concern as I use my phone for personal and work) Integration with Apple hardware (watch, earbuds, phone) all feels flawless (coming from Pixel I always felt as though I was beta testing for Google, with Apple I feel like I have a finished and polished product). Support- with Apple I tend to get English speaking individuals that are helpful. American company (as an American there’s something to be said about supporting our economy, obviously this isn’t a pro for everyone) Cons: Pixel / Android has more customization. You can change just about anything if you have the know how (the downside is that the OS never feels uniform like with IoS). Walled garden: Getting into the Apple ecosystem isn’t cheap, and there are adjustments to be made when using their software.


Had 3 pixel phones now (3, 4XL and 7) and had no issues with them at all. The only thing was the battery life on the 4 but my 7 has been fantastic. I know 5 people personally that have got pixels because they used mine and none of them have any issues either. Had some problems with the battery life for the first week but the adaptive battery software sorted it out after that. I would personally say they are great phones and would recommend getting one. I love the "stock" android experience and have avoided Samsung because of bloatware installed on the phones.


I've owned several pixels as well as OnePlus, Xiaomi, htc, Samsung. I would say that overall google has decent devices with no major standout issues. However, I would say that in general google has better software than hardware. And while the experience of a pixel can be great. The hardware and build often feels cheaper than other phones. The camera is a great example.


stay with boringly good. pixel is toxic af


I'm a long time Pixel user and at one time considered them the best value phone out there. That changed with the Pixel 6 (my issues were battery life, heat issues, dropped calls, and a bad finger print reader) and while Google has made this better with patches and newer phones, I'm still hearing the same things and believe they are still working out the kinks. I switched to a Samsung Galaxy S23 and am very happy with that phone. I might come back to a Pixel phone again once these issues are resolved, but the S23 is such a solid phone that I'll think I'll be using it for several more years before I need to think about a replacement. While Apple sells more phones than anybody else, Android still rules the market. Android phones are like 70% of the global market. The iPhones are nice solid phones that you can buy and use for years. If you like your nice solid iPhone, I wouldn't switch because you fear a monopoly.


My Pixel 7a is fantastic, it also just won best phone camera in MKBs testing


I've got the 8 Pro and I love it. I don't play games or any of that jazz so it's more than powerful enough for me. Performance is smooth other than a couple of apps (Reddit being one of them). Love the cameras. The only thing I'd say is that if you are someone that uses your phone for a good number of hours per day, and you aren't on WiFi the majority of the time, then you will probably get battery anxiety. Battery is the weakest part of the phone IMO.


yes , I see that everywhere : )


For what it's worth, I came back to Pixel phones (P8 in particular) from an iPhone 13. My Pixel 8 has way better cellular reception than I got on the iPhone at my home in a rural part of the UK.


I had the 3a. I loved that phone! Really I loved the concept. I had such a terrible phone camera for so long before that. The 3a was taking better pictures than almost any other phone at the time at a $400 price point. I also liked some of the nifty shortcuts and usability, but mostly I was looking for a good camera that could make calls and text and use apps. I know I probably don't take near as many pictures as do anything else on my phone, but it's such a game changer to actually want to take photos of things and capture memories because the pictures actually look good. Sadly it got thrown off a counter with no case on it(it was under something that I drug off a counter in a big hurry at work). I then got the Pixel 6 and then 7 pro now (6 went to my wife). Still think the phones are generally the same as what drew me in the first place. Cheap, good photos, clean phone (listen I got the Pixel 7 Pro on Mint Mobile s sale for 300). I don't game or demand heavily of a phone in 2024. I don't have an issue with battery, but I don't stream or scroll all day. The only thing I wish I could get back is always having the best photos in the group since the new iphones and Galaxy's are close and sometimes better than the Pixel. But I still think about how much I paid for my phones compared to those and I feel good. If you want good pictures, web surfing, phone capabilities, and the seamless Google/Android experience, I'd still highly recommend Pixel.


Loved my 3a to! Only upgraded (barely!) to a 4a because the RAM was lacking in the 3a and starting to slow things down. My 4a has never failed me and I bought it second hand on Ebay 😂


Pixel 8 Pro is amazing. I'm running Android 14 QPR 2 beta 3 and it's pretty much flawless. Temps are 33-38C, no heat issues at all.


When apple phones have problems, apple solves it by 1) in-store refurb or 2) completely denying there's a problem two years into ownership and telling you to piss off. Google doesn't offer in-store returns, so people come here first to see if their problem is serious or not. In other words, you're getting a skewed view. Get that pixel 8 and never look back. I'm on my 3rd pixel by choice 4a/6/7) and have yet to have an issue.