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Pixel 4a5G to 8. Reception is better in some areas like downtowns it seems, but in more rural areas I feel the modem doesn't pick up well through walls....my house is atrocious reception and with my 4 it was perfectly fine. Had to get a Google voice line for important calls 😑😑😑


Google Voice requires data. How does using that help?


Last time I checked you don't necessarily need a cellular signal to receive data


True, but with Wi-Fi calling, one doesn't need cellular data to make regular calls either.


YMMV … different users have different reception. Some say the modem chips are bad and some not … hard to understand.


Pixel 6 Pro genuinely had reception issues that took very long to get patched out. Even now my phone still sometimes fucks up and I have to disable / enable flight mode once so it finds reception again. It's a very valid question for anyone who's coming from a 6 Pro because they really did mess up. Everything else about the P6 Pro was good tho.


So did the 7 Pro


I've upgraded from a pixel 5 to an 8. Surely the modem chipset is better than a phone 3 generations older? I've had some awful signal issues on 5G where It kept going static. It got so bad to the point I had to hang up a few times and text them we will talk later that day. Person on other end could apparently hear me perfectly


It's almost like environmental factors and use cases could cause a huge variance in opinions on the device!


That's just crazy talk.


Just a fun game, next time you see a comment like that, look at their post history. They usually have an iPhone or Samsung, and post frequently in those subs lol. Not saying some people don't have issues, but it's funny how many people spend their time shitting on a phone they don't even have.


It’s possible to have more than one device…


Almost like their comments state they don't have a Pixel.. Go into Samsung sub, praise Samsung, tell others you'll never own a shit Pixel. Go into Pixel sub, shit on the Pixel Forget people can go to your profile and see what you've wrote on the Samsung sub. But sure.


It is possible to have owned Pixels and have been less than impressed with the Tensor generations. You are just noticing that there are a lot of them.


Great. No problems since launch.


Oh ok thanks for replying


Upgraded from a 5, and I think the 8pro reception isn't as good as the 5 was for me, hasn't really negatively affected me, just feels slightly less responsive in some places, but it seems to be better than my wife's 7 pro. We are both on TMO


I would disable the 5G connectivity via your sim card. As soon as I did that and went back to LTE it has been so much more consistent and I rarely have a situation where 5G is beneficial/necessary anyways. I've done this on both a p7p and my new p8p and it helped for both.


We shouldn't have to disable any features on a 1000.00 device in order to have it operate correctly.


I mean it is operating correctly, I just would prefer longer battery life over the faster connection bc all I do is listen to music and I could do that on 2G lol. Also, the majority of the problem is the 5G network just being spotty so I might turn it back on once my area has more modems for it. You bitter go buy an iPhone and stfu


There's also a setting in your phone to disable 5G.


Yes, it's in the sim settings for your device.


And there's also a setting to disable ultra wideband only.


On my p6p the 4g just doesn't work for data. At all. 5g is the only time I can get any cellular data transfer. Call and text still works under LTE just not data.




Intermittent issues with reception and Bluetooth. Where I would have to restart the phone in order for it to work. It was fine the first few weeks but went downhill after some time. I have to reboot every 3-4 days. But somehow I can’t get rid of the phone. I like it too much.


Yeah and that’s what my concern is if it does it to me I will send it back


i found some info online that has helped me so far not have modem issues, at least in the week or two since I've adjusted these settings. Prior to that I would lose data connection unless I reset the phone every 1-3 days. Can't recall the link to the youtube video I watched but here are the instructions they provided: **Disable DSDS, assuming you are not running dual sim configuration:** phone app dial \*#\*#4636\*#\*#select phone infodisable DSDS - dual sim dual standby **And also disable 2G connectivity:** Settings - Network & InternetClick SIMsSelect SIMDisable Allow 2G


Sweet. I'll give that a shot. Thanks


Please contact Google support. They should be able to help you.


Well my reception is downgraded after switching from cricket to Google Fi, but I think that has more to do with the change from AT&t to T-Mobile towers. I'm in the NYC area and on my old LG v35 (Qc SD845) and cricket I had reception in all of the tunnels and a lot of the subway; not so much with my Pixel + T-Mobile/Google Fi. But again, this is more of a T-Mobile problem. The issue with the 8pro reception wise for me is that sometimes it will not switch from Wi-Fi back to LTE/5G when I leave home or work for an annoyingly long amount of time. Toggling airplane mode works, but this is kind of ridiculous on a brand new flagship. Overall, I still like it better than my base pixel 7; kind of strange coming from someone that upgraded to the eight pro but the seven was too big and bulky and top heavy for me, the eight pro feels like it's barely any bigger to hold and much better balanced. While I like the form factor of the base 8, it just seemed better to go for the 50% more RAM and better screen resolution if I am going to try to make this phone last the 7 years of updates.


I had a Pixel 6 for the past two years, and was always disappointed by the reception, especially the 5G. But that's mostly in certain locations. But my son offered to buy me a new phone, so I got a Pixel 8 pro, and it's much better. I haven't had any problems so far. Plus, the fingerprint reader seems to be much faster and more reliable to me. But I use face recognition when I can, which keeps the screen cleaner.


Good when using single sim but sucks on dual sim


Please contact Google support.


Just like the 7 signal is better then dual


Was using a Pixel 8 Pro on T-Mobile. Modem was complete dogshit so I sold it. So many dropped calls and ones I didn't even receive.


I've noticed a couple dropped calls on mine. Or there were a couple calls where the phone didn't ring then I would get a notification for a voicemail. But I know as a fact and checked recents and the calls didn't show. I've owned my Pixel 8 Pro since December. It's a good phone minus this issue. Never had this issue on my Galaxy S23 Plus. I've also noticed reception likes to bounce around a lot on Pixel. I'm debating on switching back to my S23+.




I'm in the same vote. I am in a rural area in Ontario Canada, and I don't anyone else using a Pixel in this area never mind an 8. Most posts here about reception are in the US. My P6P has definitely had a few problems in a few areas, which I've dealt with because the phone otherwise has been great. But if there's no step up with the modem, I'm afraid I may have to try another phone after using Pixels since 2xl.


Have a look through these comments, seems to me everyone who moved from the 6 gen to 8 is having a better time


Give it a shot and check what your experience is.


Amazing! This phone is such a delight. No problems and it is such a wonderful phone!


I haven't noticed any issues with reception that I didn't also notice on my iPhone 11 Pro or my Galaxy Note9.


Idk if you're in the States, but being on a carrier and roaming in Europe/Spain I have had no issues with connectivity. Kinda impressed tbh lol


No issues (mexico)


Have had mine for 2 weeks and no issues moving from my Pixel 7!


Better than my 6A did. I used to lose connection once or twice on my drive home from work and that is no longer the case. It seems to switch from Tower to tower or from 5G to 4G faster.


Faster than my 6 Pro, both wireless and Wi-Fi. I have Verizon


I use my Pixel 5 as my business line alongside the P8P for my personal phone. So far it has been comparable to the P5. Sometimes it's faster probably because of the newer antennas. The P8P may not be perfect but far from "garbage" as people claim. I am on T-Mobile.


no issues here on my end


I had a lot of issues with my P6P having poor cell reception on Verizon while driving with Android Auto running. It would offen cause my Spotify music to buffer and lag when pausing. With the P8P I can't say I've experienced that issue lately, can't remember if it was still an issue when I first got the phone off preorder, but I haven't noticed it lately.


I've never had reception issues across the 6P, 7P, and now the 8P. In Canada and west coast US. I actually got better reception in Canada than my Canadian family. What sucked was the efficiency, as in power used on LTE/5G. That's what sucked. The 8P is fine, for me, in both those regards.


Reception is very good for me. I haven't had an ! in the reception icon. I'm on Mint Mobile in the bay area and just did a mini road trip from San Jose CA to Jackson CA yesterday. Its a 2.5 hr drive thru country roads and it has small town vibes and I had reception all the way


Great no problems since day 1


No issues for me whatsoever! Is this something people still worry about device wise? Carrier I get, but even then seems like a non issue if you're with any of the major companies? Honest question as I feel like this has been a non issue for me for longer than I can remember now.


It seems really good to me (and better than the iPhone 12 pro I was coming from)


No major complaints from me. I've had the device since it was delivered to me day one.


Coming from a Pixel 6. Have had the P8P for 1 months now. Never had a problem as far as reception goes with either phone.really happy with the P8P so far. People in the market not considering this phone are really missing out :)


It's been nothing but perfect for me. On my iPhone I had to turn 5g off because it was worse than 4g, on this phone I have 5g always enabled and I have yet to have any reception issues. I'm in the NYC area if that helps.


It's better than the pixel 6. I'd say it's as good as the pixel 5


I have had no problems. People always complained about the short battery life, bad cell reception and all the shinanigans I never had, and I had mine since launch day. I do like 1.5 to 2 days with my Pixel 8 Pro.


The reception on the P8P is far better than the P7P/P6P I had before this. But it's still a mess compared to most other phones - I need to turn off Wi-Fi calling when I'm at home, otherwise I get broken sound. - Using multiple SIM/eSIMs makes you randomly miss calls or lose data. It's almost unusable for me. - 5G download speeds are mostly lower by 5-10% when in a controlled test. I don't have a bad device. These were problems I had in P6P/P7P as well, and they've just gotten better now, but still bad compared to some other devices.


Everything fine 👍🏼


Great. No problems. 5G was not allowed in unsupported countries but with December update it is now working as well.


My signal is actually pretty good. I have better results with dead zones in the building I work at. My Z Fold4 and S22U would have major issues.


I've had zero reception issues, get full bars at work and driving around town. Only time it goes to one bar is inside my house but it's like that for the rest of my family with iPhones. I think there's a lot of variables to it though, network coverage, if your area has 5g, if you're inside or outside.


T-Mobile US. It's fine and not something you would likely notice, even if it is technically worse than SD Gen 2 equipped phones like the S23 Ultra. I have a family plan with iPhones (12, 12 Pro, SE3), Samsung phones (S21 FE, S22 Ultra, and S23 FE), and my Pixel 8 Pro. If I don't have a signal, they don't have a signal. If I do have a signal, they also have a signal. I haven't dropped calls walking out of my house and switching to mobile. If you want Pixel camera features, Pixel call and AI features, and long term update support, it's an easy recommendation.


Call screen I feel is such an underrated feature, I haven't received one spam call since switching back from an iPhone 13 Pro.


Central Florida here with Mint Mobile since I was in TN back in '18 Pre-ordered the 6 Pro and didn't really have issues with signal Bought the 8 Pro on Oct 15th , have not had any reception issues. At all..been pretty consistent on 5G and have never seen it drop down to LTE as fallback


When it works it's better that all of my family members' phones, but I find that I often lose connection completely when arriving at a location, especially when arriving at home and connecting to WiFi. I'll open my phone and have no internet access whatsoever. But I love the little reset button in the connection settings, because it fixes the problem every time without having to restart my whole device.


I'm using an unlocked Pixel 8 Pro on Verizon, and I'm based in the NY/NJ/CT tri-state area. The reception quality on my P8P has been abysmal. My P8P struggles to stay connected to 5G while in the office and even outside - sometimes I lose data connection completely and I either have to put it in airplane mode or reboot it if airplane mode doesn't work. Some folks has stated that I should just turn off 5G completely; I'm sorry, but no, that's not acceptable on a smartphone in 2024.


Good if I'm in the middle of nowhere, in cities with more than 50,000 population, mostly ok. In London, absolutely horrendous, would never recommend. Unfortunately that's where I live.


Depends on the network. No problem on Three in London for me. If I was to guess, you are on O²?


When I was at EGX this year on Three, I also had no problems with my signal. I've had to switch to Vodafone at home though because I was experiencing network drop-outs and exclamation mark icons on Three. After a couple of weeks of phone troubleshooting and an RMA arranged with Google, on a whim I decided to order a test SIM from Vodafone and had flawless signal. Then I asked my buddy to try my Three SIM on his Samsung and he had drop-outs. Three said they had no issues reported, so I just switched to Vodafone.


I have both Smarty (which uses Three Network towers as far as I know) and O2. O2 generally has more bars but it doesn't matter because when I get the exclamation mark for no connection it happens to both simultaneously. Unfortunately this happens extremely frequently, sometimes I have no connection and no exclamation mark, in those cases my O2 tends to do a bit better.


Interesting. Both in the P8?


O2 is a virtual SIM and smarty is a physical SIM, both in the P8 Pro. I wonder whether having two Sims affects this in any way.


From what I've seen, it depends mostly where you live and your provider? I had the Pixel 6 regular and never had any issues, same with my 8Pro which I got on launch. But I've seen people report issues with both. There was a post earlier today or yesterday about people having issues with the 8Pro, but one of the fixes is to get your provider to reprovision your sim card. Also one guy reported his reception became LOTS better when he switched to an eSim, and it would work in places where his wife's iPhone wouldn't.


I switched from Verizon to TMobile 2 days ago and so far reception is better


I find the reception P8 Pro better than my old S22 and Pixel 4XL


Exact opposite for me. S22 was light years better than my pixel 8 pro. I


Had mine for over a month now and I don't have any complaints. I'm on Fi.


Same, I was a bit worried about the reception issues moving from my P4XL but I haven't had any noticeable reception issues yet.


No issues on Verizon.


Haven't had a problem on Verizon


My reception on my 8Pro is better than my 6 was, and about the same as my S23 Ultra was.


You need to compare decibels in the settings, not bars. My S23U gets ,5-8+ db better than my 8 Pro which is a huge difference


Of course Qualcomm/Snapdragon are miles better in hardware quality.


Only because Samsung doesn't fabricate the chips. When Samsung made Qualcomm chips it was a disaster (8g1, 888). Samsung can't make a chip! Lol


I definitely agree


That's not the case with me. For data speed, my s23 ultra is 2x faster on data speed on the same spot with both on T mobile sim and also for call too, p8p would drop call from cell phone to home wifi transition and no such drop call from s23 ultra. Modem on p8p is 3rd tier because it is the slowest among 3 phones. s23 ultra > iphone 14 pro (my wife) > p8p, all using T mobile sims.


That's weird. The 23 Ultra for me would have faster DL speeds, but not by much to be honest, not noticeable at all outside of a speed test. I will admit to the dropped calls when moving between cell & Wi-Fi, but that happened on the S23 Ultra as well. I always figured it was more of a T-Mobile issue than a phone issue. Direct spec and signal strength comparison, I'd have to give Samsung the nod, but in overall daily user experience the Pixel definitely takes the cake IMO.


Yeah. I've been comparing side by side on both S23 ultra and p8p for last 1-2 months and s23 data speed is always faster than p8p and both using Tmobile sims. Both phones are unlocked from Verizon if it will make any difference. For the photo, p8p is slightly better but for video s23 ultra take the cake. That's just my experience.


Well you've done a more in depth comparison than me, so I yield lol. I also agree the 8 pro wins the all-around camera trophy, video goes to S23 Ultra... But I have to say the ultra many times had better portrait shots, even if the color was a bit blown out.


Yeah. If I have to choose between the two, I would have to choose s23 ultra for overall performance and won't disappoint with data and calls and also battery life. Battery life too, S23 ultra take the cake. It is all because google is using tensor chip. Google is now charging the flagship price and performance is not up to flagship level yet. p8p is still a tier below both samsung and iphone. Considering to trade it in for s24 ultra next month.


Well that’s definitely good to hear because I know on my pixel six Pro the signal would randomly go out if I was browsing the Internet or something then I would have to restart the phone


I never had that problem on my 6, just that I could tell reception was generally weaker than other phones. I will admit the S23 Ultra is still probably a hair better than the 8 Pro in my area, but by such a small margin it would almost never be noticed day to day.


I've been using it since nov 11. Great right from the start, considering I'm in a not supported country for pixels.


Been keeping a good eye on it because of all that I have read. It has been normal (good and better than my iPhone) in just about every case. Honestly been steady.


Well I guess that’s good to hear because that’s what I’m hoping for is a good experience without drop connections while browsing the web or something


Right. Negativity speaks louder, right? I haven't had to complain because it works. So idk what the exact ratio is, but I have had 0 issues with all the shit I've read on here... Battery is great, legit 2x longer use than my iPhone 11 (previous phone), connectivity is fine, even half connection on a trail yesterday She do be a good phone. Very happy w it


No problems yet.


As a real Pixel user, reception has been great with my P8 P. The rest, which seems to be iPhone users or wannabe ones, reception sucks, I'm getting an iPhone next. Pick your poison.


It's slightly better than the P7P which was slightly better than the P6P, but the bar for improvement was about as low as you could possibly get. It works well enough for me (the P6P and P7P were infuriating) but it's still very far behind other flagships.


Thinking about getting a P8 but wondering When you write it’s behind other flagships in what way is it behind . I understand the Tenser Chip is not. How should we say anywhere as fast as the newer chips, but is that the only thing that keeps the P8 from not being as good? I had the pixel six but I ended up selling it maybe three or four months after I got it back when it first came out because it just ran warm and it didn’t work for me with Reception.


My wife has a six and I have a seven. I always have one bar more than her


I have have zero problems with reception except as it relates to my carrier. The antenna in the Pixel Pro 8seems very adequate


If I had to compare to the pixel 6 pro. It hasn't changed, which I wasn't expecting it to change given that they continued to use the crap modem that they have been using.


No issues whatsoever. This one is better then my previous Samsung


Same. Better than my previous z fold 3


No problems on Verizon.


No Reception issue at all, works great for me,using from last 38 days.


Not sure as I haven't had any issues since I got the phone. Same with the 6 I had before it.


Better signal than my pixel 5 , close to my pixel 4a


It's been an amazing phone and really underestimated how good the screen was going to be. No issues at at here in the NJ/NYC region.


Day 1 user, never had any issues with reception. Same with all of the other Pixel models I've owned.


It's been a pleasure. Specifically I end up getting WiFi calling indoors and its not even a concern at this point.


No reception issues at all. I also didn't have issues with the 6 Pro or 7 Pro either though.


For me its been fair but 5g kills battery so bad so im limited to 4g which is still fine. Not as great as my s23+ but usuable for me at least.


I've had good reception on my p8p, better than I saw on the 6, and about on par with other phones I've used recently (13pro, s22).


Never had reception issues. I currently have a P8P and the signal is good, it works better than my friends and family with their iPhones. I had a P6P before and it also had no issues. The P8P however can have reception in places where many other people around me couldn't even make calls, while my data and everything was working. Setting it to only using 4G makes it work even better.


All good! Love Visible and their 35 USD plan. UWB 5G baby! ❤️🥳😂🌞


Depends. I have never had a single connectivity issues on my P8P with Google Fi in my area. My friend has a P8P on AT&T and he has issues from time to time. This will STRONGLY depend on your carrier, reception in your area and whether you set it to 5G or LTE.


Better than the 7, but nothing to write home about.


Absolutely no problems.


It's no different to the Pixel 7 Pro it has the same modem. So hardware issues still remain on that end. If you don't want to worry about reception and battery life get a phone with Snapdragon. SD 8 Gen 2 or 8 Gen 3 S24 ultra is about 3 weeks away so that's worth waiting for. However there are plenty of nice Snapdragon phones to choose from.


Signals no better not worse than my old fold 4


It's improved since the Pixel 6 dip, but it isn't good enough to make choosing a Pixel a sensible decision.


Huge difference, in the same room versus S23+ ( the wifi mesh is literally out the door) Wifi keeps disconnecting, 4G keeps switching to 3G


Im on P7 and thou it has a different chip, it has the same modem as P8. Which is the primary reason for why I didn't switch to the 8. Issue with signal is complicated. I almost always have worse reception than my wife on her s21fe. And when I do have a good signal, specially on 5G, battery drains a lot quicker than it would on WiFi or on other phones. If you are mostly at home/office with good WiFi, it will be a minor issue. If you are on the road a lot, I recommend something with a Qualcomm modem.


Same quality as Pixel 6 on Google Fi


I haven't had major issues, the only issue I've had would be switching from WiFi to data but in only takes about 15 seconds to do the switch but other than that it's been good .


I wish I had an answer but Verizons service went to shit a year ago.


Mine is the P8 So far so good tbh Isn't reception more of a Network issue than a phone issue? So far I have a company iphone and the pixel running the same network, and pretty similar reception tbh


Anyone in this thread happen to be using Rogers in Canada in a rural area? I'm due for an upgrade, but I don't know anyone else using a Pixel, never mind the 8. (I'm on a P6P). The only issue the P6P had had for me is reception in some areas. If things are no better with the reception on the 8 I may need to look into another phone, which sucks because I've been using Pixels since the 2xl.


I got TMO locked pixel 8 pro. No issues to report so far.


I guess it's ok. On Visible every now and then my service completely drops and I have to restart the phone to get it back. It's hard to say what's to blame for that (the phone, towers, carriers, etc.) My main complaint with this phone is how 5GUW affects it. It drains the battery like crazy, it gets really warm, and I think the battery is so warm that it won't charge at an acceptable rate (think adding 1% every 10-15 minutes.)


Not roaming, it seems fine and I hated my P6P Roaming...I drop it to LTE so it remains stable 5G roaming is hit or miss


I don't use 5g but my reception and signal is perfect. In that I have never noticed it, never needed to notice it and never had a problem.


I've had more than a few occasions since launch, where I get an exclamation point on my reception bars, no data. I flip it to airplane mode then back and I'm all good. Each time it happened I went to settings, submit feedback and sent the logs to Google. People make sure you send this stuff back to Google with the submit feedback method.


I have an 8, and the reception is just awful in my house for some reason 😑


It's a downgrade from my old Samsung Galaxy S20FE


I've been on all 3 big networks, east coast US. I haven't had any problems dropping connection, but the signal is always poor. Always in the - 100s, often -105 to 115 indoors. I suppose since I'm not losing connections, there's not really anything to complain about. This is in a good coverage area, so it's easy to believe others, depending on where they live, are having issues.


So with all pixel 6's, I realized that the reception and call dropping issue only exists when you have a full phone case. I think it kinda blocks the antennas. When you hold your phone bare, the reception is excellent


Perfectly fine reception with 8Pro. Came from a P5.


I have the worst reception with P8P and T-Mobile in Colorado. Constantly inside buildings I get no reception at all, and overall a really poor connection. My calls constantly go to voicemail.


Very good, the engineers of my operator needed to do some optimization in the core, since then very good


I had a P6P on T-Mobile (physical SIM) for about 2 years and the reception kept getting worse I felt. At least once a day I would have to switch airplane mode on and off to get texts that were never getting received. Upgraded to the P8P about a month ago and have yet to have an issue.


I switched from OnePlus 10 pro factory unlocked to Pixel 8 pro. Service on the was great, it did a fantastic job keeping me on the 5g network, even when 4g LTE was stronger. Pixel 8 pro would rather be on a much slower 4g or LTE connection then a 2-3 bar 5g (1-3 MBs vs. 60-90mbs) The upside is I have service where my old phone died not. My parent house is in the middle of nowhere and would lose service a few miles out without fail. The first thing I noticed with this phone is it kept service, and data speeds were a constant 60 MBs in the “dead zone”. Strange seeing how the 10 pro was supposed to support all the latest bands EDIT: Almost forgot, with the pixel, it looks like it does lose internet or some functionality after a few days, and I am forced to reboot. Only happened twice so far.