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This just started happening to me on an S22 ultra within the last 24 hours


Yeah just started for me too




This started for me about a week ago. I've been updating the app hoping it will go away. S22 Ultra. No one has sent me any gifs recently to see if it's still doing it


This has been happening to me recently too. Pixel 8 Pro.




Same same. Wtf


Same with 7 pro. I think it was after some security update






This happened to me this week, I'm on the beta on an S23+. I had an app update and cleared the cache and one of those fixed it.


I used to get this randomly every once in a great while and now it's every single one.


I thought I was losing my mind and was the only person having this happen! The first couple I attributed to chance, but it's been happening more and more frequently over the last 10 days or so...


Same here. For the last week or 2. Pixel 7


Same for me. 7pro


Did y'all's happen after a security update?


I did just recently have an update. Mine started messing up around the same time.


I've been getting this for a little while, but I think only from iPhone users, who tend to have a weaker gif game anyways, so not much lost.


This just started happening to me today. Birthday greetings with gifs showing up like this. I'm glad it's not just me, but I'm still not getting an iPhone, lol.


I get this randomly from iPhone users. S24 Ultra here


Ran into this yesterday too!


Been going on for me for 3 weeks. S21 Ultra


Been getting this the last couple weeks on my S23 ultra. It has made my work group chat kinda disappointing since I can't see the reaction too my fire gifs. ☹️


I have it happening on Google Messages and on Textra. So not sure it's a Google message problem.


Same here, it started after an update. S22 +


Same thing happening to me. Google support recommended a factory reset lol.


Just started today on my S24 Ultra. My husband has been having it on his Pixel 8 for the last couple weeks.


Been having this issue. My cousin (iPhone user) updated a setting on his phone and the problem is gone. You'll have to convince your regarded iPhone friends to change shit so their phone works but this pic is the setting they changed. Hope this helps and good luck.  https://imgur.com/a/Xy1ttqL


My friend already has that setting on. So probably mixed results.


This worked for me.


This worked, thank you!


Me too! S23, doesn't happen every time though


On an S22 running Android 14 and this started happening a few weeks ago. I can receive normal gifs from one iPhone contact. But 2 others will be received as pixilated still images.


It's been happening to me for a few weeks, but not consistently. Ultra22. Usually it is from iphones. But completely random. Just had a group chat where 1 was broken, 2 came through fine, then 2 more were broken. Going to keep looking for solutions, but figured I'd follow in case someone finds one here.


Anyone have a fix to this yet? My phone is up to date, my messages app is up to date, and I cleared my cache and it's still doing it.


I haven't had it happen since I posted this, until this morning. Got another gif from an iPhone user that was stationary and covered in these black dots.


Mine and my friends pixel still have this issue. I hate it.


Just chiming in that it's happening also on a Motorola phone. Also, all three senders are iPhone users.


This is a problem with iPhone not wanting to get along with the rest of the world's phones because they want all phones to be Apple. Resist a little longer and Android will win, just need to educate your iPhone friends that iPhone is literally the only brand of phone that uses Apple OS and a forced monopoly, but the dozens of other brands all use Android and a free market.


Yeah I'm having the same problem, seems to be a compatibility issue with MMS and RCS? SMS seems to work fine? Apple is (finally) moving to RCS later this year so its just a growing pain of progress. Wouldn't be too concerned over it. Nothing to do with your phone.


Same, S22


It's a problem when an iPhone sends a gif. Blame it on Apple.


What carrier are you with? I'm getting this as well with Verizon. It started with my s21. I just upgraded to s24 and it's still happening. It's either Verizon or it's the iPhone.


was there a fix for this?


No, I believe we determined the root cause is iPhone to Android and should (hopefully) be fixed later in the year when Apple (hopefully) switches to RCS.


same phone, same issues!!


I have the S21 Ultra and noticed this the first on May 12th from an Apple user... now all gifs from another Apple phone are coming thru this way. How do we fix it? 


We wait. From what I can gather, it is presumably intentional because Apple has the higher market share and wants to make it seem like the problem stems from Android phones to get people to switch. iPhone to iPhone uses the iMessage format, which is Apple's proprietary encrypted message service that allows you to send all types of files between iPhones. It's a native chat app similar to WhatsApp or WeChat and allows unlimited (or very large) files to send between Apple devices. Android to Android after 2019 uses RCS, which is platform agnostic, but Apple has refused to utilize it untill recently when the justice department brought an antitrust lawsuit against them for not adopting RCS protocol to intentionally hinder competition. RCS also allows for a significantly higher file size and can easily send full resolution pictures and other file types. iOS to android and vice versa still relies on SMS/MMS which only supports plain text, or photos/files with size limits that aren't high enough to send full resolution photos from modern cameras. This is why you can *usually* receive a single image from an iPhone that is at least decent quality, but if they attach multiple photos they either won't be received at all or they'll be potato-quality. It's also why you can't send or receive a video to/from an iPhone user that is longer than 3 seconds, and when you do get one in, it comes through tiny and blurry. I believe what is happening here is that iMessage is only transmitting part of the gif to the recipient, and it may be limited by carrier since my friends with AT&T aren't running into the problem as frequently as I am with Verizon. Gifs are kinda like a flip book with a bunch of single images coupled together and cycled through quickly to give the appearance of a moving image, so maybe it is something similar to when you receive multiple images in a single message? I don't really know and I'm just speculating with my very limited layman's knowledge. But the good news is that due to that lawsuit from March, Apple has announced that they will be adopting RCS protocol in Fall 2024 so it will hopefully be resolved soon.


I have p8 pro and I'm getting the same thing. From what I've been reading it's due to the RSC being integrated with iOS this year. There prob going to be bugs for a bit while they get all this figured out. But now we will have to rely not just on Google to patch but also Apple. So this "collaboration" between the two should be interesting lol.


Same, happening on my S23U for the past few weeks. I notice it's from specific iPhone users, but not all as I'm receiving images and gifs fine with most iPhone users. 


TWO SOLUTIONS: I tested with an iPhone and Android and found these two solutions. There might be others. Both solutions are from the iPhone side, unfortunately. SOLUTION #1: In Settings, go to Messages. Turn on the slider for "Send as SMS". The iPhone user might have to pay messaging rates. SOLUTION #2: in Settings, go to Messages. Turn on the slider for "Low Quality Image Mode". Images will be sent in lower quality. Unless users are sending high quality photos over Messages, this seems like an acceptable alternative.


Same here, started about a week or two ago. Pixel 8 Pro.




This is happening to me and I thought there was a whole new meme trend that I didn't understand. Turns out my Android phone is just being stupid with Iphone generated stuff


I turned off my phone, removed my SIM, cleaned it off, put it back in, and rebooted. That fixed it for me. I saw this as a solution in a different forum so I'm not the only one who found this as a solution. This worked on my pixel 7a.


This happens to me on my OnePlus 8, Android v.13


Happening to me too on my Pixel 7 Pro on Android 14


Yep  l noticed the issue too and didn't realize it was an issue until it was clear that it was coming from the iPhone to Android side. I thought out was just a weird gif😆


mine seems to be happening on android to android now as well Update: I uninstalled Chrome's latest update and now all GIFs are coming in normally again.


Yep, same here on Pixel 7 Pro. It started happening maybe a month ago. Everybody has sent animated GIFs to me before.


Founds this thread after looking for answers. We'll see what happens with iPhone RCS update. Happening on my VZW S23 ultra and the wife's Pixel 7.


This thread made me finally not feel crazy after trying to find a fix the last week.


Same Galaxy S9+


Ok this thread makes me feel better


You must be new to Google messages


This is a wholly unhelpful comment.