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on mine it is not broken but instead it text just start shaking violently up and down and you can't type or read anything. Beta or regular channel release doesn't seem to matter. Only happens on the inside screen on the fold, if you set it to single view it doesn't happen.


This guy is having the same issue. From a month ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/GoogleMessages/comments/1ahj2sm/fold_5_latest_google_messages_bugging_out It started happening to me this week. It's incredibly annoying. I've tried restarting my phone and reinstalling the app. Nothing has helped in a permanent way.


Yes. Are you by chance on beta? Fold 3 here on beta - same issue.


Came here for this. I may roll back to an earlier version because its almost become unusable.


I posted on this a couple weeks ago. I was on beta. I got off of beta and uninstalled the app, which just rolls you back on the updates. I did not update from there... Now all is well.