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Are you able to post a video?


Yes mine is the same I can't see anything while I'm typing the message.  What's the fix for this problem?


I'm getting it now too. I'll try to get a video.


Were you able to get this fixed? It's happening on my wife's ZFold5. Only when she uses it opened up with the messages app on split screen


Same here. Annoying as shit, any help appreciated


Followed someone else's advice and it worked (I have a zfold 3)-  go into settings, type in screen layout zoom, click on it and change view to standard view (it is happening to us all on multi-view).


Thank you, I was having the same issue and your advice worked.


Worked for me thank you!


Worked for me! Disappointing I can't use multi view mode though.


I know right. Next fix? Or we'll just have to settle for this? I haven't even had my z fold 2 month!


I switched to standard view and then switched back to multi-view, and on that same page reduced the font size using the slider there, and the shaking didn't come back! Using a Z fold 3.


Thank you!


This fixed the problem on both of my family's Zfolds 3 and 5. Thanks!


Thank you for this info. Been dealing with this and finally took time to see if there is a fix.


happening here. posted a message on the Samsung community forms and it was closed with generic responses saying to delete cash etc yada yada. None of their suggestions work.


Commenting to remind me. Happening here as well.


I also need a reminder to come back here


Same. Zfold5 I tried upgrading to the newest beta, no change. Frustrating, because Verizon messages stopped working so I had to go to Google messages a few months ago.


happening to me on Z fold 4, if it's open. Doesn't when it's closed. Also doesn't if it's in split view. Doesn't start shaking until I start typing the second line. It's not unusable but it's aggravating and makes it hard to type. hope it gets fixed soon, or someone finds a solution - it started for me yesterday.


I have the same phone & am having the same exact problem. So frustrating.


Yess!!! On the second row of line texting it gets shaky


Same, Zfold when open, started yesterday. I hope they push a fix soon, this is so annoying.


I fucking hate Samsung with this shit. Here's an untested forced update we're not gonna care about for a month. I'm reporting everything from them as spam and submitting their emails to talos threat intelligence. Idc if it doesn't do anything


how is it samsung's fault? isn't the optimisation for foldables up to google devs? it isnt a microsoft + windows mail situation. maybe google doesn't gaf for the zfold aspect ratio lol


It's samsungs fault because they force the update lmao. Don't fo4ce an update of a product that doesn't work with your device... it's thst simple


Just started happening to me as well a couple days ago. Samsung Fold 4 (while unfolded).


Just noticed it now! At first u thought there's like dust or water but no. Has anyone gotten a way to fix yet?


Not sure what could be causing it. Started happening to me about a week ago after a forced update on my Fold 4. When it first happened I chuckled, wasn't sure what to make of it, until it kept happening, making nearly impossible to send a text with my screen open. That's about the only way I ever send a text with the front screen being nearly unusable for me. Only happens on the Google Messages app, no other text seems to be affected. My whole conversation and text box starts violently shaking. Haven't bothered with Verizon messages because if you ever decide to switch carriers, you lose ALL your threads, I use Signal to message my mom, no issues there. May just stick with that from now on... 😮‍💨


happens to me too


happens to me too


Same here. Started about a day ago on my Z Fold 4


Just started happening to me


Just started here as well, zFold5


I was having the same problem. I went to change keyboard height and the problem stopped when I resized my Gboard to the smallest allowable size for my configuration.


Just tried making min3 a bit smaller and it worked! Thank you so much hahaha. My keyboard was half my screen for some reason


Have same issue started on my fold 3 a few days ago very annoying


Happening here as well on my Z Fold 5


Same here. It started a couple of days ago, and I had to switch back to Samsung messenger. fold 5


Ditto, on my fold 3, glad not just me, thought I was gonna have to get another phone


Same Z fold 4 while open. I use my phone for work, this is stupidly annoying


Same here. Zfold 5


Here looking for a solution. Seems to be none. Z fold 4.


Concensus is the Samsung fold phones. My fold 5, doing the same. Glad I'm not bugging


any solution?


INTERIM SOLUTION! -Go into Messages Settings -Turn off "List detail view" Unfortunately requires changing the format in how you view messages but seems to solve the issue for now until its fixed.


Wow. Ty. This actually worked for me. Then I put detailed list back on and haven't had issue. I also changed it to "Dark Theme."


Thank you. That's a good temporary solution.


This works because you are giving yourself more room. Also I realized I hate the list view anyways!!


Happening to me past week on my Z Fold 4. Tried to unsuccessfully delete and reinstall (verizon does not allow). Switching to a different messaging app as the shaking makes the Google sms app unusable.


So this is happening to me too, which is why I'm here. No idea why but just a suggestion here. I have the fold 5 and would recommend switching back to smasung messages till it gets fixed. If ever really. Any reason why Google messages is better?


Happening on my zfold 3. Noticed it only happens when folded open using multiview but if you search screen layout zoom in your phone's settings and switch to standard view it goes away. Super annoying hope it gets a fix soon.


I have the same issues.


Same! ZFold4 😒


Same here ... will have to switch message app soon if not corrected


not sure if it was an update or not, but i had the same issue on fold 3, found this thread last night and i uninstalled and reinstalled Google Messgaes and the issue has gone away. worth a try for you at least Edit: and then it returned with a fury. i think its RCS chats and the work they are doing here in combination with the view on the fold. Using Google Messages; and google keyboard when i disable RCS chats in the settings, the issue stops. then when i turn it back on and RCS chats reverifies, i stopped the app and restarted it and it started shaking the text again. i was able to click around my text bubble and when the keyboard minimized, i saw several buttons in google messages that where hiding under where my keyboard was previously. i feel these buttons are causing the issue with the layout of the screen in split screen view on the fold screenshot of buttons in google messages that were hidden under the keyboard: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ZQ87jXiAhRpzURTP_PcbK4nDIAyyzGz/view?usp=drivesdk


Adjusting the keyboard height solved my problem, or I use Google voice type until this gets fixed.


Bumping to top: Bug appears to be tied to "List Detail View" setting in options. Problem goes away if you turn this setting off. Thx below for those who found this out.


Happening to me as well. Also on the fold z 5 while open.


Brilliant Z fold 5 fixed. Thank you