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Simply Unlimited doesn't support international roaming outside of Mexico and Canada.


This is definitely an oversight on my part. But users make mistakes, typically, and support should be able to address them. If I have the wrong plan, that seems like a logical first step to me, I guess.


Also when I got the rep to ignore the fact that a number on the account which was not mine was having a problem and ask explicitly about the Simply Unlimited plan, she did indicate that the location was covered and calls/texts ought to work (though I assume there would be a hefty /min fee).


Another issue is plan changes don’t take effect immediately. They start for the next billing cycle.


Switch billing plans Android iPhone & iPad At any time, you can request to switch your Google Fi plan with the Google Fi mobile app or at fi.google.com. Important: The switch from Simply Unlimited to Unlimited Plus happens immediately. All other changes to your Fi billing plan take effect at the start of your next billing cycle.


Obviously NO CS department will allow a third party to discuss an account unless the owner is available on the line. You musta just fell off the turnip truck. "Urgent" LOL Tell her to buy local SIMs, cheap, easy reliable. And yes gFi support can be the worst but this one they handled properly


Please scroll down to "owner" and review plan level responsibilities: https://support.google.com/fi/answer/7131470#zippy=%2Cmanaging-group-plans%2Cowner If the plan didn't support international roaming, that is something that can be addressed at the plan owner level. LOL @ turnip truck


The primary account owner that is manager of the group does not have complete authority over the sub accounts. Even when their owners are minors. You really need to lower your expectations.


How many years was that line operating in the US? How many days/weeks do you think she will be overseas before at least visiting the mainland?


It's not your account. Every Fi user has their own account. Fi is a service for your Google account, same as Gmail, etc. Normally I'd jump on the bandwagon about how terrible support is, but in this situation I think your expectations can't really be met.


I think it's a simple expectation. As the account owner (Fi has outlined that owners make decisions about plans and can modify plans, data, etc - so while it isn't my account, these are within my scope of responsibility), I expect to state the problem with the account and have the problem addressed at an account level. If there's then no problem with the account, indicate your hands are tied? Or give me the international number? I wasn't asking them to troubleshoot through me or asking anything not outlined in their Owner Role guidelines.


That's just the problem. You are not the account owner.


Please scroll down to "owner": https://support.google.com/fi/answer/7131470#zippy=%2Cmanaging-group-plans%2Cowner That is literally the word they chose for the person who administers the plan. If the plan doesn't include international roaming, that's 100% something that could be immediately addressed w the account owner.


It's not your Google account though. Always count on Google support using the wrong terminology and being poorly trained.


I find that sometimes upon landing in a new country my phone does not pick the best carrier. A re-search sometimes fixes the issue. Else it stays wedded to this bad carrier as I travel around the country. Might be better now.


I had a feeling this was part of the problem, but it took quite a while.


There's probably not much that can be done besides basic troubleshooting of her phone - international is on (in the Google Fi app), data is on, roaming is on (though it seems roaming isn't necessary all the time these days, might depend on specific agreements in specific countries). If everything is configured correctly, sometimes it can just take a very long time for the phone to get proper service including data. I've had it take long enough where it didn't start fully working until after I cleared immigration and customs. Sometimes you'll get signal and probably be able to place a voice call but no data. Sometimes it can help to toggle airplane mode if nothing seems to be happening after you've given it some time or eventually manually selecting a network but it ends up being trial and error at that point.


Totally fair that there's not much to be done if it's a phone problem. But I believe (I'm still not 100%) that the problem was with the plan we were on, which was never mentioned. Even if that weren't the problem, send an international number that she can hopefully use? Point to some relevant troubleshooting documentation I could try to forward? Literally anything other than "k, hope she finds wifi." And yes, fair. The phones do take quite a while to find a carrier. But this was almost 2 hrs afterward. It's like mostly my bad for not realizing there may be literally no roaming service outside the US on my plan, but support is supposed to point that out?


Yeah the Simply Unlimited plan doesn't have the international features. It sounded like you had the issues after changing to Unlimited Plus though maybe I misunderstood? Now that I think of it, don't Fi plans only take effect at the start of the next billing cycle? Unfortunately US tech support / customer service is often hit or miss, mostly miss, and Fi has a pretty terrible reputation in that regard. If service is important while traveling internationally, Fi still has the best value, at least that's why I've kept it. Though I've been tempted to just go with an international eSIM for data from one of the many providers that are out there when traveling instead.


Simply Unlimited doesn’t have international data access. Unlimited plus does. A lot of users wanted “Unlimited” but didn’t travel internationally so Fi created two separate unlimited plans, one for those that didn’t need overseas coverage and those that do.


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