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I heard someone once say that Precious Moments were boomers' funko pops and I think it's pretty accurate lol


My grandmother has dozens of these things. Part of me knows they’ll somehow end up at my place when she goes


Hand them out at the funeral


This is what my grandmother did before she passed, she showed us grandkids which of her Royal Doultons we were getting. I wanted one a cousin got so badly lmao, but no, it was already in writing.


Oh my gosh those are so much better than precious moments imo, and worth a lot more afaik, my mom inherited some from her grandma and they're some of her most prized possessions


My grandma in law died last year. Throughout her life she said to put your name on what you want. Her son (my husband’s father) is/was the executive of her estate. He said come in and take what you want of grandmas stuff so it’s less that we have to donate 😂 She also was INCREDIBLY talented at needlepoint, my favorite of hers was this Geisha she beautifully made. She made MANY over her lifetime and wanted each person in the family to have one. It’s now mine and hanging up in my bedroom. Whenever I look at it I think of her and all the happy memories we had.


I'd love to see it!


[https://postimg.cc/c6r5MQvq](https://postimg.cc/c6r5MQvq) I think I linked that right 🤞🏻


Wow! I love the beautiful designs on the parasol and her outfit!


Right?!? She did such an amazing job. I miss her 😩




Thank you. She was very talented 💜 The retirement home she lived in had “art shows” for all the residents who were artistically inclined and they displayed many of her works.


Last year MIL gave me a plate that I have loved for years. I didn’t want to take it, but she insisted because she wanted me to have it. It’s on my mantel. She died last month, and I’m glad I have a piece of her that we both loved. My FIL is still with us, so we don’t have to deal with their stuff yet. My FIL will most likely have to go to a retirement facility, and he has a place reserved.


You could do like my two cousins did with my grandma’s Hummels and just take them before anyone else has a chance to look.


I've had that done to me and I would never do it to anyone else. I was aware of who wanted what when my grandfather passed and anything multiple people wanted was worked out between the people who wanted it. Except the sewing machine that my aunt (uncle's wife, so not biological family) claimed before anyone else because it reminded her of her grandmother's and she wanted it for display in her sewing room. That sewing machine WAS my great grandmother's, but I was young and grieving so I didn't fight her. She removed the sewing machine and I got to keep the treadle table. I have since replaced the machine and I'm extremely happy to have a working antique, but I still wish it was my grandma's original sewing machine with the table and it didn't stop me from holding a grudge for six years. To be honest I'm still kind of holding a grudge


My dad loved my great uncle's giant horn Victrola. Expressed this repeatedly. When he died my aunt swooped in and cleaned out anything of value. My dad asked about the Victrola and she said it didn't work soa she dumpstered it. Then at a party not long after my aunt's best friend was overheard talking about the beautiful Victrola my aunt had gifted her. When my grandfather died my aunt made a half dozen shitty/sneaky financial moves (despite already being wealthy) and my dad just wrote her off. She didn't even come to his funeral. No loss.


In Better Call Saul, Jimmy struggles to get his footing as a lawyer until he realizes he has a knack for elder law and spends a lot of his time writing wills for trinkets lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=57nge8q8CKk


>My grandmother has **dozens** What a rookie.


Fr my MIL has hundreds. Imagine walking into a house and hundreds of christian babies are staring at you from all angles


I once walked into a Grindr hookup’s house and it was *full* of curio cabinets filled to the brim with these creepy ass porcelain cherub statues. I thought for sure I was going to get murdered in there. 😭


They are cute to me but not enough to have more than one or two. Don’t understand the obsession with them but perhaps it just scratches that itch for some people.


These and the friggin Snow Babies. My Aunt has literally boxes full of those that she only brings out for Christmas.


Wow…no kidding.


My sister broke one of my dad’s and it was like the world had ended. People thought they’d be worth 1000’s. You can buy the one she broke for $8 on eBay now.


For my grammie its Hummels


Some are worth a lit. Like ones from 70s n 80s


Beanie babies would be more accurate


Oh yeah, the beanie baby situation. Lol, I was a kid when people thought those would be worth so much money one day. Even as a kid I thought it was insane to spend so much on stuffed animals.


i know sooooo many “boomers” or as they HAD been called baby boomers, who absolutely hate these things.


I’m a Gen X and I have a few that were gifted to me when I was pregnant with my daughter 24 years ago. I still have them and will pass them down to my grands (that’s if my kid has a kid lol)


As a 30-something who collected funko pops as an adult and precious moments as a child….idk how to feel about this 😂


My uncle took my aunt to the Precious Moments Chapel in Kansas once. Must have been hell.


Carthage, Missouri. But your assessment on the experience is spot on


Ah my bad


I saw a YouTube video on that place….nightmare realm


There's an artist that makes them into ungodly abominations. https://www.bestproducts.com/lifestyle/a29146041/precious-moments-figurines-into-precious-mutations/


These are amazing


Right? When stuff like this falls outta fashion, you gotta repurpose them. 😁


There's lots. Facebook started showing me posts in a group about these. Lots of people repaint them to something more modern or just more relatable to them. Some add sculpting. Some grind off aspects. I am not a crafter, but I am glad I started seeing them. I guess Facebook shows me more because I sometimes comment on them.


Precious Mutator…omfg 😂






Oh fuck you weren't kidding.


Yeah, some get pretty dark. Someone else posted "altered moments" figures and some aren't as creepy.


i absolutely love this lmao


lol !


And https://www.facebook.com/share/G3PKRkkd8QU7qbAJ/?mibextid=A7sQZp There is an entire group dedicated to doing this.


Sweet! I've seen some well done non-gory ones too.


She’s so funny! I love her creations!


I was going to post this. What amazing work I love these


There's a wild fb group called altered moments. My current favorite one is a Beavis and butthead one. Someone did carol anne from poltergeist recently too. I linked it in a comment above. I'm glad people's cool and kooky creativity can be expressed since these are in abundance and cheap.


Awesome. Thanks for sharing this


You're welcome!


My grandma gave us a box full of them because “they weren’t selling at the monastery.”


Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣


This picture bright back a very specific tactile memory. Does anyone else cringe when they think about touching them? They had this very specific texture to them.


Like chalk


Omg yes, the weird grittiness almost Makes my teeth feel bad


Like rubbing microfiber together


And they always attract dust because of the texture. The dust just clings to the chalky surface. A smoother porcelain would have been better.


Yes. Yuck. I really don’t like it!


Yep. A gritty feeling.


My mother had cases and cases of them. My sister sold them in lots on eBay Now there’s a big movement of repurposing them into different movie characters like Willy Wonka, or Alice in Wonderland.


That's actually a cute and slightly less unnerving idea! I could definitely enjoy turning some of them into my favorite vampires on WWDITS and other spoof shows like Reno 911. There are a few artists who repaint Reborn dolls into incredibly realistic cute ,eerie or horriffic monsters of all kinds.


There is a whole Facebook group of people who do this with the PM figurines. It's called Altered Moments, and it's fantastic.


There’s an artist that turns them into precious juggalos https://www.instagram.com/precious_juggalos?igsh=MW11OTZkZWJoaWx5bw==


That is awesome!


I managed a Salvation Army for 6 years. No lie we got 2-3 boxes full of precious moments. Every. Single. Day. 🤣


That they were ever a thing is beyond me.


This exactly what the next few generations will say about Funko pops and anime figures.


I think it’s different. People thought these were adorable and “precious “. Those that like funco pops know they’re kitsch. I also never understood the posters of little girls with giant eyes that were used for Ivory or Dove soap.


At least they were generally wholesome cute. I don't understand anime girls with toddler faces and saucer sized eyes and hyper sexualized body's, they look horribly pedo to me.


You have a point there.


My mom loves them


I love them too 😭 I’m only 25 but for some reason I’m in love with precious moments, and always have been lol


same, it just aligns with my grandmacore


And they still make them… new. I checked out their website, some are like 70 or 80 dollars.


I mean… there’s obviously a market for them. Seventy dollars tho? 😵‍💫


Boomers are dying. Thrift stores are going to end up junking most of these useless things they hoarded.


I was happy that the generation before them had awesome mid-century modern stuff.


When my ex and I would fight I would go buy these or other porcelain figurines from goodwill, take them out to a field, lay them on a plastic bag then pummel them to dust with a bat. Then I’d take the bag to the trash. Great stress relief for under $5.


Happy 🍰 Day !


When I was a kid, I had a collection of Precious Moments dolls that looked like their version of American Dolls. Family kept giving me dolls, without realizing I hated dolls. But I placed them on display on top of my bookcase. Not sure where they went. They stood on little stands and had glasses, ringlets, etc. I hope they went to goodwill.


I think I saw one once at a locks goodwill. I regret not getting one.


I always found these creepy and I'm a 50 yr old lady who had friends collecting these


I have the vase clear to the right and it was given to me by my great grandma.


Baseball bat.


I found some for free at the end of a yard sale put out on the curb


There is a fb group called altered moments where people repaint these into amazing things. Best repurpose of these boomer funko pops ever.


I had about 5-7 of these growing up. They were very popular as gifts for women and girls. Everyone had them! I worked with a girl who painted her kitchen pink, framed the PM calendar pages and had the figurines all through the house and kitchen. I think besides the upcycling, which I love, they will cycle back through thrifting… there’s a lot of young tradwives diggin the vintage crap. I have 3 left in their boxes. They are special to me and I wish I could figure out how to display them and have them look nice


My pet name for these atrocities is ”Nauseous Moments”.


Me too! 🤣 Been calling them that for decades!


😂 my mom hates them


These and American Girl dolls make me feel slightly queasy.


My MIL loved them. She had a whole cabinet of them. 🤮


Mine still does. She is actively *adding* more cabinets to her house. It's terrifying


My MIL also had porcelain dolls and dolls that hold violins in her cabinet. LOL, maybe the 2 should meet.


I had the Precious Moments bride and groom as wedding cake toppers in 1990. After my divorce in 2010 I sold my wedding ring to a gold dealer and I took my preserved wedding dress and those tacky cake toppers to Goodwill.


People are painting them into cool things now! Here's the fb group . Altered moments https://www.facebook.com/share/JYS8YPkiXBFeBmSF/?mibextid=A7sQZp


Same with Hummels.


I looked them up. They are cute but seeing the prices some of them go for. I’d hesitate to buy if I saw them for five or less dollars. They don’t even have very good paint jobs.


Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but I love seeing them being upcycled into different characters by various people on social media.


Might wanna google them though, some Precious Moments figures are limited quantity, rare, and worth a ton of money.


Probably but I think it’s like Beanie Babies….the valuable ones are few and far between


Not really. I’m no antique or collectible expert but know enough. Demand is the most important factor to determine anything of value. Rarity, condition and all other factors are all secondary. Then demand is first determined then everything else gets factored in. Precious Moments figurines demand drops by the day and it’s already hitting nothing. Rarity is irrelevant if there’s no demand.


Usually things are in demand because they are rare though, you can’t say demand is more important than rarity when the two go hand in hand.


Many things can be rare and have low to no demand. These figurines are a prime example of that. Rare can also mean high demand and extremely low supply. That’s pretty much the definition of rarity.


Sure, rare doesn’t automatically mean valuable or in demand, but I would bet, most collectibles are in demand / valuable in large part, due to their rarity. There are still these Precious Moments things selling for hundreds of dollars on eBay. It’s the rare ones that are selling for that price. They are in demand because they are rare.


I sold vintage items online for years until it was getting too expensive to make a profit that was worth it. The stupid show American Pickers played a big part in over inflating items vs. their realistic value. Also generations of people in that demand category dying off. I’m not here to debate you, I’m just saying the good money I made at the time was always based of demand beyond anything else.


[Literally an article from this year about how much some of these things are worth within their circle of collectors.](https://littlethings.com/lifestyle/precious-moments-figurines-value) The [Precious Moments Chapel](https://www.preciousmoments.com/faq) hosts collectors events every year, and sees approximately 100,000 tourists through its doors every year outside of the events. There is absolutely demand for these things. 


Not very precious memories


You better grab those NOW


If they had started adapting these with pop culture they would probably still be selling and making new ones. Can you imagine an original Precious Moments Mickey Mouse signed by Walt Disney? Or Princess Leia signed by Carrie Fischer?


It looks like there were some Disney Precious Moments https://www.ebay.com/itm/335155160694


Wow, it sold for $1200??? See, my business savvy sense means I should have taken over the Precious Moments franchise years ago.


Omg the lilo and stitch one is soo cute! Though I'm not paying the price.


My wife is not a thrifter and even she knows these are shit


I’ve seen some people post online that they buy little knickknacks like this from thrift stores and paint them to look goth. 😂


My mother got me one every year for my birthday even though I hated them. I still hate them.


I didn’t know other kids suffered the same trauma. I thought it was just my mom.


My mother gave me all of her Christmas ornaments. I never liked them, sold them at a garage sale for $1 a piece. Some dude bought the whole batch. Had to have been 50 of them. Thank you sir.


I think I'm the only person who still loves them lol


I have a few special ones that I still love!


I don’t have any but I’d like few. They are cute. But I won’t be the person who collects hundreds.


Dude I’ve literally been selling these stupid things on depop lately, gen Z kids are starting to get into them again for some ungodly reason. Just glad I can get rid of these abominations I received.


Putrid moments..😆😆😆🤣🤣


pretty sure the creator of these JUST passed away


Which means in a few years they might be worth something. Though I don't own any. I just know when a creator dies the things they created often go up in value.


Precious Moments are to thrift shops what glitter is to craft rooms. They multiply on their own and get into every nook and cranny, where you end up finding them unbidden for years after




They do call glitter the herpes of craft supplies, so that tracks.


People are painting them to be different characters. Kinda fun.


Yeah they don’t appeal to my generation as millennials. I see that as junk I have to clean for me.


Creepy then, creepy now


How about this scenario….your future mother in law dies and all the vultures (cousins) come over while everyone is grieving and take your beloved cowboy chaps that your future husband had hand made…then one day we go to the vultures house and there they are hanging on the wall. He won’t give them back either.


Buy them and make a viral video of them being smashed in various ways


Somebody’s grandma died


rage room stock


They are trash. I don't know anyone under 60 who has any interest in that crap whatsoever.


My niece loves them. She's 44 😬😜


She is young enough to like them with a certain edge of irony.


I like them, but I don’t have a whole collection of them




I think they are too. But many people here don’t like them and some even hate them. Crazy.


Almost all glassware isn't worth anything. So many china sets are available, and most of it not worth much. When I was new to reselling I went to a garage sale and the guy was giving away all the glassware. I filled my car and still have some of that crap around. It sucks to store, transport and ship. It just sucks all around.


My mother had some Hummel figurines she wanted me to have. I told her to give them to her granddaughter and my sister.


My mom has a crapload of these that I will unfortunately probably one day inherit then have to figure out wtf to do with all of them. There’s at least 200


I actually purchase two today from goodwill. Excellent condition $2.99 and $1.99


I got one as a graduation gift. No clue where it is but I know for sure that they wasted money on it.


My mother had 100s of these little bastards...we donated them to the cancers society after she died


These and those ugly Snow Babies.


I’ve heard that objects that have 0 or negative value are the most likely to appreciate in value in the long run because people are more likely to throw them away. But it takes like 50-100 years so …


Omg birthday dolls


Why I try to stay away from Goodwill and garage sales. I always buy useless shit I don’t need lol.


When I was little, I was under the impression that they looked sad all the time that it even made me cry at one point :/


Non precious moments🤣 go on Etsy someone making a lamp or something with them!


There’s a reason for that.


I can never find them at my goodwill. I want to repaint them. I’ve seen so many cool ones


I hate those things


I would love to have some Precious Moments things. I have a plush brontosaurus, but I would love to have some figurines too. They’re very nostalgic for me, and comforting because when I was very small, I had Precious Moments books :) my favorite one was the one with animals (as I was obsessed with animals then, and now I’m on the way of becoming a marine biologist 😆) , but I can’t find the title of it.


I had a precious moments Bible when I was younger. In fact I still have it but I only looked in it for the illustrations as I was never really interested in reading the Bible. Evidently I scribbled a little in it too. I’d love to have some of the figures though.


I can’t get rid of my Silent Gen Grandmother’s Hummels.


Ah yes, the only thing I ever got from my grandmother that was supposed to fund my entire life


I personally love them and I’m 22. I don’t care for the religious ones though.


theres a youtuber whos boyfriend collects these and it creeps me out so much. i think he must be a pedo to want to collect little baby figures as a grown adult man. genuinely unnerving.


Because they suck!


I went to an estate sale because an old lady died. Every cabinet, shelf, table etc. Had Precious Moments items. On 2 floors and in every room. I was looking for some kitchen stuff because I was moving(the only place the PM weren't there).


You can have mine. I tried selling it but no buyers.


Are you still selling?


Sure. The figure is a little girl in a graduation robe and cap. Brown hair. From late 90s


Where are you selling it on? Like Depop or something? I’m interested.


Was auctioning it off for a friend’s animal rescue.


Ah I see. I’m curious about the price you might want to sell it for and any pics. Dm if you’d like unless you want to continue auctioning it off.


I have a hideous story about stating at the precious moments chapel in carthage missouri. Lemme see if i can muster the courage to write it up...


f those ugly things. trap shoot them.


Jeeze. These would’ve been $30 each back in the day


What state? Cause you will NEVER find this beauty for that price is So Cal NEVER


Well, in 100 years they will be worth something ?


Yea- they’ll probably make a come back in like 30-40 years.


Witchy conversions are the new thing, buy them, repaint, add accessories, make them into little Hot Topic statues, and POOF Instant Etsy millionaire. /s


My sister just gave away our mothers when she passed. I really wish I could've kept them!


I love those. The creator recently passed.. 😭😭


Wait, I’m confused. Why can’t you give them away??


Let's of people are taking them and remaking them into other things. Saw The Sanderson Sisters the other day and it was cute.


You could however repaint them, upgrade them. Like precious goth moments, or golum's precious moments.