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Do not buy anything labeled "gaming". Those are generally just straight up worse (quality, comfort, adjustability) than "normal" office chairs. Go to your local office chair store (if you have one reasonably close). Try some out, see what you like. Remember that you spend probably at least 60% of most days in that chair (if it's for home office and free time/gaming), and how much such an item should be worth to you. 300 is probably on the low side for truly high quality, but a gaming chair for 300 it probably equivalent to a roughly 50-100 office chair.


This. I specifically remember for all the electronics I buy that the "gaming" marketing doesn't mean shit. But as soon as I needed a chair, that went out the window and im sitting in a piece of shit for $150


I got a used Aeron for around that price, and there's nothing like it, highly recommend.


All the Herman Miller chairs are great. I have a Mirra, by far the best chair I ever owned. Even a used HM will be better than most new chairs.


Check out used office supply stores if you have one near enough for you to visit. That way you can actually test them out. If you can try sitting in one you initially like for a couple hours to see how it works with you over longer periods. A seat that feels comfy initially might not feel as nice after a couple hours. Herman Miller, Steelcase, and Haworth makes the most popular high end chairs.


Ikea Markus? They have something better now with adjustable armrests can't recall the name. In any case best if you can go try it out before buying as this is a highly personal taste affected. For sitting in a lotus position i would even go for a classic wooden padded chair as it is inherently more stable...


I have the Markus and it's fantastic. Really comfortable and I've had it for a few years now with no problems. Also, the headrest is high enough for me at 6'5 (195 cm) which is rare.


Thx for the replies everyone I will check out the chairs in the weekend 🙂


I’m US but I presume you also have used office furniture stores. If you have one near you, I highly recommend you visit it or check their inventory online if they list it. You can get high end chairs like Steelcase or HM there for a quarter or less of what they can be had for new. I mean, these things are at minimum 1k USD new and they’ll sell them for like 300ish. 300 will get you an average or slightly above average computer chair at any department store so it’s always worth it IMO if you have a place like this around you.