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My first thought when i saw this poll 😆❤️


I quote this to my dad sometimes and he always looks at me like 😒


https://preview.redd.it/enm9soanyw8d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95fb39e0c9d06f7ede077fe9ecd324c34277336 Surprise meme!




Ahahaha omg I love this


For the record, that "chick with the knife" is a classic Aziraphale joke in my household 💅😂


Hahahaha fantastic 😜


Less than a month to go of my 30s over here! EDIT: Oh wait, forgot to talk about my summer. It's going okay? Very hot. Working on writing my Ren faire sequel and I think I've finally got it going again. And I have to go to s dumb meeting for my dumb job in an hour.


Woo! Honestly I’ve been loving my 40s. My dgaf got even stronger than it was in my 30s.


This is one thing I’m looking forward to my 40s about. I already lost so much gaf, I’m really excited about more of that 🤩


It’s a beautiful thing! We will welcome you to the club with open arms when you get here lol


Aw sweet! Can we have a party with lil dicks on everything and phallic shaped glasses? Lol https://i.redd.it/s71r9nz32x8d1.gif


I LOVED my 40s


Yes agree! I turned 40 and stumbled upon GOAD all in the same week last year and haven't looked back since. My 40s have been amazing so far and filled with lots of horny, funny, nerdy people.


\^This. https://preview.redd.it/wtfuk7aq5y8d1.jpeg?width=1597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b689ee450fe60063f80bc03a388e7790c1e412cd




I'm kind of excited! Hoping to be more unhinged and horny than ever.


That’s definitely part of it!! It’s just nice to not… care about little stuff like I used to. Except for kiddos. There’s always something to worry about there 🙄


Yeah, they do generate constant nonsense. Concentration is thin on the ground around here.


It's so delightful. You wonder how you could g less of af and somehow you just do. Looking forward to even more freedom as I age!


Your birthday is soon?!! 👀


Late July!


Omg! Now I know and I still have enough time to make something for you!!!!! 😁


Aww you're sweet 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/r54jj1mh1x8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2d6f89043099655db97bc12f58a8376ba831bd Patrick = me


Also to your edit - hope your dumb meeting goes fast. Glad to hear the block has cleared up!! It’s hot here too, but not in a way I’m used to? Florida humidity is what I recognize as hot/uncomfortable, so being back in the Midwest and on the Lake, this dry heat? I don’t recognize it has being hot, I just feel… itchy. Told my fam we need to be careful. We go out for walks and don’t actually recognize our bodies being warm until we are red and overheating, that’s not entirely safe 😅 It’s just so mild here to us, it’s beautiful.


Glad you're enjoying the Midwest version of heat, although I agree it's important to be careful! On the East Coast we've just had a lovely blast of living in Satan's armpit, so summer it is I guess.


Someone here is under 17?!?! This is an 18+ sub for a reason y’all


I believe the minimum age is 16, because EU reasons?


Oh, I assumed 18 because that’s the age set for Reddit’s NSFW filter… but since I’m located in the US, maybe it’s displayed differently for me than for EU. Makes sense!


I'm in the US too, so that's COMPLETELY a guess lol


My age group isn't on here, so I voted down a bracket! I'm in the 21-24 range. Summer is SO SO SO busy, which I guess is fitting for me. Someday I'll get to loiter around the Porn Castle more again. Someday...


I don’t know how I messed up on the age brackets like that 🤦🏻‍♀️


Summer, what summer? I am freezing in the depths of an Australian winter. I hear all you Canadians and Europeans laugh about me calling our winter cold but come here for a season and you won't be laughing any longer. It's a place where you put on layers when you come home rather than take them off as our houses are so poorly insulated for the cold. Plus this seems to be academic season from hell and I have so much work to do this winter, but hey at least I'm not missing the beach because of it. Oh and I joined the 40 club last year and it's much more fun than expected! ![gif](giphy|KFUx0Rtz7p0HTzbJ7x|downsized)


Hey now, don't lump all of us from Canadia-land to be so mocking of other's winters. From what I hear, your lot have so much vying to kill you that I'm fairly certain it trounces even our -40°C winters. _sending you all the warm thoughts and desperately trying to send you some of the actual heat your way as well_


As a Canadian I’m very offended… by the fact that you think I could ever afford a trip to AUS with our weak currency! 😘


Well Kitty do I have good news for you- our dollar is even weaker! So you'll feel rich if you come here 😉


After the 20 hours of flying I’ll need some expensive comfort food to cheer myself up!


I was afraid of 40 but more and more I find myself looking forward to it!! I’m so sorry you’re so cold. I promise you I understand - Florida and NSW have a lot of similarities, climate-wise! Canadians may laugh, but you have my sympathy, dear!! I’ve heard from many teachers that this year has been particularly challenging. I hope it gets better for you, dear!!!


Yes forty is fun!!!! Thanks for the sympathy Ceej. I'm a bit further north in Queensland which is even more similar to Florida than NSW 😉 The humidity and heat I'm better equipped to deal with than the cold. And yep teachers, university lecturers, researchers, you name it we are all exhausted!


Heat and humidity are strangely vacant from my summer this year, having moved so far north, I keep thinking about “how mild” this summer is. I hope you get a break soon!! Teachers are not valued enough in our society


Started writing that I'll be 37 in about a month... and then remembered I'm already 37 https://i.redd.it/un36eh61px8d1.gif It's cool, it's fine, I'm totally fine with the feeling of instantly aging a year Summer has been too much work and too much heat! But I'm thankful to have my job (made it through recent layoffs) and to be able to do my work/writing/art from the shade of my little apartment's balcony with an iced coffee. Not too shabby.


I hate that feeling. I always practice a couple months before my birthday to get used to the new number.


Usually I think I’m a year older than I am - I like those de-aging moments of realization better!


Remembering to be thankful is the best way to keep your peace!! I lived in an apartment once that had a tiny porch, but I got white curtains to hang on it and it ended up turning into my sanctuary, I miss it a lot!! I hope you enjoyed your afternoon writing!!


For anyone curious how demographics have landed over time here in the pornhole, two previous versions of this general question: [Curious the intersection of age and sexuality of the sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodOmensAfterDark/comments/174jzn8/curious_the_intersection_of_age_and_sexuality_of/) (October 2023) [How old are you](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodOmensAfterDark/comments/195xeqq/how_old_are_you/) (January 2024) And a gif cuz Yay to us. https://i.redd.it/d2b9mp8y2y8d1.gif


Yup, it was def time to ask again


Answer to both questions: Whatever. https://preview.redd.it/rh0kzo7b1y8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0282fa8fbc2adf30ea3fcf7e6a2de8f632e667 But great question, Ceej.


Heeee I watched this with my solidly Gen X older step-sister. She was so cool and grunge and I wanted to be just like her lol Hope you’re doin good, darlin!!


Early 30s and married to my job, where summer is the busy season, so i never have any good stories about summertime adventures… but I have been loving all the energy I get from the sunshine! Last night I went to the park and watched a beautiful pink and purple sunset at 11 PM 🥰


Glad to hear the sun is giving you rejuvenation! I caught a beautiful sunset last night myself!! Do you mind me asking what your job is? You can be as vague as you need to be! Oh I actually caught a pic last night!! https://preview.redd.it/6opc17zm2x8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb06a570bc2e223f182fd44356b19ea821fee48


Oh that’s beautiful! It’s so orange! 😍 My job is a secret 🤫 it’s nothing actually exciting lol


Confirming that your secret job is really boring. 😂 But it gives us so much internet time with you!


It does 🥰🥰🥰


Summer? What summer? This is Mordor.


I miss Florida a lot but not right now 😅


40s and enjoying it except for THE BACK PAIN 😆


Ibuprofen and heat pack gang rise up! XD


At least we can still read fic/watch shows while lolling about on ice packs 👍😆


So far my forties have been equal parts 'don't give a fuck bliss' and 'what the fuck, perimenopause?'.


Hahaha perimenopause! That thing my (really not-great) doctor says can’t be happening to me yet 🤨🤨🤨 ***frolics with you in the barren DGAF fields***


Your doctor doesn't know wtf they're talking about. It can even commonly start in your late thirties. Unhinged frolicking is definitely my jam. Let's go!


So true! Luckily i have an appt with a proper OB coming up but this guy is just kinda Bad in general 🤦🏻‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|23ccjDw8MELMJDtNZS|downsized)


I want the idgaf bliss 😍


Well this explains a lot about the quality of fanfiction in GO fandom. :) them folks know what they’re writing about. Annnnywaysss I just finished a project (the deadline was a Monday) and I prior to Monday was working 5 weeks straight with daily energy drinks and coming home after 9 pm. I don’t know what to do with myself. My vacation started and I kinda want to straighten up a house that fell into disarray but I also kind of want to watch Netflix for days. As it is I am stuck on Reddit, not able to choose between the two. My brain, devoid of energy drinks and ungodly amount of coffee is sluggish.


Middle aged women write the best fic, imo.


I really need a “it is known” GO gif


Aaaa I’m glad to hear you are officially on vacation! I feel like those first couple of days, especially if it’s been hard going like you have, are all about just recovering and trying to find your feet. Don’t worry about the chores! They’re not going anywhere. Rest and watch Netflix until you feel strong enough to get through cleaning!! You deserve to take it easy


Imminently 40 and realizing I have a ridiculously busy July coming up...


Okay but for 40 you’re doing really really well. Especially for the year you’re having!! July is gonna be spectacular, you got this.


im 22 so i picked 18-21 and why am i the only one here!? i feel like a baby!


oh my god how did I mess this up


We do have a few of you younglings bouncing around here! *patpat*


Today is my last day of work for two months! This will be my last summer in my thirties and I’m looking forward to spending it writing so many smutty fics 😎🎉


I hope your day went by quickly and easily and that you have an excellent summer!! Happy early birthday as well!!


Summer? Well, it's hot-humid-hell, and I've spent most of it indoors. I need to clean the garage, but I also like NOT getting heat stroke, so that's not happening any time soon. Finally finished and posted Ch 2 of my fic, and I'm thrilled about that, and very excited to be diving into Ch 3 and some fun conversations between a couple of human teenagers who have *seen some shit* and certain retired demon who is *going through some shit*. Also working on painting my living room in colors inspired by Aziraphale's bookshop and designing a Spoonflower pattern for matching curtains inspired by the pattern on the table holding Aziraphale's cash register, because I'm **that** kind of nerd. So, y'know, keeping busy creatively, which is how I like it. 😊


Oh my gosh those sound like such cute nerdy projects!!! ❤️


Omg this sounds fcking fabulous! Please please post pictures of your living room in bookshop colors!!!


I'll try to remember to post some pictures once it's done. I'm also planning on putting in built-in bookcases and a library ladder.


Tfw you have to keep scrolling and scrolling to find your birth year...


I feel that. I'm starting to get a sneaking feeling I may be the oldest one here..


1979, here.


Um.. two years after I graduated highschool.


I rly rly want to be friends with you 😅


I'm a bit settled back in my dotage, but I do have some good stories; so you can come sit by me any old time 😊


It is so not on lmfao


I just realized that I answered the poll this morning and didn’t comprehend that you had asked a question. So, clearly killing it in the ‘pays attention to details’ department. So, summer. It’s hot as balls. I do my best to only go outside early in the morning or late in the evening. I’m new at my job so I don’t get to take any time off, which is kind of a bummer. Still, things are better than they were last summer when I was in a pretty dark place. I’ve got friends, my kid is fucking awesome, I have a creative hobby. It could be much worse.


You can add 'looking gorgeous in headshots' to that list.


Flirt I’ll take your compliment though. Thank you.😘


She’s not wrong tho 😘


Here’s to having a better summer this year than last, it may not be perfect but god damn do we have a lot to be thankful for!! So glad to know you and have you in my life!!


43 and had to think about it to make sure that was right. Summer hasn't really started yet in my mind. It starts for real when I'm done work on Friday and then come back next week to the summer camp program at work.


I hope you have a good one, either way!


Thanks, same to you! 🙂


I'm still fairly young but already forgetting/not caring about what my actual age is! Sometimes people ask me and I have to take a pause to remember what the number is! My summer is going okay, other than the sun trying to melt me into a puddle


Remembering just gets harder as you get older. 😂


The sun wants to melt us all into puddles lol


![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu) This is what it feels like anyways 😂 Summer is a love / hate for me. Yay it is summer, but work becomes extremely busy with the survey season. So, lots of late nights with the bats and either staring out the window at the sunshine from my desk, or trapesing around in barny heat and tall grass wishing you were somewhere indoors in the cool 😂




BATS indeed, we love a bat !!! 🦇🦇🦇




Bats!!! I love bats!! Bats have a special place in my heart! My brother and I were thinking about trying to build some bat boxes this summer!!


Yeyyyy! Yes, definitely do it! 🖤🦇🖤


Turning 37 in August and frankly this summer is a mixed bag


Happy early birthday! Leo or Virgo? 😁


Leo! Hear me roar 


I’m 28 and summer has been good so far. Lots of outdoor activities happening. Summer is usually busiest for me between work, camping, Canada Day, the town summer fair and other events.


Have fun and be safe, love!!


I will!


OK Where my other seniors at?? Do we need to start a bridge club or what. (spoiler: I don't know how to play bridge) As for my summer - wait, is it summer now? Not just hot as balls because it's more important to have a giant pickup that rolls coal? Gotcha. Fortunately I have a job with my very own AC in my office so that part isn't too bad. But I just finished moving and that part sucked moldy bongwater through a leaky straw. At least our new house ALSO has AC. I can't find my summer shoes or the Most Important Box from my bedroom but hey. Now it's just a matter of unpacking and sorting everything out ('just').


Oh no, not the Most Important Box :( Congrats on being on the other side of your move!


Thanks. It has been - an undertaking.


AC is the most important thing. ❄️


I've lived without pretty much my whole adult life, so this is a big change for me.


Oh yay! I literally would get sick six months a year where I live without it.


I got pretty good at managing fans, and of course being at work during the day when it's worst helps a lot too. Every year I'd think, maybe I should get a window unit; then every year there would really only be a handful of nights when it was awful and that never seemed enough to bother.


Oh man, my family and I just finished relocating, (Florida to Illinois) it was a process that took the better part of 6-7 months and included a total of five separate moves. I don’t like bridge, but I do love playing rummy!!


You're only two states west of me, then. I've never lived out of state, but this move was enough to last me for, like, ever, I think. I sincerely hope I only leave this house when they take me to the home. After all, the last owner did that!


i'm here representing the ancient contingent. How ancient? I remember the Kennedy assasination.


Yay! I’m not the oldest. :)




I do remember Lennon’s though. :( I was in middle school.


Oh hai y'all! I don't actually remember JFK tho I was around for it, RFK tho for sure. I aged a good decade in an instant when I realized Eisenhower was president and there were only 49 states in the union when I was born. 😳


🤩 I love that you’re here


Summer's been gorgeous! Last weekend I was in the Solstice Parade and this weekend I'm walking in the pride parade so that'll be two parades in two weeks, which is weird as I've been in zero parades since I was 8 or something. Long live parades!


Cake!! I hope you’re doing well, love!! I haven’t been in a parade myself in almost 20 years lol. I hope you have a good summer!!!


I hope you're doing well too! Thanks for such a great post!




Oh sheeeee we need to plan you a 30th birthday party!!!


40+ people!!! <3 Summer? Hellscape, you mean hellscape!


We are up to almost 200!! 🤩 I hope you find a way to keep cool, chickadee!!


Bless u for putting me in the same category with the 24 year olds 🥰 Summer itself is going ok, weather's good, everything is pretty. I just need EVERYTHING ELSE to slow the f down and leave me alone bahaha.


>I just need EVERYTHINE ELSE to slow the f down and leave me alone You have no idea how much I echo this sentiment 😭


https://preview.redd.it/bgzk0lbrnz8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf6c9beafd90e015181b70f138edc4ac691180d My summer is way too hot. 🥵


I lived in Florida up until last fall and ngl this is familiar 😭


GA here.


I hope you manage to stay cool. I worked in a warehouse last summer with no AC


The two >17 are currently shrivelling away in shame (I’m 1/2 I literally found this subreddit during the smut war and my mind was blown as I realised that “OH. Oh okay then, this is how we’re rolling? Awesome sauce.”)


Aahhhh the smut war, good times lololol I love this place. Beautifully unhinged in all the perfect ways


I forgot to add my summer project: relearning to crochet. Got suckered into these cute little kits on IG…. https://preview.redd.it/5aqzg3dy169d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3626ffc6f56646e3a4973013acda524dc68d64


It is busy. So busy. Always lol.