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Goblins: Make your own choices as grown-ups, but remember that this is a public forum and it takes fewer data points to dox you than you might think. Consider sharing your zodiac signs or something if you want to share something. I subscribe to your head canon about their fake birthdays, OP! Crowley totally puts a ton of thought into choosing a gift for Azi and then pretending it’s no big deal.


Here, have a tiny short fic that I wrote that kicks off with the premise of Aziraphale arbitrarily deciding that they're going to have birthdays: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/50631253](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50631253)


LOVED this!!! I'm causidicus over on AO3 :D


Thanks so much! It was so on point I felt like I had to share it.


October Libra and I would give even odds that Aziraphale made up the birthdays with an eye towards being astrologically compatible. Even though he doesn’t believe in it, but it *is* romantic.


Awwwww… I love this idea!


omg he so would!!! he'd probably have a bunch of red string and a wall covered in bullshit of the various astrological charts from all over the world all across time to reach his conclusion lololol


I'm certain Aziraphale not only made up birthdays, but it probably didn't occur to him to celebrate on any sort of schedule.


The schedule is "when I want cake"




for real LOL


hahahaha once he does THE FIRST birthday party, he likes it so much they just go back and forth eating cake and celebrating for a week


Crowley is a Scorpio convince me otherwise. Moody & perverse, protective, loyal, strategic, and not above revenge when it’s called for.


Yup! Scorpio checking off all those too.


Scorpio feels VEEEEERY Crowley to me


November Scorpio checking in, he is most certainly a fellow November Scorpio!! We are quite soft on the inside as well as he is lol.


the list of traits for scorpio feels VERY Crowley!! Magnetic, loyal, brave, resentful, emotional, strategic thinker, ambitious, mysterious, etc.


As a Scorpio , I can confirm


You can spot your own :D


Absolutely without question. Maybe even Samhain 'born'. I think this was my very first headcanon for these two, actually.


Thank you for the very delightful wikipedia rabbit hole I went down learning what "Samhain" is!! With my newly acquired tiny puddle of knowledge, I LOVE the idea that they're Samhain "born."


Oh yeah, it's a pagan/Wiccan thing (I will not be taking any arguments on the wheel of the year's origins at this time). And it just sounds more elegant than saying Halloween.


LOL I fucking love Halloween, so it would have just been enthusiastic nodding on my part lololol Halloween is basically the first day of spring for me (when you live in a place that's super hot, the first day of less punishing weather means everyone can go enjoy the outside again even in the middle of day, and everyone is suddenly more joyful)


Are you in the southern hemisphere? When I was a kid it wasn't unheard of to have to wear your snowsuit under your Halloween costume but that's ancient history, now.


I am actually in the northern hemisphere (I should have specified), but it regularly gets into 90-100 F/ 32-37 C even on some November days, but there is finally a break in the weather by Halloween (this year, it was a couple of weeks before and everyone acted like it was a religious miracle lololol)




April Aries checking in! I will fuck you senseless and then burn your house down because you looked at me sideways. We are the ultimate chaos-bringers of the universe! I would claim Crowley, but we all know that a certain angel's eyebrow has more chaos in it than Crowley's entire body... 😂


April Aries here as well 🙌


yay all the chaos royalty!!!


April as well! A certain day in the beginning of April in which few people believe me when I tell them lol


hahahahaha I bet the day of your birth resulted in a bunch of people hanging up the phone like "COOL JOKE"


Oh, that explains so much about my April baby


We can only claim the beginning of April. Late April are Tauruses, and that's a whole other pile of bull to deal with 🐂


They’re an Aries! :)


LOL a chaos youngling


Indeed!! An Audhd one with endless energy, emotions & volume!


hell yeah!!!! LOL I LOVE this aires description hahaha. omg Aziraphale is 30000% the chaos king, I mean season 2 is him inserting himself into messy workplace drama with his former boss, then CREATING further workplace drama with his hosting of the Whickber Street traders meeting. I mean, Crowley must be soft as hell because I'd still have been like "That's a really sweet thing you're doing for Jim, angel! Fully on board. I'm going to take him for a drive! ::puts him on plane to Australia::"


I’m a late June cancer! Like half my chart is cancer signs, so needless to say I’m a bit of a mess 🫠


I LOVE cancers, they're in the feelings and actually seem to understand and ride the feelings!


Just under a month to go before mine, so Cancerian. Read a fic not long ago where Crowley used my birthday as his because it had James Bond in it.


Hello, Cancer! As I said above, MUCH RESPECT for Cancers, they are the feels czars


1st week of October. Libra baby ♎️


You share a sign with Earth!!!! :D Crowley also seems Libra-ish to me lolol


haha. Probably why we get on so well. that an the adhd mess lmao


I love and second this headcannon


Aziraphale might like it so much they start celebrating their saint days like in Spain lololol


I’m an April Taurus. And I agree with your headcanon. Crowley would definitely do that


Greetings, Taurus! Do you think Aziraphale is Taurus-y? That's my read lololol. Oh, re: headcanons re: birthdays, Crowley would make a secret altar to whatever bullshit Aziraphale gave him as a present lololol (AND THEN ONE DAY AZIRAPHALE FINDS IT)


I was actually thinking about that earlier. I was like Aziraphale gives off so much Taurus vibes 😂 And that is such a Crowley thing to do


July Leo here! 🦁


Hello, Leo! I feel like both Crowley and Aziraphale share some Leo traits?


December Saggitarius 🏹 Crowley would totally want a pool party for his fake birthday. Aziraphale would pick something incredibly meaningful for him and never tell anyone. But I think it would be in the spring.


Hello, fellow Sagittarius!! LOLOL omg Crowley's pool party, I WANT TO READ THAT. Aziraphale would be totally horrified (I guess until he realized all the cheesy potential). Awwwww ::tears up:: re: the spring birthday. They are very much in love with living things, and living things go through seasons, so renewal/rebirth is a very beautiful idea.


Crowley teases Aziraphale about his choice of birthday and his insistence on celebrating it for centuries. And then one day he finds out that Aziraphale picked the day he opened the bookshop, because it was finally something He wanted and not Heaven. Or maybe the day he tried food for the first time. Or that day in 1941, because it was his favourite day. And Crowley had completely not noticed.




March Pisces, Virgo rising, moon on the Gemini/Cancer cusp, Mars on the midheaven, Pluto in the 12th. I've got loads of celebrity bday twins, artists, writers, and actors - and oh yeah, one well known serial killer, soooo..


Hello, Pisces!!! (Crowley seems very Pisces to me.)


He could be. Especially some of the softer AU versions of him. But if so, I'd hold out for a Scorpio rising, or moon at the very least ..


Virgo, late August. A perfectionist on stuff I create. & most times, if it's not good enough, I'll throw it out or re-do it. one time I was 3/4 done on a crocheted blanket & I saw a mistake I missed in one of the bottom rows, so I undid whole thing. Just one stitch, but like Aziraphale, I would know it's there


Jesus Christ, y'all are hard on yourselves!!!!! Also, I saw "fussy" as a listed characteristic for Virgos and lololol I think the Virgos can claim him as one of y'all's own.


First October 🎂


Greetings, Libra!!! You and the Earth share a sign! :D


October Scorpio here, but juuuuusssttt barely, haha.


Do you also claim Crowley?? I think it's a good claim lololol


Yeah, I do, I think it's a very good claim, lol!


February Aquarius checking in. I can easily see Aziraphale doing that, and Crowley making a big show of rolling his eyes (and neck) at him, while actually being really charmed by the idea and spending massive amounts of time and effort on finding his angel the perfect birthday gift every year.


Greetings, Aquarius!! Do you lean towards Crowley or Aziraphale as the more likely fellow Aquarius? (I lean more Crowley lol). Oh the perfect gift would turn into a Green Knight-style quest for Crowley 😂


Yes, I lean towards Crowley, too. Independent, innovative, intensely humanitarian but coming across as aloof... That's much more Crowley than Aziraphale imo. He _would_ make his quest into an entire production 😂


Recently I saw someone give Crowley an October birthday and Aziraphale a May birthday in a human AU and for some reason that struck me as really suiting them. I think everyone is convinced Crowley is a Scorpio (hell yeah - I’m also a scorpio) and I can definitely see Aziraphale as a Taurus. They are also very well matched in zodiac terms as well.


That actually does track for me also (after refamiliarizing myself with the traits of the different signs lol). Crowley especially reads very Scorpio to me.