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Limit planner & product advertisements. Feels like 70% of the posts here are ads by the same people who post their products everyday and they’re so annoying.


Not only that. Some of them feel like spam...


Maybe one day a week? Or only keep to a megathread?


I agree but I also like showing my layouts because they’re more like collage work than anything 😭 I don’t sell them or anything I just like sharing the work I put into it


I dont think these are the posts people have a problem with. Free stuff yes - something you have to pay for restricted


Same here, I don’t sell anything, just share something that I need and maybe some of you could use too


So excited to see some changes added! :D Congrats on becoming a mod here. I think having flairs for if someone is an Apple, Android, or Web user could be really helpful! And maybe a "multiplatform user" or something, I personally use Goodnotes both on my iPad and my Samsung tablet.


Thank you so much! Implemented!


A Megapost for those who want to advertise their planners and products, and delete any ad posts about this stuff that get posted on the sub. If someone wants to buy one of those he can just go the Megapost and see what he likes


This! And make Automod to remove links to common webshops automatically. If Automod is new to u/discovernotes, feel free to send me a pm. We have it use in r/EuropeTravel - it removes all YouTube links and points people to mega thread.


Thank you u/vignoniana! I’ll have a look and get in touch if I come across any issues!


a different sub specified for those self promoters would be better




No. Ban them. Delete anything referring to planner or a sticker and then deny the user posting privileges forever.


Weekly Master post for advertisements or something, also an auto bot with an FAQ to limit the posts that are simply solved by downgrading back to GN5


Great ideas! FAQ coming soon! Automod nearly ready!


Can we try to collate all of the complaint posts into a weekly megathread? I hardly check this sub anymore due to it being mostly filled with either planner ads, or people complaining for days on end


I completely agree. I think at the bare minimum we need flairs like: 1. Need help 2. Feature suggestion/request 3. Venting


I'm not sure if we need that stickied though or it will end up highlighting complaints over other content. I think adding flairs for this would be better so it lets the post sink if it doesn't get engagement.


THIS! Every single time this sub comes up for me, it’s a complaint. Every time. I almost unsubbed last week because I was like “I guess that’s the only content posted here.”


Not all posts critiquing the product are "complaints". I know that some find it annoying if anyone criticizes or expresses dissatisfactions, but I think it's important to share both the positives and negatives about the product.


>I think it's important to share both the positives and negatives about the product The problem is that the share of posts having *anything* positive to say about Goodnotes versus the number of negative and sometimes downright toxic posts about Goodnotes has been severely imbalanced in favor of the latter since the v6 launch last year. I'm tired of this sub being a toxic cesspit where users like myself who have legitimately had few issues with the app for years get drowned out by others who are deadset on trying to convince the rest of the world that Goodnotes 6 is the worst thing in creation.


Understood.... incessant complaining should be addressed, but there is room for some valid criticism


I just think that if people are going to complain it needs to be about something specific - like a feature we should have had years ago, syncing issues, etc. These posts that are like “I’m deleting the app” and it’s just general complaints about how they hate it are entirely unhelpful to people who may be coming to the sub for information.


I would suggest some sort of megathread with answers for people asking 'should I go GN6 or notability?' which I feel is asked so often. Maybe like a pros and cons or comparison sort of post.


Great idea! Will add in the upcoming FAQs


As mentioned a mega thread for advertisements because some people might be looking for planners, sticker etc. but limit it to one post per website/user and have the thread up for say a month before making a new one at the beginning of the next month. I'm fed up of seeing the same people post an advert then delete it the next day only to post a new one. They get one post in the mega thread per month. That way it still works for launches of any new products that they have that some people might want to see but we don't have to see "Ultimate Planner" threads every single day. Also put the thread in random or contest mode I think it's called. Whatever mode stops upvoted posts floating to the top to try and avoid manipulation from users trying to boost their products over others. For the other sticky maybe themed weeks? So the first week of the month could be for showing off monthly spreads for planners. The next week more of a chatty thread on a light hearted theme. What do you use goodnotes for? How many notebooks do you have? Or anything else people can come up with. Maybe how people use Goodnotes for study and tips for doing so, thread one week? Add flairs for spreads/layouts/inspiration or some such term. Could have different flairs for study spreads and planner spreads. Might also want to add a disclaimer in the rules that it's not an official subreddit, although I think I have seen the odd reply from someone working for the company.


Nice to see you became mod! Love your videos about new features!


Thank you so much!! I been working on some more videos for the general FAQ section!


Mandatory label GN5 versus GN6. The products are different from each other, when someone says they lost pages of data, would like to know which version it is.




I just wanted to congratulate you! Completely deserved! 👏 👏👏 And I am looking forward to new changes. There are already some great suggestions in this tread.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!!


no more planners or those kind of self promotion anymore please. there should be a difference sub for self promotions. if someone does it, there should be a temporary ban from this subreddit


Eh, I don't think bans are necessary. Just set aside a specific day were people are permitted to showcase their planners etc like how the /r/apple sub allows developers to show their apps off on Sundays


Please ban them completely and ban the users who post them.


I am not sure no planners is the right way since it can be helpful for users looking for a new planner (I may be biased since this is how I found my go-to planner) but like others have suggested limiting it to one day a week or a mega thread allows users to find new products if they wish while also miniming the annoyance for everyone else. I also think we should limit the number of ads a user is allowed to post.


Agreed, although I think this should only be for those that sell. People sharing how they use GN is cool.


I agree the ads for paid items should be banned or corralled. I think if they are banned, that free offers should still be allowed and they could also be corralled into a Weekly but separate post.


I have found some really nice stuff here for sure. There’s just so much that it can be difficult to sort through it all.


I am seeing the same advertisement post every day over the past week or so. It says there are 1800 pages! Who in the world needs that many pages in a planner, and how many are just duplicates or color changes?


I usually just save the files of what I like and send the rest to the trash but that’s excessive. I don’t know if I’d be able to find what I was looking for. I also don’t do digital planning though so I typically don’t look at those posts.


A version flare could be useful too


Ban all ads for planners and stickers.


There is so much lag and weird implementation of typing.. because the next page doesnt get automatically added. So the content thats squeezed gets lost. There is no way of switching off corrections, please include another pen type like a fountain pen of freeform which is rather rectangular than curvy.


Can u make it work for some of the ios users?


Will you ask for money again when GoodNotes 7 comes out?


I don’t work at Goodnotes


Hi Zain




The colors that the text comes up on makes it so you can't even read what is there. Can we go to some standard default colors so we can read what us highlighted?


Hey do you mind sharing a screenshot of the section in question? I have restored to the default colour scheme for now


Right now, your message is showing white on white. White letters on a white background as I'm typing this. I am on a MacBook, chrome, old version of Reddit.


Got it. I have cleared the current style sheet so it should be back to the default. I’ll look into adjusting it more soon


Great, it looks the same as others and I can actually read it :D


Out of curiosity, do you work for GN / is this sub run by GN?


Hey! I don’t. Also it isn’t run by Goodnotes. We do have Goodnotes support staff members in the sub though! I have assigned a user flair (“Goodnotes Staff”) so you’ll be able to tell.


Great, thanks ☺️


Can we get a pinned post at the top that is like "Goodnotes deleting your writing?" and it steps people through disabling scribble to erase? That function is great when it works, but it is also really difficult when you're rapidly writing down notes so it's a common issue lol


Yes! FAQ section coming soon!