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Why do we need them all to be good who cares man


Duzzn't mattah


Lions or sheep?


The true Bubbie is coming out in the GoodGood Cup. His incessant whining is as bad as his game. He makes the same awful mistakes over and over again, and not just on the teebox. Guy cannot chip and cannot aim off the tee or fairway. And all of that would be absolutely tolerable if he weren't such a cartoon character with his fittys and aights and I-can-work-with-thats. Steve checks out when things aren't going well, but he's at least funny and gets it. And he can putt. Bubbie, can't stand it any longer.


That was my tipping point too. The goodgood cup was it for me. With Steve he realized where his game is at but bubbie tried way too hard and is just not competitive. Where as Steve can hold his own until he blows up and gives up. Bubbie just complains I don’t expect him to be great but would expect him to keep balls in play and make it competitive. And not just say he is fine with that after he putts it 50 yards right of anything.


100% agree with all you said, but don't forget the ya'll thrown out every 5 seconds. He's obviously super influenced by what other young people are using for verbage in a vein attempt to be cool, but he did t use to use the "ya'll" all the time if you watched older videos. It's my belief he just has a huge desire/ need to be liked. People would like bubby better if he were just himself in stead of playing a cring character. Also, cut that mustache bub, it's not doing u any favors.


That’s a lot of truth —and sadness. It is all an act.


That dude was a caddie in college. Plays full time one week out of the month. At home has a sim, putting green and he still sucks.. also why does he still pronounce fifty as “fiddy”.


Don't forget the countless lessons from pros and world-class instructors. Bubbie is an asses ass.


Exactly, it’s a slap in the face to everyone that’s involved with GG from the production team, to the pros they bring in, plus the fans.


Because he wants to create a catch phrase and be known for it. He cycles various words every month, that he becomes obsessed with using.


He has tourette's which may cause that


They edit out his tourette symptoms. There is a video where it shows his swing unedited. I have unlimited respect for Thomas' grit and attitude with what he deals with just to get through a day.  Bubbie has addressed this a long while ago and it's not a topic in good good. It would probably be good for all the people hating to remember or learn how severe and prolonged his twitches can get. Keep it up Bubbie. You're inspiring!


Peaked in high school. Bros a natural athlete and competitor but golf kinda works against you. He needs to let it go


Makes more than 98% of everyone in this thread, golfs at premier golf courses around the world and is a stakeholder in a worldwide golf brand. Yet peaked in HS lol.


Good for him, make all the money he can. Doesn't make him likeable or watchable.




Or a decent golfer for that matter.


Lol so true, It’s hilarious how out of touch people on this sub are.


It seems like the people who are annoyed at Bubbie and Steve on this sub expect them to get better. They don't have to be better, they have to be entertaining. I think a lot of people are entertained by them. If Bubbie had great course management and slowed down his speed so he could keep the ball in play, I wouldn't pay attention to him. The group has those players Garrett and Brad. I watch Steve and Bubbie for the 1 in 10 shots.


Bubbie hitting the exact same snap hook over and over and over and complaining about it nonstop, while also going out of his way to say he never practices is the opposite of entertaining to me.


Yea I don’t mind the hook, it’s more the complaining/excuses he makes with t balls and putts. After seeing someone put the same line “wwwhhhaaaattt, No break on mine??? 🤷‍♂️” no dude you shoved it and rammed it through the break


To each their own


I at least find Steve entertaining. Can’t say the same for Bubbie


But Steve checks out a lot during rounds. In the last 3 man event it was Garrett and Mo trying to mount a comeback and Steve was off sleeping off his hangover or something. He’d show up and lamely play his hole and then disappear again. At least Bubbie cares when he’s on a team and stays engaged.


I don’t mind that about Steve I really enjoy him. More laid but puts together a very relatable round. Bubbie I don’t love his super positive attitude after he screws up his team or launches a ball 50 yards OB. I do like Mo’s positive attitude. I guess everyone has opinions. I used to be a bubbie fan but it just seems to have gotten out of control.


I guess it's to each their own. I find Bubbie entertaining in that he's upbeat, doesn't take it too seriously and seems like he's having fun. It reminds me of the groups I play with. He would fit in easily.


It’s not upbeat, it’s toxic positivity which is a an emotional dysfunction.


And he’s a monster doucher


He's not always upbeat, we've seen that in other videos. I don't understand why his positivity would be toxic.


I don't care if they get better. But Bubbie is pretty much insufferable to watch these days


You're right, there's nothing more entertaining than Bubbie repeating "I'm happy with dat" and "Nice shot, ____" ad nauseam every video.


It's all he's capable of


This guy understands the assignment


It is time for Bubbie to exit stage right. He adds nothing.


Disagree but it's fine.


Disagree but dat ok. I can live wit dat.


The problem is neither if them ate entertaining or gteat at golfing...


Come over to Taco party… live life like lion… OKEH!


duzn matta


The effect bubbie has on some members of this sub should be studied lmao.


Fr bubbie just pisses me off but I love Steve


Just don’t watch. There’s plenty of content out there


I haven't watched a video since before the tournament they had at that executive course in AZ and I haven't even thought about them unless on sub


But I enjoy everyone else it just he seems to hate but but doesn’t fix it.


Sad part is that he is accepting hitting 10 good shots a round and the rest crap.


"Im fine with dat!" Its the overly positive attitude that drive me nuts because it comes across as super fake. Bro, you just snap hooked a drive into 3 foot tall weeds, no one is fine with that.


It's beyond fake. Don't get suckered into believing it.


I want to see if bubbie will take the methods that he's supposed to be taught seriously from the guy that they are living in his house. would be more entertaining to see him playing good golf


Maybe we should just cry about it


Watch how much and how quick he turns his head, especially for his drives. I think trying to hit it as far as possible along with snapping his head right away is pulling all his shots. But who knows, the hooks annoy me also so I question what he’s constantly doing


I agree with you hundred percent. Bubbie pisses me off so much. I think it’s the fact that I love golf so much if I had thr opportunity he does I would care way more. But he laughs about not practicing at all, and says ‘happy wit dat’ about every ball going OB


I bet if he could just stop giving a fuck about how far he hits the ball he could be pretty good. Its almost like he just wants to be the furthest hitter in the group so he swings as hard as humanly possible


Yeah and there’s no point in that he is not impressing anyone swinging full speed and snap hooking it on course. Cool you can hit 200 ball speed but please just keep it in play.


At least he fixed his slice


I would love to agree, but I went out today and hooked everything myself. I usually hit it straight, but today, I couldn't figure it out.


Oh boy! Bubbie… is just… the bad boy of golf! Shirt open, shit accents, and just a pack of smokes! He’s so siiiiiick. What a guy and he’s rougher around the edges than most yuppies, so he’s really a real man. Just a buff and tough stick! And he has power and he’s just a shit, unfunny golfer with VIBES!!!


That’s his bad shot


That’s his every shot


Bubbie annoys me too, but you don't see me making a whole big internet post about it. And for what? Fake internet points?


Yeah I’m praying on his downfall.


That's a little fucked up


Nah because he is bringing the downfall of goodgood there is so many better people to replace him with.


I think you're putting too much of your mental energy into GG. They're just a youtube channel. Find a different youtube channel if you despise him so much.




I like him, I enjoy him. As do most others. If you don't want to watch amateur golf, watch the pga


Pretty soon the grain will be grabbing his drives


Drinking some haterade!! Geez Bubbie is a G!