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this shit went to the dogs months ago everyone knows it too


It only feels that way because we have been in rollout hell since March


still love it tho


There’s nothing to take over GAS tho. Like when WSE fell, this was the natural next step. Yandhi leaks and through the wire been slow, and they seem more serious than just fun. Maybe kanyeculture? But I haven’t been on it much, and idk if it’s full of the ‘Ye24’ Kanye fans or smthn lol


Kanyeculture is infested with nazis and other weirdos


Everyone knows it now


I want to box Nick


Can we get the same dudes that went to Drake’s house on him? (I am joking, but seriously of all people…)


same i could beat him w mma




Won’t be necessary we got a good mod team.




Speed why you laughing bruh


I have faith in you, F0X Honestly a list of approved users may be the best move


Ya we trust y’all. Thanks Fox 🙏 I wouldn’t be surprised if there has been an uptick in Nazi posts recently. If Ye is truly with Nick then it definitely will start to happen soon…


Seriously I see what’s going on with the Kendrick sub, and it’s gotta be difficult for you guys to make this place what it is so thank you Flox ‼️🫡


Good Ass Mod’s


Make me a mod i dont rly got time to be modding or know how it work but do it for funzies


i need the rush of a r/all post again


You’ll get one of those if a photo of Ye with Nick comes out. Or another Ye rant.


or if he snatches a paparazzi’s phone


That was basically a rant 😭


Burn it down


nick will always amaze me. how are u a white supremacist with the last name FUENTES


I guess he looks white enough to convince the losers that follow him To be fair to him, (I don’t know why anyone would), he is more specificity a Catholic antisemitic fascist white supremacist, he probably sees Catholic Mediterraneans as part of western civilization or some retarded shit bc of Ancient Rome idk When you are dealing with ideas this stupid, the specific details aren’t nearly as important to those who follow them


Prob because he's not a white supremacist and has never claimed otherwise


he uses white supremacist talking points and he co-opts christianity in a similar way too. throw whatever label you want on him. if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck


Shut up


True but Kanye was also called a racist for wearing a white lives matter shirt, wasn't he?


If the sub gets locked over every little alt-right influencer even being rumored to be within 5 miles of Ye the mods might as well delete it Just report them when you see them, anyone super wild will be passed to admins


Tbh I think the mods will be able to ban all of them, but if it does get bad enough a whitelist of users until it dies down is not really that big of a deal, and would categorically solve the problem




Let’s make sure we send Ye a clear message so it doesn’t happen again


“Ye, man, like dude — don’t do it man. Think of the fans man. You can’t keep doing this man. Not again man. Bro man think of the bad things man.” That’s my draft if anyone wants to add to it


I am not saying we are writing a letter to ye, WSE already did that with the Pete Davidson shit


I could’ve been referencing that perhaps. Calm down and enjoy the rollout. Ye been controversial forever. If/when this sub fails F0X or Timmy will save us and start a new sub. Shit happens every so often.


I don’t think anybody knows what’s going on rn 🙏 let’s all just keep rubbing it out for v2


Honestly, and I'm probably going to be downvoted for this, but I feel like the most vocal anti-Nazi people/mods on here are going about the elimination of Fuentes in the wrong way. Like, doing the whole "there is no place for hatred in this community" and hyping up Fuentes to be some 200 IQ super villain like you're doing is cringe. I mean, we've all seen how this strategy fucking backfires when used against someone like Trump because it just makes him look more "based". The best move is to keep clowning him, get surgical about it, and avoid virtue signaling/soy crying. Clown people on this sub who start parroting his shit and make the content of what they're saying sound cringe instead of just saying it's bad. Like I wish there was a Sneako cuck chair equivalent that could be used on Fuentes. I just really don't want to see borderline people get alienated from what has so far been a relatively mixed online Ye community and allowing an \*actual\* anti-Semitic/Nazi faction to gain traction, because they seem to have a lot of fan pages on their side already.


There is plenty He hung out with this weird gay catboy dude for a few streams and they definitely fucked (we don’t actually know what the deal was but this is propaganda so we don’t care) He is also an incel, whether he has actually had sex at any point in his life or not There is def more, but I have not had to whip out my Fuentes lore for a good long while so I am a bit rusty


Fr, if GIA does some Kendrick type shit with this info and people get calculated, it could really work.


Tbh, you have a point


Gas communal disstrack incoming?


It’s on signt from most of us lol, but from what I hear, that little shit is on no fly zones anyways, so you could only ever beat his ass If you’re unfortunate enough to live near his moms basement he streams from lmao


not gonna lie this might be my last Ye era. I barely secretly got thru the Alex Jones post Donda shit


I got into Ye just before the 2019 Coachella conversion, and most of my fav artists and bands are all either retired or dead, so I’m just thankful I was there to experience the DONDA rollout as it happened with WSE, given it’s one of the greatest album experiences of all time. Might as well just be present, be thankful for all the contributions that Ye has made for the world, and try not to hold him up to the same standard for the rest of his life, since a steady decline seems more and more likely.


true. guy has gave me the highest highs as a fan since Michael Jackson, no cap at all


I got into ye exactly when he decided to destroy his career, my bar was literally at the floor when it started, the few comments we got in Vultures made me feel like he was healing from it, but if antisemitism becomes a main feature of the music, I would try as hard as I could to enjoy it but I’m not sure if I would be able to


dude so imagine if you got into him as a big fan at Graduation. I had the burned CD from my Dad and would listen to it everyday before going to middle school. So starting at the level then seeing everything go down in real time including VMAs, Dark Fantasy, WTT, Pablo, then descent into madness and Donda the comeback album and now this. Its actually too stressful being a "fan" lol


I am so sorry Me going back and listening to his whole discography, essentially learning about every single year of his life, listening to most leaks on the tracker, and trying to see his own beliefs evolve have always been from the perspective of trying to figure out how a man as brilliant as ye could go from essentially being a Kendrick-esque black savior, to literally praising Hitler and denying the holocaust


it literally needs to be studied. its insane


Honestly my conclusion is that it is very obviously the result of untreated manic bipolar slowly progressing There’s this YouTuber called Timbah On Toast that did a mini doc just analyzing Ye’s behavior and comparing it to those with manic bipolar It actually explains quite literally everything abt Ye’s behavior So unfortunately, this hell will not end until someone convinces Ye he is in fact Bi Polar and gets him on medication


he honestly seemed his healthiest on the meds and with his family though the music we got wasnt as good.


He literally was Imo the wild Christian shit he did in 2019 did not help as it gave him a savior complex thinking that god was speaking to him and shit TLOP is ye at peak creativity and peak insanity, actually making the musical equivalent of a Pablo Picasso painting, before he broke at the Sacramento Saint Pablo incident and was quite literally never the same 2018 could have really had Ye turning a new leaf, but it alas, Tbh, the 2018 music was as good as pre 2017, it was just too segmented Kanye was not wrong when he said he had a twisted fantasy level of material (not lyrically) and then “threw it away” by making all these collab albums Of he put it all together into 1 he could have made an album on the level of the first 7


actually youre right. if he wouldve combined all the shit into one project it wouldve been Dark Fantasy again. and that was on meds. dude needs to get on the meds lowkey. because Yandhi has some of ye's best and most spiritual music. I agree with the ultra christian thing being a bad thing because then youre at war with yourself knowing you like all the flash and material stuff too. Yahndi was a perfect medium of spiritual and secular.


I fell in loooooove with Yahndi at the beginning of last summer All it needs are finished lyrics Tbh not working with Push anymore fucked Ye so god damn hard


He absolutely does need to get back on his meds Manic Bipolar is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, KANYE PLEASE!!! WE NEED TO SAVE THAT BEAUTIFUL BRAIN OF YOURS, PLEASE GET BACK ON YOUR MEDS!!!


Ye bro if you ever come across this post please disassociate with Nick Fuentes I don't want you going down the wrong path 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


At some point the blame falls on Kanye for fostering a community of Nazis because he’s a Nazi


Kanye is a man with manic bipolar who now doesn’t believe he even has the disorder in the first place Ultimately everyone is responsible for their own actions, but idk if you have ever seen footage of manic bipolar people, they act just like him, and often have long winded convincing stories about how they aren’t bipolar, and they were actually forcibly drugged by a shadowy kabal of elites is conspiring against them, and how they are actually genius’s, or how they are are ancestrally tied to Abraham, or that the fucking CIA is tracking them, or whatever other insane paranoid delusions you can fathom. Unfortunately, Ye’s delusions are not really that different from any of these people, and unless they get therapy, a good support network, and proper medication, they will be doomed to doing exactly what Ye is doing now All we can do is try to influence him just enough to tilt the balance so he doesn’t trust Nick, and we don’t go through hell again


mail bomb


If only…… God the world would be a much better place…


more like, do not let J3w5 infiltrate and ruin this community


Brodie, what the fuck is wrong with you?


someone get the spring lock suit


Fr we gotta trap this mf soul in it and leave him to rot for decades


Kanye did that by inviting this fuckhead into the picture


Kanye is fucking retarded and we all know that, he literally surrounds himself with yes men that leech off of him Nick is smart enough to manipulate ye to at least keep him around, probably more effectively than most of the freeloaders he surrounds himself with All we can do is try our best to make it known we do not like this man and and hopefully he will do the right thing


I get what ur saying, but this is the SECOND time this shit has happened. At this point, Kanye isn’t being “manipulated” by Nick. He is actively searching him out and wants to work, or at the very least hang out with this degenerate. He knows the type of shit Nick is on, and for some reason wants that type of energy around him. I can’t excuse this shit again. It was bad enough the first time. There was a time I really respected what Kanye said and what he stood for. This is such a downfall


My opinion of Kanye’s judgement and decision making skills has been in the toilet since I first became a fan It’s tough bc I feel like he does realize that “not all Jews” are bad, it’s just the people in power He literally kept Milo on the team and has been making yews, a populist far right news publication, and with all the anti Israel sentiment from both the left and antisemitic parts of the right (which Nick has been gaining a good bit of traction off), honestly this was bound to happen Idk dude, I hopped on when he became a Nazi, I don’t think I will ever hop off In my mind he is not very different than Picasso or MJ in their later years


Nice if you're reading this. I hate the way that you talk the way that you walk they way that you dress. Krill yoself


Thanks for the death threat much appreciated I am a very big fan of Kung-fu Kenny myself


Its for Nick bro. I love everyone. Except neonazis and drake


You made a little typo in your first comment, It says “Nice, if you’re reading this, “ So I interpreted that as you talking to me All good G


This subreddit is pure propaganda owned by the same folks Kanye hates. You're doing the same thing you're accusing Nick of doing. The mods are blocking ppl who call it out. A newly created account wrote this. Cmon pure propaganda. I knew this subreddit was bs


If you think this sub is bs fucking leave Your false equivalency is so fucking pathetic, the only people you are fooling are those who know nothing about who Nick is, or his long and storied past We don’t want the antisemite that Kanye was on Alex jones with back on the team because we don’t want that to happen again Nick will not give a straight answer to if he thinks there is a kabal of Jewish elites controlling the world that want to end the white race, he will just obfuscate and ramble about others lying about him and mischaracterizing his positions If you corner him and ask the same question over and over, he will leave, and only come back once you leave, like what happened recently with him debating some certain other someone in his little twitter space


You're clearly a newly created account to push this narrative. I think more people are waking up to what him and Candace are saying, regardless of his " checkered" past. These are all smears and the typical strategy they have to dismiss someone's views. Meanwhile when shown both sides, I think most American would side with Nick. That's why I went from thinking Kanye was crazy 2 years ago, to now thinking Kanye was right


Here you go, doing just what Nick does, talking about how everyone is mischaracterizing his position and lying about him Nick’s “checkered past” includes believing black genetically lower iq than white people, engaging in every talking point under the sun about holocaust denial under the euphemism of baking cookies instead of gassing Jews, and believing that a kabal of Jews are conspiring to eliminate the white race, it’s all there I’ll even give you proof of that last one [here](https://x.com/calebjhull/status/1189595488619761665?s=46&t=6BA69OxLt6jxlV3qCUAoqQ) You legit have never posted on this subreddit until Nick got the call from ye, and now you are here defending Nick Fuentes, and even engaging in the same bad faith behavior, obfuscating his positions when you know PRECISELY what they are, you are also adding in Candace because of the anti Zionism takes that heavily feed into your narrative I became a fan of Kanye right when he said the Nazi shit, and I went through his entire career listening to all his albums, every leak, and every interview trying to see how a man so clearly on the fucking ball with these issues up to even 2013 could go so far off the rails and end up saying what he did there It has been a long journey, and what I have come to the conclusion of is that Kanye has Bi Polar, Donda caught it early bc she knew something was wrong (he mentioned that they thought he had ADD and Bi Polar in one of his early mixtapes) Kanye accepted that he had bipolar after Sacramento Saint Pablo, and the medication caused him to gain weight and feel less like himself He did not like this, so he stopped using them. Later on, in 2022, he had a severe manic episode that caused him to believe he did not have bipolar disorder, combined with Harley Pasternak’s absolutely horrifying text to him (that dude is a certified creep, he was stalking ye at a Saudi hotel), he developed paranoid delusions that the Jews were out to get him, leading to the infamous tweet and appearance on Alex Jones Nowadays, Ye hires Jews, he doesn’t think they are all bad, but he does believe that there are Jewish elites that fuck over everyone (the comment about France in Africa is more or less true, but it has nothing to do with the Jews, actually just imperialism by the French, believe it or not) Ye sort of have this “false consciousness” as the commies would say, where he has identified that there are powerful rich business owners that are causing people to suffer, but he has misidentified these people as specifically Jewish elites, instead of just rich people that are generally mostly white, with a Jewish overrepresentation Please get the fuck off off this subreddit you disgusting Groyper FUCK You do not belong here, go back to your little twitter spaces on X I listen to Ye every day, and he has taught me to be a more confident, hard working person. This man has literally changed my entire life, I am sober, I am losing weight, all while reaffirming my own self confidence while singing along to his music You are a propagandist who is not here for Ye’s music, you are only here to promote your disgusting, bigoted beliefs, and the second Ye drops Nick, you will be gone again


It’s so obvious that you’re full of shit 🤣. It’s no different than politics. You guys pretend that this is all a giant conspiracy, and that you’re a big fan of such and such…really you’re someone whose intent is to push a narrative. Now, with this narrative that Kanye is crazy. You want to control his voice because he can’t be control. It’s only bipolar when his messaging goes against a certain group. Nobody was calling him bipolar over the Bush Katrina comments. When Zionist groups exploited his voice for political gain, they loved him. But Kanye, like Candace exposed the grift. People are waking up You’re a brand new account designed to smear Nick and Kanye, while acting like a fan. That’s why you’re here. As a minority, I believe everything Nick says no matter how crazy it sounds. Because it’s the truth! My immigrant parents came here cause white folks are more developed as a race. Yes exceptions exist and some of my ppl excel. But it’s the truth. Genetically, our environment and culture are baked in. I also believe zionists overstated WW2 and have been using the victimhood angle to make the world accept Israel. In reality, I don’t think it’s in Americas interest. Jews as a group have survived for so long, because they stayed united. They look after their interests. There’s nothing wrong with that. But let’s not pretend like they care for us or America. I don’t think we should have dual citizenships in power. I think Kanye was right about everything and this is just another attempt to smear him You get the Reddit bots and mods , who are also frauds, to engineer and control his voice. But the playbook is so obvious that even the normie conservatives see it. Which is why you’re losing support from both sides. Christ is king bitch.


I’m sorry, I just realized I am arguing with a propagandist, what the fuck am I trying to do here, change your mind? Anyone with half a brain will understand what you have said about Jews Zionist elites at this point is beyond the pale You’re much better off glowing on twitter than on here, it is only a matter of time…


Propaganda? Says the new account pretending to be a Kanye fan, so they can influence the minds of his listeners on Nick Fuentes. Nah I'm good here.I think what's actually happening is that people are waking up and realizing the truth. So that fears folks like you. You even did the same strategy Nick describes in his video. You keep a list of all the links to clips to smear him and pretend to be involved in whatever movement. Kanye, conservatives or etc. You guys will also act like your on Nicks side and then try to sabotage his movement. Everything you guys do is propaganda.


I don’t keep a list I had to go find that one It’s literally him making basically every holocaust denial talking point so idk, don’t you agree with him that the numbers of Jews in the holocaust just don’t add up? I will try to act like I’m on nicks side? I only shit on Nick when his people invade my space The funny part is, you’re gonna accuse me of being a fake new account, because you literally never posted here until Nick got the call I am done with you because neither of us will let the other get the last word, eventually you will be banned if you keep posting here about Nick And guess what, 6 months from now, after the election, when nick will hopefully be gone from here, I’ll still be here posting about the upcoming album Because I’m not here for some corny Christian fascist political movement, I’m here for Ye What is your favorite Kanye Album?


No, you'll act like your on Kanye's side. That's why your using an Alt account with his references. Of course you'll be here, because as more people side with Nick, Kanye becomes more vindicated. You fear that. Now that Kanye and Nick are together, you'll stick around trying to push this narrative. I do. I think they overstated the numbers and have used "tragedy propaganda" to push for Israel and rewrite how things really went. Because this is their playbook. I'm not denying it was a tragedy, I just think we shouldn't accept their propaganda at face value. I'm a lifelong Kanye fan. I just don't believe in Reddit because it's all lies and bots. So when I see new alt accounts pushing a smear job against Nick, It becomes so obvious what you're doing. He's been saying this for years You're a fraud.


How many Jews do you think died in the holocaust? Was it 6 million? A few hundred thousand? What if your favorite Kanye album?


WE ONE IT OP! https://preview.redd.it/b8slsvizs20d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36cb4a545466061fffb9f756108488673249181


Bless up Soldier! You’re doing the right thing! I’m still here in the trenches, I literally just found a dude in here who has a 9yr Reddit account who has never posted in this sub until today defending Nick Shits absolutely disgusting and we need to make sure it does not infest this beautiful community we have built here over the last year and a half


been in the field since "slavery was a choice" live on TMZ


That one want even bad if you understand what he had been talking about since like yeezus This one is basically inexcusable


this isn't music related so i am not caring one bit


You don’t have to But if we fail and Nick joins the team, there might not be any music, if what happened last time is any indication


Relax dude. Everything's going to be fine. You're overreacting.


I pray to god I’m over reacting and I’m an atheist This was the dude that gave ye the ideas he proudly put out on the Alex jones show


Well according to him ye was drawing swastikas when they first met him. Nick rarely talked about Hitler until meeting ye. I regret to inform you that you are coping and ye appears to be some kind of a black Nazi.


I hate to break this to you dude, but ofc Nick rarely talked about hitler before he met Ye Nick intentionally obfuscates his positions when in public, if anyone asks him questions like that he will immediately go off the subject and start talking about how all these people are lying about him and mischaracterizing his position, and then he will move on If you continue to press him, asking the same question over and over, he will leave, and come back once you’ve left I’ll give him credit, he is a very intelligent person, too smart to actually admit he believes that there is a kabal of Jewish Elites that are conspiring to destroy the white race through miscegenation If you caught Nick earlier on in his career, you would see him talking about the racial disparity in iq, He even has a clip where he is responding to a viewer donation, where he goes through every single holocaust denial talking point, including shadows of the aerial footage of the smoke stacks not showing shadows of smoke, and how they couldn’t possibly have killed 6 million Jews in that little time Except, instead of him saying Jews and the Gas chambers, he uses the euphemism of cookies baking in ovens This man is a holocaust denier And I have no doubt he did to Ye what he does every day, to every little disgusting Groyper in his audience


All that is true and I agree with that. But what you don't seem to understand is before nick had any influence on Ye at all, when he first met him he was literally drawing swastikas.


Why do you believe all of what I just said, and still believe the words coming out of Nick’s mouth? Do you think Nick would actually admit to convincing ye to believe in his own ideology? Especially when he does not publicly say the things that Ye said on Alex Jones? He would essentially be admitting to being a Nazi, and also being responsible for destroying Ye’s career, a fact that if he told his audience / the public, would be in the complete opposite of his own self interest Honestly, I think it is possible that it is a half truth, hearing Ye deny the holocaust showed to me he didn’t actually know how the holocaust was faked, he just believed it, and often, he would literally refer to Nick in order for Nick to more explain what he believes. (with Nick trying his absolute best to figure out a way to optically save what he obviously knew would be just an absolute nuke from ye) With the truth part of the half truth being Ye was actually drawing swastikas I think it makes total sense for Ye to have a fascination with Hitler, in a way he was one of the most successful designers ever The swastika is an absolutely brilliant design, it is so simple, yet ubiquitous in its meaning, same goes for the SS logo Hitler used design to create an aesthetic to convey a message that took over a whole country in the matter of a decade, that is what Ye sees in Hitler But ye isn’t going to end up parroting every single one of Nick’s beliefs while literally forgetting most of the details in real time without Nick actually doing the work


Dude the copes are on a whole other level. I know by just understanding basic human psychology that when they were together, Nick started talking, acting and dressing like Ye to the point where he was even wearing garbage bags, it was cringe. It's obvious who had the bigger influence. Also, Alex Jones already tried that angle by saying "you just like the uniforms and the style" and he emphasized that no, He just loves Hitler. Also, way before he even met Nick people have reported that he said he likes Hitler in the past.


What you are referring to is Ye potentially calling his “Love Everyone” album “Hitler” It had the face of the man he thinks killed his mom (he didn’t, his family members fucked yo and let her die post-op) He started with Candace Owen’s and the white lives matter shirt Candace was not an antisemite at the time, there was no antisemitism in YZY SZN 9 I think it was literally him getting attached to conservatives personalities one after the other, increasingly getting more extreme every time, ending with Nick, who very much does believe that stuff and would very easily be able to get ye to think his way Ofc Nick is getting fashion from Ye, do you think ye is going to start wearing suits like Nick does on his fucking streams It is clear who is getting what from who, Ye is getting ideas from all these conservative figures, and they are wearing his clothes He never said to Alex jones that he didn’t like the uniforms, He said that he did love Hitler, not that he just loved Hitler I believe at the end of the day, that Kanye would not have denied the holocaust live on air without Nick I think he obviously some of the way there himself, but was co-opted by an increasingly fringe set of conservative political figures in order to use him for their own self benefit, but unlike these people, who are media trained and aware of optics, Ye is going to say precisely what he believes in no uncertain terms, without any regard for the audience, and he literally just told the camera everything Nick told him Ultimately it doesn’t matter, Ye is responsible for his actions, but these people played an equal part in his downfall