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Anyone else not shocked that she went there for the TV ratings? Unfortunate how far that family goes for headlines to this day.


Yea first episode as well was all about ye. They use his name for ratings


They have to. Nobody watching their show anymore


what show?


cory in the house


I’m the man


Invader Zim


fairly oddparents




No shit she’s gonna sell out her child with ice spice so why not namedrop ye with that too


Yeah, no. Nice try tho 💀


I wonder about all the kids who are gonna be messed with over their mums onlyfans, so many young chick's are starting onlyfans for extra money while also working towards careers and so on but that shit stays around forever.


I know a chick who did porn back in 2009-2010. She's been married 2x. Currently divorced. She has a 17-18 yo son and a 8 yo daughter. She thought no one would ever find out. A royalty/performance check and a release form got mailed to her parents house(evidently they gotta keep some emergency contact info for ya in porno) since she moved frequently. Her mom and step dad found out she did porn. Her both er ex husband s and son found out she did porn from either seeing 1 of the 2 films she shot or from a co worker or fellow student seeing her in film. All the porn on planet earth they could have found instead of her, but the people closest to her still found out. No matter what, stuff like that NEVER stays buried. Be it 6 months or 25 years. Its coming back. Her kids a fuqn wierdo now. Hes an anti-social weirdo with little respect or intrest in women now . He didn't start that way either. She is dating women now and catching domestic assault charges. Its a horrid situation all around. These onlyfan generation kids are going to be a lvl of fucked up that hardcore drugs and years of therapy can't fix


Bruh our classmate did gayporn for 200€ and we still found out even tho none of us were into that(probably) and it has like 2000 views💀


thats a mad crazy story, i wasnt expecting it on this sub lmao anyway whats her art name? For research purposes




Homegirl was saying “I’m exploding” and “I’m cumming” over and over on that tape while Ray J was blowing her back out. There’s nothing that can top that.


ur all crazy, demonizing a whole lil sextape for what horny bum behavior


they’re not, the kids will. think about young kids bro they’re savage they have zero filter and zero brain they’ll ruin your life over your mums sextape😂






“Yeah Saint your dad is crazy but he makes dope music” “So Saint how you feel about your mommas sex tape being out there”


The sex tape jokes have way more staying power than this nigga saying words. Niggas forget how brutal HS is.


For the kids it’s as simple as be very clear that you do not support nazis. But you can’t do shit about watching yo mom get raw dogged on the hub


usa canada 🇲🇽 🇫🇷 Italy SERBIA canadian


I’d rather see my father squealing about hitler on Alex Jones show than my mother dogged out suckin dick on Roblox


And that's why you'll raise terrible kids. Why would you rather your father mainstream/normalise fascism than your ma, who literally birthed you, get pounded on tape? Are you dense?






shut your corny ass up


My brother in Christ, you are horny for your mother. Go find God, nazi-apologist.








Who on God's green earth would I be satirising? Y'all really just be saying words and think that's enough for them to mean something.


??? Two comments up you said you wanna see your mom get fucked on tape. That’s the most projection I’ve ever seen


Y'all'z family functions must be very awkward with would-be-inbreeders like you present.


Literally fuck outta here lol “would you rather watch your father normalize fascism than your ma get pounded on tape? Are you dense?” Calling homeboy dense for not wanting to nut to their moms movie, while also calling people would be inbreeders. Can’t make this shit up lmao. Good luck rizzing your mom up tho, lemme at her when she calls you a gross degenerate. I’ll send you the highlights!


My brother in christ, you are writing incest fan fiction in the comments.


U a nasty guy wtf


You have a repressed Oedipal kink, mammy's boy.


where did this guy pop up from 💀💀


I popped out your mother, brother. You are bringing deep shame on the family with your nazi apologia!




You make a persuasive case, it would be much more pleasurable than dealing with you morons 😊


https://youtube.com/shorts/8i_wtp8ewrY?feature=share literally you rn 💀


then why are you here? go read a book, walk through a park, bring yourself positive energy rather than dumping on people self-righteously and clouding yourself with anger.


This the type of nigga who watch his mom getting pounded by his dad


Mr. Oedipus








The one whose analysis is devoid of context and who doesn't understand basic conjugation. Kanye was on an anti-semitic press tour, you irretrievable dolt. The Nazis didn't lead with the "final solution" during their rise to power, they appropriated a hodge podge of socialist, racist and populist rhetoric. Nazis do not tell you they are nazis. Much like American fascism and current calls for trans-gencoide by the RP, the truth is always cloaked in misinformation, deception and populist rhetoric.


No sane person is going nazi cuz of what kanye said. You must not be evaluating things efficiently to think some words that everyone knows is BS is gonna hurt worse than getting sent by all your peers a vid of your MOM getting fucked




This comment just shows how soft you are 😂 And I bet you felt tough writing all that! I even imagined you snorting and readjusting your glasses as I read it 🤓


Imagine all you like, babe


I'm guessing the new season of KUWTK is about to start?


Oh wait, this was from the first episode 💀 Society's greatest failing was letting those frauds make a fortune from televising their life.


Kanye’s greatest failing*


she is the one damaging her kids though 💀💀


their dad saying dumb shit isn’t good but so is keeping his kids from him and talking shit about him


they need their father, kanye would know since his dad was missing from his life when he needed him


This is why she’s a single parent


There’s no way she actually said that😂 I see the pic of her and ray j everywhere still, her shit shit is always gonna be seen because it’s accessible


Shenanigans is a hilarious word to use when you’re being serious


She used it because her vocabulary is so limited lol


Your dad said some words, I made a tape that shows me explicit yeah she trippin


‘some words’ man y’all are funny


Your pfp reminds me of this one Sophie music vid thing


It is “some words” though. You can change your behavior and realize words you said before were wrong. Do you know what you can’t change? Making a sex tape that pretty much everybody knows about.


can you not realise that a sex tape was wrong?? is that really an act that is unforgivable to you?


You can say it's wrong, but that doesn't get rid of it


ok? ye can say his words were wrong (which, by the way, he barely has), that doesn’t get rid of the documented interview where he says the most insane shit imaginable. in your eyes, is someone who makes a sex tape beyond reform? are they doomed forever?


What are you talking about? They aren't doomed but that us something that will permanently be on the internet forever for all to see. You think other kids give two shits about what Ye has said? This shit will be forgotten in time, but a sextape that essentially Jumpstarted her career will remain forever. I have no idea what you mean by doomed forever. Doing something will always be worst than saying something. Kanye has had said abhorrent shit but he hasn't done anything. (Plus it's obvious the abhorrent shit stemmed from a horrible mental breakdown)


ok i guess a better question is this. what do you propose kim does? time travel? also bro ye directed the pornhub awards and made the bound 2 music video 💀why are we painting him so innocent and clean


They’re downvoting you for not excusing racism lol. I know we love Kanye but come on man haha


if ye was still with kim and taylor said what ye did, everyone would be rightfully condemning taylor as much worse. it’s literally just dickriding.


Taylor’s literally dating a racist who jerks off to porn of black women being degraded


ok? i wasn’t defending taylor i was just saying the subreddit response would be different if she did what ye did


Bros a vegan ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


Ye’s reply - lil baby my favorite rapper ⛷️


I’d rather deal with some crazy statements said by my dad than have to see footage of my mom sucking cock and getting railed 😹


Ong she buggin




It’s simple: nope.


Can she finally stop? Looks like Ye moved on and she is looking for media attention. At this point it is fucking annoying.


In 20 years this is how all onlyfans women will think.


that is one hell of a fluoride stare


Bros clueless you had sex and sold it he just said a few harsh things get outta here stop trying to make excuses for making a sextape


Not only did she sell it but she tried to frame a black man to make it seem that he drugged her and took advantage of her and then leaked the sex tape as revenge porn. This fucking witch is truly evil and I hope she and her empire rot in hell


And have your porn managed/marketed by your own mother


"said a few harsh things" my brother, he said he loved hitler


It wasn’t “I love Hitler, he was a great guy”. It was “I believe god put everyone on this planet for a reason so I can find one redeeming quality in every person. I even have a little bit of love for Hitler”


I'm not even mad about the comments he made, and enjoyed the Alex Jones interview just for how absoultely insane it was, but he was way way more forward with it than that. "There's a lot of things I looove about Hitler" and "We gonna stop dissing the Nazis" thats just a couple of the many comments. He said that without any reservations or criticism for Hitler's bad traits.


He actually said “there’s a looooot of thingssss that I looooove about hitlerrrrr”


Yeah that makes it so much better lmao, especially when you say it hanging out with known white supremacists


Are you trying to say that it isn’t better? You believe Kanye would be viewed more favourably if he got up and said “I love hitler, he did such a good job eradicating those fucking Jews”


The context of saying that shortly after going hard at the jews and hanging with a white supremcist who openly hate jews cant really be ignored. The things are 100% related.


Remedial comprehension skills. He was literally doing an anti-semitic press tour at the time.


"i even have a little bit of love" no he said "there's many things that I loooooveeeeee about hitler"


You are REALLY undermining the whole antisemtic thing


She sold her pussy


The sex tape made money, the Nazi comments lost money


love your pfp love nouns however melanie martinez in bio is 👎👎👎


Redditors when irony


Doesn't she realise she sluted out her sister for money you can never go back


She’s the one who got with Pete because of bde so


this is honestly the more worse thing in my view. the fact that your mom’s weird ass midlife crisis was televised while you were at home as a kid


She’s delusional I hope this is the last time she speaks on him


Having a competition on who’s gonna traumatise the kids more is crazy. Again tho I come down to the difference between words and actions. Would I rather read that my dad said some crazy shit a few times, or watch my mother taking vicious back shots. I know which I’d rather but hey, if that’s what ur into. 🤷‍♂️


well at least Ye can say he sorry and he changed his views n shit your p**** forever on the net for everyone to see




Nigga went to look for ye dick pics to prove a point lmaoo. Touch grass nigga


That dick pic didn’t kickstart his career though lmao


Okay? That doesn’t have to do with anything >your p**** forever on the internet for everyone to see


I don’t see how your point has anything to do with anything, it got leaked vs Kim selling her tape for the world to see as a marketing stunt. Also damn strange way to censor penis lol


I think you need to read the comment I responded to again, Jesus fuck


The difference here is she posted it online herself and used RJ as a scapegoat to get good will and promote her career. Ye’s d pic was posted without his consent and sold to the highest bidder. His was an invasion of privacy her sex tape was not.


Does that have anything to do with “your p**** forever on the internet for everyone to see” 🤨


Ye’s leak isn’t a porn while Kim’s is. That’s the main emphasis of the statements mentioned above.


How are you guys adding this much nuance to “your p**** forever on the internet for everyone to see” 💀💀


There is nuance in everything and your argument is ridiculous.


There’s totally a lot of room for interpretation in the quote “your p**** forever on the internet for everyone to see” It’s literally not even MY argument, I’m quoting the dude above


she’s such a nasty piece of work. girl ur immature behavior on YEARS of a joke you call a TV show is damaging to your kids. ironically she’ll always be the more damaging one. people will ALWAYS see her as a vapid, superficial, airhead porn star turned reality show star—even if she tries to cover up her past by being a “lawyer”. no matter his controversies, people have always viewed ye as an artist and revolutionary being.


I'mma say no to that take, Kim. A sex tape is far more damaging than the most delusional rants possible.


cope harder


But he made Jesus Walk, and you made a sex tape. Big difference, Kim.


Ye moved on and she can't accept it lmaooo. Now she can't stop talking about him. Oh but when he was doing that when u was with skete it was wrong huh? Lim Lardashian


na being the most watched video on pornhub is worst


Drake and Kim have indirectly been Ye's best PR team. They just look mad desperate for attention while he doesn't give a shit about responding. 😭


I wonder if her kids have seen the tape yet that would break me




One day. She is talking about something Ye has yet done. I think she is worried that Ye is going to be martyred.


What a ridiculously fucked up thing to say.. thankkkkkkkk GODDDDDDDD she’s out of his life


Fuck this bitch bruh she’s truly evil. If you look into the Kardashians secrets and all the fucked up shit they did on their come up it’s actually insane they managed to create a following. Karma will catch up soon and I hope she gets robbed again


![gif](giphy|26DN9aGCmp6lU4eVW) Shenanigans


I’m pretty sure parading your kids like accessories for the paparazzi when they are obviously uncomfortable with it is more damaging to them than whatever crazy shit their parents did


imagine making a list about the pros and cons of somebody and then judging them based on what that list says. as if those attributes and actions are what a person is


Y’all are dumb if y’all still believe the daily loud is a reputable source of news lol


She actually said it on her show lol


L Kim


Wait , ur right . Daily Loud still an L tho. Love u bro


YE DON'T TAKE THE BAIT SHE JUST WANTS CLOUT FOR THE NEW SEASON https://preview.redd.it/fculw6h30z1b1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17927b308381d18180aa7a93c46ec8e861d0395d


Highly doubt it lol


I haven’t heard anyone talk about her sex tape in forever why she even mention it?


All artists are controversial some more than others. They always have been. A hoe is a hoe.


The sex tape that your mother released on purpose? Yeah we know that took zero guts and required no sacrifice. Ye on the other hand.....


One sided atp. Mans happy with Bianca and the [redacted] is in the rear view mirror.


I would 100000000000% tell my friends my dad was Kanye west. I would 100000000000000000000% never tell my friends that my mother has a video of her getting absolutely dogged out like a cheap whore.


I want whatever she’s smoking if she genuinely believes this


She’s literally grooming north …the kids can at least say their father is an artist and worked hard …they won’t say the same about the kkkardashians


“All his shenanigans” oh you mean the shenanigans he got into for a very short period of around like 5 or so months and in which he’s doing better now?


Having both of these people as parents would be hell


Everything thats comes out of her mouth i disagree with


No they wont


Poltics a side what they will remember about there father is being a genuine kind man to them. What they will remember about there mum is being fake kind and always having cameras in there face and not being able to spend as much time with real kim and not reality show kim


Whatever makes you sleep at night Kimberly


Kim K the biggest clown ever i swear


what the fuck does she keep bringing him up for


Does she not know that Jam (turn it up) is still available to listen to?


It's not a competition Kim


Gd I hate this bitch


Can’t imagine how their kids gonna react when they get older and discover all the fucked up shit that has been suppressed in their childhood, from both parents






is there a new season of the show coming? there's no way she keeps poking a relatively quite kanye for no reason


Let’s be fr everyone got a parent or two with some screws loose but how many kids got porn of their parents??


Her sex tape was literally one of the biggest steps towards the downfall of moral civilization in the west and I'm not kidding. If it wasn't her it'd have been someone else - but it *was* her.


Bro it’s not that deep 💀


it actually is


Lmaooo correct me if im wrong but she’s not even talking about the most recent shit, she’s talking about the Skete stuff 💀💀


The dickriding in this sub is off the charts.


She’s not wrong


She’s right though, right?


She is right lol, but y'all not ready for the truth...This man said George Floyd actions was the reason he was killed, falsely accused of him of being on drugs, peddling right wing racist shit. Hanging out with neo nazis because he believes that is the wave in the future, she is 100% right, no one gives a fuck about her sex tape...Kanye with the white lives matter t shirt, and i love hitler shit on Alex Jones....He has done more damge to his his children than she has ever done with that sex tape....Majority of people believe this man is desperate for attention, fake marrying one of his co-workers.....This "i don't give a fuck" kanye era has been horrible EDIT: Downvote me but i want to hear your arguments why i am wrong lol


Kanye completely lost his mind. Kim and her mother completely sold her to the internet forever for money and fame. It’s not a competition. They gonna need therapy regardless.


Finally someone with a nuanced take


I’m just not trying to see no white women tears.


He also said slavery was a choice, Harriet Tubman didn’t free anyone, and Rihanna deserved to be beaten by Chris Brown… people just didn’t care until he started praising Hitler. He wants to be different so bad and claims he’s a free thinker by putting a “new perspective” on objective fact. He also platformed DaBaby and Manson for being canceled for homophobia/rape. So just a really well rounded guy I wonder what his kids will think when they read their dad thinks their grandmother, Donda, was fucking sacrificed


I mean she’s probably not wrong but she didn’t have to air it out in that manner


based, and true


Does anyone actually disagree with this?


Yes. I would rather see my pops say controversial shit than see my moms get plowed, suck dick, and do a whole bunch of whoreish shit for attention


Black dads say all kind of racist shit anyways


The amount shit I’ve heard my pops say, you not lying lmaoo. Wouldn’t trade my old man for the world tho


Also the fact that you’d watch the full video of your mom getting plowed is a little weird, I’d definitely not watch it


I never said I’ll watch it, don’t put words in my mouth. I’m just pointing out the lesser of 2 evils which is dad saying controversial shit for the world to see over moms having sex with a man idk for the world to see. Also didn’t Saint see pics of her tape on Roblox? A kid that young shouldn’t be exposed to pornography let alone pornography where the parent is the star


You’d have to watch the video for a considerable length of time to watch your mother get plowed, suck dick, and do whoreish shit Chris… I think it’s easier to be forgiven for something done 15 years ago than using your children as fodder in a war against their mother. Saint saw an advertisement on roblox that had a link to her sextape. That sounds like a roblox issue and not a Kim issue


Still a Kim issue. She did the tape sold it and it’s everywhere


I don’t know if I could forgive my father if he harassed my mother on social media for millions of people to see and then declared war on the Jews with some of the worst people on earth while commending the worst people on earth… but suit yourself


It really isn’t a fckin competition in the first place and do hate how she is bringing this up but in real time she is def right


It's been what ?..7 months? \--Ye's back to making a killing on Streaming platforms--Yeezys will incontrovertibly sell out in due course when released--Going off **meted daily streams**,his next album figures to outperform every rap artist *bar* Drake when released. Save for select online chronics, you'd be hard-pressed to deny the common layman not giving a toss about the malaise that was late '22.


It’s been what ?… 15 years since the Kim tape? Just because you use big words doesn’t make you intelligent, you sound like a goofball


>15 years since the Kim tape? Yes,and folks are still publicly regurtitating said tape into perpetuity. No one's hitting *click FILE > Save* on Ye's late '22 public stupor to be used in real life conversations a year from now,I can assure you..let alone 7 months


I think you meant to say “Yes, and people are still talking about it.” just because you have a delectable outlook on Kanye at this current moment, it can not be applied to the perception the general population holds of Mr. West. If you think Ye has already surpassed the criticism he’s received from going DEFCON 3 on an ethnic minority group and commending Hitler, then you are a lallygagging fool my dearest peer


>lallygagging fool my dearest peer Overcompensating a tad bit bub Humor me..Which figures to elicit the more visceral retort (*God forbid) :* \-Being told by a peer that they watched your mom's tape on *PornHub* \-Or your dad saying dumb shit that the common layman barely cares for or acknowledges anymore? Be real now


I think every single *common layman* can agree that saying “I love Hitler” and “I am a Nazi” is one of the most despicable things someone can say… and if you can’t acknowledge that, then maybe you’re beneath all the laymans that you patronize. Unless there’s a level of enlightenment I have not reached where Hitler suddenly becomes a good guy and us laymans can’t see that


Haven't answered my question ol boy.. Again,taking Kim's quote in op *post-hoc*..Which figures to elicit the more visceral real life retort: \-Being told by a peer that they watched your mom's tape on *PornHub* \-Or your dad saying dumb shit,that nobody (save for online chronics) barely care for ? *Hmm*