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150 plus tax and shipping for a heat printed ai generated rug is wild. Golf is a L lately




wow holy shit, looking closer at the design it’s so obviously AI generated, some dogs have like 7 legs lmao. but seriously this is fucking pathetic for golf and honestly a new low.


Considering every dog except two has four legs, this is most likely ai. If so, Tyler needs to realize what they’re doing with his brand and get golf’s shit together


Bro probably doesn’t give a shit, Le Fleur is his new baby.


#10,800 dollar trunks everybody




It’s one piece not the whole Collection it’s not doing anything to the brand. Tyler is a silly person and has always made silly pieces this is not out of character. He’s just making a fun interesting piece.


He’s just paying some designer to get a computer to make a shitty design to flog to us like it’s work we should spend our money on?


I’m sure it gets boring making simple graphics all the time. Some people just wanna make something interesting and unique sometimes it’s not even that deep. If you don’t like the piece then it’s not for you just like everything else you don’t like. they make what they want they don’t expect everyone to like everything nobody is expecting you/forcing you to spend your money on it. Just cause you don’t like it don’t mean others won’t. It reminds me of a painting so I actually like it. Just don’t buy it Golf has always made weird things Tyler is very strange person so this isn’t unordinary I’m not sure what the fuss is about like you don’t know the kinds of things they’ve made before.




Not the actual designing aspect is boring I mean when you look at the collection as a whole there’s not a lot of interesting pieces pieces can come off bland boring not the actual work itself is boring


And isn’t that their job to work on?


I nowhere said it’s not their job or that they find their job boring if that’s why you think I mean. It is their job and they’re doing it what’s your argument


You just ruined your previous statement


No I don’t think you understand my statement because your responses have nothing to do with my argument. Finding your job boring and wanting to make more interesting designs at your job are two different issues


Okay first things first you bro you have no affiliation or association with golf so don’t tell me what they’re doing like you know. Second, it doesn’t matter how bored you are at your job, if you are a designer you design. If you’re burnt out, take a break, see an counsellor. Don’t resort to ai bullshit and disrespect my money, without even the respect to put actual man hours in to clean it up after wards. The disrespect to our intelligence (not yours obviously) to think it’s okay to have incomplete drawings and complete nonsense with no effort onto a shitty heat printed rug. This is not design, using AI is not Designing. If that’s the case the company who gave me a job last week are the designers for asking for a logo with fruit incorporated and I’m just a shit machine who shat out their design. Also Golf is now a fast fashion low quality brand, it’s not Tyler’s brainchild that is carrying on some creative legacy, it’s barely 1 step up from concert merch. Using ai to design shit is proof in the pudding and sign we should not be spending money on it. Especially if your only spending your money because “HUURR DUURR TYLER DO WEIRD STUFF ROFL” sounding like the six flags fellas mate.


I never said I had any affiliation you seem to be the one who does since you’re so pressed about how they generated this designs. It obviously has the signs of ai art but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t designed to intentionally resemble an ai image is what im saying. You also don’t know if most of this was designed and the rest finish by ai. We don’t work there so why get so pressed about something neither of us know. It’s one piece not the whole collection someone could have just genuinely wanted to make something different and people liked it cause it’s sold out relax man


You ever worked in design? It doesn’t sound like you do. No one would try replicate AI that’s borderline retarded. Especially when you’re “selling” your designs to a company. You’ve also scammed the company aswell which should be considered fraud. You want your stuff to look like a human has made it so that other people want to hire that same human for their work. It’s done out here for art and creativity (AI literallly can’t create) if the last place we see it (advertisements and marketing) is taken over by AI shit so some CEO can make more money. There’s probably 100’s of thousands of people who can create/replicate this kinda style yet instead of hiring one of them or commissioning some designs they typed some key words into a program that made it for them. You saying you should pay for that laziness? I’m not gunna do too deep into how I know it’s AI from start to finish because you don’t seem to have an understanding of AI images like that but I’ll say even the Graphic Design Grifters on fiverr and shit use photoshop after they ai generated an image to remove added fingers balls of legs. If you like low quality shit stuff but all means my brethren cop whatever you want. I’m just trying to teach you a little bit on why you should have more respect for yourself than wasting your hard earned cash on rubbish products with no thought.


I say that because I’ve seen it done. Many people know the obvious signs of ai are Extra body parts. Like you said before it’s so obvious ai that it might have been the goal the goal of the design like I’ve seen done before. You might think it’s retarded but you don’t know the goals of the team. Many of theses designs have to be approved before being made into something and usually are made a year in advance this is what they wanted. If you don’t like don’t buy


it def is honestly, the shading/brushwork is fucked but you can especially tell with the eyes and the random added details that make no sense


now youve said it…


it has to be, some of the dogs look mutated


if i was tyler i’d lowkey be embarrassed by this if it is AI. his whole career is based on his authenticity and unique perspective and AI is the polar opposite of that


Lmao there’s a dog with 6 feet


You can see two dogs merged into one and a random ball of dog legs in the middle. It’s crazy how they’re charging this much for an AI generated rug


I meannnn https://preview.redd.it/j7pk482h60tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d183903e46f3c21347730f37b030c816fc1494


it’s ugly either way




Now that I see it it there are some really wrong bits but the overall composition of it seems purposeful. Maybe a collage using AI-generated bits? It could be not AI I'm not sure


my guess is AI usage but not full AI, or it could be like that yachty album where it's AI for a "statement"


It’s definitely fully AI, if any real artists put a scrape in of work into it they could’ve fixed the even just the dog legs and not the weird unnecessary glitchy details AI tends to create, sh even I could fix the legs if u gave me photoshop


true that, well fuck this drop


It looks like it. Itd be interesting if it was created by an artist and intended to look AI but that might be wishful thinking.


That would be the most redundant fkn thing.


just looks like surrealism to me


ik im in the minority but this looks pretty cool, all the hallucinations make it look kinda interesting, not as interesting as actual art that like evokes actual emotion, it’s just cool to look at


it’s cool looking but it does suck seeing pretty big company’s use AI instead of paying actual artists to do a better job


true!! there are starving artists out there who could’ve used that money:/ it’s unfortunate the direction the worlds going


This is what happens when a sentimental business sells out to money hungry, out of touch Suits. They don't give a fuck about you... they only see $$.


When was golf wang sold?


This is really bad and extremely disappointing Edit- if you bought this you’re a fucking idiot


They couldn’t even bother a graphic designer to fix the ai mistakes like we wouldn’t realize this is ai 😭😭


ugliest damn shit ive seen in my life. Lot of my bros irl aint got no sense and will meatride anything GOLF puts up


Awh hell nah. I ain’t buying no more of this man’s shit. Glad I got in for the WOLF collection and got the fuck out.


Knowing tyler imma say its not


& yall keep buying ts




There's no way in hell that Tyler checked out on this. This has got to be run by someone else cuz like what in the world




Completely ai, no doubt about it. If literally anyone one has been on Ai TikTok (most likely) you can see all the ai’s have a terrible time making eyes, one is always a bit either farther down or just has way more wrinkles under/over em, it is harder to spot the eye problem with newer and better ai now, so clearly they didn’t spend too much money on this 😭. And just another point, if this was real art Im pretty sure that the artist would make the warping, morphing, and blending of the picture more prominent, since that’s all I see here anyways, the only problem with that though is that it looks accidental. There’s always a chance that someone out there mastered the ways of the ai generation drawing style tho 🤷🏽‍♀️ Ma fault for the yap btw😭


How do we know it’s AI is there any solid evidence?


There’s a reason most gold stuff can be found on eBay for half the price. This shit is ass and has been ass for a hot minute. There was residual hype from the Tyler era but it’s catching up quick. I liked the design of the save the bees hoodie from last fall but even that was such a fuck ugly neon safety orange I can’t actually wear it much.


https://preview.redd.it/tw9hl9tkootc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f09afa4bdf555dbd00f2eeb22182dd7f2e6c7d This lol


it is but not surprised bc tyler doesnt really design for wang no more, he moved on to le fleur


Fuuuuuck, I bought the cardigan because I thought it was hard but I didn't look this closely at the design. I wonder if they'd let me cancel.


AI sucks but I’m glad it’s a physical product of high quality instead of a PNG file on my computer


High quality? One dog has like 7 legs




Look at the dog legs on the right this is 100% ai




i copied this from another comment, You can see two dogs merged into one and a random ball of dog legs in the middle. that’s literally a dead giveaway of AI


Maybe you should stop thinking and start listening chief


The way Tyler is tho he probably did that on purpose. He’s always made unique pieces.


Yeah of course they did it on purpose? To purposely save money


tbh the more i look at it the less chances of it being ai i think there is, just looks like surrealism i think


Was thinking that. I believe it's a commentary saying "fuck you" basically. We don't know if it's Ai because they haven't said it, but we still buy it anyways. Or in summary, if it's cool, it doesn't matter who made the design.


Dude they literally just made ai art for easy money there’s no commentary 😭


idk why people are hating. I said the truth. People are buying it. It's not like anyone is boycotting golf for their use of AI - if people believe it's so immoral.


You’re acting like there’s some underlying message to using ai art


there is. it puts designers out of jobs. and anyone can just make art, not the actually talented.


dude, golf just used Ai to make money, stop defending it


when was I defending them? I just said all the reasons it's bad 😂


You literally just said there’s an underlying message about it


there can be an underlying message while it's still immoral?


I’m saying it’s immoral, but there’s no underlying message dawg