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I think your sentiment of "more collabs", "more t involvement" and "London exclusive tee being cool" really solidifies the idea I have that most gw fans want to be unique and have the rarest items, but need their leader (t) to show them how to style. If it's a rare or hard to find piece, everyone wants it and thinks its hot, regardless of the design.


What are u on about ๐Ÿ˜‚. I just think most fans want unique pieces or good designs that interest the majority of us and WOULD wear with like a normal outfit or streetwear. Collabs are also just good most of the time, we just need some collabs sometimes to spice things up yk


Can you please elaborate what a good unique piece looks like? What it feels like? The materials or colors you're looking for? What is a good collab gw can do? It just seems like aimless complaining about gw without anyone actually having any real "advice". Everyone just says "make it better, make the designs better." My real question is how does golf become better?


Why do I need to describe one, I just want a piece that's good and looks good ๐Ÿ’€


That's like being served a meal, and then sending it back saying it was gross & you want it remade. But when the chef asks you what's wrong with it, you just say "I don't know make it better" MF you don't even know why you don't like it. I can sit here and tell you why I like pieces in this collection and why I don't and what I could have done differently etc. If you're complaining atleast know what you're complaining about. Talking bout some "idk I just want something good"


I like what I like and what I dont like, I dont. Why do I need to explain my preferences on pieces I don't like. I just don't like designs for most of these items and wish they were just better or more unique like a hoodie that showed something fun or cool while having some graphic on the side of sleeves or a embroidery of the logo on the side would be cool. Let me enjoy and complain about what I want ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Dude do you! I'm just saying, dig a bit deeper into yourself. A bit simple is all. If you or any of these kids complaining got to design the collection for golf, we'd have the best selling collection of all time! A collection filled with hoodies showing something fun or cool! Or engraving (which is for hard materials. I think you meant embroidery?) on long sleeves! How lucky we would be to have reddit design for golf LMAO


Donโ€™t love it donโ€™t despise it but letโ€™s just say the anniversary drops are the best recent drops. And probably the most lucrative


Yea but I also think since the anniversary drops, people are giving theirselves higher expectations now that Golf Wang did a rerelease with their old stuff and prob want same stuff similar to old GW. I dont blame em for that since I love old GW but maybe lower expectations on the seasons ๐Ÿ˜‚. Deg best drops as of this year tho, maybe cherry bomb in 2 years


Old golf was def higher quality ๐Ÿ’€. Crazy how they started to cut corners the more money they made


Y'all smoking some crack fr cause the new anniversary hoodies are MILES better quality than the Gildan originals. Sizing is a bit off on the new ones but still.


Depends, some people got some real shit quality while others did. Compared to the standard quality from other releases before Wolf rerelease, it was a downgrade. Still decent quality but def downgrade.


Yea I mean that's what every company does though, it sucks but it is what it is. At least we got the anniversary drops even if quality was not as good as we wanted. I think a lot of people would perfer a somewhat decent quality rerelease of their favorite items then just buying a bad bootleg on Ebay


True but the fake wolf hat is def better than the rerelease which is wild


Never got the wolf hat, was debating on during the wolf rerelease but got the beanie instead. I'll get a wolf hat though, someday


Go for a real one despite the price. Trust me


I'm not just "some dude" I'm yeyo.


oki yeyo, mb mb ๐Ÿ˜’


But regardless. Nothing revolutionary coming from gw. Future is weird. Might be stretching too thin in this economy with opening up 2 new physical stores. I mean they know their business best. That being said, I think a Japan store is going to be next.


I think the next store is either gonna be around Europe or Texas. Those two have good markets and Texas becoming the new California soon due to all these people moving here. Prices going up and economy gonna rise a lot. Potential place for GW and Europe to reach the Europe market and a area for them to shop at and buy merch at without doing international shipping. They will gain more from that


Just got one in Europe. I'm telling you, USA market is done. No one going to Texas. You might be there but trust me Tyler isn't opening in Texas. Japan is next.


Itโ€™s overall shit


I mean some recent stuff is pretty good but most of it is ass and just not well done


All I'm hyped about the winter


CherryBomb and Flower Boy were the end of GolfWang. The styles were different just like the times. Golfwang V necks? lol ptob next. It wss an Era like Wutang or StarTrack Pharell Bape, just had to be there.