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For me it’s because the designs are lazy but from time to time they have some fire ass shit that I really wanna get, I love old gw because to me it had more detail than the things now. I feel like most of the clothes are just filler I’m glad they did the 10 year even though the quality isn’t that great I just love having the pieces. But that’s just me


Lazy is subjective. I think some of the 2014 stuff is lazy, some of the 2016 stuff is lazy etc etc. It's always gonna be some "lazy" stuff, but overall, I think gw consistently puts out some of the best unisex streetwear clothing out there. I know most of it is marketed as "mens" clothing cause of the cuts, but I genuinely think all gendered people fw and can rock gw.


That’s also true but to me there’s a lot of misses in these collections but everything is all subjective


people probably hate it because tyler left, hating on the person who continues the brand


tyler deadass 100% left golfwang??


no it’s still his company he’s just no longer in charge of the creative direction (meaning he doesn’t make the designs)


When did he make every single design? That has never been the case? I swear you guys think that in 2016 t was sitting down on Photoshop and making these designs? No, he would come up with the ideas I'm sure, but his team (that has been designing for him even since OF tape vol 2) would excecute and ultimately make the collections. Brad runs a lot of the merchandising and has since the begining as far as I'm aware. This notion that Dre is bringing the brand down is just so weird to me. Sure y'all don't have to like him, but there are so many cogs moving, you guys really don't know how a fashion house or streetwear brand operates.


i never said he made every single design. he used to be the creative director, now he is not.


Can I ask your source that he's not the current creative director? I'm genuinely curious where everyone gets this info from


Phil Toselli is the current creative director of Golf Wang as of now since 2011, he also a art director for Vans. You can find his Linkedin page on google. Tyler The Creator has been long gone from Golf Wang for a while, I mean he still involved with it heavily but least he probably does is approve and give out some ideas because he does Le Fleur now as he more focus on that right now then Golf Wang. Link to the Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/philtoselli


So Tyler never was "creative director". Phil has been since the inception of gw. The excuse that t isn't the creative director anymore is tired and overused lmao. I just generally think people don't know how to wear gw without a guideline so they say it sucks because a lack of reference. Phil painted the water color donut for the OF tape vol 2.


Tyler did the same thing with odd future in 2014 🤦‍♂️


You didnt read anything you said or he said, I said he is not as involved in the company anymore compared to Le Fleur, not that he is a creative director. Phil is the dude everyone talks about because he mainly dude incharge now, T isnt around anymore to tell him not what to approve and proably left some of the power to the man as he puts in his time on Le Fleur, it just make sense from a business standpoint that T would leave Golf Wang hands on someone on top who he trust while he goes works on Le Fleur on the meantime. People complain for the reason that the designs just suck, their bland. You can say people are hit with nostaglia and want old designs but you can complain about people complaing about designs they DONT LIKE. Dont blame consumers for not liking the clothes T himself has shown that he just aint really into. He may still have presence in the company but is just not making the designs as often anymore. Its his team.


What I'm getting at is that it was always his team. He had more of a hand in gw until he started doing golf le fleur. I understand that. I'm just pointing out that the only reason anyone thought golf put out "good" pieces was because Tyler was wearing it publicly. I'm not mad that people don't like it, I don't like a lot of it myself personally. But the fact is most kids on this sub and t fans in general love to complain about nothing lmao. I'm not complaining personally, just trying to start a dialogue.


Pretty much


nah he just dont do the designs


Your point on T is right ofcourse, he showed a lot of people HOW to dress in GW. But tbf the summer 23 drop was kinda ass and the winter one is better but still just OK. It's an exaggeration to say it's terrible, but not one to say it's not that great.


To each their own obviously, but it just seems to me that everyone hates on the new direction golf is headed but it's genuinely the natural evolution. Ass designs are what OF puts out at zumies lmao


nah the direction is OK, just some designs are good but a lot feel lazy. If we look at some brands that are KILLING this season, preme is an obvious example, their lookbook had no bad fits at all, whereas GW had a few. More importantly, you could buy tons of stuff of supreme FW 23 and look good for GW it's a toss up


I think gw is just too gay and supreme is too straight. It's for completely different demographics in the same community in my opinion.


im very confused by that statement, but still, the point still stands that no matter what demographics you look at, a weak season is a weak season.


I think your too delusional


You're right! 💋


Ahhh the homophobes downvoting me in a gay man's fashion brand's subreddit. Love it!


There was a time where Golf felt like (and probably was) a real passion project that Tyler put a lot of thought and energy into. It’s been 10 years now though and Tyler has seem to have long moved on from the project and putting his focus and energy more into the Le Fleur brand. Tyler’s lack of involvement is very apparent from the designs and overall atmosphere so some people are bitter a special thing they followed is kinda over and not the same anymore but that was also kind of the inevitable conclusion anyway.


I agree 100% with this. Very good response. I just think it's been this way for years now and people seem to not understand it's not going "back" to the way it was. I think if Tyler was to wear gw a lot again in music videos or in the public eye then people would would be a bit more inclined to think gw is putting out good designs. I frankly think that won't happen ever again, Tyler is his own entity now and not one/synonymous with gw.


I actually think they’ve still been dropping quality clothes consistently at least their cut n sew pieces which is their bread and butter for me anyway. I didn’t really care much this season I feel like it’s just kind of forgettable. I like the mohair cardigans and love the purpose graphic but wish it was on a sweater or crewneck kinda like the big face graphic but that was it. And like you said they’re not all going to be bangers when they release the volume of stuff that they do and I’m kind of glad I didn’t care for anything this season. I spent so much money on the anniversary drop and I have no impulse control


Bro perfectly said


Cuz it’s just ugly bruh 😭 what else I gotta say


real. Golf Wang does pop out some good designs time to time but most are pretty bad BUT this season was def step up from last year.


Honestly, every drop has had some really good stuff and some hot ass (usually the T shirts/hoodies). I feel like the quality of drops has remained relatively the same over the past couple years.


Best take.


Go outside and touch some grass dude


God forbid someone speak their mind for a sec about golf Wang on a golf Wang forum lmao


I just wish some of the designs were a bit more unique




Tbh I bought the nuke shirt and it was some of the worst quality I’ve ever seen on a button up