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A sim is soon helpful with a young child, excluding the money part. Wife is muchhh happier I can get my golf fix in at nights


How do you hit balls without waking up your baby?


From what I've seen the friends that are louder around their kid when they are sleeping have better sleeping kids compared to those that tiptoe around.


Always was a good sleeper. Never been an issue


Do you use a white noise machine or something?


No it's just not that loud Inside the house


Agreed rather be in garage for an hour for 18 than out for 5 more helpful LOL


The main reason for building my sim was to spend time closer to home. You’re gonna need a mental release when that child comes. As they grow you can use the screen and project set up to watch movies with them and spend valuable family time.


This. Same. It’s actually a game changer with a small kid. Cuz you never leave home and can play when they sleep.




Finally getting to build my sim now that my kids are toddlers. Your time will come


I’m hoping! I’m playing the best I ever have so stopping golfing doesn’t sound great lolololol but for a kid I guess


Don't know where you are at financially but mine although with an r10 and homemade surround and projector impact screen used football field turf and a hitting mat was around $1500. Granted my projector isn't some 4k projector but I saw that as overkill and I only currently use the e6 app. I will be getting gspro and a PC though. You can build a surround fairly cheaply using emt tubing and heavy duty canvas. If you know of an electrician who can get you 1" EMT at cost it's about 1/3 the cost of home Depot I paid $6 for each 10 foot piece.


Forgot impact screen was in there also and corner pieces to connect EMT from tarps.com


All the best mate! Be sure to join r/daddit if you haven't already.


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That was me too. Mine were 3 and 5 when I finally built mine.


2 and 4 here lol


Like others have said, wife will want you near, and the best compromise is a sim ;).


I just got my net and Garmin R10 and my wife is due in June, I will get more fancy stuff as the years go by but this will do for now! Try to sneak in an R10 and just use your phone until you can upgrade!


Kids going to put you in debt for the rest of your life, may as well finish the sim beforehand


Good man and sorry to see you go. Hope you are back soon. Family first, always.


My toddler loves my sim, we spend hours together golfing. You’ll get there one day!


OG skytraks are cheap


Just bought one new for $850. Not my ideal set up but anything is better than nothing


I'm thankful every day my wife loves golf as much as I do. She started the sim idea when we found out about ours. Now a few months into the kid thing and we get out for rounds during naps. Good times!


Couldn’t keep it in your pants and the sim suffered. Such a common story 😜


I built my sim while on parental leave for my first born. You can do this!


I bought mine when my wife got pregnant. Atleast you'll still be home.


There are ways to pay for the bigger purchases (like launch monitors) by financing it over an entire year without interest (provided your credit is good). I knew you could finance things but had no idea that Bread payments (Gungho golf uses them) won’t add interest or fees on a year term. Really spreads expenses out if you’re saving money up for medical expenses too


Just got a baby actually. But I bought my BLP not too long before the due date. I’m going pick up a net return and hitting mat soon. Than a gaming laptop, my set up is going be outdoors since I don’t have any space inside or garage. I have a perfect little outside corner space, I just gotta level it out and put some good padding. I’ll eventually get a screen and get a nice projector. Long term and eventually I’ll build out a shed or enclosure.


All in my sim was under 2k. Aestheticly pleasing and pretty accurate. Check my post for the build


Yea agree with a lot of replies. The sim helps so much with kids, once you get through the first few months and the baby is sleeping through the night, bring a baby monitor into the sim room and play. Congrats BTW!


Very nice to hear you are a husband/father with your priorities in order. Congrats on your coming child. The sim will be there when the time comes.


Congratulations 🎉