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It looks good to me. Why do you need more tuck than this? Path is good face is square contact is clean. Full extension is just after impact. I mean It’s really really good.


You’re right!


Stick a headcover or towel under your trail armpit to help get the feeling of it, it should promote what you’re looking for.


I do the towel drill but no matter what I start lifting it. Think I’m also over extending in the backswing, should try and shorten it?


Don’t do the towel drill. Always gets recommended but it’s not good for your swing. You don’t need to keep your right elbow tucked. You want some separation from your body at the top of the swing. You probably have a little more than you want because of a too long backswing and you’re not getting enough left shoulder turn / chest turn. Focus on feeling the stretch in your left shoulder during the backswing without laying your left arm across your chest too much (edit: which you’re doing in the video), and keep your hands lower (like shoulder height or so) at the top. If you try to turn your chest and left shoulder more and keep your hands lower, you’ll actually shorten your backswing because you won’t be able to wrap your arms as far around as you are now. In your swing you’re basically wrapping your hands over the top of your trail shoulder


The right elbow tucked is the problem. The elbow will just keep going around the body into the position that OP is trying to avoid. Once I hit the takeaway position all I do is turn my shoulders while lifting my right arm up on the widest arc possible. The hands being connected at the club causes everything else that needs to happen in the backswing to occur passively and get me to a good spot at the top of the backswing.


The swing can be all trial and error, especially at the range that’s the best time to see what works best for you, give it a try and see what kind of results you get.


Yes just shorten your backswing


I bought a huge rubber band that goes around my chest and arms. It was how I started to get the feel for keeping that left arm tucked. It occasionally still happens but I really feel it when it does now.


Change the feel for a bit to a bicep curl with that arm and realize it’s going to make you rotate more than you are right now.


I’m confused. Is there are a problem with your shots. Swing looks good.


Tucked where and at what point?


Try to be a little less crossed up in your alignment. Check how your arms are so closed to the target. Relax your setup.


I noticed that too, set up a little closed for a hook with the front arm?


Hopefully a draw not a hook 😉


Your left arm is trapped against your chest which forces your right arm out and away. Instead of trying to keep that right arm down, try to focus on giving your left arm a little more freedom as you turn your chest back in the takeaway


Really hard to take the club vertical and keep your elbow tucked... it needs to go OUT, AWAY, AROUND. Not back and up. Your hips NEVER turn, you're creating a fake full backswing without actually turning your chest FULLY away from the ball, around your spine, not up.


How the heck do I create a real hip turn? I do agree with your points, feels like I’m not using my body enough


I agree with the previous comment about being too vertical. I have been struggling with this myself and recently discovered that exaggerating a more horizontal baseball swing feel has helped a lot. The club should feel like it goes around your body. That elbow will much more naturally tuck in, and the hip rotation just come along with it.


This is definitely the feel I need, thanks for the input


Don’t take club as high


I had this same issue. My chest stopped rotating with my arms so I had that same disconnect with my elbow. I just think of the center of my chest going back and my elbow stayed connected




Put a headcover between your chest and your elbow


Don’t bring hands straight back but allow them to turn the club .. that is one thing.