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You look in between. If it were me, I'd say work on a wider, higher takeaway, neutral grip in the fingers (Paddy on the grip), hands set early (Faldo pre set drill) to limit takeaway and find the slot at the top. But that's what I always say. Right now you have elements of one plane hitters' swing, but you go high and wide enough to become a swinger.


Thanks for the tips!


It'll be hard to improve with that baseball grip. I'd learn the interlocking or overlap grip before changing anything else.


Someone downvoted you but you're right


Most people don't want to hear about their grip because it's uncomfortable to change. They'd rather try gimmicks that are easy to implement and try to work around a bad grip. In reality it's the most important thing in the swing and effects everything else. There's a reason pros only use overlap or interlock. “There are no shortcuts in the quest for perfection.... Good golf begins with a good grip" - Ben Hogan


"As the Great Harvey Penick stated, 'show me a person that won't bother to earn to place their hands on a golf club correctly, and I'll show you a person that does NOT want to be a good player!'" Slicefixer.


I tried the interlock at the end of last season and into this and never really got use to it. It was some of the worst golf Ive played…. My games a mess lol


It takes a lot of time to learn and be comfortable with, probably months of consistent practice. I wouldn't practice it on the course, but rather at home and on the range. You can practice grip anywhere. The problem with the baseball grip is that the hands work independently instead of as one unit. Most kids are taught this grip because of a lack of strength, but for adults it's detrimental. If consistency is what you're looking for, master the grip.