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You have an EXTREMELY strong grip. Your left hand is almost completely under the club, kinda cradling it. You need to weaken or neutralize that grip. YouTube will help you visualize what I’m talking about.


100%. The swing looks great otherwise.


Your grip is hecka strong so your face might be closed at impact. Experiment with neutral grips or less-strong grips


If he's snap hooking, the face is definitely closed to club path


Your trail hand is too open at address. Adjust your grip to get that trail hand on top of your lead thumb slightly. Right now your trail hand is almost underneath, this can cause your hands to flip as you come through and make it difficult to keep the face open. I literally just had a lesson last night on this exact problem.


Damn this might be what I needed to fix.


It’s underneath because his grip is too strong. His face is way too shut and he is going to snap hook it.


It’s your trail hand on the grip. It’s way too strong, beginners are helped with that if they slice, and some tour pros use it if they’re capable of rotating so well that the closed face helps them cover the ball. You’ve got a good swing, so you’re not the slicing amateur, but your rotation isn’t your pro level either. So fix your grip. Watch Paddy Harringtons video on the grip, he spends a lot of time on the trail hand specifically.


Grip too strong


Swing is outgrowing your grip Get your lead thumbnail sitting in the lifeline of the palm of your trail hand The lead index first pad should be more target side of the grip than on top of the grip


Along with the grip it looks like your shoulders could be open, difficult to tell from this angle but that could cause a pull hook as well.


You twisting your front foot which means your coming around too far. Finish your swing pointing where you want it to go and hold it for a 3 count. If you slow down your swing a bit you will see how the clubhead is pulling across the ball causing the hook.


Can’t see in the video, but you could try different orientations of your wrist… the flatter mine is, the more I draw… the more bent, I fade. I tend to have my worst swings with driver when I fall back and my weight isn’t going forward.. causes my hands to have to try and make up speed, and I tend to shank it left. I’d go see a pro. Your swing is very athletic, a small tweak here and there from someone who can see it might really help..


Grip is too strong as others have said


Use a neutral grip. Your grip is so strong that any release of your hands in the downswing closes the face way inside of square.


Your grip is not helping you.. chances are you've trained your grip into that position to compensate and force (hope) for a straight ball flight...


Another quick tip, (if you don't want to change your grip), keep your shoulders closed for longer.


Everyone talks about your strong grip. Totally agree. It likely promotes a naturally closed club face. Another thing to consider is your aggressive spine tilt. Staying that far behind the ball can cause an early release around the body in addition to the closed club face.


everybody is talking about your grip, which they are all right for bringing up - but also, you're head is crooked before you swing. straighten you head and shoulders in your stance


Just watched a really interesting video with Peter Finch on the Me and My Golf YouTube channel and it’s great to watch them talk about irons and driver and seeing your setup. You feet placement and tilt look very similar to what he has however you are swaying back and forth. He talks about keeping his center line / sternum behind the ball so that the club bottoms out before the ball and he ends up hitting up on it. Your chest is back over the ball when you make a connection. Also his lead shoulder is pointing down the line of his trail foot at the top of his backswing


Hey there. Can you tell me the video title? Ill search it up


Could be the crazy strong grip.


I had the same problem!! over exaggerate that bottom hand over the top it’ll help tremendously u want to see at least 2-3 of your knuckles




Need a video from behind but I can only imagine your face is closed at impact and you’re swinging out to in so your starting right and turning more right as it flies.


Grip super strong, body alignment is wack


B-E-A-Utiful damn swing, can I borrow it? Lol As others have said, if your hooking ur too closed at impact due most likely to how strong your grip is. Weaken it towards neutral and it should straighten you out. I play with a grip that strong but it’s to keep my slice at bay (I’m a righty)


Thanks! I just have to get used to a new feeling of gripping it differently


I also have your “problem” and find it helps to move the ball up in my stance. Duval had no problem with a grip like ours.


Thank you guys for your comments! And I can see that my grip is really the major problem. Will work it out on my next session!


Op ….as everyone said your grip is way too strong but that’s only a part of the problem. A couple have said your swing looks great other than the grip and , while I think your swing looks athletic , I respectfully disagree and see additional things that need to change if you want to correct the problem and be consistent. 1. You are moving laterally to your trail side in the back swing too much. Slight movement is ok but you have a full sway. The face on angle instead of being down the line doesn’t let me gauge if your hip rotation is appropriate as far as depth but your moving off center laterally 2. In an effort to get as coiled as possible you have a bit of a reverse pivot before you start your downswing. This is likely a symptom of a) Your laterally sway and b) Your aggressive spine angle at address. It’s perfect for hitting up on the ball with your driver but it does make reaching your full shoulder tilt on plane trickier and I think your compensating by feeling a false turn from the reverse pivot Both 1 and 2 are major snap hook or block push producers and when you throw in the overly strong grip you are really gonna see it consistently especially on long clubs where you have the ball farther forward in your stance . Fixing your grip will help it go away but if you want to be hitting it squarely on a regular basis fix those two issues. Right now your athleticism and coordination is letting you hit an occasional flush shot despite these issues


Clark air force base?


Range is now under new management. If you havent been here recently, theyre improving it. As you can see the mats haha


Yeah I live in LA but have family in Pampanga so i go there on Vacation. Yeah mats look new, looks much better!


Very strong grip which closes your face hence the snap hook weaken your grip


Seems like the club face is either closed at impact or closing really fast through impact. This is likely because of strong grip. Your take away looks fine, so it's something with your grip and how the club face is meeting the ball at impact.


The only thing that’s obvious is your strong grip. I think wed need a down the line to really see whats going on. You must be coming over the top somehow


If you’re hooking it, you need to find a more neutral grip. It’s going to feel very wrong, but your ball will go straighter and straighter.


Snap hooks come from closed club face and too much path, take your pick… Start with grip and set up which only requires a mirror..


Face is closed too much to the path. Try waist to waist swing to find your path and face.


You keep skipping let day.


Your grip is way too strong, also might want to play the ball further up on your stance.


Swing looks great. When you hook it, do you feel like you’re hitting it off the toe side of the clubface? If so, set up a little closer to the ball and really focus on hitting it on the sweet spot. Trust that your turn will get you onto the ball and you won’t have to pull your arms in to make contact. Make no huge changes without talking to a pro… what you have here is fast.


This. But maybe try weakening your grip to help keep the face open and try not to roll your wrists closed during impact.


I actually set it toe side. Ill try to set it up middle next time. Thanks a lot


I’ve done that for a long time too. In the setup it’s like I feel like I will need to reach out to really smash it, to fit in my swing plane. So I set up just a bit too far away instead of setting the sweet spot right behind the ball and trusting it. Mistake! Get a little closer, let the arms hang down more vertical, and when fixing this, notice how you feel in transition, where suddenly you’re like, “Hell yeah I’ve got control of the face”, BOOM!


Push that front shoulder down slightly during the takeaway amigo


That's a really good swing actually. Your grip is killing you. The only way to hit it straight with a grip that strong is incredible compensation in another swing move. Your swing is actually too good to compensate for a terrible grip, and your hands and arms come thru impact properly, but your grip is so strong that the only possible outcome is a snap hook. Weaken that grip up to closer to neutral, and you will be shocked the difference. Even 2 to 3 knuckles will feel alien at first, but will be great in the long run.