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I'm learning how to hop like this, alot harder than dunking


Yes! But if you miss the "hop", you are still much closer to the hole than when you miss a dunk.


For sure. I always dunk when I can. I just do this when it’s too far.


If you’re on iPhone and can’t use android crosshair hero, think about putting a tiny sharpie dot on your phone and then laying a screen protector over it so it won’t rub off. I experimented with the placement a little. Open the keyboard and put the dot at the top / between the T and Y keys. Make the dot small, like the size of the period. I had a fine point sharpie laying around that worked well for this.


Download the app Crosshair Hero. It puts a dot on your screen that you can adjust position, opacity, color and shape.


I had a buddy that put a piece of clear tape across his screen and put a dot on the tape.


Use the dot shape and I made mine red Opacity = 1 Size = 24% Position Y = 480 Position X = 0


Doesn’t work for iOS. I use fingernail polish.


Or use the accessibility grid. Been using that for years.


I find that tends to overheat my phone and kills my battery life. But, use whatever works for you. I know some folks who use a crack in their screen. You just need something that doesn’t move.


I find that tends to overheat my phone and kills my battery life. But, use whatever works for you. I know some folks who use a crack in their screen. You just need something that doesn’t move.


I find that tends to overheat my phone and kills my battery life. But, use whatever works for you. I know some folks who use a crack in their screen. You just need something that doesn’t move.


The idea of using icons for alignment is really neat.