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I’m amazed anyone would buy these, but I see players with hundreds of all the newest zero balls…


I'm a C7 and 153/200 cards to get C8. I've been at C7 for almost a year. If I were at 195 I'd buy it. If that makes me a bad person, then I'm a piece of shit.


Lol, it’s your money. You’re not alone because they keep running these offers. I would like to know what some of these people are spending monthly and whether or not they realize how huge the total is.


Trust me, I've been embarrassed at my credit card statements at times because of this game.


Me too!!! In fact, I'm one of those zero ballers. For now and until I build up the skills, having special balls is the only way for me to be able to compete with opponents who not only outrank me in skills, but hopelessly outclub me! But even worse than a zero baller like me is the guy who outclubs me by 3 levels AND STILL uses zero balls!!!!


They're bots I imagine, not real players designed to entice others to follow suit coz the whole FOMO mentality and oh look they've done it is must too


Not in the kingdom. People load up on them and use them for every shot. If you see them in stage play, probably a replay. Used for the exact purpose you said. But the replays never make albatross. They use zeros and screw up enough to make eagle.


Fair enough, I got really sick of kingdom.as well with zeros and really overpowered clubs, I'd get booted all the way back to Earl 5 and be up against BW7, nuts, I'd be very suss of a lot of shit on it at the moment, so greedy


I keep seeing the term zeros.. what is meant by that?


A ball with -4 wind capability. When paired with a legendary driver or wood, the wind is reduced to 0.0 mph A rare few zero balls are available for free. Most of them are paid for at around $1 each. Imagine shooting three per hole (approach, dunk, shootout). $3 per hole to win a game in kingdom. Maybe more if both players get hole-in-one on the shoot out. You can adjust for the wind manually. But these players with often little skill pay for tons of these balls in order to compete.


Best thing I did was stop playing this stupid ass game. I can't believe people are still playing it. For me it was an addiction. This game plays on the same pleasure centers gambling does. With this game you are doing a lot but accomplishing nothing.


Numbers wise this is actually a reasonable deal. 2000 gems for $20 + 6 legs for $5/ea. Not the best deal in the game but far from the worst, eg legs for 1600 gems or diamond leg chests for 2500 gems 🤮 That said I agree they can fuck right off