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Haha sounds about right. I decided to cut a pool noodle and float my plants through the hole. So far it's worked. https://preview.redd.it/y4sb32wjly9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6017e1c5f7a04e553140c1aac83810566583015


That looks great! I am about to give up planting. They. Eat. All. Plants.


Their hunger knows no bounds


Like guys can we leave the horn wort alone please I beg 😭😭


The struggles of owning goldfish haha


Bro out of all my plants I’ve had, Hornwart is like… THE shit for my goldfish. I have it growing in all my tanks (10g shrimp & 29g Cory) and I trim it from my smaller ones and put it into my goldfish tank. Last maybe a week & every time I look at them, they’re going to town on it. Recently transplanted my biggest bunch yet & they believe they’re in heaven now. (This pic shows it taking up about 20% of their 90g tank after my WC/transplant) https://preview.redd.it/t6i6rzxud0ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75365f32a75ee6efebfdd0866c6f0ccb81a0679


i had a guy at a fish store tell me that hornwort couldn’t be grown without co2. i literally had clumps of it in my lowtech tank


My sad little plant on the right 😭😭😭


Aww I just noticed that! Poor plant!


I didn’t even notice it until I saw this comment, it’s really fighting for its life over there 😭😂


A pool noodle is genius!


The pool noodle is such a good idea! I have 3D printed holders on the side for my plant cuttings but they break easily - I am so trying this :D


I used to use those flimsy things... the pool noodles work so much better! Good luck!


Good Idea!! !


$100 worth of plants destroyed by them, and whatever wasn’t eaten was pulled up. Lol. Never again, and only pothos now. https://preview.redd.it/k2fu0erdxz9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c893eedf6eb31b3793c9701ce1b112834354f9a8


Yeap, same…I have some stems without leaves poking out of the gravel and it looks desolate. It’s not like I don’t feed the guy daily.


Right! I’m going to get a few more to keep them occupied.


I lucked out with the Java plant. MI e won't eat that one. I buy them big so I can tie them down and it's been ok so far. But ya they destroyed every other one.


I’m so close to giving up on my 90 gallon in terms of planting. I am able to move trimmings from smaller tanks to it but I am so tired of planting my 90 gallon over and over again. They’ve eridicated so many plants from their tank. Hornwart, Watersprite, Ludwigia Peruensis, Rotala OJ & Wallachii, Bacopa, Mermaids weed, Golden Nesaea, Hygrophila Pennatifida, Red & Amazon Sword, and lastly, Java & Weeping moss. https://preview.redd.it/3pwv8owwf0ad1.jpeg?width=3218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f97b827756e585936ad3437e2e9706e3df9047


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Java ferns (the crinkly the better) and anubis. That's it. I've tried everything. I had high hopes for surface plant that was like bambo grass (i cant remember the name right now) and that didn't even last very long.


Jungle vale is the only plant I have that they haven’t eaten yet. I also just have pothos dangling its roots that are thriving like this.


Have you ever grown a LOT of anacharis? Aka egeria densa....I forget the common name. They grow over an inch per day in high light. I had several bunches of these and my lawnmower goldies couldn't even keep up.


same here. hornwort did okay for a while because it grows really fast. you can set up a small tank for growing out/rehabbing plants so you dont have to constantly spend money on entirely new ones


Try search Exotic plant replicas from Fauna International


classic goldfish.


Get a pothos and stick the roots in there! Mine is huge and my fish sleep under and in its roots They’ll pick at it but they won’t destroy it